1858 Revision List of Mlynov




This Russian revision list (census) from 1858 for Mlynov was translated from the following:

Title: Revision Lists 1858 May 28, Mlynova town, Dubno Uezd, Volyn province
Location: State Archive of Zhitomir Oblast | Fund 118 | Inventory 14 | File 8, pp. 1161-1189 (Mlynov).
Acknowledgments: This research, was funded by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD, who also did the analysis below. The research team (including a translator, indexer, and editor) was led by Roman Ravve.The original 1858 Dubno Uezd Revision (including Mlynov starting on page 2274) is viewable here.

You can compare the 1850 Revision List here.

Alphabetical Listing of Mlynov Family Names in the 1858 Revision List (Census)

s | *B* | Berger (household #3) | Braer 2 households: Braer (household #13) and Braer (also called Brayer and Braiser in 1850) (household #23) | Bronstein (household #22) | *C* | Cloper (household #45) | *D* | Daichman (household #25) | *F* | Faerstein (household #21) | Feldman (household #55) | Firer (3 households): Firer (household #7), Firer part of Schwartzman (household #34), Firer (household #48) | Firman (household #37) | Fishman (2 households): Fishman-Berinson (household #17), Fishman (household #36) | Fix (household #30) | *G* | Gaiman (household #28) | Gelbarg (household #29) | Gelberg (household #54) | Gelman (household #32) | Geyber (household #47) | Gluzman (household #44) | Goldenbarg or Goldinbarg (household #11) | Greenbarg (household #31) | Grieber (household #53) | Gruber 2 households: Gruber (household #12) and Gruber (household #14) | Grubman (household #39) | *H* | Hirsch / Irsch (household #24) | Hehman 2 households: Hehman (also Lehman or Shehman) (household #9) and Hehman (household #51) | *K* | Kesler (household #26) | Kipperstein (household #2) | Kleiner (household #7) | Kleiner (household #31) | Korotkaya [Korotky] (household #5) | *L* | Lerner (craftsman household #7) | *M* | Maizlish (household #7) | Mishnah (household #41) | *N* Nudler (household #1), Nudler (household #27), Nudler (household #38), Nudler (craftsman household #1) | *O* | Osterman (household #10) | *P* | Presman (craftsman household #5) | *R* | Roysenbarg (household #8) | *S* Schneidman (craftsman household #2) Schraberman (household #4) | Schwartzman (household #33) | Schwartzman (household #34) | Shapher (household #40) | Shifman/Fishman (household #47) | Shirman (craftsman household #8) | Shniftman (household #19) | Siterman (household #43) | *T* | Tachman (household #49) | Taxer (household #16) | Tenenboim (household #46) | Tetelboym (household #50) | Twentman (craftsman household #4) | *U* | Urimer (craftsman household #6) | *V* | Vaserman (household #15) | *W* | Weitser (Weizer / Weiser) two households: Weizer (household #5) and Weitzer (household #17) | Wieder (household #6) | *Z* | Zaydman (craftsman household #9) | Zeidman (craftsman household #3)

This revision list is broken into two parts. Households with the status of "townsman" are listed first as families #1–#55. A list of families in the "craftsman" status follows in craftman households #1 – #9.

"Townsman" Households #1–#55

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 1 Nudler Mordko Zelik townsman 1820 1820 1850 30 1858 38 head of family male
no 1 Nudler Zelik Morko townsman 1846 1847 1850 4 1858 11 son Mordko Zeylikov Mehlya male
no 1 Nudler Gersh Zelik townsman 1846 1847 1850 27 1858 34 brother Mordko Zeylikov male
no 1 Nudler Mehlya not indicated townsman 1822 1850 not indicated 1858 36 wife Mordko Zeylikov female

In the 1850 revision, Mordko Nudler was the only member of the household listed. Here in the 1858 revision, other members of his family are now present: his wife, Mehlya, age 36, his brother, Gersh, and his son Zelik, age 11. It seems plausible that Mordko may have been alone in town in 1850 while his family was living elsewhere and they subsequently came to join him in Mlynov. There are three other Nudler families listed separately in the revision as forming other households (#27, #38, and craftsman household #1).

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 2 Kiperstein Abram-Ber Yankel townsman 1833 1850 17 died 1854 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 2 Kiperstein Shmul Yankel townsman 1835 1835 1850 15 1858 23 brother Abram-Ber Yankelev male
no 2 Kiperstein Beila not indicated townsman 1837 1850 not indicated 1858 21 wife Shmul Yankelev female
yes 2 Kiperstein Milka Yankel townsman 1843 1850 not indicated 1858 15 sister Shmul Yankelev female

Analysis: The 1850 revision, indicates the prior head of household, Mordko-Fayvish, had passed away in 1848 and he is thus no longer listed here in the 1858 revision. Also absent here is his widow, Khvulya-Rukhlya, and perhaps she passed away since 1850 or remarried.

Their son, Abram-Ber, had become head of household after his father, Mordko-Fayvish, had died, but we see here in the 1858 revision that he had passed away in 1854 at the age of 21. His brother, Shmul, age 23, and his sister, Milka, age 15, are still present in the household. Shmul has gotten married since 1850 and his wife, Beila, is now part of the household. It does not appear that Beila was a daughter of another Mlynov family since no young girl appears by that name in the 1850 revision. It is thus plausible that Shmul brought his wife to Mlynov from another town.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 3 Berger Ios Vol townsman 1794 1850 56 died 1858 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 3 Berger Nuta-Bir Ios townsman 1825 1825 1850 25 1858 33 son Ios Volev male
yes 3 Berger Zlata not indicated townsman 1812 1850 not indicated 1858 45 wife Ios Volev female
yes 3 Berger Reislya Ios townsman 1839 1850 not indicated 1858 20 daughter Iosya Voleva Zlata female
no 3 Berger Freidya not indicated townsman 1833 1850 not indicated 1858 25 wife Nuta-Bir Iosev female
yes 3 Berger Sura-Khana Nuta-Bir townsman 1846 1850 not indicated 1858 12 daughter Nuta-Bir Iosev Freida female
yes 3 Berger Basia Nuta-Bir townsman 1852 1850 not indicated 1858 6 daughter Nuta-Bir Iosev Freida female
yes 3 Berger Lemel Ios townsman 1832 1832 1850 18 1858 26 son Ios Volev Zlata male
no 3 Berger Reislya not indicated townsman 1833 1850 not indicated 1858 25 wife Lemel Iosev female
no 3 Berger Zislya Lemel townsman 1851 1850 not indicated 1858 7 daughter Lemel Iosev Reislya female
no 3 Berger Sima Lemel townsman 1856 1850 not indicated 1858 2 daughter Lemel Iosev Reislya female

Analysis: In the 1850 census, there were seven members of this Berger family. In 1858, there are now ten members present. Since then the prior head of the family, Ios, has passed away. He died in 1854 at the age of 64. He had been born in 1794 right about the time this part of Poland came under Russian control in the Second Partition of Poland and had been living in Mlynov since 1834 and perhaps longer.

In the eight years since 1850, the Berger family had grown with four new members. Ios's son, Lemel, got married to Reislya and they had two daughters, Zislya, age 7, and Sima, age 2. Ios's other son, Nuta-Bir, was already married in the 1850 revision to Rukhlya and had one daughter. Here in 1858, a new daughter, Basia, has appeared who was born in 1852. Nuta-Bir's wife, is now listed here as "Freidya" and she is 25 years old. Based on her age, it appears that Freidya is a new wife rather than an alternative name for the wife named Rukhlya in 1850. How so?

Rukhlya was 24 in 1850 and would have been about 32 in 1858 whereas Freidya is only 25 in 1858. It seems reasonable to assume that Nuta-Bir remarried and that perhaps Basia is a daughter of the second marriage. It is unknown whether Rukhlya, his first wife, passed away or they divorced. Was Nuta-Bir's second wife from Mlynov? It does not appear so. In the 1850 revision, there is one "Freida" (Osterman) listed, age 25, who was unmarried but her age does not appear to match that of the Freidya that Nuta-Bir married, who was 25 in 1858. It would thus appear that Nuta-Bir looked outside Mlynov for his new wife.

The Nuta-Bir, mentioned here, appears to a direct ancestor of Berger descendants we know about who ended up later in Chicago and Palestine.[1] Read more of the subsequent history of the Bergers from Mlynov.

[1] The list of martyrs in the Mlynov Memorial Book (p. 431) lists Wolf (Zeev) Berger as the son of Nuta-Bir. Wolf Berger's photo appears in the Mlynov Memorial book and we know from Berger family memories that he was the father of a number of Bergers, some of whom made their way to Chicago (Sol and Kalman Berger) and some of whom ended up in Palestine (Aaron Berger Harari and Rosa [Berger] Chizik). While we can't be sure that Wolf's father, "Nuta-Bir," is the "Nuta-Bir" mentioned here in this 1858 census, it seems plausible.

Wolf could have been born to Nuta-Bir after the 1858 census when Nuta-Bir was 33 years old. He still had childbearing years ahead of him and he didn’t at this point have any sons. In fact, he may have just married a second wife.

Consider the following plausible reconstruction. Suppose Nuta-Bir and his second wife Feidya had their son, Wolf Berger, in 1868. Nuta-Bir would have been 43 years old. Their son, Wolf, would have become 30 years old in 1898 when his eldest child Sol (Israel) Berger was born and he would have been 42 in 1910 when his youngest daughter Rosa was born. It is possible too that Wolf may have named his daughter, Rosa, "Reisil" in Yiddish, after Reislya, Wolf's sister who appears in the 1858 census.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 4 Schraberman Zeylik Aron townsman 1811 1850 39 where is unknown 1856 1858 not indicated head of the family male
no 4 Schraberman Beniomin Zeylik townsman 1850 was not present 1858 25 son Zeylik Aronov male
yes 4 Schraberman Ide-Leib Aron townsman 1827 1827 1850 23 1858 31 brother Zeylik Aronov male
yes 4 Schraberman Moshko-Zelman Ide-Leib townsman 1850 newborn 1858 ...) son Ide-Leib Aronov male
no 4 Schraberman Surah not indicated townsman 1838 1850 not indicated 1858 20 wife Ide-Leib Aronov female

Analysis: In the 1850 census, Zeylik Schraberman, son of Aaron, was the head of the family and was married to Rochlya. His whereabouts are unknown in this revision his wife is also not listed and presumably was with him. Zeylik was probably too old at this point to be fleeing from conscription, so perhaps they left town for other reasons such as business opportunity. Zelik's son, Beniomin, appears here for the first time at the age of 25. We don't know why he was not in town in 1850, but can assume he was either in hiding or living somewhere else. He is not yet married.

Zeylik's brother, Ide-Leib is still present in this revision. He has now gotten married to Surah who appears for the first time here and they had a son, Moshko-Zelman, in 1850 after that earlier revision was done. Was Surah a young woman from Mlynov? It appears not. There is one woman named "Surah Goldenbarg" in the 1850 census who disappears from her family in 1858, but the ages are not a perfect match. This Surah is 10 in 1850 and the one here is listed as 20 in 1858 (2 years difference). So it may be that Ide-Leib took a wife, Surah, from another town.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 5 Weitser [Weizer] Gersh Yudko townsman 1797 1850 53 died 1851 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 5 Weitser [Weizer] Aron-Moshko Gersh townsman 1838 1838 1850 12 1858 20 son Gersh Yudkov male
yes 5 Korotky[2] Shlema-Aizik Yankel-Berko townsman 1813 1813 1850 37 1858 45 nephew Gersh Yudkov male
yes 5 Weitser [Weizer] Pesya-Gitlya Gersh townsman 1839 1850 1858 19 sister Abram-Moshko Gershev[3] male
yes 5 Korotkaya [Korotky] Dweira townsman 1814 1850 1858 44 wife Shlema-Aizik Yankel-Berkov female
no 5 Korotkaya [Korotky] Leia Shlema-Aizik townsman 1841 1850 not indicated 1858 17 daughter Shlema-Aizik Yankel-Berkov Dweira female
no 5 Korotkaya [Korotky] Bunya Shlema-Aizik townsman 1843 1850 not indicated 1858 15 daughter Shlema-Aizik Yankel-Berkov Dweira female
no 5 Korotkaya [Korotky] Hana Shlema-Aizik townsman 1848 1850 not indicated 1858 10 daughter Shlema-Aizik Yankel-Berkov Dweira female
yes 5 Korotky Yankel-Chaim Shlema-Aizik townsman 1836 1836 1850 14 1858 22 son Shlema-Aizik Yankel-Berkov Dweira male
yes 5 Korotky Shimon Shlema-Aizik townsman 1840 1840 1850 10 1858 18 son Shlema-Aizik Yankel-Berkov Dweira male
no 5 Korotky Ios Shlema-Aizik townsman 1845 1845 1850 5 1858 12 son Shlema-Aizik Yankel-Berkov Dweira male

Analysis: The Weitser and the Koroky families are related and combined in a single household already in the 1850 census. By the 1858 revision, the Korotky side of the famiy is in the majority. The combined household has 10 living members present in town; in the Weizer side of the household, Gersh, the prior head of household, passed away in 1851 and his widow Freema, who was 51 in 1850 is no longer listed, whether because she passed away or remarried is unknown.

Gersh's children, possible twins, Aron-Moshko, now age 12, and daughter, Pesya Gitlya, age 12, are both still in the household. It would seem that Aron-Moshko was of an age that might have made him elgible to be conscripted but appearently he did not feel compelled to hide or flee like others in this age group.

It is worthy of note that this Weitser household appears to be related to the Weitser household #17 below. The two heads of households, Gersh and Ios, are both sons of Yudko and born within two years of each other in 1795 and 1797. Oddly enough, both died in 1851 suggesting that perhaps something happened to them together.

