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Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4912 2332


2 Greek Catholic Churches

Oil exploration industry, mining equipment

Granatowska, Hauptman, Heinberg, Kreisberg, Messner, Wagmann..

Friedheim, Katz, Kostyszek, Lów, Rosenberg, Schachter, Skitiak, Weselowski

Total Population: 2.997; Jewish Population: 106; Landowners: 58; Jewish Landowners: 0

Total Population: 2,928; Jewish Population: 101


4920 2343


1 Greek Catholic church

Bulsziewicz, Flakowicz, Polakiewicz, Walakiewicz, Walkowiecka.

One landowner with farm and mansion: Count Julius Bielski. Other names: Brawer, Lipchütz,

Manko, Rubinstein, Tycjan, Wilf.

Total Population: 1,978; Jewish Population: 22. Landowners:38; Jewish Landowners: 21.

Total Population: 2,328; Jewish Population: 33; Landowners: 44; Jewish Landowners:: 3

Other Shtetls in the Drohobycz District

Town Names and Coordinates

The town names and geographical coordinates an be found at the US Board on Geographic Names (US BGN), which has been used by the JewishGen Gazetteer. http://www.jewishgen.org/Communities/LocTown.asp. The first column lists the town name as it was known before 1939; the next column lists the current names found in US BGN; and the third column contains alternative spellings.

The figures for the Jewish population are taken from Where once We Walked : A Guide to the Jewish Communities Destroyed in the Holocaust: A Guide to the Jewish Comunities Destroyed in the Holocaust by Gary Mokotoff and Sallyann Sack with Alexander Sharon, Bergenfeld, N.J.: Avotaynu, 2002. Researchers can search for these places in Jewishgen's Gazeteer.

Information about Boryslaw and Drohobycz will be found on thei pages dedicated to these towns.

Bania Kotowska, Bilcze, Bolechowce, Bronica, Bystrzyca, Delawa, Dereżyce, Dobrohostów, Dobrowlany, Dolhe Medenickie, ł]Dolhe Podbuskie, Gaje Niżne,  Gaje Wyżne, Gassendorf, Horucko, Hruszów, Hubicze, Jasienica Solna, Kołpiec, Josefsberg (Korośnica),  

4919 2324

Village incorporated within Boryslaw in 1891.


ozokerite fctory

Begleiter, Borgman, Draźnin, Kraft, Krysko, Kusnierz, Luko, Ohrynowicz, Rothman, Soles, Wojtasiewicz.

Total Population: 763; Jewish Population: 181

Total Population: 1,891;; Jewish Population: 247

Bania Kotowska



Nearest town

Main industrie

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

Population 1900

Population 1921

Current Ukrainian Name: Bania Kotovskaya, Alternative Names: Bania, Banya, Banya Kotovskaya



Nearest town

Main industries

Religious Institutions

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Current Ukrainian Name: Bilche

4924 2350


Flour Mills

1 Greek Catholic Church

Three landowners: Joseph Kolischer & Co., Count Leo Sapieha, Countess, Marie Lubomirska.

Other names: Sapieha. Borak, Kahane, Kolischer,

Kupferberg, Merkling, Moht, Moszkowski, Suchowierski.

Total Population: 1,925; Jewish Population: 47.Landowners: 47; Jewish Landowners: 28.

Total Population: 1,580; Jewish Population: 39. Landowners: 27; Jewish Landowners: 7.


Current Ukrainian Name: Bolekhovtsy


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4920 2336


1 Greek Catholic church

Vinegar factory

Bulsziewicz, Flakowicz, Polakiewicz, Walakiewicz, Walkowiecka,

Bohun, Gandziak, Issel, Ivanczyszyn, Rakowski, Rand, Swie, Wagner

Total Population: 1,421; Jewish Population: 23. Landowners: 8; Jewish Landowners: 5.

Total Population: 1,659; Jewish Population: 7.

