This list is based on the extensive bibiography compiled by William Fern and enlarged by Valerie Schatzker.
Applebaum, Anne
Encyclopaedia Judaica. Jerusalem: Macmillan, 1972.
See articles on: Borisław; Drogobych, Maurycy Gottlieb, Ephraim Lilien, Poland, Galicia and Bruno Schulz
"Borysław" In Pinkas Hakehillot: Polin, vol. 2, 92-99. Jerusalem: Yad vashem Rashut
ha-zikaron la-sho’ah vela-gevura, 1968. Translated by Miriam Beckerman as
Borysław,” in Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities in Poland.
“Drohobycz.” In Pinkas Hakehillot: Polin, vol. 2, 160–71. Jerusalem: Yad vashem Rashut
ha-zikaron la-sho’ah vela-gevura, 1968. Translated by Miriam Beckerman as
“Drohobycz,” in Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities in Poland.
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, vol. 12, Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles, and Ukrainians,
1772–1918, ed. Israel Bartal and Antony Polonsky, 86–99. London: Littman Library of
Jewish Civilization, 1999
Sights and Images from our Towns. Israel: Associationof Emigrants from Drohobych,
Boryslav and Environs, ca 2000.
Between East and West; Across the borderlands of Europe. New York: Pantheon
Books, 1994.
Account of travels through Eastern Europe after World War II with brief chapters on
Lwów and Drohobycz.
Bartov, Omer
Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine. Oxford: Princeton
University Press, 2007
Bonar, Andrew and
Robert Murray M'Cheyne
The Jews of Galicia in 1839. Kensington MD: Gesher Galicia, 1997.
Davies, Norman and
Antony Polonsky,
Jews in Eastern Poland and the USSR, 1939-46. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991.
Erdheim, Claudia
Das Stetl: Galizien und Bukowina 1890-1918. Vienna: Album, 2008.
Frank, Alison
Oil Empire: Visions of Prosperity in Austrian Galicia. Cambridge, M A: Harvard
Press, 2005.
Gelber, Nathan M.
Sefer zikaron li-Drohobits, Borislav veha-sevivah, ed. N.M. Gelber.Tel Aviv: Irgun Yotse
Drohobits, Borislav veha-sevivah, 1959.
English translations of parts of this book are posted on JewishGen's Yizkor Book
Gundacker, Felix.
Historisches Ortsverzeichnis Galizien und des Herzogstums Bukowina. Vienna: F.
Gundacker, 1998.
Guttry, Alexander von
Galizien: Land und Leute. München: G. Müller, 1916.
Hann, Chris and
Magosci, Paul Robert, eds
Galicia: A Multiculured Land. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005.
Häusler, Wolfgang,
Das galizische Judentum in der Habsburgermonarchie: Im Lichte der zeitgenössischen
Publizistik und Reiseliteratur von 1772–1848. Vienna: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik,
Himka, John Paul
“Dimensions of a Triangle: Polish-Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Austrian Galicia.” In
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, vol. 12, Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles, and
Ukrainians, 1772–1918, ed. Israel Bartal and Antony Polonsky, 25–48. London: Littman
Library of Jewish Civilization, 1999
Galicia and Bukovina: A Research Handbook about Western Ukraine, Late 19th and 20th
Centuries. Alberta Culture & Multiculturalism, Historical Resources Division,
Hundert, Gershon David
The Jews in Poland and Russia: Bibliographical Essays. Bloomington: Indiana: University of Indiana Press, 1984.
Landau, Saul Raphael
Unter jüdischen Proletariern. Vienna: L. Rosner, 1898.
Lauterbach, Leo
Chronicle of the Lauterbach Family. Jerusalem: The Lauterbach Family Fund, 1961.
A history of the descendants of Jacob Bezalel Lauterbach of Drohobycz.
Le Rider, Jacques and
Heinz, Raschel
La Galicie au temps des Hapsbourg 1772-1918: Histoire, sociét)é, cultures en contact.
Tours: Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2010.
Magocsi, Paul Robert
Galicia: A Historical Survey and Bibliographic Guide. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1983
Historical Atlas of East Central Europe. Toronto: University Press, 2002.
Mahler, Raphael
A History of Modern Jewry 1780-1815. New York: Schocken Books, 1971.