On the Korotky side of this household, El, who was a nephew of Gersh Weizer, had also passed away before 1850 and no longer appears in this list. Gersh's other nephew, Shlema-Aisik, is still present and now several more children with his wife Dweira (also Dwoira). In addition to his two sons who were present in 1850, Yankel-Chaim, age 22, and Shimon, age 18, there are three othersdaughters and another son listed who were not listed in 1850: Leia, 17, Bunya, 15, Hana, 10, and son, Ios, 12. They were all already born in 1850 but do not appear on that revision list and it is unclear whether they were just absent or perhaps living somewhere else at the time until their parents had established themselves. For some reason, the older boys of this family did not appear to feel the pressure to hide or flee conscription during their youth between 1850 and 1858 when they were between the ages of 10 and 22, suggesting that the conscription burden may have fallen more heavily on some families than others.

[2] The Korotky and Weizer families were combined into a single household. El Korotky was a nephew of Gersh Yudko Weizer.

[3] Pesya is called the daughter of Gersh here and in the 1850 revision. But she is also called here the sister of Abram-Moshko Gershev. There is no person by that name in the revisions and likely refers to the person named Aron-Moshko Gershev

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 6 Wieder Duvid-Wolf Ovshy townsman 1815 1815 1850 35 1858 48 head of the family male
yes 6 Wieder Ios Duvid-Wolf townsman 1835 1850 15 where is unknown 1857 1858 not indicated son Duvid-Wolf Ovshiev male
yes 6 Wieder Berko Duvid-Wolf townsman 1839 1850 11 recruited 1852 1858 not indicated son Duvid-Wolf Ovshiev male
yes 6 Wieder Srul Duvid-Wolf townsman 1843 1850 7 died 1854 1858 not indicated son Duvid-Wolf Ovshiev male
yes 6 Maizlish[4] Gersh-Wolf Zindel townsman 1808 1808 1850 42 1858 50 nephew Duvid-Wolf Ovshiev male
yes 6 Wieder Itta [Gitl in 1850] not indicated townsman 1826 1850 not indicated 1858 32 wife Duvid-Wolf Ovshiev female
yes 6 Wieder Hana-Leia [Hantsya in 1850] Duvid-Wolf townsman 1846 1850 not indicated 1858 12 daughter Duvid-Wolf Ovshiev Gitlya or Itta female
yes? 6 Wieder Tema-Rukhlya [Pesya in 1850?] Duvid-Wolf townsman 1851 1850 not indicated 1858 7 daughter Duvid-Wolf Ovshiev Gitlya or Itta female
no 6 Wieder Myshka Duvid-Wolf townsman 1854 1850 not indicated 1858 4 daughter Duvid-Wolf Ovshiev Gitlya or Itta female
yes? 6 Maizlish Sura [Charna in 1850?] townsman 1850 not indicated 1858 48 wife Gersh-Wolf Zindelev female
no 6 Maizlish Freida-Mirlya Gersh-Wolf townsman 1840 1850 not indicated 1858 18 daughter Gersh-Wolf Zindelev Charna or Sura Charna or Sura female
no 6 Maizlish Ides Gersh-Wolf townsman 1846 1850 not indicated 1858 12 daughter Gersh-Wolf Zindelev Charna or Sura female
yes 6 Maizlish Moshko-Mendel Gersh-Wolf townsman 1831 1850 19 where is unknown 1854 1858 not indicated son Gersh-Wolf Zindelev Charna or Sura male
yes 6 Maizlish Zindel Gersh-Wolf townsman 1856 1850 newborn 1858 not indicated son Moshko-Mendel Gersh-Wolfov male
yes 6 Maizlish Itsko Gersh-Wolf townsman 1838 1838 1850 12 1858 20 son Gersh-Wolf Zindelev Charna or Sura male
yes 6 Maizlish Zindel Gersh-Wolf townsman 1844 1850 6 where is unknown 1855 1858 not indicated son Gersh-Wolf Zindelev Charna or Sura male

Analysis: The Wieder and Maizlish families are related and combined in a single household already in the 1850 census. Gersh-Wolf Maizlish is the nephew of Duvid-Wolf Weider.

In 1858, Duvid-Wolf and his wife Itta (or Gitl) must have been feeling great grief over their young sons. None of their three sons was with them in 1858. The whereabouts of Ios is unknown in 1857 at the age of 22 and he may have fled conscription; Berko was recruited in 1852 at the age of 13; the youngest son Srul had died in 1854 at the age of 11. Their two daughters from 1850 are still present (though they are named differently) and a new younger daughter, Myshka, has been born and is now 4.

The Maizlish family has expanded significantly. In 1850 Gersh-Wolf and his wife, Sura (Charna in 1850), had two sons (age 19 and 12). Now four sons are listed although the whereabouts of two of them is not known. Moshko-Mendel disappeared in 1854 at the age of 23 and the youngest, Zindel, disappeared in 1855 at the age of 11. One can speculate that perhaps older brother Moshko-Mendel took his younger brother Zindel with him to avoid conscription. There are also two daughters listed, both of whom were missing in the 1850 census, but who had already been born in the 1840s. In 1858, Freida-Mirlya is age 18 and Ides is age 12. Why they didn't appear in the 1850 census is unknown.

[4] The Maizlish and Wieder families were combined into a single household. Gersh-Wolf Maizlish was a nephew of Duvid-Wolf Ovshiev.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 7 Firer Beniomin Itsko townsman 1850 was not present 1858 2...) not indicated head of the family male
no 7 Firer Yankel Beniomin townsman 1850 new born 1858 ...) son Beniomin Itskov male

Analysis: Both of the Firers listed here, Benioman and his son Yankel, are new to Mlynov in 1858. In the 1850 census, there was only one Firer by the name of Gersh son of Itsko who was a nephew of and living with Ios Schwartzman household #30). Gersh Firer is still living in the Schwartzman household in this 1858 revision (see below #34).

It seems likely that this Beniomin Firer, son of Itsko, is the brother of the Gersh Firer who was and still is living with the Schwartzman, since both of these men with the surname Firer, have the same father's name, Itko Firer. It is reasonable to speculate that Gersh Firer told his brother Beniomin Firer about life in Mlynov and and Beniomin came to town as well. It is not clear whether Beniomin is married and left a wife and other family members elsewhere as he settled in Mlynov or whether a wife is absent for some other reason.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 8 Roysenbarg Khaim-Nuta Yos-Gersh townsman 1818 1818 1850 32 1858 40 head of the family male
yes 8 Roysenbarg Yos-Gersh Khaim-Nuta townsman 1848 1850 2 1858 10 son Khaim-Nuta Yos-Gershev Pesya male
yes 8 Roysenbarg Pesya not indicated townsman 1818 1850 not indicated 1858 40 wife Khaim-Nuta Yos-Gershev female
yes 8 Roysenbarg Leya Haim-Nuta townsman 1838 1850 not indicated 1858 20 daughter Khaim-Nuta Yos-Gershev Pesya female
yes 8 Roysenbarg Malka Haim-Nuta townsman 1843 1850 not indicated 1858 15 daughter Khaim-Nuta Yos-Gershev Pesya female
no 8 Roysenbarg Sheiva Haim-Nuta townsman 1852 1850 not indicated 1858 6 daughter Khaim-Nuta Yos-Gershev Pesya female
no 8 Roysenbarg Sheindlya Haim-Nuta townsman 1855 1850 not indicated 1858 3 daughter Khaim-Nuta Yos-Gershev Pesya female

Analysis: Khaim-Nuta's father Yos-Gersh had already passed away in 1850 when the revision was taken and no longer appears here. Khaim-Nuta's son, Yos-Gersh, who is age 10 in this census, was named for Khaim-Nuta father who had passed away. The Rosenbarg family added two new daughters between 1850 and 1858, Sheiva and Sheindlya, and now had four daughters still living with them; the family otherwise experienced no other significant change.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 9 Hehman, aka Shehman Chaim-Zus, aka Chaim-Gershon Yos-Ber townsman 1826 1826 1850 24 1858 32 head of the family male
no 9 Hehman, aka Shehman Scheindel-Blum not indicated townsman 1830 1850 not indicated 1858 28 wife Khaim-Zus, aka Chaim-Gershon female
no 9 Hehman, aka Shehman Itta-Leia Chaim-Zus, aka Chaim-Gershon townsman 1856.5 1850 not indicated 1858 1.5 daughter Khaim-Zus, aka Chaim-Gershon Scheindel-Blyuma female

Analysis: In the 1850 revision, this family was listed twice, once as the "Hehman" family (family #46) and once as Lehman (family #8). Chaim-Zus was present in both and his father Yos-Ber was listed as "whereabouts unknown" in the Hehman record (family #46) and "on the run" in 1848 in the Lehman record (family #8).

The family appears to be double listed again here in this 1858 revision, once here as "Hehman" family #9 and again below as Hehman (household #51). The information is not consistent between the two records and one wonders whether the revision taker made a mistake or the family split up on purpose to obfuscate something about their situation and perhaps hide the fact they were one unit.

Here in family #9, Chaim-Zus is the only male present in 1858. We don't know what became of his father, Yos-Ber. Chaim-Zus, for his part, is listed here in this record with a new wife, Scheindel-Blum[ya], and a baby daugther, Itta-Leia, age 1.5, present with him in town. There is no woman by the name of Scheindel in the 1850 census so it seems plausible Chaim-Zus may have found his wife in another town. The record below of family #51, appears to be of the same family unit but gives very different information and has different members present. There we learn that the Yos-Ber had died in 1855 at the age of 52 and a son of his, Gersh-Wolf, is present at the age 7. In that record, Chaim-Zus is listed as whereabouts unknown as of 1857 and no mention is made of a wife or a daughter. It is as if the family unit had split apart for some reason.

It seems very possible that the baby "Itta-Leia" listed here is the later ancestress remembered in the Schuchman family as "Eta Leah Schuchman" who married Labish Gelberg and from whom are descended the Mlynov Goldberg family. We know that Eta-Leah married by 1874 when her first eldest child was born. The parents of this same "Eta-Leah" were named "Gershon" and "Shaindel Bluma," according to family traditions among the Goldberg and Schuchman descendants. Those ancestral names also match the names of the baby Itta-Leia's parents here, "Chaim-Gershon" and "Scheindel-Blyuma." Although the family surname in the 1850 revision was translated as "Lehman" and "Hehman," the 1858 census also notes that the surname is "aka Shehman," which suggests the name was evolving and was not far from the received Schechman/Schuchman known among descendants.

Stepping back, we now know these families' earlier history. Based on the 1850 census, know that an ancestor named Yos-Ber "Lehman," son of "Ovshy" was present in Mlynov for the 1834 census and was 32 at the time, implying he had been born in 1802. His father Ovshy must have been born by 1780 even before Mlynov became part of Russia in the second Partition of Poland (1793). By 1848, Yos-Ber is "on the run" probably trying to escape conscription. His son, Chaim-Zus (=Chaim Gershon in 1858) is present in the 1850 census for the first time and he is age 24, implying he was born in 1826. By 1858, Chaim-Zus (Chaim Gershon) has married Sheindel-Blyuma and their daughter Eta Leah was born.

Chaim-Gershon and Scheindel-Blyuma had four children eventually known from family memory: Not only Eta Leah listed here but her siblings Joseph Schuchman, Hannah (Schuchman) Golisuk (grandmother of Ezra Sherman), and Moshe Noah Schechman. You can read about the subsequent history of the Schuchman family, and for Eta-Leah (Schuchman) and Labish Gelberg, see the Gelberg/Goldberg family story.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 10 Osterman Gersh-Itsko Moshko townsman 1809 1809 1850 41 1858 49 head of the family male
yes 10 Osterman Mordko Gersh-Itsko townsman 1825 1825 1850 25 1858 33 son Gersh-Itsko Moshkov Genya-Ginda male
yes 10 Osterman Itsko Moshko townsman 1811 1850 39 died 1855 1858 not indicated brother Gersh-Itsko Moshkov male
yes 10 Osterman Yankel-Yudko Itsko townsman 1841 1841 1850 9 1858 17 son Itsko Moshkov Frida male
no 10 Osterman Leib Itsko townsman 1850 was not present 1858 15 son Itsko Moshkov Frida male
yes 10 Osterman Genya-Ginda not indicated townsman 1809 1850 not indicated[5] 1858 49 wife Gersh-Itsko Moshkov female
yes 10 Osterman Surah Gersh-Itsko townsman 1838 1850 not indicated[5] 1858 20 daughter Gersh-Itsko Moshkov Genya-Ginda female
yes 10 Osterman Baba Gersh-Itsko townsman 1844 1850 not indicated[5] 1858 14 daughter Gersh-Itsko Moshkov Genya-Ginda female
yes 10 Osterman Freida Gersh-Itsko townsman 1826 1850 not indicated[5] 1858 32 wife Mordko Gersh-Itskov Genya-Ginda female
yes 10 Osterman Malka Mordko townsman 1840 1850 not indicated[5] 1858 18 daughter Mordko Gersh-Itskov Freida female
yes 10 Osterman Freida not indicated townsman 1811 1850 not indicated[5] 1858 47 wife Itsko Moshkov female

Analysis: The Ostermans are a large household in 1858 of 11 people, all of whom were present in 1850 with the exception of one new addition. The household is comprised of a head of household (Gersh-Itsko), his brother (Itsko), their wives and children, and the head of household's married son (Mordko), with his wife and children.

In 1850 and in 1858, Gersh-Itsko is the head of household and married to Genya-Ginda. The 1850 census lists three sons and two daughters. The two daughters, Surah and Baba (ages 20 and 14 respectively), are still in the household in 1858, neither is married. One of their sons, Michel, was on the run in 1850 and another Moshko was listed as escaped. Neither is listed here in 1858. The third son, Mordko, now age 33, is still present with his wife, Freida, and their daughter, Malka, who is now 18. She is not yet married off.

Gersh Itsko, the head of the household, had a brother, Itsko, who passed away in 1855. His wife Frida is still living in the household, with their son, Yankel-Yudko, who is 9 and was born and present in 1850. A new son of theirs appears here in the 1858 revision named "Leib" who is already 15 years old. Leib was not listed in 1850, though he was born earlier, and it is very possible he was in hiding in 1850 at the age of 7 to avoid conscription. (Perhaps he was with his uncles who were on the run in 1850). Itsko and Frida's daughter, Esther, who was 15 in 1850 is now absent from the household and we can reasonably assume she got married.