Current Ukrainian Name: Bronitsa


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


4927 2320


2 Greek Catholic churches

One landowner with farm and mansion: Zofia Strzelecka. Other names: Kowalów, Mager, Rudek, Szwarc.

Total Population: 1,769; Jewish Population: 41. Landowners:18; Jewish Landowners: 5.

Total Population: 1,897; Jewish Population: 50.

Current Ukrainian Name: Bystritsa


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


4916 2313


2 Greek Catholic churches

One landowner with farm and mansion: Jan Liebig. Other names: Borgmann

Total Population: 642; Jewish Population: 21.

Total Population: 794; Jewish Population: 22

Current Ukrainian Name: Delava; Alternative Names: Delyava


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


4921 2336


1 Greek Catholic church

Antonik, Danylko, Kornilo, Krysztal, Leon, Pylo, Szumski.

Total Population: 653; Jewish Population: 0. Landowners: 22; Jewish Landowners: 16.

Total Population: 463; Jewish Population: 17; Landowners: 22; Jewish Landowners::16.

Current Ukrainian Name: Dobrogostov; Alternative Names: Derezhyce, Derezhytse, Derezhici


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industrie

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


4921 2336

Drohobycz, Borysław.

1 Greek Catholic church

Dereżyce oil refinery, brick factory


Aufseher, Blam, Fileuran, Gerber, Hausman, Tannenbaum.

Total Population: 463; Jewish Population: 17. Landowners:7; Jewish Landowners: 7.

Total Population: 700; Jewish Population: 24

Current Ukrainian Name: Dobrogostov; Alternative Names: Dobrohostiv


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industrie

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


4917 2330


1 Greek Catholic church

Oil exploration, flour mills, Regional Forestry Inspectorate

Armbruster, Buber, Grossman, Hasiuk, Kõrner, Kutereba, Oberländer, Rohlenberg, Salinger,

Scheinfeld, Schõnfeld, Serfas, Steciwka, Tracz, Żahalak, Ziegler.

Total Population: 1,974; Jewish Population: 51.  Landowners:16; Jewish Landowners: 0.

Total Population: 2,203; Jewish Population: 27; Landowners: 102; Jewish Landowners: :21.

Current Ukrainian Name: Dobrovlany.;


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


4926 2324


1 Greek Catholic church

Kolischer, Vaux

One landowner with farm and mansion: Wróblewski. Other names: Berehulak, Bulo, Dorozowiec,

Freiman, Kruczy, Łuczko, Mieczko, Rakowski, Terlecki, Zacharja.

Total Population: 1,974; Jewish Population: 51. Landowners:16; Jewish Landowners: 0.

Total Population: 2,203; Jewish Population: 27; Landowners: 102; Jewish Landowners:: 21

Current Ukrainian Name: Dovge: Alternative Names: Dolge, Dolhe, Dovhe


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Dołhe Medenickie

4924 2341


1 Greek Catholic church

Oil exploration, flour mills, Regional Forestry Inspectorate Dołhe Podbuskie

Two landowners with farm and mansion: Juliusz Frey

Frey. Krysztal

Total Population: 758; Jewish Population: 7. Landowners: 54; Jewish Landowners: 13

Total Population: 2,203; Jewish Population: 27; Landowners: 49; Jewish Landowners:: 0

Current Ukrainian Name: Dovge: Alternative Names: Dolge, Dolhe, Dovhe


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Dołhe Podbuskie

4910 2321


2 Greek Catholic churches

Flour mills

One landowner with farm and mansion: Count Skarbec. Other names: Beryk, Goldfischer, Goldring,

Hauptman, Krysztal, Luftszein, Pretczok, Rosenberg, Skolyc, Wechselberg.

Total Population: 1,834; Jewish Population: 175.

