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Jewish Cemetery
בית עלמין יהודי
Latitude 46° 58' 9.12 N    Longditude 27°56' 48.48 E

Sub directory
Romanian - Hebrew
Earliest Death Register 1850
In the 1852 Death Register five deaths all buried in Iasi
In 1864 four in Husi & one in Iasi
The first recorded burials in Raducaneni were 15 in 1866
Click on link below to see each grave by its plot number:
Click on the link below to see general views around the cemetery:
Cemetery Views

Ion Balint  (Tel: 0765 820 593)
Key holder for the Jewish Cemetery

Latest from Google Earth
Showing grave stones as white dots
Phase one

In May 2011, Marcel Glaskie went for the third time to Raducaneni  where he engaged six local labourers to work for a week in the Jewish cemetery as  part of a personal restoration project. Their task was to cut down the trees and wild, overgrown vegetation  in order to expose all the gravestones and then to clean the inscriptions on the stones.

When this was done, Marcel Glaskie surveyed the area and drew up a detailed plan of all the graves. He took photographs of all the graves with visible inscriptions  and it is hoped that they will appear in this site in the near future.

Marcel Glaskie found an area with gravestones relating to the earliest days of Jewish settlement in Raducaneni and is reasonably convinced there is only one Jewish cemetery. The results of his research contradict the official surveys which claim that there are two cemeteries in the small township.


Details of the cemetery as it is today appear below.


The Jewish Cemetery in Rǎducǎneni
May 2011

The Jewish cemetery located 2.2 km from the town centre, high on a hill north-east of the town, remains as a valuable historical record of the Jewish people who conducted the commercial life of 19th century Rǎducǎneni

The original Jewish community, invited by the Hatman Raducanu Roset, probably came to Rǎducǎneni in the late 1830s from Galicia for the   purpose of creating a commercial hub on the main highway, halfway between Iasi and Husi

According to Mr. Ion Balint, the caretaker and key holder of the Jewish cemetery, there are 570 Jewish graves

Most of the gravestones have the plot number cut in the face of the monuments. The plot numbers, however, have no bearing on the date of the burial. It is quite obvious that people in the Jewish community purchased their burial plots long before they died, probably to finance the purchase of the land and the establishment and maintenance of the Jewish cemetery. For example, plot number 1 (one), in the area called the old cemetery bears the inscription Natan Engelberg and is dated 12th Tamuz 5677 = July 1918

Probably the oldest grave in the cemetery, is plot number 148 (one hundred and forty eight) located in the area called the new cemetery. The date on the stone is in Hebrew 19th Tamuz 5626 = July 1867. The inscription reads The boy, Chaim David son of Yehudah Leib”. There is no family name

The last burial plot is that of Moise Malca dated April 16, 1983

The cemetery area of 2.62 hectares is enclosed by a modern wire fence fixed to concrete posts and metal gates at the south west corner, which replaced the original wooden fence. The original entrance was about 214 meters beyond the existing metal gates

Inside the original entrance there once stood a a mortuary hall (Ohel in Hebrew). This construction was used for washing and preparing the corpse for burial (Tahara in Hebrew). It was also used for short burial services and eulogies before internment. The Ohel received its water supply from a nearby spring

Adjacent to the Ohel is an unmarked gravestone, which was probably the place traditionally designated for burying dilapidated prayer books and other sacred writings, which contained the holy name of the Creator


In September 2011, Marcel Glaskie went for the fourth time to Rǎducǎneni, where he engaged eight local labourers to work for nine days in the Jewish cemetery, as phase two of a personal restoration project, sponsored by Jewish families from around the world, who originated from Rǎducǎneni.

New extended road
built over the original lane
looking down
Extended road to cemetery,
constructed by the
Mayor Mr. Neculai Botezatu
in the summer of 2011
New extended road
built over the original lane
looking up
Phase two

On entering the cemetery, it was discovered that part of the area which had been cleared in May 2011 had become a new jungle. On close examination, it was discovered that in the area in which all the vegetation had been cut down to earth level, seeds had germinated in the clean soil and new shoots nearly two meters tall had sprouted. In the areas where a light ground cover of grass had been left, there were very few new weeds or trees.


It took two days for six men to clear away the new vegetation and to leave a light ground cover of grass. I hope this will be sufficient to ensure minimum growth of new vegetation before my next visit in the spring of 2012.