[5] The 1858 revision says the women's ages are not indicated in the 1850 revision. But in fact their ages are given there: Genya-Ginda has an age of 41 in the earlier 1850 census, Surah, the age of 12, Baba, the age of 6, Freida, the age of 24, Malka, the age of 10, Freida (wife of Itsko Moshkov), the age of 39

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 11 Goldenbarg or Goldinbarg Shimon-Gersh Michel townsman 1816 1850 34 died 1852 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 11 Goldenbarg or Goldinbarg Enta Shimon-Gersh townsman 1844 1850 not indicated 1858 14 daughter Shimon-Gersh Mikhelev Milikha female
yes 11 Goldenbarg or Goldinbarg Yudko Shimon-Gersh townsman 1837 1850 13 recruited 1854 1858 not indicated son Shimon-Gersh Mikhelev Milikha male
no 11 Goldenbarg or Goldinbarg Srul-Michel Shimon-Gersh townsman 1831 1831 1855[6] 24 1858 27 son Shimon-Gersh Mikhelev Milikha male
yes 11 Goldenbarg or Goldinbarg Srul-Moshko Michel townsman 1824 1824 1850 26 1858 34 brother Shimon-Gersh Mikhelev male
no 11 Goldenbarg or Goldinbarg Rivka not indicated townsman 1833 1850 not indicated 1858 25 wife Srul-Mikhel Shimon-Gershev female
yes? 11 Goldenbarg or Goldinbarg Hvulya (Haya Hana in 1850) not indicated townsman 1828 1850 not indicated 1858 30 wife Srul-Moshko Mikhelev male

Analysis: The Goldenbarg/ Goldinbarg family has seven members listed. The head of household, Shimon Gersh, recently died in 1852 at about the age of 36, and his wife, Milikha, who was present in 1850 is no longer listed. Their daughter Enta was present in 1850 and is still present here in 1858. Their son Yudko, however, is now listed as having been recruited in 1854. He would have been 17 years old. This must have been a trajedy for the family since the 1850 census showed that another son, Huna, had escaped in 1845 at the age of 18. Their daughter Surah, who was present in 1850 at the age of 10 is also now missing and she may have gotten married.

Present in 1858 are two of Shimon-Gersh's brothers and their families. His brother, Srul-Moshko, present in 1850 with his wife, Haya-Hana, is still here at age 34 with his wife, age 30, now called "Hvulya" whom we may guess to be the same woman.[7] They have no children. Another brother of Shimon-Gersh's is here who was not present in 1850. This is Srul-Michel (or Mikhel), age 27, with his wife Rivka, age 25. There is no Rivka in the 1850 census who was born in 1833 so we can guess that this Rivka came from another town. This census suggests that brother Srul-Michel was listed as present in Mlynov in a revision in 1855.

[6] The translator indicates the ages were scratched out in 1850

[7] In the 1850 census, Haya-Hana is 25 with an implied birth year of 1825. In the 1858 census, Hvulya is 30 with an implied birthdate of 1828.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 12 Gruber Moshko-Leib, aka Srul-Noeh not indicated townsman 1824 1824 1850 26 1858 34 head of the family male
yes 12 Gruber Mordko Moshko-Leib townsman 1846 1850 4 died 1855 1858 son Moshko-Leib male
yes 12 Gruber Surah not indicated townsman 1826 1850 not indicated 1858 32 wife Moshko-Leib female
yes 12 Gruber Rivka Moshko-Leib townsman 1842 1850 not indicated 1858 16 daughter Moshko-Leib Sura female
no 12 Gruber Molka-Roislya Moshko-Leib townsman 1854 1850 not indicated 1858 4 daughter Moshko-Leib Sura female

Analysis: Five members are listed in this Gruber family household. There is another larger Gruber family next in the revision (see household #14) The head of household here is Moshko-Leib, age 34, also called Srul-Noeh. He and his wife, Surah, age 32, were both in the 1850 census. Their son Mordko who was born in 1850 at the age of 5. Their daughter Rivka who was in 1850 census is still present here and is now 16 years old. A new addition to the family appears: a 4 year old daughter by the name of Molka-Roislya, who was born in 1854.

The Rivka Gruber who is listed here at age 16 is believed to be the ancestress of the Demb family descendants. The few details we have about that Rivka Gruber come from the memoire of one of her granddaughters (Clara Fram) written in 1980 in Baltimore. Clara has childhood memories of her grandmother Rivka. Here memoire indicates that Rivka Gruber was an only child and had a father named Moshe Gruber. According to the memoire, Rivka's father, Moshe Gruber, owned a brass and copper foundry in Mlynov that employed a large number of men. When Rivka was of marrying age at 11 years old, her father went in search of a scholarly husband for her and brought back, Israel Jacob Demb, from Ludmir (Voldymyr Volinsky). Rivka and Israel Jacob Demb had nine children, seven of whom later migrated to the US. The match between the later Rivka Gruber and the Rivka Gruber here is not perfect but it is suggestive.[8] If this is the same Rivka Gruber, we now learn for the first time that her mother's first name was Surah, that she had a brother who died, and at least one of sister.

You can read more about the subsequent history of Rivka's descendants in the Demb/Guber family and the memories of Rivka in the memoire of her granddaughter, Clara Fram.

[8] On the face of it, it is hard to believe that this Rivka Gruber who has a father named Moshko-Leib is not the later ancestress remembered in the Demb family as Rivka Gruber, daughter of Moshe. But there are a few discrepancies. I'm inclined to believe those discrepancies can be accounted for as mistaken recollections of a young Clara Fram who left Mlynov in 1908 at the age of six and who wrote down her memoire in 1980 as part of an adult education class.

Thus Clara may have remembered her grandmother as a only child when she wasn't or perhaps Rivka's sister also died and her grandmother had no living siblings when Clara was young. The ages also don't precisely fit. Clara indicates that Rivka was 11 when she was married off, which must be a story that she heard. If Rivka was married at 11, she would be married already in this census. However, know that the Rivka's oldest daughter, Pesse Demb (Clara's mother) was born in about 1864 from later Baltimore census records. If Rivka was 16 in 1858, as this revision suggests, she would have been 24 in 1864 when her eldest daughter was born, a plausible age for childbearing.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 13 Braer Mordko Moshko townsman 1850 was not present 1858 2...) head of the family male
yes? 13 Braer Esther-Maria not indicated townsman 1836 1850 not indicated 1858 22 wife Mordko Moshkov female

Analysis: This Braer family does not appear in 1850. However, this 1858 census says that the wife, Esther-Maria, was present in 1850 and was born in 1836. One possibility is that Esther-Maria here was Esther Osterman in the 1850 census who was born in 1835. She no longer appears in 1858 in the Osterman family and may have gotten married as noted in the discussion of that family. The only other Esther who appeared in 1850 was too young to be married in 1858.

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 14 Gruber Shimon Mendel townsman 1789 1850 61 died 1850 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 14 Gruber Aizik-El Shimon townsman 1813 1813 1850 37 1858 45 son Shimon Mendelev male
yes 14 Gruber Abram-Yos Aizik-El townsman 1835 1850 15 where is unknown 1854 1858 not indicated son Aizik-El Shimonov Hava male
yes 14 Gruber Moshko-Aron Shimon townsman 1822 1822 1850 28 1858 36 son Shimon Mendelev male
no 14 Gruber Mikhel-Shimon Moshko-Aron townsman 1850 newborn 1858 ...) son Moshko-Aron Shimonov male
yes 14 Gruber Hava not indicated townsman 1814 1850 not indicated[9] 1858 44 wife Aizik-El Shimonov female
yes 14 Gruber Basia Aizik-El townsman 1840 1850 not indicated[9] 1858 18 daughter Aizik-El Shimonov Hava female
yes 14 Gruber Feiga Aizik-El townsman 1845 1850 not indicated[9] 1858 13 daughter Aizik-El Shimonov Hava female
yes 14 Gruber Rukhlya Aizik-El townsman 1848 1850 not indicated[9] 1858 10 daughter Aizik-El Shimonov Hava female
yes 14 Gruber Gitlya not indicated townsman 1824 1850 not indicated[9] 1858 34 wife Moshko-Aron Shimonov Hava female
yes 14 Gruber Dina Moshko-Aron townsman 1844 1850 not indicated[9] 1858 14 daughter Moshko-Aron Shimonov Gitlya female
yes 14 Gruber Dvoira Moshko-Aron townsman 1847 1850 not indicated[9] 1858 11 daughter Moshko-Aron Shimonov Gitlya female
yes 14 Gruber Enta Moshko-Aron townsman 1849 1850 not indicated[9] 1858 9 daughter Moshko-Aron Shimonov Gitlya female
no 14 Gruber Khvulya-Rukhlya Moshko-Aron townsman 1853 1850 not indicated 1858 5 daughter Moshko-Aron Shimonov Gitlya female

Analysis: In contrast to the prior Gruber family (household #12) this one is quite large. There are 14 members listed, all of whom are related to the head of household, Shimon Gruber, who died at the age of 61 in 1850, apparently after that revision was taken. Shimon's wife Haya-Beila, also listed in 1850, is no longer present in the household, suggesting perhaps that she had passed as well. The rest of the household is comprised of the families of their two sons (Aisik-El and Moshko-Aron), all but one of whom were present in 1850 as well. A third son of Shimon and Haya-Beila named Mendel-Itsko had been marked in the 1850 revision as recruited at the age of 23; he has not reappeared in town by this 1858 revision.

Aisik-El and his wife Hava and their three daughters (Basia, Feiga and Rukhlya) are still present at the ages of 18, 13, and 10. However, the whereabouts are unknown of their son, Abram-Yos, who was age 15 in the 1850 census and would be around 23 years old in 1858. Whether he was in hiding to avoid conscription or had gone to live elsewhere, is not known.

Moshko-Aron, the elder son of Shimon and Haya-Beila, is also present with his wife Gitlya and four daughters, Dina 14, Dvoira 11, Enta 9, and new in this census to the family, Khvulya-Rukhlya who is now 5.

While it seems plausible that this Gruber family included the ancestors of the other known Gruber line from subsequent Mlynov family descendants, it is not possible at this time to identify a direct connection. We know, for example, that Rachel (1894-1980) and Sonia Gruber (1900- ) (who both married Teitelmans) were the daughters of Yosef Gruber, who was, according to their family memories, a son of Mordechai Gruber. When was Mordechai Gruber born? If we assume Rachel's father and grandfather Mordechai married between the ages of 17 and 20, we can guess that Mordechai Gruber was born between 1854-1860. Thus it is possible that this Mordechai Gruber, ancestor of the other Gruber line, was to be born shortly after this 1858 census.

[9] The 1858 revision here indicates that the ages of the women were not listed in the 1850 census though they were. Hava was 36, Basia 10, Feiga 5, Rukhlya 2, Gitlya 26, Dina 6, Dvoira 3, Enta 1.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 15 Vaserman Noech-Moshko Michel-Leib townsman 1821 1850 29 died 1858 1858 not indicated head of the family male
no 15 Vaserman Feiga-Itta Noech-Moshko townsman 1854 1850 not indicated 1858 4 daughter Noeh-Moshko Michel-Leibov female
no 15 Vaserman Hana-Liba Noech-Moshko townsman 1856 1850 not indicated 1858 2 daughter Noeh-Moshko Michel-Leibov female
no 15 Vaserman Mendel Noech-Moshko townsman 1850 was not present 1858 18) son Noeh-Moshko Michel-Leibov female
yes 15 Vaserman Levi-Itsko Michel-Leib townsman 1824 1850 26 where is unknown 1856 1858 not indicated brother Noeh-Moshko Michel-Leibov male
yes 15 Vaserman Pesya not indicated townsman 1822 1850 not indicated 1858 36 wife Levi-Itsko Michel-Leibov female
no 15 Vaserman Maria Levi-Itsko townsman 1852 1850 not indicated 1858 6 daughter Levi-Itsko Michel-Leibov female
no 15 Vaserman Rukhlya-Leia Levi-Itsko townsman 1857 1850 not indicated 1858 1 daughter Levi-Itsko Michel-Leibov female
dup name 15[30] Vaserman Levi-Itsko Michel-Leib townsman 1824 1824 1850 26 1858 34 brother Noeh-Moshko Michel-Leibov male

In the 1850 census, the Vasserman family had 5 membes listed. The head of the household Michel-Leib (or Mikhel-Leib), however, had already passed away in 1840 at about the age of 47. Remaining in the household in 1850 was his wife Itta, and his sons, Noech-Moshko. His other son, Levi-Itsko, was listed but not present at the time of the census but his wife Pesya was in the household.

Since 1850, the household had changed substantially. The son, Noech-Moshko,had become head of household but had himself passed away in 1858 at the age of 37. There is no mention in this 1858 revision or the prior one of Noech-Moshko's wife (the mother of his children). Nonetheless, remaining in the household are his two daughters, neither of whom were born in 1850: Feiga-Itta, age 4, and Hana-Libam, age 2. Also listed in the household is his son Mendel, age 18, who was not listed in 1850 and may have been in hiding or another town.