Total Population: 2,097; Jewish Population: 134;


German Colony.  https://sites.ualberta.ca/~german/AlbertaHistory/Galicians.htm

Many villages were part of an estate that in early times belonged to the Polish landed aristocracy. In the nineteenth century, wealthy businessmen, some of them Jews, bought some of these estates from their original owners. This was the manor house on Julius Bielski's state in Rychcice.


The name Majdan means "open space," sometimes "an open yard within the farmstead," depending on the dialect of Ukrainian of the area. There are several places in Poland and in Ukraine that are known as Majdan (Maydan) including some in Galicia.

Majdan in the Drohobycz Administrative District is a village west of Kropiwnik (Stary and Nowy), and Schodnica. It is located on the stream, Rybnik, a tributary of the River Stryj not far away. Only one road leads to and from the village.

Mraźnica was a very important centre for the oil industry. It was later incorporated into the town of Borysław.



4920 2341


1 Roman Catholic church

Two landowners with farm and mansion: Julius Bielski,

One landowners with farm and mansion: Julius Bielski. Other names: Blanciak, Borgman Krentz, Luluk,


Total Population: 1,028; Jewish Population: 38. Agricutural Estates: 47; Jewish Agricultural Estates: 35.

Total Population: 1,216; Jewish Population: 29; Agricutural Estates: 5; Jewish Agricultural Estates:: 4.

Gaje Wyżne


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4928 2348


1 Greek Catholic church

Four landowners with farm and mansion: Julius Bielski, J. Frenkel, Josef Kolischer, Prince S. Sapieha.

One landowner with farm and mansion: Henryk Kolischer. Other names: Bergwerk, Breitweiser,

Heksel, Heuchert, Horucki, Hrymiów, Hrynciów, Hudych, Kisil, Pawliczak, Podluźny, Repeta,

Rurion, Schneider, Senniko, Wachmyrz, Zielichowski.

Total Population: 2,140; Jewish Population: 42. Landowners: 13; Jewish Landowners: 7.

Total Population: 2,098; Jewish Population: 41.


4928 2336


1 Roman Catholic church, 1 Greek Catholic church

One landowner with farm and mansion: Josef Borowski

Two landowners with farm and mansion: J. Baumõhl; J. Kanner. Other names: Blatt, Bukryj, Edel,

Forst, Horski, Katz, Kirchner, Lang, Orski, Osziewicz, Podolczak, Schmiedt, Spielmann, Zacharko.

Total Population: 2,049; Jewish Population: 21; Landowners: 13; Jewish Landowners: 13.

Total Population: 3,023; Jewish Population: 16

4919 2327


Hubicka Oil Refinery, oil exploration

Bielonska, Borkowski, Ciupek, Dorozowiec, Erdheim, Galab, Gartenberg, Gottesman, Graubard,

Hartung, Kmetyk, Kocko, Kornhaber, Kreisberg, Kruchynski, Luks, Lysejko, Mendelsohn, Mendak,

Michac, Morski, Mosiewicz, Namaczynski, Ornanski, Petrow, Petrykiewicz, Schmidt, Schwarz,

Szydlowska, Tambor, Truskawiecki, Turak, Wang, Weber.

Total Population: 1,552; Jewish Population: 115.

Total Population: 2,651; Jewish Population: 226;

4920 2322


1 Greek Catholic church

Kudisch, Lõwenauer, Schreier.

Baumkittner, Chaławka, Holubińka, Kobylecki, Łosiuk, Nawrocki.

Total Population: 1,898; Jewish Population: 36; Landowners: 15; Jewish Landowners: 6.

Total Population: 2,079; Jewish Population: 31

Jasienica Solna

4913 2319


1 Greek Catholic church


Beczkalo, Gablinger, Hiwczak, Klebowicz, Klinghoffer, Kurmyn, Leszczyński, Łutczuk, Myszczatym,

Prokopyszak, Rosenbach, Solanyk, Swiszcz, Swiszer.

Total Population: 1,647; Jewish Population: 138. Landowners: 69; Jewish Landowners: 37.