In the nine working days at our disposal, most of the time was spent in the cemetery.

The main gates to the cemetery were painted in blue and a white Magen David stencilled on the face of the gate. There had been an error in the original date of the establishment of the cemetery so an extra sign correcting the error was affixed. In order to allow Mr. Ion Balint, the official key holder, easy access to the cemetery, a personnel gate was made and fixed on the north east side.


A lot of time was spent in restoring graves, recording graves and searching for graves. The work was very varied and very time-consuming but there came with it the excitement of discovery.


Some was routine, just sheer hard work: the damaged metal railings around some of the graves were re-assembled and secured: all the fallen grave stones in the cemetery area were lifted and set in place neatly, either in their correct location according to their numbers, or in the location where they were discovered. Photographs of the inscriptions were then taken.

But there were also surprises. Trees and vegetation in the area thought to contain the graves of suicides were cut down and cleared.   In the process, a large number of small grave stones, probably marking the graves of children, were exposed.  A large area of vegetation to the north east of the general area of graves was cleared and approximately 50 more graves were discovered. Many of them were covered by 30 cm. of earth which had piled up, washed down by the winter rains. There are probably many more graves still covered by this movement of earth as a result of erosion.

In an area north west of the general area of graves, approximately ten grave stones all in matching design were discovered.  Their inscriptions,  in Hebrew, stated that the deceased laid to rest here had been murdered, probably in a pogrom.

Row of graves from a Pogrom

Altogether, several hundred grave stones were cleaned and their inscriptions photographed.


I also  had time to re-examine the area of the original entrance and I found the foundations of a second building It is likely that this was once the home of the caretaker to the cemetery.


In the village itself, I wanted to  mark the last remaining buildings that were once connected with their Jewish past.  I had taken from Israel  two signs, each written in three languages, Roumanian, English and Hebrew. These signs, each indicating an ancient monument, one for the Jewish school and one for the building that once housed the last old synagogue, were affixed by the Mayor to the buildings.

At this point, on Tuesday the 13th of September, I organised a triple dedication ceremony at the Jewish cemetery, the Jewish school and the old synagogue, followed by a reception, attended by 100 people including the Mayor and town council, the administrators of the schools, and the citizens who had assisted me on all my visits. The president of the Iasi Jewish community, with the Cantor and members of the Iasi community, together with the President of the Husi Jewish Community and members of the Husi community, also participated in the dedication ceremony.

The Mayor of Rǎducǎneni
Mr. Neculai Botezatu
unvailing the plaque on the gates of the Jewish cemetery
13th September 2011
Cimitirul Evreiesc din Răducăneni

Cimitirul evreiesc localizat la 2.2 km centrul comunei, pe dealul dinspre nord-estul comunei, rămâne o dovadă vie a poporului evreu care a dominat viaţa în Răducăneniul secolului XIX.

Comunitatea originară evreiască, invitaţi de Hatmanul Răducanu Roset, vine probabil în Răducăneni, pe la 1830, din Galiţia pentru a constitui un centru comercial la jumătatea drumului dintre Iaşi şi Huşi.

După spusele domnului Ion Balint, îngrijitorul cimitirului evreiesc, aici sunt 570 morminte evreieşti.

Majoritatea pietrelor de mormânt au numărul parcelei gravat pe faţa monumentului. Cu toate acestea, numărul nu face referire la data înmormântării. Este evident aşadar că oamenii din comunitatea evreiască şi-au inscripţionat mormintele cu mult înainte de a muri, probabil pentru a finanţa preluarea pământului şi a locuinţei, precum şi întreţinerea cimitirului evreiesc. De exemplu, parcela nr. 1 aflata în vechiul cimitir poartă inscripţia Natan Engelberg şi datează din 12 Tamuz 4677 adică iulie 1918.

Cel mai vechi monument funerar din cimitir se pare că este cel cu nr. 148, aflat în noul cimitir. Data de pe piatra de mormânt este 19 Tamuz 5626, adică iulie 1867. Pe inscripţie scrie "Băiatul Chaim David fiul lui Yehudah Leib" (Nu există un nume de familie precizat).

