1850 Revision List for Mervits (also called Muravica)



This Russian revision list (population survey) from 1850 for Mervits/Muravica was translated from the following:
Title: Revision list as of 30 October 1850 of Dubno City, Volyn Gubernia of registered Jewish craftsmen, male and female.
Location: Fund 118, Inventory 14, File 3, pp. 882-916 (Muravitsa). The original is viewable here.
Acknowledgments: This research, was funded by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD. The research team (including a translator, indexer, and editor) was led by
Roman Rave.

The 1858 revision list for Mervits is online here.

Alphabetical Listing of Mervits Family Names in the 1850 Revision List (Census)

*A* | Two Akman households: Akman (household #13), Akman (household #32) | *B* | Belfer (household #12) | Berer (household #77) | Five Berger households: Berger (household #31), Berger (household #58), Berger (household #61), Berger (household #66) , Berger (household #115) | Bigder (household #46) | Bonder (household #14) | Borstein (household #105) | Two Botsman households: Botsman (household #118), Botsman (household #119) | Two Bukhgalter households: Bukhgalter (household #51), Bukhgalter (household # 139) | Burstein (household #103) | *D* | Dolgoshei (household #48) | Dratva (household #19) | *E* | Eisenstein (household #85) | Elman household (#36) | Two Erlikhman households: Erlikhman household (#55), Erlikhman household (#102) | *F* | Faldman household (#117) | Six Feldman households: Feldman household (#57) | Feldman household (#59) | Feldman household (#82) | Feldman household (#84) | Feldman household (#108) | Feldman household (#116) | Fidelman (household #40) | Fieldman household (#101) | Fieldman (household #101) | Two Filkenstein households: Filkenstein (household #80), Filkenstein (household #81) | Four Finkelstein households: Finkelstein (household #32), Finkelstein (household #78), Finkelstein (household #79), Finkelstein (household #104) | One Finkenstein household: Finkenstein (household #106) | Fisher ( household #94) | Six Fishman households: Fishman (household #33), Fishman (household #53), Fishman (household #65), Fishman (household #86), Fishman (household #121), Fishman (household #133), Fishman (household #138) | Fistel household (#43) | Fleischer (household #46) | Flesher (household #74) | Furshpan household (#15) | Furshpon household (#50) | *G* | Geker (household #60) | Two Gelman households: Gelman (household #63) , Gelman (household (#104) | Three Gekhtman households: Gekhtman (household #73), Gekhtman (household #126), Gekhtman (household #134) | Gertnik (household #54) | Geyler (household #87) | Gimbelstein (household #99) | Gilmenstein (also spelled Gimelstein) (household #135) | Gitelman (household #10) | Golberg (household #39) | Two Goldbarg households: Goldbarg (household #25), Goldbarg (household #26), Grinshpul (household #17) | Ten Grinshpun households: Grinshpun (household #29), Grinshpun (household #40), Grinshpun (household #41), Grinshpun (household #64), Grinshpun (household #72), Grinshpun (household #83), Grinshpun (household #103), Grinshpun (household #120), Grinshpun (household #131), Grinshpun (household #142), | Gutnik (household #143) | *K* | Kanter (household #91) | Kantor (household #136) | Kapitman (household #22) | Keser (household #90) | Kirzhnir (household #9) | Kletserman (household #23) | Two Kleyner households: Kleyner (household #62), Kleyner (household #107) | Two Kolodne households: Kolodne (household #109), Kolodne (household #114) | Two Kopitnik households: Kopitnik (household #18), Kopitnik (household #20) | Korinblit (household #37) | Kremer (household #71) | Kreymer (household #8) | Krimer (household #113) | Kucher (household #68) | Kudlak (household #120) | Kuperman (household #28) | Kuperstein (household #28) | Kvasgalter (household #52) | *L* | Lakrats (household #97) | Lemer (household #69) | Lerner (household #140) | Lokrats (household #24) | *M* | Meyler (household #141) | Meyser (household #61) | *N* | Neftman (household #47) | Seven households with Neter / Neyter members. Neter and Neyter (household #1), Neyte / Neyter (household #2), Neyter (household #4), Neyter (household #6), Neyter (household #18), Neyter (household #24), Neter (household #93) | Two Nudler households Nudler (household #5), Nudler (household #123) | *P* | Pak (household #120) | Two Perelman households: Perelman (household #38), Perelman (household #44) | Perlukh (household #56) | Poltnik (household #11) | *R* | Rintsbarg (household #144) | *S* | Two Shenker households: Shenker (household #129), Shenker (household #132) | Three Sherman / Shirman households Sherman (household #3), Sherman (household #125), Shirman (household #21), |Shakhman (household #21) | Two households with Shteper members: Shteper (household #29), Shteper (household #124), Shwartsbarg (household #24), Stein (household #30) | Five Steinshnad households and four households with Steinshnader/Steinshnadyr members: Steinshnad (household #34), Steinshnad (household #35), Steinshnad (household #45), Steinshnad (household #49), Steinshnad (household #92), Steinshnad (household #112), Steinshnader (household #42), Steinshnader (household #75), Steinshnader (household #76), Steinshnadyr (household #92) Steinshnart (household #143) | *T* |Trinker (household #7) | *V* | Vartsel (household #27) | Two Vertsel households: Vertsel / Vetsel (household #88), Vertsel (household #137), | Vestser (household #91), | Two Vetser households: Vetser (household #98), Vetser (household #122) | Vexel (household #50) | Vexer (household #95) | Two Vinokurnik households: | Vinokurnik (household #70), Vinokurnik (also called Vinokurno) (household #89), Vinokurnik (household #111) | Vortsel127 (household #127) | *W* | Three Wainer households: Wainer (household #16), Wainer (household #96), Wainer (household #110) | *Y* | Three Yuniuk households: Yuniuk (household #67), Yuniuk (household #100), Yuniuk (household #130) | *Z* Zimerman (household #19)