Total Population: 1,809; Jewish Population: 80; Landowners: 42; Jewish Landowners: 18

German Settlement.   Alternative Names: Korostnitsa, Jozefsberg..

Königsau (Równe), Kropiwnik Nowy, Kropiwnik Stary, Krynica, Łastówki, Letnia, Lipowiec, Lisznia, Litynia, Łużek Dolny, Majdan, Manaster Dereżycki, Manaster Liszniański, Medenice, Michałowice, Modrycz, Mrażnica, Nahujowice, Niedżwiedza, Nowa Wies (Neudorf), Opaka, Opary, Orów, Poczajowice, Podbuż, Podmanasterek, Popiele,

Rabczyce, Radelicz, Raniowice, Rolów, Równe (Königsau), Rybnik, Rychcice, Saska Kameralna, Schodnica,, Słonsko, Smólna, Sniatynka, Solec, Stanyła, Stara Wieś, Stebnik, Stronna, Truskawiec, Tustanowice, Tynów, Ugarstberg (Wypuczki), Ułyczno, Uniatycze, Uroż, Wacowice , Winniki, Wola Jakubowa, Załokieć, Zdzianna

Shtetls included below:

During the Second World War, Bronica Forest was the site of mass executions of Jews from Drohobycz

Gaje Niżne


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Current Ukrainian Name: Nizhniye Gai: Alternative Names: Gaye Nizhne.

Current Ukrainian Name: Wierkhniye Gai: Alternative Names: Gaye Vyzhne.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


German Settlement

Current Ukrainian Name: Wierkhniye Gai: Alternative Names: Gorucko, Gorskoye.



Nearest town

Religious institutions

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Current Ukrainian Name: Grushev; Alternative Names: Hrushov, Gruszewo.

Current Ukrainian Name: Gubiche; Alternative Names: Gubycze, Gubitse, Gubice.



Nearest town

Main industries

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Current Ukrainian Name: Yasenitsa Solnaya; Alternative Names: Yasenitsa Solna.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

This town name, not shown on modern maps, was probably incorporated within Drohobych or nearby Stebnik.



Begstein, Bihnur, Dubowa, Jahling, Kozań, Kulyk, Scheinfeld, Wendel.

Total Population: 983; Jewish Population: 26; Landowners: 13; Jewish v: 7.

Total Population: 1,259; Jewish Population: 29.

Nearest town

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Korośnica (Josefsberg)


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4925 2347


1 Greek Catholic church

Heuchert, Hohn, Mayer, Mohr, Muschal, Schmidt, Tempel.

Total Population: 787; Jewish Population: 0; Landowners: 9; Jewish Landowners: 0.

Total Population: 912; Jewish Population: 8.

Current Ukrainian Name: Kropivnik Novyy; Alternative Names: Kropevnik Novy.

Kropiwnik Nowy


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main Indsutries

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4914 2316


1 Greek Catholic church


Beczkalo, Gablinger, Hiwczak, Klebowicz, Klinghoffer, Kurmyn, Leszczyński, Łutczuk, Myszczatym,

Prokopyszak, Rosenbach, Solanyk, Swiszcz, Swiszer.

Total Population: 1,075; Jewish Population: 56. Agricutural Estates: 12; Jewish Agricultural Estates: 55.

Total Population: 1,376; Jewish Population: 78; Agricutural Estates: 34; Jewish Agricultural Estates:: 14

Current Ukrainian Name: Kropivnik Staryy; Alternative Names: Kropivnik Stary.

Kropiwnik Stary


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main Industries

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4926 2350


1 Roman Catholic Church, 1 Greek Catholic church


One landowner with farm and mansion: Lud. Dembowska. Other names: Heiler, Herbst,

Lewicki, Otto, Skolski, Süssman, Szumyn, Wild.

Total Population: 1,425; Jewish Population: 25. v: 48; Jewish Landowners: 21.