The whereabouts of Noech-Moshko's brother, Levi-Itsko, is listed as unknown since 1856. However, a duplicate record for him appears at the end of the original revision list out of order indicating he must have shown up later in the process. It is reproduced here at the bottom of the household list. He is listed as 34 years old. His wife Pesa, who was present in 1850, is still present in the household in 1858 along with two new daughters, Maria, age 6 and Rukhlya-Leia, age 1.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 16 Taxer Gershon Sender-Gersh townsman 1819 1819 1850 31 1858 39 head of the family male
yes 16 Taxer Tsal Gershon townsman 1835 1835 1850 15 1858 23 son Gershon Sender-Gershev Yahid male
yes 16 Taxer Yahid not indicated townsman 1826 1850 not indicated 1858 32 wife Gershon Sender-Gershev female
yes 16 Taxer Hava Gershon townsman 1843 1850 not indicated 1858 15 daughter Gershon Sender-Gershev Yahid female
no 16 Taxer Maria Gershon townsman 1852 1850 not indicated 1858 6 daughter Gershon Sender-Gershev Yahid female
no 16 Taxer Bruha Gershon townsman 1855 1850 not indicated 1858 3 daughter Gershon Sender-Gershev Yahid female
no 16 Taxer Pesya-Gudya not indicated townsman 1838 1850 not indicated 1858 20 wife Tsal Gershonov female
no 16 Taxer Maria-Reizya Tsal townsman 1854 1850 not indicated 1858 4 daughter Tsal Gershonov Pesya-Gooda female

Analysis: In 1858, the Taxer household is comprised of a head of household, Gershon and his son, Tsal and their respective families. Gershon's father, Sender Gersh, had passed away already by 1843 and Gershon's brother Berko had been on the run since 1846 and had not reappeared. Present in the household is also Gershon's wife, Yahid, and daughter, Hava, both of whom were present in 1850. Two new daughters were born in the intervening years: Maria, age 6, and Bruha, age 3.

The household also expanded with Gershon's son Tsal marrying, Pesya-Gudya, age 20, and having a daughter Mari-Reizya, age 4. Pesya was born in 1838 would have been not more than 16 years old when she gave birth to her daughter Maria-Reizya. There is no girl named "Pesya" in the 1850 census who had a matching the date of birth and so it is possible she came from another town.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 17 Weitser Ios Yudko townsman 1795 1850 55 died 1851 1858 not indicated head of the family male
no 17 Weitser (1850 Weizer) Moshko-Meer Ios townsman 1836 1850 14[10] died 1857 1858 not indicated son Ios Yudko Reesya male
no 17 Weitser (1850 Weizer) El Ios townsman 1838 1838 1850 12 1858 20 son Ios Yudko Reesya male
yes 17 Weitser (1850 Weizer) Risya not indicated townsman 1814 1850 not indicated[10] 1858 44 wife Ios Yudko female
yes 17 Weitser (1850 Weizer) Yahna Ios townsman 1833 1850 not indicated[10] 1858 25 daughter Ios Yudko Reesya female
no 17 Weitser (1850 Weizer) Liba Ios townsman 1844 1850 not indicated 1858 14 daughter Ios Yudko Reesya female

Analysis: Between 1850 and 1858, this Weitser / Weiser family lost their head of household. Ios passed away in 1851 at the age of 56. He had been born in 1795, just a couple years after Mlynov became part of Russia.

It seems likely that this Weitser family is related to the Weitser family in household 5 above. Ios, the head of household here who died in 1851 was the son of Yudko and was born in 1795. In the other Weitser household, the head of the household Gersh is also son of Yudko and was born in 1797 (two years younger than Ios here). It seems odd that both men, likely brothers, died the same year in 1851 unless something happened to them together.

When Ios passed away in this household, his widow, Risya (or Reesya), age 44, was still present in the household with their son El, who is now 20, and their daughter Yahna, who is 14. Two other children are mentioned in 1858 who did not appear in the earlier 1850 revision. Moshko-Meer is listed here as having died at the age of 21 in 1858. Since he was not listed in 1850 revision when he was 14, it is unclear whether he was in hiding or whether his death was related to conscription or some other cause. More perplexing is the presence for the first time of their daughter, Liba, age 14, who also was not listed in the 1850 revision, for reasons that are not clear, since she would have been age 6 at the time and had no reason to be in hiding, unless the family was trying to avoid taxes or the revision taker had simply been sloppy.

Two interesting points are worthy of note: First, in other households the widow has typically disappeared between 1850 and 1858 after the death of her husband, whether because she passed away or left the household for some other reason like remarriage. Here is a case where the head of the household's widow is still present. Second, it is interesting that the daughter Yahna has reached the age of 25 and is not yet married. We see few daughters still in the household at that age and we can speculate that she may have been considered an "old maid" or a "Yentl" (independent woman) in the town.

[10] The 1858 and 1850 revisions are often inconsistent with each other in the age of daughters and sometimes wives and sons. In this case, as previously, the women in the household who were listed in the 1850 revision did have ages listed, but the 1858 revision lists them as having no age indicated in 1850. This leads me to suspect that the census taker in 1858 did not have the 1850 revision in front of him when he was doing the revision. That would also explain, perhaps, the inconsistency that the son, Moshko-Meer, is listed in the 1858 revisionalso as if he were present in the 1850 revision, while the 1850 revision does not list him. One can guess that he was in hiding in 1850 or out of town, but that when the 1858 revision was taken, the family didn't know that since the head of household had died, and went ahead and mentioned his name as a houshold member who died since 1850.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 18 Fishman-Berinson Berko Iovel-Wolf townsman 1801 1850 49 where is unknown 1858 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 18 Fishman-Berinson Moshko-Ios, aka Duvid-Ios Berko townsman 1836 1836 1850 14 1858 22 son Berko Iovelev-Wolfov male
yes 18 Fishman-Berinson Basia Berko townsman 1844 1850 not indicated 1858 14 daughter Berko Iovelev-Wolfov female
no 18 Fishman-Berinson Leia not indicated townsman 1838 1850 not indicated 1858 20 wife Moshko-Ios, aka Duvid-Yos Berkov female

Analysis: The whereabouts of the former head of household, Berko Berinson-Fishman, is unknown in the 1858 revision and also missing from this revision is his wife, Etya, and one of his daughters, Rita, who were both present in 1850. The household is now comprised of Berko's son, Moshko-Ios (aka Duvid-Ios), and his other daughter, Basia, both of whom were present in 1850. Basia is now age 14 and Moshko-Ios, now 22, has since taken a wife, Leia, who is age 20 and was born in 1838. In the 1850 revision, there is no Leia listed who was born in 1838 so Moshko-Ios may have found his wife in another town. It is interesting to note that Moshko-Ios apparently didn't have to flee Mlynov between 1850 and 1858 when he was between 14 and 22 years of age.

No relationship is evident betwee this Berinson-Fishman household and the later family of Moishe Fishman from Mlynov, who made aliyah in 1921. Rather, he appears to be the son of Ber Fishman listed in Family # 36. See discussion there.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 19 Shniftman Gavriel Leib townsman 1814 1850 36 died 1855 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 19 Shniftman Peisach-Wolf Gavriel townsman 1836 1836 1850 14 1858 22 son Gavriel Leibov Gita male
no 19 Shniftman Itsko Peisach-Wolf townsman 1850 newborn 1858 5) son Peisakh-Wolf Gavrielev Khana [also Hana] male
no 19 Shniftman Hana not indicated townsman 1836 1850 not indicated 1858 22 wife Peisakh-Wolf Gavrielev female

Analysis: According to the 1850 revision, the prior head of household, Leib, had died in 1845. Here we learn his son, Gavriel, had assumed the the head of the household role, but had passed away in 1855 at the age of 41. Gavriel's widow, Gita, and daughter, Esther, who were present in 1850 are now absent and perhaps they had gone to live with Gita's family after her husband had died.

Gavriel's son, Pesach-Wolf, however, is still present in the houshold. He was 14 in 1850 and is now 22. He has since gotten married to Hana (or Khana) who is 22 in 1858 and was born in 1836. They have a son, Itsko, who was born between 1850 and 1858.

Although the match isn't perfect, it is possible that Hanah, the new wife mentioned here, was Hana Gelbarg who appears in the 1850 revision in the Gelbarg family (household #26) and disappears from the Gelbarg family in this 1858 revision (household #29). However, her birth year is 1832 in the 1850 revision whereas here her implied birth year is 1836.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 20 Lerner Itsko-Srul Leib townsman 1818 1818 1850 32 1858 40 head of the family male
yes 20 Lerner Leib, aka Litman-Leib Itsko-Srul townsman 1835 1835 1850 15 1858 23 son Itsko-Srul Leibov Genya male
no 20 Lerner Sosya not indicated townsman 1828 1850 not indicated 1858 30 wife Itsko-Srul Leibov female
no 20 Lerner Huma not indicated townsman 1837 1850 not indicated 1858 21 wife Litman-Leib Itsko-Srulev Genya female
no 20 Lerner Beila Litman-Leib townsman 1857 1850 not indicated 1858 1 daughter Litman-Leib Itsko-Srulev Huma female

Analysis: Itsko-Srul is still head of the Lerner family as he was in 1850. Living in the household with him is his wife, Sosya, and his son, Leib, who is also known as Litman-Leib. It appears that Sosya may be a new wife. In the 1850 census, Itsko-Srul's wife was named Hena (and Genya) and she was born in 1820. Here his wife is named Sosya and her birth year is 1828. Sosya is 10 years younger than Itsko-Srul. There is no Sosya listed at all in 1858 and perhaps she came from another town.

Since 1850, Itsko-Srul's son, Leib, had gotten married to a woman named Huma, age 21 in 1858, and they have a one year old daughter, Beila, in the household. There is no other Huma in the 1850 revision so again it seems possible that Huma was from another town.

It seems very possible that Itsko-Srul Lerner, listed here, is the father of Joseph Abraham Lerner from Mlynov who migrated to Baltimore in 1913. From Joseph Lerner's tombstone, we know that his father's name was remembered as "Yitzhak Yisrael," which is very easily the Hebrew version of the Russian rendered "Itsko-Srul" (Srul being a shortened form of Yisroel). Furthermore, Joseph named his son "Itcik," who was probably named after Joseph's father. Joseph was born in about 1866 based on Baltimore records. This Itsko-Srul would have been 48 in 1866 when Joseph was born.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Fam # Revision 10 (1858) / (Revision 9 1850) Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender 1851 Supplement Household #
yes 21 Faerstein Lazor Meer townsman 1807 1851[11] 44 died 1854 1858 not indicated head of the family male 4[11]
no 21 Faerstein Yitzhak Lazor townsman 1825 1851[11] 26 where is unknown[11b] 1851 1858 not indicated[11b] son Leizor Meerov male 4[11]
no 21 Faerstein Gershko Lazor townsman 1838 1838 1851[11] 13 1858 20 son Leizor Meerov male 4[11]
yes 21 Faerstein Itsko Lazor townsman 1835 1851[11] 16 adopted the Christian faith 1858 not indicated son Leizor Meerov male
yes 21 Faerstein Rakhmiel Meer townsman 1817 1851[11] 34 where is unknown 1857 1858 not indicated son Leizor Meerov male
no 21 Faerstein Malka not indicated townsman 1828 1850 not indicated 1858 30 wife Itzhak Leizerov female
no 21 Faerstein Blyuma Yitzhak townsman 1853 1850 not indicated 1858 5 daughter Itzhak Leizerov female
dup name in 1851 21 Faerstein Yitzhak Leyser townsman 1825 1825 1851[29] 26 1858 33 son Leizor Meerov male 4[29]
dup name in 1851 21 Faerstein Malka not indicated townsman 1828 1850 not indicated 1858 30 wife Itzhak Leizerov female 4[29]
dup name in 1851 21 Faerstein Blyuma Yitzhak townsman 1853 1850 not indicated 1858 5 daughter Itzhak Leizerov female 4[29]

Analysis: The Faerstein household changed substantially since the 1850 revision. Lazor, the head of household, passed away in 1854 at the age of 47. He has four sons listed in this list: Yitzhak, Gershko, Itsko, Rakhmiel. Gershko is present in the household at the age of 20. The other 3 sons are no longer present. The whereabouts of Rakhmiel, are unknown as of 1857 at the age of 40. Also missing from the household, apparently with him, are his wife, two daughters and two sisters who were all present in 1850. Presumably they are all living with him elsewhere.

A third son, Itsko, adopted the Christian faith, possibly under pressure to avoid conscription. He was 16 in the 1851 revision. A fourth son, Yitzhak, appears twice in this 1858 revision list. He appears once here as "whereabouts unknown." His reapears in the 1851 supplement along with his wife and daughter. Yitzhak is listed there as 33, his wife Malka, 30, and his daughter Blyuma, 5. There are a couple young women named "Malka" in Mlynov in 1850 but none whose birth year matches 1828 like Yitzhak's wife. It may be that she came from another town.

[11] The translator has noted that for this family this 1858 revision list references an 1851 revision list (instead of an 1850 one) which is not located at this time. Some of these individuals here were in household #4 in that Revision List 1851.

[11b] Yitzhak is listed twice in the revision with almost identical information. The first time he is listed here as part of household 21. Here he is listed as whereabouts unknown. Much further down in the list, after household 54, he is mentioned a second time with his wife Malka and daughter Blyuma, as if they appeared before the revision taker sometime later.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 22 Bronstein Itsko Usher townsman 1820 1820 1850 30 1858 38 head of the family male
yes 22 Bronstein Shmul-Shaya, aka Shmil-Usher Nusin-Duvid townsman 1830 1850 20 died 1855 1858 not indicated nephew Itsko Usherov male
yes 22 Bronstein Duvid-Nusin Itsko townsman 1815 1850 was not present 1858 43 uncle Itsko Usherov male
no 22 Bronstein Tema not indicated townsman 1828 1850 not indicated 1858 30 wife Duvid-Nusin Itskov female

Analysis: The Bronstein family had shrunk and changed substantially since 1850. Itsko who was head of the household, now 38, had taken over for his father, Usher, who had died in 1840 at the age of 36, even before the 1850 revision. Itsko's mother, Zlata, who was widowed in 1840 at the age of 42, is no longer listed in 1858. We don't know if she remarried, passed away or returned to her family of origin. Itsko's two sisters are also no longer in the household. Makhlya, who was 20 in 1850, most likely got married and left the household. Also missing is his younger sister, Brana, who was 7 in 1850 and would be 15 in 1858. It is possible she married or perhaps she was with her mother, Zlata, who also no longer appears here.

In the household with Itsko is his uncle, Duvid-Nusin (also called Nusin-Duvid), age 43, Duvid-Nusin's wife, Tema, age 30, who was thirteen years younger than her husband. She was clearly not old enough to be the mother of Duvid-Nusin's son, Shmul-Shaya, who is listed here, but who had passed away in 1855 at the age of 25.

