Descendants Celebrate New Translation



Wall of Commemoration

Descendants Celebrate New Memorial Book Translation 80 Years After Ghetto Liquidation

0n October 8 or 9th, 1942 (the 27th or 28th of Tishrei, 5703), the population of the Mlynov ghetto was liquidated on the road between Mlynov and Mervits. Now, 80 years later (2022), descendants of families that once lived in Mlynov and Mervits celebrate a new translation of the Mlynov-Mervits Memorial Book. Published originally in Israel in 1970, the original Yiddish and Hebrew essays tell the story of Mlynov and Mervits through the memories of individuals who were born and/or once lived there. The essays recall both the horror of what happened as well as what was wonderful about the place before all was destroyed.

The 1970 black and white photo below shows Sylvia (Barditch) Goldberg, a contributor to the original Memorial book, giving the original to her niece Edith Geller (née Spector) and the rest of her Goldberg relatives. The next photo shows the same Edith Geller holding the newly translated memorial book 52 years later at the age of 99.


Compiled by Howard I. Schwartz
Updated:July 2024
Copyright © 2022 Howard I. Schwartz

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