Total Population: 1,441; Jewish Population: 52; Landowners: 52; Jewish Landowners:: 0

Alternative Names: Krynitsa.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main Industries

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921



Current Ukrainian Name: Lastivka.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4914 2312


1 Greek Catholic church


Total Population: 1,161; Jewish Population: 42; Landowners: 8; Jewish Landowners: 8.

Total Population: 1,329; Jewish Population: 44

4924 2344


1 Roman Catholic Church, 1 Greek Catholic church

One landowner with farm and mansion: Josef Kolischer. Other names: Tarn

One landowner with farm and mansion: Josef Kolischer. Other names: Borak, Goldfischer.

Total Population: 2,816; Jewish Population: 81; Landowners: 28; Jewish Landowners: 15.

Total Population: 2,835; Jewish Population: 53


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


4924 2228


1 Greek Catholic church

One landowner with farm and mansion: Count Jan Tarnowski. Other names: Stachowski,

Stadnik, Weselowski.

Total Population: 602; Jewish Population: 14; Landowners: 22; Jewish Landowners: 9

Total Population: 722; Jewish Population: 8

Alternative Names: Lipovets.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


4923 2328


Egert, Geisler, Kopp, Schnepf, Stachner, Terlecki, Waszewski..

Total Population: 1,509; Jewish Population: 36; Landowners: 12; Jewish Landowners: 0

Total Population: 1,361; Jewish Population: 0


Nearest town

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


Current Ukrainian Name: Leshna; Alternative Names: Kropivnik Stary.

4927 2340


Eisenbart, Kindyj, Kopacz, Kupferberg, Malasycz, Romanow, Rosenberg, Tauber..

Total Population: 2,511; Jewish Population: 33;

Total Population: 2,449; Jewish Population: 29


Nearest town

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Alternative Names: Letynia, Litynya.


4927 2322


1 Greek Catholic Church

Hauser, Lerikstein, Liskawicz, Modrzyski, Tadak.

Total Population: 1,139; Jewish Population: 19; Landowners: 10; Jewish Landowners: 6

Total Population: 1,065; Jewish Population: 40.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Alternative Names: Luzheck Dolny, Nizhniy Luzhek.

Łużek Dolny

4909 2317


1 Greek Catholic Church

Ames, Izdebski, Libieg, Majer, Muller, Piechowicz, Reinholtz, Waldman, Wiesengrün,

Wingrun, Wozna, Wozn.

Total Population: 495; Jewish Population: 58; Landowners: 101; Jewish Landowners: 7

Total Population: 710; Jewish Population: 84


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


Current Ukrainian Name: Maidan; Alternative Names: Maydan.

4934 2347


Total Population: 203; Jewish Population: 5. Landowners: 6; Jewish Landowners: 0.

Total Population: 346; Jewish Population: 8; Landowners: 7; Jewish Landowners:: 0


Nearest town

Population 1900

Population 1921

Manaster Dereżycki

Current Ukrainian Name: Manastyr Derezhytskiy;

4926 2345


1 Roman Catholic Church, 1 Greek Catholic church

Brewery, flour mills

Three landowners with farm and mansion: Josef Kolischer; Graf Skarbek. Other names: Akselrad,

Badyam, Beck, Bernstein, Blittner, Czermigiewicz, Dannermann, Fellner, Fink, Frewel, Kolischer,

Leśniański, Lorbeerbaum, Schmier, Schutzmann, Sternbach, Süssmann, Sygulim, Szulak,


One landowner with farm and mansion: Hen. Kolischer. Other names: Akselrad, Apfeldorf,

Baumwohl, Beck, Blittner, Brach, Chmielewski, Eisenberg, Falk, Feuerstein, Fochs, Friedwald,

Frisch, Fuchs, Gaśiewicz, Goldhammer, Heller, Herbst, Kikiewiczowa, Kolischer, Lachowicz,

Leśniański, Lipschütz, Litman, Lorbeerbaum, Malisch, Martyniuk, Minz, Musiala, Pisz, Segulim,


Total Population: 2,525; Jewish Population: 229. Landowners: 68; Jewish Landowners: 22.