It is unusual for a man to be called an uncle of the head of the family in the census, as David-Nusin is here. Usually, the brother of the prior head of household would take over when his brother passed. But Duvid-Nusin had "escaped" in 1835 at the age of 22, according to the 1850 census. Apparently he had with him his young son, Shmul-Shaya, who is also listed in the 1850 revision as having "escaped" in 1835 at the age of 3. Now twenty-eight years later, Duvid-Nusin at the age of 43 had returned to Mlynov with a new wife. Apparently, he felt safe from punishment this much later or perhaps the records of his earlier escape were archived far away and no threat. In fact, the 1858 revision list simply says he was not present in 1850 and does not appear to know he had been absent because he had escaped. What must it have been like to return to his brother's home, after his brother had died, and to be living in the household of his nephew?

Duvid-Nusin was not the only one of the Bronstein to be touched by the Russian efforts at conscription. In the 1850 revision, Itsko's brother, Gersh, was listed as recruited in 1839 at the age of 12. Gersh has not reappeared in Mlynov by 1858 and we don't know if he ever made it back home.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 23[12] Braer (Braiser or Brayer in 1850) Nuta Itsko townsman 1821 1822 1850 29 1858 36 head of the family male
yes 23 Braer (Braiser or Brayer in 1850) Ios Nuta townsman 1842 1842 1850 8 1858 16 son Nuta Itskov male
no 23[12] Braer (Braiser or Brayer in 1850) Itsko Itsko townsman 1842 1843 1850 8 1858 15 brother Nuta Itskov male

Analysis: This Braer family was a small one in Mlynov. In the same revision, there also another small Braer household (household #13) listed in Mlynov but there is no obvious overlap in relationships or names and thus they may be separate family lines.

In this household, Nuta, age 36, is listed as the head of the family, which is also spelled "Brayer" or "Braiser' by the translator of the 1850 revision. He had taken over that role from his father Itsko-Gersh who had passed away in 1840 at the age of 45. Itsko-Gersh had been born in 1795 just after Mlynov came under Russian control in the Second Partition of Poland.

Living in the household with Nuta is his son, Ios, age 16, who was present in the 1850 revision as well. Missing, however, is Nuta's wife (and Ios' mother), Golda-Perlya, who was listed in 1850 but with little information. We don't know whether her absense in 1858 indicates she passed away or was living elsewhere.

More curious is the presence in the household of Nuta's brother, Itsko, age 15, who did not appear in the 1850 revision when he was 8. Something does not make sense about his age. If he was in fact 15, he would have been born in 1842 or 1843. Not only would he be 21 years younger than his older brother, which is perhaps feasible, but he was born after their father, Itsko-Gersh, died in 1840. It is possible, of course, that his mother had given birth to him within a year after his father had passed away and that the dates in this case are off by a year or so, either because of mistaken recollection or because of an intentional obfuscation of the fact that he was older.

[12] The translator has noted that in the 1858 revision, some of the members of this family were listed as previously appearing in household #1 during a revision in 1851. The 1851 revision has not been located at this time.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 24 Irsch Aron Gershko townsman 1826 1850 1858 32) head of the family male
no 24 Irsch Mordko Aron townsman 1846 1850 was not present 1858 12) son Aron Gershko male
no 24 Irsch Liba not indicated townsman 1828 1850 not indicated 1858 30 wife Aron Gershko female

Analysis: This small Irsch (or Hirsch) family does not appear at all in the 1850 revision and appears to be a new family in town. The household has three members listed in 1858. Aron, son of Gershko, age 32, is the head of the family. With him is his wife, Liba, age 30 and his son Mordko, age 12.

The Aron and Liba appear to be the names of ancestors remembered in the Hirsch family from Mlynov as Aaron and Libby Hirsch. It appears that the last name Irsch (later Hirsch and Girsch) may have been from the first name of Aaron's father "Gershko" (Irsch a shortened form of Gersh). Aaron is thus listed here in the far columns as "Aron Gershkov."

Aaron and Libby's son is remembered as Moishe Hirsch and likely is the one who appears here as Mordko. They went on to have five additional children. See the subsequent Hirsch family story here.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 25 Daichman Beniomin Moshko-Abram townsman 1822 1822 1850 28 1858 36 head of the family male
no 25[13] Daichman Abram-Moisha Beniomin townsman 1846 1847 1850 4 1858 11 son Beniomin Moshko-Abramov Sura male
yes 25 Daichman Surah not indicated townsman 1820 1850 not indicated 1858 38 wife Beniomin Moshko-Abramov female

Analysis: The Daichman household is small, comprised of one man, Benioman, age 36, his wife Surah, age 38, and their son, Abram-Moisha, age 11. Both Benioman and Surah were present in the household already in 1850 but their son, Abram-Moisha, was not listed then, even though he had already been born in 1846. According to this 1858 revision, however, he was identified in an 1851 revision. (That revision at this time has not been located.)

[13] The translator indicates that this 1858 revision references an 1851 revision and indicates that Abram-Moisha was listed in household # 4 in that revision, which is not yet located.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 26 Kesler El Leib townsman 1850 was not present 1858 31) head of the family male

Analysis: The Kesler is a new household in Mlynov composed of only one male.

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 27 Nudler Yankel-Moshko Duvid-Gershkov townsman 1821 1821 1850 29 1858 37 head of the family male
yes 27 Nudler Gersh-Leib Yankel Moshko townsman 1842 1850 8 died 1856 1858 not indicated son Yankel-Moshko Duvid-Gershkov Sura-Beila male
no 27 Nudler Zus Yankel-Moshko townsman 1853 1850 newborn 1858 5 son Yankel-Moshko Duvid-Gershkov Sura-Beila male
yes 27 Nudler Sura-Beilya not indicated townsman 1822 1850 1858 36 wife Yankel-Moshko Duvid-Gershkov female

Analysis: This is the second Nudler family in the 1858 revision list. The first was household #1. All of the Nudlers listed in this household were present in 1850 with the exception of a newborn. Here Yankel-Moshko, age 37, is head of the family as he was in 1850. Present in the household then and now is his wife Sura-Beilya, age 36. Also present is their son Zus, age 5, born in 1853 since the last revision. Their other son, Gersh-Leib is listed but died in 1856 age the age of 14.

There is no overlap in ancestral or household names between this Nudler family and the one in household #1 and we can therefore draw no conclusions about whether they were related to each other.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 28 Gaiman Ioina-Ios Abram townsman 1826 1826 1850 24 1858 32 head of the family male
yes 28 Gaiman Moshko-Gersh Ioina-Ios townsman 1846 1846 1850 4 1858 12 son Ioina-Ios Abramov Khana-Rivka male
no 28 Gaiman Roizl-Mirlya Not indicated townsman 1828 1850 not indicated 1858 30 wife Ioina-Ios Abramov female
yes 28 Gaiman Pesya Abram townsman 1832 1850 not indicated 1858 26 sister Ioina-Ios Abramov female
yes 28 Gaiman Fradlya Abram townsman 1838 1850 not indicated 1858 20 sister Ioina-Ios Abramov female

Analysis: The Gaiman family household is comprised of a primary family unit all related to the head of the household, Ioina-Ios, age 32. The household includes his wife Roizl-Mirlya, age 30, his son, Moshko-Gersh, age 12 and his two sisters, Pesya, age 26, and Fradlya, age 20, neither of whom have yet gotten married.

Ioina-Ios's wife, Roizl-Mirlya, has a different name in the 1850 revision and she may be a new wife. There she is called "Hana-Rivka" and was 22 years old in 1850, meaning she was born in 1828. Roizl-Mirlya was born in 1828 as well. But you can see here that the son, Moshko-Gersh, is listed as the son of "Khana-Rivka" (see right columns) even though Ioina-Ios' wife is now called Roizl-Mirlya. That seems to suggest that his wife is current wife not the mother of his son.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 29 Gelbarg Ios Fayvish townsman 1804 1804 1850 46 1858 54 head of the family male
yes 29 Gelbarg Pinchas-Meer Ios townsman 1829 1829 1850 21 1858 29 son Ios Faivishev Genya male
no 29[14] Gelbarg Duvid-Mordko Ios townsman 1842 1850 8 died 1856 1858 not indicated son Ios Faivishev Genya male
yes 29 Gelbarg Genya not indicated townsman 1825 1850 not indicated 1858 33 wife Ios Faivishev female
yes 29 Gelbarg Surah Ios townsman 1835 1850 not indicated[15] 1858 23 daughter Ios Faivishev Genya female
no 29 Gelbarg Maria Ios townsman 1852 1850 not indicated 1858 6 daughter Ios Faivishev Genya female
no 29 Gelbarg Nehama Ios townsman 1857 1850 not indicated 1858 1 daughter Ios Faivishev Genya female
no 29 Gelbarg Sima not indicated townsman 1833 1850 not indicated 1858 25 wife Pinchas-Meer Iosev female
no 29 Gelbarg Gitlya Pinchas-Meer townsman 1854 1850 not indicated 1858 4 daughter Pinchas-Meer Iosev Sima female

Analysis: The Gelbarg family has expanded since 1850. Ios is still head of the family at age 54 with his wife Genya who is only 33. The two of them were already married in 1850, when Ios was 46 and "Henya" was 25. Ios has 5 chidren listed in 1858, two of whom was listed in 1850. The older children are apparently from an earlier wife, since their age is almost the age of Ios's wife Genya.

Their son, Pinchas-Meer, for example, is present in the household at the age of 29, only 4 years younger than his father's wife, Genya. And daughter, Surah, who was also present in 1850, is still in the household at age 23, only 10 years younger than Genya.

The other children of Ios probably children of his second wife, Genya. Duvid Mordko, a son, who was born in 1842, apparently died in 1856 at the age of 14. Two other daughters were born between 1850 and 1858: Maria, now age 6, and Nehama, now age 1.

Also new to the household since 1850 is Sima, age 25, a new wife of Ios's son, Pinchas-Meer. They also had daughter Gitlya in 1854 and she is now 4 years old.

The "Pinchas-Meer" listed here, is believed to be the father of the Gelberg brothers from Mlynov, including the brothers who migrated to Jersey City and New York (Nathan, Abraham and Gedale), and Yosef Gelberg, who remained in Mlynov, was well-off, owned the mills in town and who brought electricity to the town. We know their father was named Pinchas-Meer from tombstones in America. The subsequent saga of the Gelberg family is available here.

[14] The translator indicates that according to the 1858 revision, Duvid-Mordko, who was absent in the 1850 revision, appears in a revision for 1851 as family #10, a revision that has not yet been located.

[15] Genya is listed in the 1850 revision by the translator as "Henya" and her age is given as 25. Surah is listed in 1850 as well as age 15.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender Appears in 1858?
yes 30 Fix Gersh Meileh townsman 1795 1850 55 died 1854 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 30 Fix Meileh (Meilich in 1850) Gersh townsman 1830 1830 1850 20 1854[16]` 1858 28 son Gersh Meilekhov male
no 30 Fix Zeivel Meileh townsman 1846 1850 was not present 1854[16] 1858 12 son Meilekha Gersheva Genya-Itta male
no 30 Fix Genya-Itta not indicated townsman 1832 1850 not indicated 1858 26 wife Meilekha Gersheva female
no 30 Fix Rivka Meileh townsman 1856 1850 not indicated 1858 2 daughter Meilekha Gersheva Genya-Itta female

Analysis: Gersh Fix, the head of household, passed away in 1854 at the age of 59. His widow, Henya (or Genya) who would be 48, and daughter, Haya-Gitlya, who would be 22, are both gone from the household sinc 1850. However, Gersh's son, Meileh, is still present. He now has a wife, Genya-Itta, age 26, and a son, Zeivel, age 12, and a daughter, Rivka, age 2. Since their son is 12, it appears that Meileh and Genya-Itta were already married by 1850, though Genya-Itta and son Zeivel do not appear in that revision and may have been elsewhere.

[16] The 1858 revision has "1854" as the date something happened to two members but doesn't specify what happened. Normally this column is used when a person has died, or escaped or is on the run. In the case of Meileh and Zeivel, however, there is no indication that anything happened and it is not clear if this is a mistake by the revision taker.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 31 Kleiner Aron Yankel townsman 1802 1850 48 where is unknown 1857 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 31 Kleiner Duvid-Mendel Aron townsman 1842 1842 1850 8 1858 16 son Aron Yankelev Itta male

Analysis: Kleiner ironically means "smaller" and the Kleiner family is indeed a small household. The head of household Aron passed away in 1857, just a year before this revision, at the age of 55. He had been born in 1802. His son Duvid-Mendel is still present in Mlynov at the age of 16. Duvid is described as the son of Aron and Itta, though his mother Itta is not listed in the household. In the 1850 revision she was present and was born in 1803. We do not know if she passed away or went to live in another household.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 32 Gelman Iovel Usher townsman 1822 1822 1850 28 1858 36 head of the family male
yes 32 Gelman Abram-Itsko Usher townsman 1824 1824 1850 26 1858 34 brother Iovel Usherov male
yes 32[17] Gelman Yos-Duvid Usher townsman 1840 1850 10 died 1855 1858 not indicated brother Iovel Usherov male

Analysis: The Gelman household lists three brothers, all sons of Usher Gelman, who was listed in 1850 and who had passed away in 1840 at the age of 43. Here in 1858, his son, Iovel Gelman, age 36, is head of the family, living with his brother, Abram-Itsko, age 34.

Another brother, Yos-Duvid, is listed as having died in 1855 at age 15. He was not listed in 1850 revision and perhaps he was in hiding or on the run at the time. In the 1850 revision, they also had another brother, Aron, who was listed as recruited in 1849. He has not reappeared by this 1858 revision. It is interesting to note that there are no women or females in this household in either the 1850 or 1858 revision, even though the two brothers were in their 30s here. Whether that means they weren't married or had their wives in another town and were working in Mlynov is not known.