Ultima piatră de mormânt este a lui Moise Malca şi datează din 16 aprilie 1983. Cimitirul cuprinde 2.62 ha şi e înconjurat de un gard modern fixat în beton, cu porţi metalice în colţul dinspre sud-vest, care înlocuiesc gardul original din lemn. Intrarea originală (iniţială) era la 214 m dincolo de actualele porţi.

Chiar la intrarea era o dată o capelă (Ohel în ebraică). Această construcţie a fost cea folosită pentru a spăla şi pregăti trupurile pentru înmormântare (Tahara în ebraică).
Era de asemenea folosită pentru scurte servicii memoriale înainte de înmormântare.

Capela avea apă de la un izvor din apropiere. Lângă capelă se află o piatră de mormânt neinscripţionată, care a fost probabil locul tradiţional pentru a îngropa cărţile de rugăciuni sau alte înscrisuri sacre, care conţineau numele sacru al Creatorului (
Geniza în ebraică).

In mai 2011, Marcel Adrian Glaskie, un urmaş a unei familii evreieşti din Răducăneni, a îndrumat un larg proiect de restaurare şi supraveghere a cimitirului evreiesc, cu ajutorul unui grup local format 5 muncitori. Ierburile au fost tăiate, iar pietrele de mormânt au fost curăţate şi catalogate. Pentru el, a fost o misiune personală sentimentală de a scoate la lumină lumea strămoşilor săi şi de asemeni un serviciu public de arăta o importantă perioadă din istoria Răducăneniului.

de Marcel Adriane Glaskie

Sunteti invitati + You're Invited
By Prof. Marietta Matei
in "Vestea  buna" October 2011
the magazine of the Orthodox Community.

Aşa scria pe invitaţia pe care am primit-o de la Domnul Marcel Adrian Glaskie, entuziastul evreu care, de câteva luni, a-a ocupat de repunerea în drepturile fireşti a trei monumente istorice consfinţind existenţa, la Răducăneni, timp de aproape 200 de ani a unei puternice comunităti evreieşti. Este vorba despre evenimentul care a avut loc în ziua de marţi, 13 septembrie 2011, şi a costat în dezvelirea a trei plăci comemorative în limba română, engleză şi idiş, evidenţiind Cimitirul Evreiesc, Şcoala Evreiască (azi, Şcoala Nr. 2) şi a Vechii Sinagoge (azi atelierul de tâmplărie al lui Cezar Bulai)

Domnul Marcel este acum bine cunoscut la Răducăneni. Cu un suflet larg şi cuceritor, cu un zâmbet la fel, plin de o energie şi vitalitate uimitoare, Domnul Marcel ţi se pare cunoscut de-o viaţă. Nu vorbeşte româneşte (deşi cred că înţelege mai multdecât vrea să arate!), ci o engleză fluentă - atotcuprinzătoare, căci o exprimă nu numai prin lexic, cişi cu ochii, cu mâinile, cu mimica expresivă, încât îl înţelegi. chiar dacă n-ai învăţat engleza. A cercetat arhive, a vorbit cu oameni, a format echipe de colaboratori şi a pus în aplicare gândul de recunoaştere faţă de strămoşii săi (aăci, din câte ştiu, străbunicii dumnealui au locuit în Răducăneni).

A curăţat Cimitirul Evreiesc, năpădit de tufişuri, a ordonat cât s-a putut monumentele funerare, a împrejmuit terenul şi a pus poartă, la care străjuiesc (deocamdată) două prăştini cu drapelele românesc şi al Israel. Pe poartă este o placă pe care scrie în româneşte, în engleză şi ebraivă faptul că acolo este Cimitirul Evreiesc - monument istoric. Mai mici, dar tot în trei limbi şi cu acelaşi conţinut, sunt plăcile puse pe zidul Şcolii Nr. 2 şi pe... stâlpul de electricitate de lângă Vechea Sinagogă (n-am înţeles bine cine şi de ce a refuzat montarea pe zid).