The following tables follow the numerical sequence of households in the Russian revision (census). The enumeration of family members within a household also follows the order of the original with males being grouped first in descending age followed by women and girls of the household. The summary analysis following each household is provided by Howard I. Schwartz, not part of the original.

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 1 NEYTER Zelman Duvid townsman 1788 1834 46 died 1838 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 1 NEYTER Rivin-Duvid aka Rivin-Gersh Zelman townsman 1822 1834 12 missing 1839 1850 not indicated son of Zelman Duvidov Sheva male
yes 1 NEYTER Motel Zelman townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 son of Zelman Duvidov Sheva male
yes 1 NEYTER Sheva not indicated townsman 1804 1834 1850 46 wife of Zelman Duvidov female
no 1 NEYTER Rivka Zelman townsman 1842 1834 1850 8 daughter of Zelman Duvidov Sheva female
dup name in supplement 1 | 1 NETER Rivyen-Gersh Zelman townsman 1822 1822 1834 12 1851 29 male
yes 1 | 1 NETER Sura not indicated townsman 1825 1834 1851 26 wife of Rivyen-Gersh Zelmanov female
yes 1 | 1 NETER Metya Rivyen -Gersh townsman 1841 1834 1851 10 daughter of Rivyen-Gersh Zelmanov Sura female

Analysis: This is the first of seven households with members with variations on the surname Neter, Neyter, Neyte ( #1, #2, #4, #6, #18, #24, #93). This household has members with two spelling varations (Neter and Neyter) indicating the variations did not necessarily signify different family lines. It seems probable that the head of household here, Zelman Neyter, is the father of the young man named Shmul son of Zalman who is listed as a nephew in the KOPITNIK household (#18).

Here the 1850 revision indicates the head of household, Zelman son of Duvid (also called "Zelman Duvidov") passed away in 1838 at the age of 50. He would have been 62 in 1850. His widow, Sheva, age 46, is thus quite a bit younger. Also listed are two sons and a daughter. Motel, age 12, is present in the household as is a daughter, Rivka, age 8.

