
Families of Troškūnai (Trashkun)


Yuzent family

Other spellings: Yuzint, Juzint, Yuzhent, Yusant, Uzent, Uzant, Uzint, Usant, Ugent

► See also  • Escape from Trashkun in 1941, memories of Zelda Yuzent Kotkis
Memories of Zussman Leyb Yuzent & Family VIDEO by Selwyn Bolel
A Story for My Children by Benzion Usant

Yuzent family, 1933

The family of Berl and Chaya Yuzent (Trashkun, 1933) (enlarge)

Movshe Yuzent, son of Yehuda Yuzent, was born ~1815 in Trashkun. The two known sons of Movshe Yuzent are:

I.  Rachmiel Yuzent was born in 1832, possibly in Rogeve (Raguva). The identity of his first wife is unknown. His second wife was Chana Leah (born 1838 or 1840). In 1881 in Ponevezh (Panevėžys), he married his third wife Leah Kriger, daughter of Abel. Rachmiel died in 1903.

Zussman Yuzent

Zussman Leybe

Sheyna (Shapiro) Yuzent

Sheyna (Shapiro)

Moyshe Yuzent

Moyshe Yuzent

Chane-Golda, Moyshe, Rivl

Chane-Golda, Moyshe,
and Rivl Yuzent

Chane-Golda Yuzent

Chane-Golda Yuzent

Selwyn Bolel's Memories of his Yuzent relatives

Fanny Bolel

Fanny Bolel

Rivl Yuzent

Rivl Yuzent

Itzik, Elka, Rochele Yuzent

Itzik, Elka, Rochele Yuzent

Itzik Yuzent

Itzik Yuzent

 II. Itzik Yuzent was born in Trashkun in 1835 or 1836. He married Elka, and he died in 1902.
PHOTO Itzik, his wife Elka, and their daughter Rochele
PHOTO Gravestone of Itzik Yuzent

Morris and Glika Ugent

Berel Movshe (Morris)
and Glika

Don Ugent

Donald Ugent

Ethel Yugent

Ethel Ugent

Berl Yuzent

Berl Yuzent

Chaya (Glezer) Yuzent

Chaya (Glezer)
Yuzent (1933)

Etel Yuzent

Etel Yuzent

Etel, Leyzer, Misha Kotkis

Etel (Yuzent) Kotkis with
husband Leyzer, son Misha

Nosn Yuzent

Nosn Yuzent

Sorele Yuzent

Sorele Yuzent

Shmerke Yuzent

Shmerke Yuzent

Glezer and Kotkis families

Zelda Yuzent Kotkis and her
family with the family of her uncle
Berl Glezer (Vilnius, 1958)

Zelda Yuzent Kotkis

Zelda Yuzent
Kotkis (1954)

Zelda's Account of her escape in 1941

Noyma Yuzent

Noyma Yuzent

Tzivya Yuzent

Tzivya Yuzent

Moyshe Yuzent

Moyshe Yuzent

Yuzent family in Shadeve (Šeduva)

Moyshe Yuzent's family in Shadeve (1930s)

Meyer Juzint

Meyer Juzint

Abram Yuzent

Avrom Yuzent

Benzion Usant recounts his visit to Trashkun in 2007

Musya Yuzent

Musya Yuzent

Berl, Chaya, Yitzhak Yuzent

Itzhak Yuzent with parents
Chaya and Berl (1930)

Itzhak Yuzent

Itzhak Yuzent

Yuzent Family Tree (Geni)

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