[17] The translator indicates that this 1858 revision references an 1851 revision in which Yos-Duvid was listed in household # 7. This revision is not yet located.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 33 Schwartzman Ios Leib townsman 1822 1850 was not present 1858 36 head of the family male
no 33 Schwartzman Berko Ios townsman 1850 was not present 1858 1...) son Ios Leibov Sura-Menikha male
no 33 Schwartzman Sura-Menikha not indicated townsman 1824 1850 not indicated 1858 34 wife Ios Leibov female

Analysis: This Schwartzman household is comprised of a head of family, Ios son of Leib, age 36, his wife, Sura-Menikha, age 34 and a son who appears to be in his teens. This is the first of two Schwartzman household listed in 1858 (#33 #34). This one, which did not appear in 1850, and the next one #34, which was present in 1850. There is no explicit familial relationship between the two households, though their sequential juxtaposition in the revision suggests they could be related and the presence of the name Ios in both households suggests a common ancestor. One can speculate that the head of this household was a nephew of the older head of household #34 and came to town to join his uncle or an older cousin.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 34 Schwartzman Ios Boruch townsman 1793 1850 57 died 1855 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 34 Schwartzman Borukh-Mordko Ios townsman 1819 1819 1850 31 1858 39 son Ios Borukhov male
no 34 Schwartzman Yukel Borukh-Mordko townsman 1842 1842 1850 8 1858 16 son Borukh-Mordko Iosev Tsivya male
yes 34 Schwartzman Wolf Ios townsman 1837 1850 13 recruited 1852 1858 not indicated son Ios Borukhov male
yes 34 Firer Gersh Itsko townsman 1823 1823 1850 27 1858 35 nephew Ios Borukhov male
yes 34 Schwartzman Tsivya not indicated townsman 1820 1850 not indicated 1858 38 wife Borukh-Mordko Iosev female

Analysis: This is the second of two sequential Schwartzman households listed in 1858 (#33 #34). Only this Schwartzman household was present in the 1850 revision.

In this household, the head of his family, Ios son of Boruch (in 1850 he was Ios son of Berko), recently died in 1855 at the age of 62. Two sons, a nephew and a daughter-in-law are listed.

Ios's younger son, Wolf, was recruited in 1852 at the age of 15. Ios's eldest son, Borukh-Mordko, age 39, is still present with his wife, Tsivya, age 38. A son of theirs, Yukel, age 16, was missing in the earlier 1850 revision but is now present and may have been in hiding in the interim to avoid conscription. Another son of theirs, Rockel, was listed in 1850 at the age of 8, but is no longer listed here in 1858 when he would have been 16. It is possible he was recruited or went into hiding.

A nephew of Ios, Gersh Firer, age 35, is also present in the household. There are two other Firer households in this 1858 revision (#7 and #48). It may be that Gersh Firer listed here may be the brother of Bennioman Firer in household #7 since both are sons of Itsko Firer. While there may be a relationship also with the head of #48, there is no definitive connection.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 35 Greenbarg Shimon Boruch townsman 1805 1850 45 died 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 35 Greenbarg Froim-Shlema Shimon townsman 1836 1850 14 recruited 1854 1858 not indicated son Shimon Borukhov Ita-Raizya male
no 35[18] Greenbarg Wolf Shimon townsman 1835 1835 1855[18] 20 1854 1858 23 son Shimon Borukhov Ita-Raizya male
yes 35[19] Greenbarg Srul-Noech Helmet townsman 1825 1824 1851[19] 26 1858 34 nephew Shimon Borukhov male
yes 35[19] Greenbarg Yankel Srul-Noech townsman 1841 1841 1851[19] 10 1858 17 son Srul-Noekh Shlemov Khana-Sura male
yes 35 Greenbarg Hana-Sura not indicated townsman 1825 1850 not indicated 1858 33 wife Srul-Noekh Shlemov male

Analysis: The head of his Greenbarg family, Shimon, passed away in 1854 at the age of 49. His widow, Ita-Raiza, is no longer listed as living in the household and we don't know what became of her. Their son, Froim-Shlema, who was present in 1850, had been recruited in 1854 at the age of 18. Another son, Wolf, now age 23, who was absent in the earlier 1850 revision, appears here in this one. He apparently was also present in a revision in Mlynov that was done in 1855.

Also present in the household is Shimon's nephew, Srul-Noech, age 34, with his wife, Hana-Sura, age 33, both of whom were already present in 1850. They now have a son, Yankel, age 17, in the household who was absent in the 1850 revision and likey in hiding.

[18] The translator indicates that this 1858 revision references an 1855 revision and indicates that 0Froim-Shlema was listed in household # 1 in that revision, which is not yet located.

[19] The translator indicates that this 1858 revision references an 1851 revision and indicates that Srul-Noech was listed in household # 2 in that revision, which is not yet located.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 36 Fishman Abram-Itsko Leib townsman 1814 1814 1850 36 1858 44 head of the family male
no 36 Fishman Ber Abram-Itsko townsman 1844 1844 1850 6 1858 14 son Abram-Itsko Leibov Sura-Rivka male
yes 36 Fishman Sura-Rivka not indicated townsman 1820 1850 not indicated 1858 38 wife Abram-Itsko Leibov female
no 36 Fishman Hava Abram-Itsko townsman 1842 1850 not indicated 1858 16 daughter Abram-Itsko Leibov Sura-Rivka female

Analysis: In addition to this Fishman family, there is a Fishman-Berinson family (household #18) listed above. But there are no names in common between the two Fishman families that would suggest any relationship.

The head of this Fishman family is Abram-Itsko, age 44. His father, Leib, had passed away in 1840 at the age of 47, according to the earlier 1850 revision. In this 1858 revision, Abram-Itsko is present with his wife Sura-Rivka, 38, a son Ber, age 14, and a daughter Hava, 16. Neither of the children were listed in the 1850 revision with their parents and it is unknown if they were living somewhere else at the time.

There is a large Fishman family from Mlynov remembered by descendants in which the ancestor was remembered as "Berel" and "Dov Aryeh." It is possible, though not provable, that the "Ber" Fishman mentioned here in this revision at age 14 was that ancestor. This "Ber" was born in 1844.

We know from later Fishman family records that two of Berel Dov Aryeh's children, Moishe Fishman and Sarah Fishman, were born respectively in 1873 and 1878, suggesting their father was likely born around 1850. We also know from an essay written by Berel's son, Moishe Fishman, that his father, Berel Dov Aryeh, had a sister, who later married the Rabbi from Olyka.[20] This also matches this revision, where Ber has a sister "Hava." We know as well that one of Berel Dov's daughters was named "Anna" which would match the name of his sister "Hava." In addition, the mother of the boy named Ber in this revision is called Sura-Rivka. We know that one of Berel Dov's daughters was named Sura (Sarah Fishman). For all of these reasons, it seems plausible that the "Ber" Fishman in this revision is a match for the ancestor recalled in the Fishman family as Berel Dov Aryeh. A number of subsequent descendants were named "Berel" in the Fishman family, such as Benjamin Fishman, son of Moishe. You can read the subsequent history of the Fishman family here.

[20] See Moishe Fishman, "Mlynov in the Past," 60-62, Mlynov Memorial Book.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 37 Firman Meer-Shmul Duvid-Yos townsman 1811 1811 1850 39 1858 47 head of the family male
yes 37 Firman Yankel-Leib Meer-Shmul townsman 1843 1843 1850 7 1858 15 son Meer-Shmul Duvid-Iosev Gitlya male
yes 37 Firman Srul Duvid-Yos townsman 1818 1818 1850 32 1858 40 brother Meer-Shmul Duvid-Iosev male
yes 37 Firman Gitlya not indicated townsman 1820 1850 not indicated 1858 38 wife Meer-Shmul Duvid-Iosev female
no 37 Firman Tseitlya Meer Shmul townsman 1852 1850 not indicated 1858 6 daughter Meer-Shmul Duvid-Iosev Gitlya female
yes 37 Firman Charna not indicated townsman 1822 1850 not indicated 1858 36 wife Srul Duvid-Iosev female
yes 37 Firman Sura-Gitlya Srul townsman 1840 1850 not indicated 1858 18 daughter Srul Duvid-Iosev Charna female
yes 37 Firman Genya-Leia Srul townsman 1843 1850 not indicated 1858 15 daughter Srul Duvid-Iosev Charna female

Analysis: The Firman household was fairly stable between 1850 and 1858 in comparison with other households in Mlynov. Meer-Shmul was head of the family in 1850 and is still present and alive in 1858 at the age of 48, along with his younger brother Surl, age 40. Both men are married as well. Meer-Shmul's wife, Gitlya, age 38, is still present along with their son Yankel-Leib, age 15. New to the household is the daughter Tseitlya, who was born in 1852 and is now 6 years old.

Meer-Shmul's brother, Srul, was married already to his wife, Charna, in 1850 and she is present still at the age of 36. Both of their daughters are still in the household as well: Sura-Gitlya, now 18, and Genya-Leia, now age 15.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 38 Nudler Moshko-Zus Yankel townsman 1801 1850 49 died 1852 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 38 Nudler Iser Moshko-Zus townsman 1829 1829 1850 20.5 1858 28.5 son Moshko-Zus Yankelev male
no 38 Nudler Haim-Pinchas Iser townsman 1855 1850 newborn 1858 3 son Iser Moshko-Zusev male
yes 38 Nudler Dietlya not indicated townsman 1850 not indicated 1858 48 wife Moshko-Zus Yankelev female
yes 38 Nudler Brandlya Moshko-Zus townsman 1850 not indicated 1858 26 daughter Moshko-Zus Yankelev Dietlya female
no 38 Nudler Toltsa not indicated townsman 1850 not indicated 1858 26 wife Iser Moshko-Zusev female

Analysis: There are two earlier Nudler families listed in the revision but there is no overlap in the names of ancestors and it appears they may be unrelated. Nudler (household #1) and Nudler (household #27).

In this household, the head of housedhold, Moshko-Zus was head of household under 1852 when he passed away. The remaining household is his widow, his son and daughter, and his son's family. His widow, Dietlya, age 48 is still in the household, and differs from a number of other Mlynov households in which the widow is no longer present after the death of her husband. Their daughter, Brandlya, is 26, rather old it appears to still be unmarried and in the household. Their son, Iser, age 28 has since married a woman named Toltsa, age 26, and they now have a 3 year old son. There is no woman named Toltsa in the 1850 census and it thus appears that Iser found his wife from another town.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 39 Grubman Moshko-Wolf Srul townsman 1827 1827 1850 23 1858 31 head of the family male
no 39 Grubman Itsko Moshko-Wolf townsman 1856 1850 newborn 1858 2 son Moshko-Wolf Srulev Blyuma male
no 39 Grubman Blyuma not indicated townsman 1830 1850 not indicated 1858 28 wife Moshko-Wolf Srulev female

Analysis: The Grubman family is a small household in Mlynov. Moshko-Wolf, head of the household, age 31, was already present in 1850. At that time, only three males were listed in the household. A brother, Joyna, who was the former head of household had died in 1836 at the age of 36, and another brother, Noech, had been recruited that same year at the age of 25. Moshko-Wolf is the only member of the household from the 1850 revision still present. He has now married a woman named, Blyuma, age 28, and they have a newborn son, Itsko, age 2. It does not appear that Blyuma came from another Mlynov family.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 40 Shapher (Shafir in 1850) Geynykh Boruch townsman 1825 1825 1850 25 1858 33 head of the family male
no 40 (5)[21] Shapher (Shafir in 1850) Yos-Duvid Geynykh townsman 1846 1846 1851[21] 5 1858 12 head of the family Geynykh Borukhov Neha male
no 40 Shapher (Shafir in 1850) Meer-Yankel Geynykh townsman 1856 1850 newborn 1858 2 son Geynykh Borukhov Neha male
yes 40 Shapher (Shafir in 1850) Neha not indicated townsman 1827 1850 not indicated 1858 31 wife Geynykh Borukhov female
no 40 Shapher (Shafir in 1850) Perlya Geynykh townsman 1850 not indicated 1852 1858 6 wife Geynykh Borukhov Neha female

Analysis: Geynykh Shapher (or Shafir in 1850), age 33, became head of household sometime after his father died in 1840. He is here with his wife, Neha, age 31, two sons, and a daughter. His son, Yos-Duvid, now age 12, had been absent in 1850, probably in hiding, but apparently appeared in an 1851 revision list at the age of 5. The other son, Meer-Yankel, is two and was born since the 1850 revision. His daughter, Perlya, age 6, was born since the last revision.

[21] The translator indicates that according to this 1858 revision Yos-Duvid was listed as household #5 in the 1851 revision. That revision has not yet been located.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 41 [22] Mishnah Gersh-Wolf Yankel-Ios townsman 1832 1850 18 where is unknown / [22] 1857 1858 not indicated / 26 [22] head of the family male
no 41 [23] Mishnah Lazor-Leib Yankel-Ios townsman 1829 1851 [22] 12 where is unknown 1857 1858 not indicated brother Gersh-Wolf Yankel-Iosev male
dup name [23] 41 Mishnah Gersh-Wolf Yankel-Ios townsman 1850 18 1858 26 head of the family male
no 41 Mishnah Inda-Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1838 1850 not indicated 1858 20 wife Gersh-Wolf Yankel-Ioseva female
no 41 Mishnah Rivka Gersh-Wolf townsman 1857 1850 not indicated 1858 1 daughter Gersh-Wolf Yankel-Ioseva Inda-Rukhlya female

Analysis: There were only two members of the Mishnah family in the 1850 revision. Now there are a few more. According to the 1850 revision, the head of the household, Yankel-Ios, had already died in 1847 at the age of 43. Living with him in the household was his son Gersh-Wolf, who is now listed as the head of household. Gersh-Wolf is listed twice in the 1858 revision with inconsistent information. The first time he is listed his whereabouts are unknown as of 1857. But the second time he is listed his whereabouts are known and his age is given as 26. It is as if he missed his turn and then appeared and was added later in the list. Living in the household with him is is wife, Inda-Rukhlya, age 20, and his daughter Rivka, age 1. Neither of them were present in 1850 and it seems that Inda-Rukhlya probably came from another town.