Contains chapters on Galicia.
A History of Hapsburg Jews, 1670-1918. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989
Mendelsohn, Daniel
The Lost, A Search for Six of Six Million. New York: HarperCollins, 2006.
Mendelsohn, Ezra.
The Jews of East Central Europe Between the World Wars. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983.
Msciwujewski, Mscislaw
Z Dziejów Drohobycza. (Drohobycz: Al. Lachowicza, 1939.
Patstych, Roman
Vileshiame starogo Drogobicha, (Lviv: Kameniar, 1991.
Ukrainian. Available from Yivo Institute, NYC.
Pollack, Martin.
Galizien: Eine Reise durch die verschwundene Welt Ostgaliziens und der Bukowina. Frankfurt: Insel, 2001.
Nach Galizien: von Chassiden, Huzulen, Polen und Ruthenen. Vienna: Brandstätter c.1984.
Polonsky, Antony
The Jews in Poland and Russia. 3 vols. Oxford: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2014.
Redlich, Shimon.
Together and Apart in Brezezany, Poles, Jews, and Ukrainians. 1919-1945. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002.
Samueli, Nathan
Cultur-Bilder aus dem judischen Leben in Galizien. Leipzig: Robert Friese, 1885.
Schatzker, Valerie
The Jewish of Magnates of Galicia. Part I: A History of the oil industry; Part II, an
Engish translation of Julien Hirszhaut's Yidishe naftmagnatn by Miriam Beckerman.
Montreal McGill-Queens Universiy Press, 2015 .
Sandkühler, Thomas
“Endlösung” in Galizien: Der Judenmord in Ostpolen und die Rettungsinitiativen von
Berthold Beitz 1941–1944. Bonn: Dietz, 1996.
Schmalhausen, Bernd.
A Man of Courge in an Inhuman Time: Berthold Beitz in the Third Reich. Jerusalem:
Yad Vashem, 2006.
Schmidl, Erwin
Juden in der k.k.Armee 1788-1918 (Jews in the Habsburg Army). Eisenstadt:
Österreichisches Jüdisches Museum, 1989.
Vishnitzer, M. (trans)
The Memoirs of Ber of Bolechów 1723-1805, New York: Arno Press, 1973.
Wikler, Jakub.
Ukraine: A History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.
"Z Dziejow Zydow w Drohobyczu od R. 1648 do Upadku Rzeczypospolitej (Old
Historical Events of the Jews in Drohobycz from 1648 until the Downfall of the Polish
Commonwealth," in Biuletyn Zydowskiego Instytutu (Bulletin of the Jewish Historical
Institute, nos. 71-72, Warsaw, 1969, pp. 39-63.
A detailed account of the economic and political history of Drohobycz Jews,
Wolff, Larry
The Idea of Galicia: History and Fantasy in Habsburg Political Culture. Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 2010.
“The Jews of Galicia under Austrian Polish Rule, 1867–1918.”Austrian History
Yearbook 25 (1994): 97–138.
Wróbel, Piotr
The Devil’s Playground: Poland in World War II. Montreal: Canadian Foundation for
Polish Studies, 2000.
“Polish-Ukrainian Relations during World War II. The Boryslav Case Study: A Polish
Perspective.” East European Politics and Societies 26, no. 1 (2012): 213–35.
Wynne, Suzan
The Galitzianers: The Jews of Galicia 1772-1918. Kensington MD: Suzan F. Wynne,
Zalewski, Andrew
Galician Trails: The Fogotten Story of One Family. Thelzo Press, 2012
Subtelny, Orest
Avigdor, Isaac
From Prison to Pulpit: Sermons for All Holidays of the Year and Stories from the Holocaust.
New York: Shengold Books, 1975.
Brecher, Elinor J.
Schindler’s Legacy: True stories of the List Survivors. New York: Plume (Penguin), 1994.
See the chapter on Igor Kling, a native of Borysław who survived the Holocaust under
Schindler and whose sister survived under Berthold Beitz.
Egit, Jacob
Deposition, 3 March 1947, Munich. In German. Yad Vashem Archives 05/67a. German original
available from Yad Vashem.