Au fost prezenţi invitaţi de marcă din partea Comunităţii Evreieşti: Dl. Geldman Abraham - preşedintele Comunităţii Evreieşti din Iaşi; Dl. Rozenberg Rudolf - oficiant cult; Dl. Rotenstein Carol, Dl. Lozneanu Albert - consilier juridic; Dl. Bernard, Dl. Steimberg - profesor de merceologie de la Huşi şi alţii, mai tineri, copii. La Cimitir s-a ţinut o slujbă comemorativă şi s-a împrăştiat pământ adus din Ţara Sfântă, de la Ierusalim. Rostită şi în româneşte, ne-am dat cu toţii seama că  Rugăciunea pentru cei răposaţi nu este cu mult diferită faţă de cele ale noastre - ortodocşi şi catolici, că toţi ne dorim ca cei morţi să ajungă în Împărăţia şi în grija lui Dumnezeu. Au ţinut scurte alocuţiuni Dl. Marcel Adrian Glaskie şi Dl. Primar, ing Neculai Botezatu, care a dezvelit placa de comemorare. S-au adus mulţumiri oficialităţilor comunei, care au amenajat drumul de acces spre Cimitirul Evreiesc, şi au ajutat la precizarea unor date de arhivă, domnilor Ion Balint şi Sandu Bişog - cei care au coordonat tinerii lucrători şi au grijă de acest monument. (va urma)

אתם מוזמנים   
מאת פרופ. מריאטה מאטי.
  "Vestea buna" פורסם במגזין הקהילה האורתודוקסית
אוקטובר 2011.

"אתם מוזמנים" זה מה שהיה רשום בהזמנה שקיבלתי ממר מרסל אדריאן גלסקי, יהודי נלהב שפעם זה, כמה חודשים לשיחזורן הטבעי של שלוש מצבות הזיכרון ההיסטוריות ברדוקנני, שהן עדות לקיום 200 שנה של קהילה יהודית רבת עוצמה. האירוע נערך ביום שלישי, ה13 לספטמבר, 2011, בו הוצגו שלושה לוחות הנצחה עם כתובות בארבע שפות: רומנית, אנגלית, יידיש ועברית, המסמנים את בית העלמין היהודי, בית הספר היהודי (כיום בית ספר מס. 2) ובית הכנסת הישן (כיום נגריה' צ'זר בולאי).
מר מרסל גלסקי הוא דמות ידועה ברדוקנני.
הוא איש עם נשמה גדולה ומקסימה, עם חיוך רחב ובעל אנרגיה וחיוניות מדהימה. נראה לנו כאילו שמר מרסל חי בקרבנו מאז ומעולם.
אמנם הוא אינו דובר רומנית (אם כי לדעתי הוא מבין יותר ממה שהוא רוצה לגלות לנו...) אבל הוא דובר אנגלית שוטפת ומקיפה, שכן הוא מתבטא לא רק באמצעות המילים, אלא גם באמצעות עיניו, מבטו, ידיו ותנועות גופו, כך שאתה מבין אותו גם אם לא למדת אנגלית מעולם.

הוא חקר בארכיונים, דיבר עם אנשים, הקים צוות עובדים, יישם בפועל את החקירה אחר אבותיו (ככל הידוע לי, כאן ברדוקנני, התגוררו סביו).

בית הקברות היהודי, שלפני בואו היה מוצף בשיחים, נוקה. מר מרסל עשה ככל יכולתו לסדר את מצבות הקבורה, גדר את שטח בית העלמין והתקין שער, שלצדיו מוצבים שני עמודים הנושאים שני דגלים, אחד של רומניה ואחד של ישראל. על השער התקין שלט "בית העלמין היהודי". השלט רשום בשלוש שפות: רומנית, עברית ואנגלית.
שלטים קטנים יותר הנושאים כתובת באותן השפות, ממוקמים על בית הספר מספר 2, ועל עמוד החשמל ליד בית הכנסת הישן.

בטקס זה השתתפו אורחים רמי דרג מן הקהילה היהודית:
מר אברהם גלדמן, נשיא קבילת יהודי יאש.
מר רוזנברג רודולף- מנהל טקסים דתיים.
מר רוטנשטיין קרול, מר לוזרנו אלברט- היועצים המשפטיים.
מר שטיינבררג ומר ברנרד- מורים לשיווק בעיירה "חוש".
וגם צעירים אחרים וילדים.

בבית העלמין נערך טקס אזכרה לנפטרים ואדמה שהובאה מירושלים, ארץ הקודש, פוזרה.
היות והטקס נערך בשפה הרומנית יכולנו להבין את התפילות, שאינן שונות בהרבה מהתפילות של האורתודוקסים והקתולים.
כולנו מייחלים שנשמות מתינו יכנסו למלכות שמיים, למלכות האל.