Total Population: 2,805; Jewish Population: 193; Landowners: 63; Jewish Landowners:: 23


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


Current Ukrainian Name: Medinichi; Alternative Names: Medenica, Medenitsy.

4922 2236


1 Greek Catholic Church

One landowner with farm and mansion: Count Julius Bielski. Other names: Brodzik, Dominik,

Fedyk, Panko, Zuckerberg.

Total Population: 1,256; Jewish Population: 16. Landowners: 39; Jewish Landowners: 19.

Total Population: 1,257; Jewish Population: 23;


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Current Ukrainian Name: Mikhaylovichi; Alternative Names: Mikhaleviche, Michajlowicze.


4919 2329


1 Greek Catholic Church

Oil refinery, flour mills

Chochlankiewicz, Dauerman, Gertler, Karp, Kulyk, Olacz, Seń, Strasser, Szydlowska,

Tilleman, Tuch, Wesely, Zachkiewicz, Zimmerman.

Total Population: 1,045; Jewish Population: 58. Landowners: 13; Jewish Landowners: 5.

Total Population: 1,540; Jewish Population: 80.;


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Current Ukrainian Name: Modychi; Alternative Names: Modryche, Modrych



Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Current Ukrainian Name: Mrazhnitsa; Alternative Names: Modryche, Modrych


4915 2323


1 Greek Catholic Church

Oil wells and the manufacture of gasoline. A very important centre for the oil industry.

Backenroth, Kupferberg, Liebermann, Lindenbaum, Sussman, Wagmann, Werdinger, Zorn..

Backenroth, Badian, Baranowska, Birnbaum, Bloch, Borak, Bundziakowa, Burger, Dauerman,

Ebel, Eskeles, Frommer, Halpern, Harnik, Heinberg, Herz, Horn, Iwanczuk, Josefsberg, Klos,

Kostyk, Kupferberg, Lacny, Laszcz, Lenartowicz, Leszczynski, Lichtenstein, Lieberman,

Lindenbaum, Lisicka, Makos, Matjasz, Metanowski, Montag, Naryniec, Potasz, Radziszewska,

Rechter, Ringel, Rothenberg, Rozner, Segil, Selinger, Stein, Suchestow, Sudolf, Terlecki,

Tomaszek, Tugendhaft, Turkiewicz, Weingarten,Weissbard, Weitz, Werdinger, Wyszatycki,

Zborowski, Zucker.

Total Population: 627; Jewish Population: 94. Landowners: 181; Jewish Landowners: 55.

Total Population: 1,827; Jewish Population: 176.

4922 2319


2 Greek Catholic Churches

Oil exploration industry

Baumgarten, Berger, Beskluby, Brühl, Czapla, Dressler, Frenkel, Hrom, Jarosz, Jednacki, Katz,

Klymko, Tymyszyn, Wasylyk, Wojtusik

Total Population: 2,064; Jewish Population: 101; Landowners: 17; Jewish Landowners: 0

Total Population: 2,330; Jewish Population: 66.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


4925 2323


1 Greek Catholic Church

Borusiak, Czepil, Ilaczko, Jać, Kucopej, Pilczak, Schõnfeld, Sosiak, Terlecki..

Total Population: 1,056; Jewish Population: 6; Landowners: 7; Jewish Landowners: 0

Total Population: 1,088; Jewish Population: 5.

Current Ukrainian Name: Myedvyezhyei; Alternative Names: Medvezhya, Niedzhvedza


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

Current Ukrainian Name: Opakai;


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4917 2318


2 Greek Catholic Churches

Oil exploration industry, saw mills

Two landowners with farm and mansion: Countess Marie Goluchowska; Baron Johann Liebig.

