I visited Rezekne at the end of October 2003 and took most of these photos. I had a guide, Alexanders Feigmanis, and a driver. We saw quite a bit of the city but I was very interested in visiting the area where my family lived. They lived in an area that came to be known America because so many had left and gone to America.
I had heard old family stories how they had a bit of a barn yard with an outhouse in the back with a bathhouse out back as well. My great-grandfather had been in the lumber business. I had an address and a street name of the place where he lived with his large family. I think I may have found the home.
My great aunt Bessie told me that when she was a little girl they would go down the river to wash their clothes. One day there was a group of people and it was winter time. Her twin sister Florence fell into the river. Someone pulled her out. They asked Bessie to take off her warm dry clothes and put them on her wet sister and take her home. She said she about froze to death on the way home.
You can hear her tell the story here: Bessie Horwitz Oral Family History