בתום האזכרה מר מרסל אדריאן גלסקי וראש העיר, המהנדס ניקולאי בוטזטו, נשאו נאום קצר אשר הציג בפני הקהל את שלט ההנצחה של בית העלמין.
בנוסף, הושמעו דברי תודה מרגשים לכל אלה שסייעו בשיפוץ:
לאנשי הכפר, שסללו את כביש הגישה לבית הקברות היהודי וידעו במדוייק על כמה ממצאים היסטוריים.
בנוסף הוקדשו מילות תודה למר יון בישוג וסנדו באלינט שהקימו צוות עובדים צעיר הדואג כעת לבית העלמין.
ההמשך יבוא.

תורגם ע"י רחל שמואל


Phase three

June 2012

During six of the eight days spent in Raducaneni, I once again, engaged the same eight dedicated local workers, whom I had employed to help me restore the Jewish cemetery on my previous two visits. This time, having gained experience in my requirements, the team of men, was able to work with the minimum of supervision from me.  They again cleared the new vegetation in the Jewish cemetery, and probed the ground to find covered grave stones, which we knew existed from my previous visit. They managed to locate some thirty flat stones which they had to excavate and uncover by hand, moving the earth in wheel barrows. Some graves were covered by as much as 70 cm (28 inches) of compacted earth. They cleaned the inscriptions and I photographed each grave. We have no doubt that there are many more grave stones which are still covered and which will also require excavation by hand. This I hope to complete on my next visit in 2013, which will be ‘Phase Four’

There is only one Jewish Cemetery in Rǎducǎneni,
contrary to the reports below:
RǍDUCǍNENI I: US Commission No. ROCE-0315 
Judet Iasi, Moldavia.
RǍDUCǍNENI II: US Commission No. ROCE-0316
Survey by Lucian Nastasǎ
January 2001
Lo Tishkach Foundation European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative
Jewish Heritage Board
The Heritage Foundation for Preservation of Jewish Cemeteries

The cemetery is located on a hill north of the town of Rǎducǎneni.
See location on Google map below.
Visited by Marcel Glaskie December 2004
Visited by Stella Statman, Liz Dobson & Marcel Glaskie May 2005
Visited by Marcel Glaskie December 2011

To expand the size of the map and any of the photos,
left click on the image

Ion Balint  (Tel: 0765 820 593)
Key holder for the Jewish Cemetery

The late Teodoru Vasile
Key holder of the Răducăneni Jewish Cemetery in 1980
Photo taken by Gerard Bercovici of Paris

Cadastral map indication the location & file number
of the Răducăneni Jewish Cemetery
Parcela 646 - Tarla 23 - Plan 12

Cadastral map indicating the file number
of the agricultural land in the Jewish Cemetery

Sketch of the Jewish cemetery made in July 2012
by Ing. Viorel Vartic,
as he remembered it in the past.
Viorel Vartic lives in the last house before arriving at the cemetery.

Google map of Răducăneni locating new Jewish Cemetery

Road leading up to the Jewish Cemetery

Plan showing the numbered plots
Survey by Marcel Glaskie May 2011
Plan of layout of cemetery
Survey by Marcel Glaskie

Table of equivalent Hebrew years from 1840 to 1983
Table to convert a Hebrew date To convert calendar click on the
 link to the left:
The mayor and his deputy inspect the restoration
in the Jewish Cemetery, 18th May 2011

The Mayor of Răducăneni, Neculai Botezatu
The Deputy Mayor, Claudiu Fechete
The Mayor of Răducăneni,
Neculai Botezatu

Adrian (Dinu) Augustin and Madalina Carp
fixing sign board to cemetery gates
(Date on sign  to be corrected)
Marcel Glaskie
  and his local agent, Madalina Carp

Ariel Caner
with is mother and his three children
visiting the
Răducăneni Jewish cemetery