One landowner with farm and mansion: Baron Johann Liebig. Other Names: Eidelmann,

Glogowski, Gwozdocki, Liebig, Majer, Noehrebecki, Pańczak, Popadoniec, Pricak, Reszeta,

Reszetar, Tepper, Wolf.

Total Population: 2.007; Jewish Population: 88; Landowners: 18; Jewish Landowners: 0

Total Population: 2,928; Jewish Population: 101


Current Ukrainian Name: Opory;

4925 2342


2 Greek Catholic Churches

Oil exploration industry, saw mills

One landowner with farm and mansion: Julius Frey. Other names: Frey, Skarbek.

Two landowners with farm and mansion: Count Skarbek, Roman Jarosz.

Other names: Feduniak, Pelechaty

Total Population: 609; Jewish Population: 14; Landowners: 39; Jewish Landowners: 10

Total Population: 621; Jewish Population: 9; Landowners: 63; Jewish Landowners: 23


Current Ukrainian Name: Pochayevitse; Alternative Names: Pochayovitse, Poczajkowice.



Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4922 2335


1 Greek Catholic Churches

Lewicki, Wolniger

Total Population: 55; Jewish Population: 23;

Total Population: 711; Jewish Population: 15.

Current Ukrainian Name: Podbuz; Alternative Names: Padbuzh, Pidbish.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4920 2315


1 Roman Catholic Church, 2 Greek Catholic Churches

Flour and saw mills

Baron Johann Liebig & Co., Countess Emilie Los, and Franz Sadecki. Other names: Dobrowolski,

Hordynski, Liebig, Los.

Ambach, Baraniak, Bernsohn, Birnbaum, Duda, Ehrman, Fatuch, Golisz, Kiszyk, Kleinkopf, Kolb,

Koppel, Kordasiewicz, Kriegel, Lantner, Lechki, Lehrman, Lichtenstein, Liebieg, Loreth, Markiewicz,

Mikolajewicz, Nadler, Parnas, Pawlikowska, Ruczka, Schindler, Schindler, Suchestow, Süssman,

Tepper, Treiber, Wagshal, Weinreb, Wilf, Wisniewski, Zyblikiewicz.

Total Population: 1.885; Jewish Population: 245. Landownerss: 51; Jewish Landowners: 0.

Total Population: 2,188; Jewish Population: 204; Landowners: 96; Jewish Landowners:: 0


Current Ukrainian Name: Podmonastyrek; Alternative Names: Podmonastyrki.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4922 2315


2 Greek Catholic Churches

Three landowners with farm and mansion: Stephan Grodecki, Zofia Sobolewska, Stan, Źukowski.

Other names: Mambach, Powerlak, Skrzeszewski.

Total Population: 282; Jewish Population: 13. Landowners: 20; Jewish Landowners: 6.

Total Population: 352; Jewish Population: 6;


Current Ukrainian Name: Popele.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4919 2323


2 Greek Catholic Churches

Oil wells

Czapla, Grossman, Iwanicki, Josefsberg, Luko, Maciurowicz, Miniów, Olejarz, Rudziak,

Wechselberg, Wesolowski.

Total Population: 1,382; Jewish Population: 20. Landowners: 87; Jewish Landowners: 26.

Total Population: 1,384; Jewish Population: 27; Landowners: 53; Jewish Landowners: 23


Current Ukrainian Name: Ripchitse; Alternative Names: Rabchitse.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4926 2334


1 Greek Catholic Church

Flour and saw mills

One landowner with farm and mansion: Count Skarbek.

Kobialek, Stecula.

Total Population: 1,127; Jewish Population: 26. Landowners: 4; Jewish Landowners: 3.

Total Population: 1,208; Jewish Population: 5;


Current Ukrainian Name: Radelichi;


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4928 2351


1 Greek Catholic Church

Flour and saw mills

One landowner with farm and mansion: Josef Kolischer.

One landowner with farm and mansion: Hen. Kolischer. Other names: Lõwenthal

Total Population: 801; Jewish Population: 5. Landowners: 21; Jewish Landowners: 16.

