Rēzekne, Latvia
Location and Geography of Rezekne
Rezekne is a city in the Latgalia region of eastern Latvia in Rzekne River valley, also known by the nickname Latgales sirds (Latgalian Latgolys sirds) meaning The Heart of Latgalia. Built on seven hills, Rzekne is situated 242 kilometres (150 miles) east of Riga, and 63 kilometres (39 miles) west of the Latvian-Russian border, at the intersection of the Moscow Riga and Warsaw Saint Petersburg Railways. It has a population of 35,883 (2008), making it the 7th largest city in Latvia. Source of this information is Wikipedia.
The Google Map of Rezekne below is marked with important locations.
Many of the places marked on the map are referred to in other parts of this website.
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To view the interactive map and key at the Google Website,
click on the following Rezekne live map-link.
Rezekne Touist Map
Rezekne Touism has a very interesting map at this link. If you will check a box in the left column a travel route will appear with photos and descriptions. If you click on the words in Latvian, the Chrome browser will translate the words to English for you. Enjoy!