View by Ariel Caner
Sunday 7th August 2011

For information on the Rǎducǎneni Jewish
cemetery restoration project,
please contact
Marcel Glaskie
List of contributors to the restoration fund.
Yehudit & Sorrel Rubin
Sara & Yisrael Blumenfeld
Bezalel Liberman
Ariel Caner
Svetlana & Dmitriy Goldvekht
Joseph Beenstock
Diane & Michael Schneerer
Stuart Basger
Moshe Yassur
Harold Rubins
Jonathan Lieberman
Linda Alcock
Harold Dobson
Rachel Shmuel
Anca Weiss
Sandra & Selwyn Levine
Lynne & Jimmy Attias
Valerie Arnon
Rachel & Michael Beenstock
Felicia Caner
Ilan Caner
Isabel Berger
Rachel Scorzaru
Harvey Basger
Norman Beenstock
Sandi & Arthur Goldsmith
Warren Rubins
Allan Mendelson
Jill Robinson
Stella Statman
Reba Cohen
Susan Kalish
Murray Schechter
Elissa Boyet
Helen Mendelson
Sheila Mendleson
Nina Lee
Len Brown
Sue Lever
Eric Greene
Maurice Greene
David Arielli
Heather Kitay
Danielle Feldman
Chana Riga
Ron & Cheril Elowitz
Thank you for your generosity
Any contributor wishing to see the balance sheet, please contact me.
Letter from Dr. Aurel Vainer,
President of The Federatia Comunitatilor Evreiesti din Romania - Cultul Mozaic

Fallen tall monuments,
caused by earthquakes
Proposed method of reinstating
fallen stones.

Local workers assisting in the restoration
Traian and Victor Visan

Clearing the vegetation Petru Condurachi

Moshe Yassur
reciting prayer at his grandmother's grave
Petru Condurachi

  Viorel Vartic and Teodor Mocanu
next to the Geniza
Finding a hidden grave, dated 1938

Before removing the trees and vegetation
After removing the trees and vegetation

The earliest grave found so far.
Grave number 78 dated 1866
15th Adar 5626
The last burial
Moise Malca
dated 16th April 1983

Grave number 1

Grave number 2
This monument has been damaged
since my first visit in May 2005
see original photo below

The grave of Sarah the daughter of
Yoseph Yehudah Klarman
 passed away 12th Tevet 5657 = 1897

This grave number 130 is enscribed with the prayer
"El Melech Rachamim"

Is this vandalism or was it
caused by an earth quake ?

Different types
of monuments

Concrete monument
Stone monument

Granit monument
Marble faced monument

Flat concrete monument
Flat stone monument

Monument with fencing
Ornate monument

A Stocker
Stonemason in Iaşi
Supplier to Răducăneni
Location of Stocker
near Jewish cemetery Iaşi

Last row left
Last row centre
Last row right
Note that all the inscriptions on vertical grave stones are on the back of the monument facing west, if you know the reason for this, please contact me
Marcel Glaskie

To view photos of the graves by plot number
click link below

This page is not completly ready yet,
it is still under construction,
but you can enter by the link below:

For extensive views of the entire cemetery,
click link below:

Cemetery Views

Photos taken on previous visits

Front gates to the cemetery
Hebrew inscription by Bezalel Liberman
Photo - courtesy of Marcel Glaskie
Inside the gates
Photo - courtesy of Bezalel Liberman
Gates with sign board
indicating a Jewish cemetery
May 2011
Photo & sign- courtesy of Marcel Glaskie
(Date on sign  to be corrected)

Lane leading from
cemetery to the town
Photo - courtesy of Marcel Glaskie
View from the cemetery
to the town
Photo - courtesy of Marcel Glaskie

Lane leading from the town
up to cemetery
Photo - courtesy of Bezalel Liberman

New extended road
built over the original lane
Photo - courtesy of Marcel Glaskie
The gates were painted in September 2011
Photo - courtesy of Marcel Glaskie
Marcel Glaskie
reciting Kaddish at the dedication in the Jewish cemetery September 2011

Field along the lane
to the cemetery
This was previously the closest point with a car, with a walk up the lane to the right of the car
Extended road to cemetery, constructed by the
Mayor Mr. Neculai Botezatu
in the summer of 2011
All grave stones are numbered
Photo - courtesy of Marcel Glaskie
General view of cemetery
Photo - courtesy of Marcel Glaskie
Selection of grave stones
Photo - courtesy of Marcel Glaskie

In October 2004 Bezalel Liberman visited Rǎducǎ
Photos - courtesy of Bezalel Liberman