Total Population: 922; Jewish Population:11; Landownerss: 8; Jewish Landowners: 5.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4921 2334


1 Greek Catholic Church

Jedlicki, Josefów, Kurzwek, Selniger, Szram.

Total Population: 742; Jewish Population: 25. Landowners: 6; Jewish Landowners: 3.

Total Population: 888; Jewish Population:14;


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4927 2337


1 Greek Catholic Church

One landowner with farm and mansion: Josef Kolischer.

Three landowners with farm and mansion: A. Krawców; P. Terlecki, L. Zuckerberg..

Other names: Chort, Chron, Kamerman, Gruluk, Janiów, Kozak, Krawzów, Lech, Rosenberg,

Soroka, Szuluk, Terlecki, Wechselberg, Zuckerberg..

Total Population:1,435; Jewish Population: 35. Landowners: 115; Jewish Landowners: 67.

Total Population: 1.542; Jewish Population:34; Landowners: 13; Jewish Landowners: 0

Total Population: 1,834; Jewish Population: 175.

Total Population: 2,097; Jewish Population: 134;

Population 1900

Population 1921

4923 2326


Total Population: 284; Jewish Population: 7. Landowners: 11; Jewish Landowners: 0.

Total Population: 300; Jewish Population: 4;


Nearest town

Population 1900

Population 1921

Manaster Liszniański

Current Ukrainian Name: Manastyr Lishnianskiy;


Current Ukrainian Name: Ranevichi; Alternative Names: Ranyovitse, Ranevitz


Current Ukrainian Name: Rolev;  Alternative Names: Roluv, Roliv

Równe (Königsau)


Nearest town

Religious institutions

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4923 2347


1 Roman Catholic Church

Bauer, Cap, Link, Noczepor, Schuster, Schwarz, Trunkwalter, Wolf

Total Population: 660; Jewish Population: 0.

Total Population: 748; Jewish Population:3;

Current Ukrainian Name: Rovnoye;  Alternative Names: Kenigsau, Ruvne.


Current Ukrainian Name: Rovnoye;  Alternative Names: Kenigsau, Ruvne.

4911 2318


1 Greek Catholic Church

Saw mills, brick yards

Backenroth, Goldberg, Hauptman, Hnat, Hochler, Kliszcz, Kohut, Langena, Liebig, Müller.

Total Population: 841; Jewish Population: 152. Landowners: 25; Jewish Landowners: 0.

Total Population: 855; Jewish Population: 103;


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921


Current Ukrainian Name: Rykhtiche;  Alternative Names: Rikhtichi, Rychticze.


Nearest town

Religious institutions

Main industries

1891 Business Directory for Galicia

1929 Business Directory for Poland

Population 1900

Population 1921

4923  2333


2 Roman Catholic churches, 1 Greek Catholic Church

Paints, alcohol distillery, steel foundry

One landowner with farm and mansion: Julius Bielski..

One landowner with farm and mansion: Julius Bielski. Other names: Antonik, Bach, Balanda,

Batorowicz, Bielski, Blańciak, Brawer, Buszin, Chabiński, Dudziak, Emerle, Grabaszewski,

Gumienny, Jach, Janior, Jaremczak, Klughoffer, Kmyta, Krawiec, Malski, Mazur, Oczkoś,

Pawelisz, Pielech, Pislo, Rupniak, Sikora, Sobow, Speiser, Staniczyszyn, Stasych, Swirniak,

Szczepanowicz, Szperling, Tomczyszyn, Wichaskańska...

Total Population: 2,401; Jewish Population: 34. Landowners: 82; Jewish Landowners: 35.

Total Population: 2,922; Jewish Population: 64; Landowners: 64; Jewish Landowners: 9.

Saska Kameralna

Population 1900

Population 1921

Total Population: 196; Jewish Population: 8.

Total Population: 184; Jewish Population: 0;