Chaimovich family
alternate spellings: Haimovich, Khaimovich, Chaimovitz

Nochum and Feyga Chaimovich with three of their children (enlarge)
The earliest known family member is Chaim Chaimovich, who married and Taiba or Toyba. Both were born sometime before 1839. Their only known child:
Abram Itsyk Chaimovich was born in ~1857 in Trashkun. He worked as a hammersmith, and he married Chaya Bluma Chayet, who was born in Trashkun in 1857, daughter of Meyer Chayet and Sora Vit. When tens of thousands of Jews were forcibly expelled from Lithuania in 1915, Abram and Chaya Bluma went with their son Oser to Penza, Russia, and returned to Trashkun in 1921. Abram Itzik died on 17 April 1935, and Chaya Bluma died on 15 October 1937, both in Trashkun. The six known children of Abram Itsyk Chaimovich and Chaya Bluma Chayet:
- Gimpel Eliyash Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1873. He married Shifra (Rocha Shifra) Markel, who was born ~1885 in Trashkun, daughter of Leyzer Markel. During World War I, Gimple, Shifra, and their children were evacuated to Penza, Russia. The family returned to Trashkun in 1921. Gimple died sometime after 1937. Shifra was killed in the Shoah at Pajuoste in August 1941. (Gimpel and his family are mentioned in Berl Glezer's memoir.) The eight children of Gimpel Eliyash Chaimovich and Shifra Markel:
- Sara Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1904.
- Chaim Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1906. On 12 July 1929 in Panevezys, he married Nechama Eingeheler, who was born in Vidzh (Vidziai or Vidzy, now part of Belarus) in 1898, daughter of Moshe Eingeheler and Zelda Levin. Chaim was killed at Pajuoste in August 1941.
- Mera Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1908. On 12 February 1939 in Kaunas, she married Samuel Vilkorishch, who was born in Kaunas in 1910.
- Markel Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1910. On 29 November 1935 in Joniskis, he married Henia Rabinovich, who was born in Joniskis in 1912. He was killed at Pajuoste in August 1941.
- Yudel Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1913.
- Beila Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1915. She was killed at Pajuoste in August 1941.
- Nosen Chaimovich was born 8 August 1917 in Penza, Russia.[NOTE]In 1915, during World War I, tens of thousands of Jews were forcibly expelled to the east by the Russian authorities. Many Trashkuners settled in Penza. Most returned to their homes after the war. When World War II broke out, Nosen was living in Kovno. In July 1944, he was among the surviving Kovno ghetto prisoners who were evacuated to Dachau concentration camp, where he arrived on 1 August 1944. He was liberated from Kaufering (one of the subcamps of Dachau) in April 1945. Nosen married Rivka (Rebecca) Yudelovich, who was born in Penza, Russia, on 12 April 1920. Nosen died on 20 May 1996. Rivka died on 13 August 2015.
PHOTO Nosen Chaimovich with his cousin Meyer Chaimovich (1936)
DOCUMENT Record of Nosen Chaimovich at Dachau concentration camp
PHOTO Nosen Chaimovich with others from Trashkun at Pajuoste memorial (1959 and 1961)
PHOTO Nosen Chaimovich with other survivors from Trashkun (Vilnius, 1962)
PHOTO Nosen Chaimovich and wife with other survivors from Trashkun and their families (Vilnius, 1962) - The two sons of Nosen Chaimovich and Rivka:
- Gima Chaimovich
- Itzik Chaimovich
- Ester Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1920. She died in Trashkun at age 1½ on 25 March 1922.