Eyewitness account and legal charges of brutality and murder in Drohobycz and Borysław during
Halter, Marek
Stories of Deliverance: Apeaking with Men and Women Who Rescued Jews from the
Holocaust. Chicago: Open Court, 1998. Original title La force du Bien, Paris, 1995. Trans. by
Michael Bernard.
Chapter 18, “Karpathian Oil,” tells of Berthold Beitz, the German officer who
sheltered and saved Jew in Drohobycz and Borysław.
Hauser, Isak and
Luise Finkler Hauser
The Tyśmienica Still Flows. Poland, 1978.
Some chapters of thie memoir appear at
Grand Illusion . Toronto: Lugus Press, 1991.
Held, Leopold
I'm not even a grown-up: The Diary of Jerzy Felix Urman. Ed. Anthony Rudolf. London: Menard
Press/King's College, 1991.
Horowitz, Carl and Irene
Kahane, David.
Of Human Agony. Shengold Publishers, New York, 1992.
Irene Horowitz came from Borysław. Her story gives details of the Nazi occupation and crimes.
Lvov Ghetto Diary. Translated by Jerzy Michalowicz ; Foreword by Erich Goldhagen.Amherst:
The University of Massacheusetts Press, 1990.
Langberg, Edwin
Entombed My True Story: How Forty-five Jews Lived Underground and Survived the Holocaust.
Ojus, FL: Aleric Press, 1994.
Mayer, Bernard
Sara’s Blessing. Emethas Publishers, 2003.
A gripping account of a young man from Drohobycz who manages to survive by working for
German companies in Ukraine and for the partisans in Russia.
List o Zagladzie Zydów w Drohobyczu. London, Poets and Painters Press, 1984. Forward and
notes by Edmund Silberner.
Eyewitness account of Drohobycz from the outbreak of World War II until Rothenberg went
into hiding at the end of 1942.
Rothenberg, Samuel
Lost Boryslaw: Memories of a Galician Youth. New York: Vantage Press, 1977
Schiff, Meilech.
Out of the Ashes: The Story of a Survivor. Rosebern, Inc. New York, 1961.
The book has eyewitness accounts of life under the Nazis in eastern Galicia from 1941 to 1944
with several chapters on Drohobycz and clandestine photographs of Holocaust executions and
deportation in Drohobycz. Available from Research Dept., Holocaust Museum, Washington,
Thorne, Leon
Shtetl Memoirs: Jewish Life in Galicia under the Austro-Hungaian Empire and in the Reborn
Poland 1898-1939. Hoboken, N.J., 1985
Schoenfeld, Joachim
Längst Nicht Mehr Kosher, Die Geschichte einer Familie ( Czernin Verlag, Wien, 2005).
The story of the Erdheim family of Borysław and Drohobycz.
Erdheim, Claudia
Drohobycz, Drohobycz and Other stories : True Tales from the Holocaust and Life After. Trans.
Alicia Nitecki. New York: Pengun Books, 2001.
Grynberg, Henryk
Yidishe naftmagnatn (Coleccion Buenos Aires: Tsenṭral-farband fun poylishe yidn in
Argenṭine, 1954.
For an English translation, see Valerie Schatzker, The Jewish Oil Magnates of Galiia, below.
Hirszhaut, Julien
Goat for Azazel. Philadelphia, PA : Xlibris, 1999
Russian Saga, Philadelphia, PA : Xlibris, 2000
Those Were the Days, Tovarish. Philadelphia, PA : Xlibris, 2003
Postcard from Truskawiec - Spa. Philadelphia, PA : Xlibris, 2006.
Lee, George
The Inn. Trans. Celina Wieniewska. London: Barrie and Jenkins, 1972
Stryjkowski, Julian
McCagg, William O, Jr
"The Suppressionof Galician Jewry," Hassidism and the Jewish Enlghtenment:The Confrontation in Galicia and Poland in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century (Philedelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1985).
Wolanski, Sabina
Destined to Live: One Woman's War, Life, Lives Remembered . Pymble, N.S.W.:, Harper Collins,
© Valerie Schatzker 2016

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Mokotoff, Gary and Sacks Sallyann, with Sharon, Alexander ,
Where once We Walked : A Guide to the Jewish Communities Destroyed in the Holocaust: A Guide to the Jewish Comunities Destroyed in the Holocaust, (Bergenfeld, N.J.: Avotaynu, 2002).