KehilaLinks/JewishGen Lithuania

List of Trashkuner Jews Who Survived World War II
( excluding those who emigrated before the war )


Of the Trashkuner Jews who lived in Lithuania when World War II broke out, these are the survivors.

This list does not include people who emigrated before World War II. These people were still living in Lithuania on 22 June 1941. Jews who lived in larger cities or who escaped into Russia in the opening days of the war had a chance to survive. Among those who stayed in Troskunai (Trashkun), there were no survivors.

BerkBlumaShoshana SaridBerkKovno ghettochild of Berl Berk and Yenta Wisgardisky
BerkSheyna Beyla, SoniaPropisBerkKovno ghetto; Stutthof concentration camp DOCUMENT and DOCUMENT
ChaimovichNeyach [NOTE]son of Nochum and FeygaChaimovichRussiaShmuel Kovnovich's oral history interview • Neyach escaped to Russia with his sister Sara.
ChaimovichNosen [NOTE]son of Gimpel and ShifraChaimovichKovno ghetto; Dachau concentration campDOCUMENT
ChaimovichSara [NOTE]daughter of Nochum and Feyga(unknown)ChaimovichRussia; Tashkent, UzbekistanDOCUMENT • Shmuel Kovnovich's oral history interview • Sara escaped to Russia with her brother Neyach.
GlezerBerlGlezerYurga, SiberiaBerl Glezer's account of his escape with his wife Freda (Kozhenetz)
GlezerDobra (Dobl)KatzGlezerYurga, SiberiaBerl Glezer's account of finding his sister Dobra in Siberia
GlezerRosa [NOTE]daughter of Ortzik and Buna-Gitl (Berk)Fisher, GoldanskiGlezerKovno ghetto; Stutthof concentration campDOCUMENT
GlezerRoska [NOTE]daughter of Mendel Leyb and Buna-Gitl(unknown)GlezerKovno ghetto; Stutthof concentration camp
KellerZelik (Jerry)LaboVilna ghetto; Stutthof and Buchenwald concentration campsDOCUMENT  Zelik changed his name to Jerry after emigrating to the US in 1947.
KikhelMikhelKikhelSiauliai ghetto; Stutthof and Dachau concentration camps DOCUMENT
Kikhel, KikhliZalmanKikhel Siauliai ghetto; Stutthof and Dachau concentration campsDOCUMENT  Zalman changed his surname to Kikhli upon arrival in Israel in 1948.
KonkurovichItzikKonkurovichKovno ghetto
KovnovichShmuelKovnovichYangiyul, UzbekistanShmuel's account of his escape • Oral history interview
KozhenetzChayka [NOTE]daughter of Ovsey and Hinda(unknown)KozhenetzPenza, RussiaBerl Glezer's account of finding Chayka during the war
KozhenetzFrida [NOTE]daughter of Ayzik and Chaya BeylaGlezerKozhenetzYurga, SiberiaBerl Glezer's account of his escape with his wife Frida
KrasovskyBeyla RochaEvinSolomonTashkent, UzbekistanDOCUMENT  Four sisters survived together.
KrasovskyRivkaKilevichSolomonTashkent, UzbekistanFour sisters survived together.
KrasovskySheyna/SoniaKronsohnSolomonTashkent, UzbekistanFour sisters survived together.
KrasovskySora/SorkaMeklenburgSolomonTashkent, UzbekistanFour sisters survived together.
KushnerMusyaKofmanKushnerTashkent, Uzbekistan
and Ural region of Russia
Two sisters survived together.
KushnerChanaGarberKushnerTashkent, Uzbekistan
and Ural region of Russia
Two sisters survived together.
ShermanSora/Sorka(unknown)Tashkent, Uzbekistan
ShumacherMiriamKrakinowskyYuterKovno ghettoMiriam's rescue by Jonas Paulavičius • Miriam's account of the summer of 1941 in Trashkun (VIDEO)
SolomonSheynaBaranovskySolomonKovno ghettoMemories of Sheyna's family by Berl Glezer
VoskoboinikNechamaHalamishReznikovichTashkent, Uzbekistan Map of Nechama's journey during World War II
WisgardiskyYenta (Yael)BerkBerkKovno ghettowidow of Berl Berk, mother of Bluma Berk (see above)
YuzentZeldaKotkisYuzentTashkent, Uzbekistan; Yurga, SiberiaDOCUMENT and Zelda's account of her escape
Trashkuners in Vilnius 1962

Reunion of Troskunai survivors in Vilnius, 1962. (click for key) Except for Beyla Chaimovich (standing, third from left), who had emigrated to Palestine in the 1930s and was visiting family in Vilnius, all others shown in this photo were living in Lithuania at the outbreak of World War II and managed to survive. No survivors resettled in Troskunai after the war.   A second photo from the same gathering includes survivors' spouses and children.

Trashkuners in Israel 1963

Reunion of Troskunai survivors in Tel-Aviv, 1987. (click for key & second photo)

Stories of people from Troskunai who escaped and survived the Holocaust:
Berl Glezer  •  Zelda Yuzent Kotkis  •  Shmuel Kovnovich  •  Miriam Shumacher Krakinowski

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