Nosen Chaimovich


Beyla Chaimovich

Aaron Wulf

Meyer Chaimovich

Sara Chaimovich

- Hillel Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1876.
- Nochum Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1884. Nochum, a shoemaker, married Feyga (Feiga Riva) Ades. In 1921 he was elected to Trashkun's Jewish Community Council. (Nochum's family is mentioned in Berl Glezer's memoir.) Nochum and Feyga were both killed at Pajuoste in August 1941.
PHOTO Nochum and Feyga Chaimovich
PHOTO Nochum and Feyga Chaimovich with their three youngest childen - The five children of Nochum Chaimovich and Feyga Ades:
- Beyla (Yenta Beyla) Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1910. On 29 January 1933 in Garliava, Mariampole, she married Chaim Vigdergauz, who was born in 1914 in Vilkaviškis (Vilkovishik), Lithuania. Beyla went to Palestine in the 1930s. (Beyla Chaimovich is mentioned several times in Berl Glezer's memoir.)
PHOTO Beyla Chaimovich with group of Trashkun chalutzim (1930)
PHOTO Beyla Chaimovich with Trashkun chalutzim (26 April 1930)
PHOTO Beyla Chaimovich with other Trashkuner girls (~1930)
PHOTO Beyla Chaimovich, visiting from Israel, with Trashkun survivors (Vilnius, 1962)
PHOTO Beyla, visiting from Israel, at reunion of Trashkun survivors and their families (Vilnius, 1962) - Aaron Wulf Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1911. He emigrated to Brazil.
PHOTO Aaron Wulf Chaimovich and his sons - The sons of Aaron Wulf Chaimovich:
- David Chaimovich, birth date unknown. David died in 2019.
- [unknown] Chaimovich, birth date unknown.
- Meyer Chaimovich and his twin sister Sara were born in 1920. Meyer was in Kovno during World War II. He appears on a list of prisoners who escaped from the Ninth Fort in Kovno in December 1943, but he did not survive the war.
PHOTO Meyer Chaimovich with his sister Sara and their cousins
PHOTO Meyer Chaimovich with his cousin Nosen Chaimovich (1936) - Sara (Sorka) Chaimovich and her twin brother Meyer were born in 1920. Sara escaped to Russia with her younger brother Neyach at the outbreak of World War II, and she spent time in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. (She is mentioned briefly in Berl Glezer's memoir and in Shmuel Kovnovich's oral history interview, here and here.) Sara married Heshel.
PHOTO Sara Chaimovich before World War II
PHOTO Sara Chaimovich with her brother Meyer and their cousins
DOCUMENT Record of Sara Chaimovich at Tashkent, Uzbekistan, during World War II
PHOTO Sara Chaimovich with other survivors from Trashkun (Vilnius, 1962)
PHOTO Sara Chaimovich, husband and daughter at reunion of Trashkun survivors (Vilnius, 1962)
PHOTOS Sara Chaimovich at reunion with Trashkuner survivors (Tel-Aviv, 1987) - The daughter of Sara Chaimovich and Heshel:
- Tzila
- Neyach (Noah) Chaimovich was born in 1924. Neyach and his sister Sara escaped to Russia at the outbreak of World War II. (Neyach is mentioned in Berl Glezer's memoir and in Shmuel Kovnovich's oral history interview, here and here.) Neyach married Reva (1930-1984), and they had at least two children, Yasha and Fania (Feiga). Neyach died in 2014 in Haifa, Israel.
PHOTO Neyach Chaimovich and others in front of Trashkun's Misnagdic synagogue (late 1930s)
PHOTO Neyach Chaimovich with other survivors from Trashkun (Vilnius, 1962)
PHOTO Neyach Chaimovich with wife and children at reunion of Trashkun survivors (Vilnius, 1962) - Chaim Chaimovich was born in Trashkun or Raguva in 1889 and became a tailor. He married Sheyna, born in ~1891. The family was evacuated to Penza, Russia, during World War I [NOTE]In 1915, during World War I, tens of thousands of Jews were forcibly expelled to the east by the Russian authorities. Many Trashkuners settled in Penza. Most returned to their homes after the war, and returned to Trashkun in 1921. The two known children of Chaim Chaimovich were probably born in Penza:
- Meyer Chaimovich, born in 1915.
- Michla Chaimovich, born in 1916.
- Oser Chaimovich was born in Trashkun in 1890. He married Rayna (Raya) Balen, who was born in Raguva in 1896. In 1915, when tens of thousands of Jews were forcibly expelled from Lithuania, Oser went with his wife and parents to Penza, Russia. They returned to Trashkun in 1921. The two children of Oser Chaimovich and Rayna Balen:
- Dvora Chaimovich was born in Penza in 1919.
- Sara Chaimovich was born in Penza in 1920.
- Khonel Mordkhel Chaimovich
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