A brother of Gersh-Wolf, Lazor-Leib, is also listed, though his whereabouts are unknown since 1857. He was not listed in 1850 either, but apparently was listed in an 1851 revision at the age of 12.

[22] The translator indicates that according to this 1858 revision Lazor-Leib was listed as household #5 in the 1851 revision. That revision has not yet been located.

[23] Gersh-Wolf gets listed twice for some reason in the revision list with inconsistent information. In the first listing, his whereabouts are listed as unknown as of 1857. In the second list later in the list, his whereabouts are known and he is listed as 26 in 1858. It almost appears that he wasn't present when they first got to his household and then appeared with two of the women in his household later and got double listed.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 42 Stroka Moshko-Nukhim Gershko townsman 1850 was not present 1858 ...) head of the family male
no 42 Stroka Zelman not indicated townsman 1850 was not present 1858 ...) nephew Moshko-Nukhim Gershkov male

Analysis: The Stroka household was not present in Mlynov in 1850 at all. Nor is there much information really given about them in 1858.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 43 Siterman Ios, aka Mordko-Ios Gdal townsman 1810 1810 1850 40 1858 48 head of the family male
yes 43 Siterman Shmul-Zeivel Ios, aka Mordko-Ios townsman 1842 1842 1850 8 1858 16 son Ios, aka Mordko-Yos, Gdalev Atlya-Ruhlya male
yes 43 Siterman Etlya-Ruhlya not indicated townsman 1818 1850 not indicated 1858 40 wife Ios, aka Mordko-Yos, Gdalev female

Analysis: All three members of the Siterman household here were present in 1850. Ios, age 48, is head of the family, wth his wife Etlya-Ruhlya, age 40, and his son Shmuel-Zeivel, age 16. Still absent from the household is Moshko, Ios's older brother, who was on the run in 1835, accoding to the 1850 revision.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 44 Gluzman Huna Srul townsman 1821 1821 1850 29 1858 37 head of the family male
yes 44 Gluzman Yankel Srul townsman 1827 1827 1850 23 1858 31 brother Huna Srulev male
yes 44 Gluzman Dvoira not indicated townsman 1830 1850 not indicated 1858 28 wife Huna Srulev female
yes 44 Gluzman Sura-Leia Huna townsman 1845 1850 not indicated 1858 13 daughter Huna Srulev Dwoira female
no 44 Gluzman Shifra-Malka Srul townsman 1818 1850 not indicated 1858 40 sister Huna Srulev female
no 44 Gluzman Maria not indicated townsman 1830 1850 not indicated 1858 28 wife Yankel Srulev female
no 44 Gluzman Feiga Yankel townsman 1853 1850 not indicated 1858 5 daughter Yankel Srulev Maria female

Analysis: Huna, age 37, his brother, Yankel, age 31, and his sister, Shifra-Malka, age 40 are all the household. Shifra-Malka was not present in 1850 and given her age one suspects that she came back to live with her siblings after perhaps she was widowed.

Huna's wife, Dvoira, age 28, and his daughter Sura-Leia, age 13, were both already present in 1850. Yankel, however, is married since 1850 to Maria, age 28, and they have a daughter, Feiga, who is now 5. There is no Maria listed in 1850 who might match Yankel's new wife.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 45 Cloper Moshko Yankel townsman 1834 1834 1850 15.5 1858 23.5 head of the family male
no 45 Cloper Srul Zeylik townsman 1834 1850 was not present 1858 24 nephew Moshko Yankelev male
no 45 Cloper Freida not indicated townsman 1836 1850 not indicated 1858 22 wife Moshko Yankelev female
no 45 Cloper Hava-Brandlya Moshko townsman 1854 1850 not indicated 1858 4 daughter Moshko Yankelev Freida female

Analysis: Moshko Cloper was 15 years old when his father, Yankel, died in 1850 and he became head of household. He has since gotten married to Freida, age 22, and they had a daughter, Hava-Brandlya, now age 4. There does not appear to be a Freida in the 1850 revision that he could have married and it thus appears she came from another town. Also present in the household for the first time is Moshko's nephew, Srul, age 24, son of Zeylik. It appears that Srul is actually Moshko's first cousin, rather than nephew, since his father is "Zeylik," who was the brother of Moshko's father in the 1850 revision.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 46[24] Tenenboim (Tetelman in 1850) Leib, aka Aizik-Leib Abram townsman 1820 1851[24] 31 where is unknown 1858 1858 not indicated head of the family male
no 46[24] Tenenboim Abram-Moshko Leib townsman 1844 1844 1851[24] 7 1858 14 son Leib Abramov male

Analysis: Leib Tenenboim, the head of household, was listed in 1850 as "Leib Tetelman," though his whereabouts were already unknown. His whereabouts are still unknown here in 1858 but now his son, Abram-Moshko, is present at age 14. According to this 1858 revision, both men were present in a revision in 1851 and listed as family #2. It does not appear that this Teneboim family has a relationship with the Tetelboym family listed below in housedhold #50 below.

[24] The translator indicates that according to this 1858 revision both men were listed in household #2 in the 1851 revision. That revision has not yet been located.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 47 Fishman / Possibly Shifman Chaim-Ios, aka Abram-Ios Michel townsman 1826 1826 1850 24 1858 32 head of the family male
no 47 (3)[26] Shifman Boruch Srul-Noech townsman 1836 1836 1851[26] 15 1858 22 nephew Khaim-Ios, aka Abram-Ios, Mikhelev male

Analysis: Chaim-Yos, age 32, and head of the family was listed as Haim-Yos Shifman in the 1850 revision. He was the brother of the head of household, Srul-Noech, who went on the run in 1846. Here in 1858, Chaim-Yos is joined by his nephew, Boruch, age 22, who was apparently listed in town in the 1851 revision and part of household #3. Boruch perhaps was the son of Chaim's brother, Srul-Noech. There does not appear to be any relationship between these men and the Shniftman family (household # 19) or the Fishman family (household #36)

[25] The translator indicates that according to this 1858 revision Boruch was listed as household #3 in the 1851 revision. That revision has not yet been located.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 48 Firer Naftula-Itsko Berko townsman 1787 1850 63 died 1854 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 48 Firer Moshko-Ber Naftula-Itsko townsman 1823 1823 1850 27 1858 35 son Naftula-Itsko Berkov male
no 48 (2)[26] Firer Srul Naftula-Itsko townsman 1833 1835 1850 17 1855[26] 20 son Naftula-Itsko Berkov male
no 48[26] Firer Nukhim Naftula-Itsko townsman 1834 1828 1850 16 1851[26] 23 son Naftula-Itsko Berkov male
no 48[26] Firer Ioina-Zeylik Naftula-Itsko townsman 1840 1850 10 recruited 1853 1851[26] not indicated male
no 48 Firer Basia not indicated townsman 1826 1850 not indicated 1858 32 wife Moshko-Ber Naftula-Itskov female
no 48 Firer Feiga Moshko-Ber townsman 1846 1850 not indicated 1858 12 daughter Moshko-Ber Naftula-Itskov Basya female
no 48 Firer Surah Naftula-Itsko townsman 1823 1850 not indicated 1858 35 sister Moshko-Ber Naftula-Itskov female
no 48 Firer Leia-Beila Naftula-Itsko townsman 1836 1850 not indicated 1858 22 sister Moshko-Ber Naftula-Itskov female

Analysis: Despite a death in the family, this Firer family expanded quite a bit between 1850 and 1858. The household was joined by family members who apparently were living elsewhere in 1850.

In 1850, Naftula-Itskko, was head of household, with his wife, Shprintsa, his son, Moshko-Bir, and Moshko-Bir's wife. Since then Naftula-Itsko had passed away in 1854 at the age of 67, and his widow is no longer present. The household now includes son Moshko-Ber, age 35, two of his younger brothers, Srul, age 20, and Nukhim, age 23, and two of his sisters, Surah, age 35, and Leia-Beila, age 22. Another brother, Ioina-Zeylik was recruited in 1853 at the age of 13.

It is interesting to see that neither of the sisters are married despite being 35 and 22 respectively. Perhaps sister, Surah, at age 35 had become a widow and moved back in with her family.

Moshko-Ber's wife, Basia, is present at age 32, with a daughter, Feiga, age 12. Although most of the family members were not listed in the household in 1850, this 1858 revision indicates that the brothers had been listedin town in revision lists of 1851 and 1855.

There is no obvious relation between this Firer family and the other Firers listed in Firer household #7 or as part of the Schwartzman family household # 34.

[26] The translator indicates that according to this 1858 revision two of the brothers were listed in an 1851 revision and one was listed in an 1855 revision. Those revisions has not been located.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 49 Tachman Ios Froim townsman 1825 1825 1850 25 1858 33 head of the family male
yes 49 Tachman Etya not indicated townsman 1826 1850 not indicated 1858 32 wife Ios Froimov female
no 49 Tachman Hana-Gitlya Ios townsman 1847 1850 not indicated 1858 11 daughter Ios Froimov Etta female
no 49 Tachman Sheva Ios townsman 1851 1850 not indicated 1858 7 daughter Ios Froimov Etta female
no 49 Tachman Rivka Ios townsman 1855 1850 not indicated 1858 3 daughter Ios Froimov Etta female

Analysis: Ios had been head of the Tachman household for quite a while. His father, Froim, had died in 1845. By 1850, he and his wife Etya (or Etta) were in the household, but had no children listed in 1850, though their daughter Hanna-Gitlya was already born by then and is now present in the household at age 11. Since the 1850 revision, two other daughters were born, Sheva, now age 7, and Rivka, now age 3.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 50 Tetelboym (Teitelboim in 1850) Moshko-Ber Vol townsman 1792 1792 1850 58 1858 66 head of the family male
yes 50 Tetelboym Shimon-Meer Moshko-Ber townsman 1815 1850 35 died 1854 1858 not indicated son Moshko-Ber Volev Chaya-Malka male
yes 50 Tetelboym Benyumin Moshko-Ber townsman 1819 1819 1850 31 1858 39 son Moshko-Ber Volev Chaya-Malka male
yes 50 Tetelboym Mordko-Ios Benyumin townsman 1846 1846 1850 4 1858 12 son Benyumin Moshko-Berov Silka male
yes 50 Tetelboym Iovel Moshko-Ber townsman 1827 1827 1850 23 1858 31 son Moshko-Ber Volev Chaya-Malka male
yes 50 Tetelboym Haya-Malka not indicated townsman 1805 1850 not indicated 1858 53 wife Moshko-Ber Volev female
yes 50 Tetelboym Nehama not indicated townsman 1816 1850 not indicated 1858 42 wife Shimon-Meer Moshko-Berov female
yes 50 Tetelboym Silka not indicated townsman 1822 1850 not indicated 1858 36 wife Benyumin Moshko-Berov female
no 50 Tetelboym Sheva Benyumin townsman 1846 1850 not indicated 1858 12 daughter Benyumin Moshko-Berov Silka female
yes 50 Tetelboym Yahna Benyumin townsman 1828 1850 not indicated 1858 30 wife Iovel Moshko-Berov female
no 50 Tetelboym Hasya Iovel townsman 1849 1850 not indicated 1858 9 daughter Iovel Moshko-Berov Yahna female

Analysis: The Tetelboym (Teitelboim in 1850) family was a large and stable family, relatively speaking. All the members who appeared in 1850 are listed in 1858. Moshko-Ber is still head of household at age 66 and was the oldest person alive in town and the only one alive over 60. His wife, Haya-Malka, age 53, is also present, with their son Benyumin, age 39, Iovel, age 31. One of their sons, Shimon-Meer, however, had died in 1854 at the age of 39. His widow, Nehama, age 42, is still present in the household. No children of theirs are listed.

Their others sons are both married and have children. Benyumin's wife, Silka, age 36, was present in 1850 and now they list a 12 years old daughter, Sheva. She was already born in 1850, but was not listed in the earlier revision; Perhaps the family kept her hidden for tax purposes. Similarly, Iovel's wife, Yahna, age 30, is still present in the household and they now list a daughter, Hasya, age 9. She too was already born in 1850 though she was not listed perhaps for the same reasons.

There is no obvious connection between the names in this family and the later large Teitelman family from Mlynov whose descendants are living in Israel. Their ancestor is remembered as Asher Teitelman and his father as Mordechai Teitelman.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 51[27] Hehman Yos-Ber Ovshy townsman 1803 1851[27] 48 died 1855 1858 not indicated head of the family male
yes 51 (46) Hehman Chaim-Zus Yos-Ber townsman 1827 1850 23 where is unknown 1857 1858 not indicated son Ios-Ber Ovshiev male
no 51 Hehman Gersh-Wolf Yos-Ber townsman 1827 1851 1850 newborn 1858 7 son Ios-Ber Ovshiev male

Analysis: As discussed earlier (see household #9), the Hehman family appears in two records with inconsistent information. Here we learn that Yos-Ber had passed away in 1855 at the age of 52 and left a son Gersh-Worlf, who was age 7. His other son, Chaim-Zus, is listed as whereabouts unknown, though he seemingly is present in household #9.

[27] The translator indicates that according to this 1858 revision, Yos-Ber, was listed as household #1 in the 1851 revision. That revision has not yet been located. However, Yos-Ber does appear in the 1850 revision.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 52 Geyber Michel Mordko-Leib townsman 1834 1850 16 where is unknown 1856 1858 head of the family male
yes 52 Geyber Meer-Wolf Mordko-Leib townsman 1842 1842 1850 8 1858 16 brother Mikhel Mordko-Leibov male

Analysis: The whereabouts of Michel Geyber, the head of household, are unknown as of 1856. His wife and daughter who were present in 1850 are also missing and presumably the family unit left Mlynov. Remaining in the household is only Michel brother, Meer-Wolf, age 16.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 53 Grieber Ios Gershko townsman 1822 1850 was not present 1858 36 head of the family male
no 53 Grieber Mordko Ios townsman 1844 1850 was not present 1858 14 son Ios Gershkov male

Analysis: The Grieber family did not appear in the 1850 revision. Now in 1858 there are two males present. Ios, head of the family, age 36, and his son Mordko, age 14. The name of Ios's wife is not mentioned and she is not present.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 54 Gelberg Haim-Leib Moisha-Vol townsman 1808 1850 42 died 1855 1858 head of the family male
yes 54 Gelberg Friedel Haim-Leib townsman 1850 newborn 1858 not indicated son Khaim-Leib Moshko-Volev male
no 54 (9)[28] Gelberg Moshko-Wolf, aka Moshko-Simcha Boruch-Gersh townsman 1833 1833 1851[28] 18 1858 25 nephew Khaim-Leib Moshko-Volev male
yes 54 Gelberg Mordko Boruch-Gersh townsman 1840 1850 10 died 1853 1858 not indicated brother Moshko-Wolf, aka Moshko-Simkha, Borukh-Gershev male
no 54 Gelberg Freida not indicated townsman 1838 1850 not indicated 1858 20 wife Moshko-Wolf, aka Moshko-Simkha, Borukh-Gershev male

Analysis: The former head of the family, Haim-Leib, passed away in 1855 at the age of 47. His widow, Khina, and three daughters, Etya, Eidlya, and Tsivya, who were present in the 1850 revision, are no longer listed. It is possible that they left the household together, although the oldest two were old enough to have gotten married. Etya would have been 23 in 1858 and Eidlya would have been 20. Haim-Leib's son, Freidel, was newborn in 1850 and is still listed in the household.

A nephew of Haim Leib, Moshko-Wolf, age 25, is now the oldest male in the household. He was the son of Haim-Leib's brother, Boruch-Gersh, who had passed away before 1850 revision. Moshko-Wolf has a wife in the household, Freida, age 20. There doesn't appear to be a daughter, Freida, in the 1850 revision who might have been his wife and we can assume he found his wife elsewhere. A brother of Moshko-Wolf named Mordko is also listed. He was present in the 1850 revision, but he died in 1853 at the age of 13.

[28] The translator indicates that according to this 1858 revision Moshko-Wolf was listed as household #9 in the 1851 revision. That revision has not yet been located.

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Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 55 Feldman Leib Ios townsman 1810 1850 40 where is unknown 1858 not indicated head of the family male
no 55 Feldman Aron-Ovshy Leib townsman 1837 1850 13 where is unknown 1858 not indicated son Leib Iosev male

Analysis: It is not clear why the Feldman family made it into this revision. They were not present in 1850 and both the father and son's whereabouts are unknown as of this revision.

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Following is a listing of families with the status of "craftsman."

Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 1 (1) Nudler Abram-Itsko Srul craftsman 1792 1850 58 died 1853 1858 not indicated head of the family male
no 1 Nudler Benzion Abram-Itsko craftsman 1823 1823 1850 27 1858 35 son Abram-Itsko Srulev male
no 1 Nudler Gersh-Leib Benzion craftsman 1846 1846 1850 4 1858 12 son Benzion Abram-Itskov Livsha male
no 1 Nudler Mendel-Wolf Abram-Itsko craftsman (tailors) 1847 1850 3 where is unknown 1856 1858 not indicated son Abram-Itsko Srulev Tsivya male
no 1 Nudler Tsyva not indicated craftsman (tailors) 1822 1850 not indicated 1858 36 wife Abram-Itsko Srulev female
no 1 Nudler Brandlya Abram-Itsko craftsman (tailors) 1836 1850 not indicated 1858 22 daughter Abram-Itsko Srulev Tsivya female
no 1 Nudler Etya Abram-Itsko craftsman (tailors) 1851 1850 not indicated 1858 7 daughter Abram-Itsko Srulev Tsivya female
no 1 Nudler Livsha not indicated craftsman (tailors) 1822 1850 not indicated 1858 36 wife Benzion Abram-Itskov female

Analysis: This Nudler family is the first of the "craftsman" families listed and was not listed in the 1850 revision. The translators notes indicate they were tailors. There are three other Nudler families among the households labeled as "townsman" (#1, #27 and #34). There is no explicit relationship between those families and this one.

Here Abram-Itsko, the head of the family, died in 1853 at the age of 61. Remaining in the household is his wife, Tsyva, age 36, a son, Benzion, age 35, and his wife, Livsha, age 36, as well two of Abram-Itsko's daughters, Brandlya, age 22, and Etya, age 7. The whereabouts of Abram-Itsko's other son, Mendel-Wolf, have been unknown since 1856 when he was 9 years old. It seems likely he is in hiding.

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Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 2 Schneidman Zelman-Michel Yudko-Wolf craftsman (tailors) 1815 1815 1850 35 1858 43 head of the family male
no 2 Schneidman Matus-Mech...) Yudko-Wolf craftsman (tailors) 1820 1820 1850 30 1858 38 brother Zelman-Michel Yudko-Wolfov male
no 2 Schneidman Peysakh-Ber Yudko-Wolf craftsman (tailors) 1824 1850 26 died 1852 1858 not indicated brother Zelman-Michel Yudko-Wolfov male
no 2 Schneidman Pesya not indicated craftsman (tailors) 1837 1850 Not indicated 1858 21 wife Zelman-Michel Yudko-Wolfov female
no 2 Schneidman Rivka Zelman-Michel craftsman (tailors) 1838 1850 Not indicated 1858 20 daughter Zelman-Michel Yudko-Wolfov Pesya female
no 2 Schneidman Leia Zelman-Michel craftsman (tailors) 1842 1850 Not indicated 1858 16 daughter Zelman-Michel Yudko-Wolfov Pesya female
no 2 Schneidman Haya Zelman-Michel craftsman (tailors) 1853 1850 Not indicated 1858 5 daughter Zelman-Michel Yudko-Wolfov Pesya female
no 2 Schneidman Haya-Leia Zelman-Michel craftsman (tailors) 1853 1850 Not indicated 1858 34 wife Matus Yudko-Wolfov Pesya female
no 2 Schneidman Rivka-Leia Zelman-Michel craftsman (tailors) 1847 1850 Not indicated 1858 11 niece Matus Yudko-Wolfov Pesya female

Analysis: The Schneidman family are listed as tailors. They were not listed in the 1850 revision. Zelman-Michel is the head of the family. In the household with him is younger wife, Pesya, 21, and three daughters, Rivka, age 20, Leia, age 16, and Haya, age 5. It seems that Rivka and Leia probably had a different mother.

Also listed here are two brothers of Zelman-Michel. Peysakh-Ber passed away in 1852 at the age of 28. The other brother, Matus-Mechel, age 38, is married to Haya-Leia, age 34. A niece of his, Rivka-Leia,age 11, is also present. Since she is called his niece, rather than the neice of the head of the family, it seems likely she is the offspring of his wife.

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Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 3 Zeidman Duvid-Shlema Itsko craftman 1822 1822 1850 28 1858 36 head of the family male
no 3 Zeidman Haim-Gersh Itsko craftman 1824 1824 1850 26 1858 34 brother Duvid-Shlema Itskov male
no 3 Zeidman Shayna-Malka not indicated craftman 1834 1850 not indicated 1858 32 wife Duvid-Shlema Itskov male
no 3 Zeidman Malka-Bruha not indicated craftman 1826 1850 not indicated 1858 32 wife Khaim-Gersh Itskov male

Analysis: Like other families in this category, the Zeidmans are not listed in the 1850 revision. The translator made a note that they are tailors. The head of the household is Duvid-Shlema, age 36, who is here with his wife, Shayna-Malka, age 24, and his brother Haim-Gersh (or Khaim-Gersh), age 34 and his wife, Malka-Bruha, age 32.

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Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 4 Twentman) Friedel Srul craftsman 1796 1850 54 died 1857 1858 not indicated head of the family male
no 4 Twentman) Peysakh-Ber Friedel craftsman 1821 1821 1850 29 1858 36 son Friedel Srulev male
no 4 Twentman) Moshko-Nachman Peysakh-Ber craftsman 1848 1850 was not present 1858 10 son Peisakh-Ber Friedelev Pesya-Lo ...) female
no 4 Twentman) Pesya-Lo ...) not indicated craftsman 1822 1850 not indicated 1858 36 wife Peisakh-Ber Friedelev female

Analysis: The Twentman family, also noted to be tailors, is listed for the first time in this 1858 revision. The former head of housedhold, Friedel, passed away in 1857 at the age of 61. In the household, is his son, Peysakh-Ber, age 37, his wife, Pesya-Lo, age 36, and their son, Moshko-Nachman, age 10.

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Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 5 Pressman Yos-Leib Srul craftsman 1814 1814 1850 36 1858 44 head of the family male
no 5 Pressman Srul-Itsko Yos-Leib craftsman 1832 1832 1850 18 1858 26 son Ios-Leib Srulev Hasya male
no 5 Pressman Hasya not indicated craftsman 1828 1850 not indicated 1858 30 wife Ios-Leib Srulev female
no 5 Pressman Sheyna-Enta Yos-Leib craftsman 1841 1850 not indicated 1858 17 daughter Ios-Leib Srulev Hasya female
no 5 Pressman Haya-Leia Yos-Leib craftsman 1844 1850 not indicated 1858 14 daughter Ios-Leib Srulev Hasya female
no 5 Pressman Marya Yos-Leib craftsman 1847 1850 not indicated 1858 11 daughter Ios-Leib Srulev Hasya female
no 5 Pressman Dina-Zislya Dina-Zislya craftsman 1834 1850 not indicated 1858 24 wife Srul-Itsko Ios-Leibov female
no 5 Pressman Freida-Hahna Srul-Itsko craftsman 1856 1850 not indicated 1858 2 daughter Srul-Itsko Ios-Leibov Dina-Zislya female

Analysis: The Pressman family is also a newly listed in 1858. The head of the household, Yos-Lieb, is 44. With him in the household are his younger wife, Hasya, age 30, a son, Srul-Itsko, age 26, and three daughters, Sheyna-Enta, 17, Haya-Leia, 14, and Marya, age 11. Based on the age of the children, several of them appear too old to be the children of Hasya, suggesting she might be a second wife.

The son Srul-Itsko mentioned above is married to Dina-Zislya, age 24, and they have a daughter, Freida-Halna, age 2.

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Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 6 Urimer Kisil Itsko craftsman 1793 1850 57 where is unknown 1857 1858 not indicated head of the family male
no 6 Urimer Ovshy-Mordko Kisil craftsman 1822 1822 1850 28 1858 36 son Kisil Itskov male
no 6 Urimer Abrum Kisil craftsman 1835 1850 was not present 1858 23 son Kisil Itskov male
no 6 Urimer Bunya not indicated craftsman 1821 1850 not indicated 1858 37 wife Ovshiy-Mordko Kisilev female
no 6 Urimer Rivka Ovshy-Mordko craftsman 1848 1850 not indicated 1858 10 daughter Ovshiy-Mordko Kisilev Boonya female
no 6 Urimer Haya-Riva Kisil craftsman 1838 1850 not indicated 1858 20 sister Ovshiy-Mordko Kisilev female

Analysis: The Urimer family is new in the 1858 revision and the translator noted they were tailors. The whereabouts of the head of household, Kisil, were unknown as of 1857, when he was 64. He leaves two sons in the household, Ovshy-Morko, age 36, and Abrum, age 23, and one daughter, Haya-Riva, age 20. Ovshy-Morko is the only one who is married. His wife, Bunya, age 37, is present with his daughter Rivka, age 10.

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Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 7 Kleiner Selman-Gersh Lazor-Wolf craftsman 1830 1830 1850 20 1858 28 head of the family male
no 7 Kleiner Charna-Itta not indicated craftsman 1833 1850 not indicated 1858 25 wife Zelman-Gersh Leyzor-Wulfov female
no 7 Kleiner Haya-Beila Selman-Gersh craftsman 1845 1850 not indicated 1858 13 daughter Zelman-Gersh Leyzor-Wulfov Charna-Itta female

Analysis: In addition to this Kleiner family, there is a small Kleiner family listed in family #31 above among the townsman. No names are in common and so we can't assume any relationship between the two households. This Kleiner family is listed among the craftsman group and the translator made a note that they were tailors. Here, Selman-Gersh, age 28, is head of the family, with his wife, Charna-Itta, age 25, and their daughter, Haya-Baila, age 13.

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Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 8 Shirman Shmul-Mordko Abram craftsman 1807 1850 43 where is unknown 1856 1858 not indicated head of the family male
no 8 Shirman Haim Shmul-Mordko craftsman 1838 1850 was not present 1858 20 son Shmul-Mordko Abramov male

Analysis: The Shirman household has only one member present in 1858, son, Haim, age 20. The whereabouts of his father, Shmul Mordko, are unknown as of 1856. The translator notes that they are tailors.

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Appears in 1850? Family # Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 9 Zaydman Abram-Yankel Itsko craftsman 1819 1819 1850 31 1858 39 head of the family male
no 9 Zaydman Gersh Abram-Yankel craftsman 1834 1850 16 recruited 1853 1858 not indicated son Abram-Yankel Itskov Pesya male
no 9 Zaydman Pesya not indicated craftsman 1820 1850 not indicated 1858 38 wife Abram-Yankel Itskov female
no 9 Zaydman Haya-Beila Abram-Yankel craftsman 1845 1850 not indicated 1858 13 daughter Abram-Yankel Itskov Pesya female

Analysis: In addition to this craftsman family by the name of Zaydman, there is a family spelled Zeidman by the translator among the townsman (household # 3). It is possible that the two families are related. There the head of household Duvid-Shlema is son of Itsko and he was born in 1822. Here, the head of household, Abram-Yankel is also son of Itsko and was born in 1819. They may have been brothers.

In this houeshold, Abram-Yankel is living with his wife, Pesya, age 38, and daughter, Haya-Beila, age 13. A son, Gersh, however, was recruited in 1853 at the age of 19.

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Compiled by Howard I. Schwartz
Updated: July 2024
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