The older son, Rivin-Duvid went missing in 1839 (one year after his father died) when he was 16. He reappears in the 1851 supplement with his family. He is now 29, married to Sura, age 26 with a daughter Metya, age 10.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 2 NEYTE Tevja Geynikh townsman 1817 1834 17 died 1842 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 2 NEYTE Srul-Ber Geynikh townsman 1822 1834 12 recruited 1837 1850 not indicated brother of Teviya Geynikhov male
yes 2 NEYTE Yos Itsko townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 nephew of Teviya Geynikhov male
yes 2 NEYTER Sura-Rukhlya Teviye townsman 1842 1834 1850 8 daughter of Teviya Geynikhov male

Analysis: This is the second of seven households with variations on the surname Neter, Neyter, Neyte ( #1, #2, #4, #6, #18, #24, #93). This household has members with the spelling Neyte and Neyter. The head of household here, Tevja son of Geynikh (also called "Teviya Geynikh") passed away in 1842 at the age of 25. His brother, Srul-Ber, was recuited in 1837 at the age of 15.

A nephew, Yos, is still present in the household along with a daughter, Sura-Rukhlya, age 8. From this information, it looks like the 16 year old nephew is functioning as head of the household.

Jump back to the list of families:


Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 3 SHERMAN Borukh Khaim townsman 1803 1834 31 missing 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 3 SHERMAN Basya not indicated townsman 1803 1834 1850 47 wife of Borukh Khaimov male
dup name from supplement 3 | 2 SHERMAN Borukh Khaim townsman 1803 1803 1834 31 1851 48 male
yes 3 | 2 SHERMAN Moshe-Aron Borukh townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1851 17 son of Borukh Khaimov male
no 3 | 2 SHERMAN not indicated not indicated townsman 1834 1851 not indicated not indicated Borukh Khaimov female

Analysis: There are two Sherman households ( #3, #125) and one Shirman household in the revision ( #21).

In the 1850 revision for this Sherman household, Borukh son of Khaim (also called "Borukh Khaimov") is missing as of 1849 at the age of 46. HIs wife Basya, age 47, was the only other person present. In the 1851 supplement, Khaim reappears, age 48. With him is his son Moshe-Aron, age 17 and another female whose age and relationship to Borukh is not indicated. The head of this household, Borukh son of Khaiam, is probably the son of the man named Khaim son of Borukh, listed as head of household #125.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 4 NEYTER Moshko Berko townsman 1808 1834 26 missing 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 4 NEYTER Volko Berko townsman 1827 1826 1839 12 1850 24 brother male
yes 4 NEYTER Golda not indicated townsman 1814 1834 1850 36 wife of Moshko Berkov female
dup name in supplement 4 | 3 NEYTER Moshko Berko townsman 1808 1810 1834 26 1851 41 Moshko Berkov male
yes 4 | 3 NEYTER Avrum-Yoina Moshko townsman 1839 1834 newborn 1851 12 son of Moshko Berkov male
yes 4 | 3 NEYTER Ester Moshko townsman 1837 1834 1851 14 daughter of Moshko Berkov female
yes 4 | 3 NEYTER Rukhlya-Leya not indicated townsman 1828 1834 1851 23 wife of brother of Moshko Berkov female

Analysis: This is the third of seven households with variations on the surname Neter, Neyter, Neyte ( #1, #2, #4, #6, #18, #24, #93). The head of this household (#4), Mosko son of Berko, was probably a brother of Gershko son of Berko who is head of household #6.

The 1850 census indicates that the head of household, Moshko son of Berko (also called "Moshko Berkov") has been missing since 1849 at the age of 41. His brother, Volko, age 24, and wife, Golda, age 36 are present in the household.

Moshko reappears in the 1851 supplement. He is listed as age 41. Appearing with him are a son, Avrum-Yoina, age 12, a daughter, Ester, age 14 and a brother (i.e. sister) of Moshko named Rukhlya-Leya, age 23.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 5 NUDLER Mordko-Ber Wolf townsman 1822 1822 1834 12 1850 28 head of family male
yes 5 NUDLER Moishe-Gersh not indicated townsman 1822 1822 1834 12 1850 28 cousin male
yes 5 NUDLER Motya-Ber Moishe-Gersh townsman 1839 1834 newborn 1850 11 son of Moishe-Gersh Etya-Tsirlya male
no? 5 NUDLER Zhenya-Sura not indicated townsman 1825 1834 1850 25 wife of Moshko-Ber Volfov female
yes 5 NUDLER Etya-Tsirlya not indicated townsman NA 1834 1850 24 wife of Moishe-Gersh female

Analysis: This is the first of two Nudler households in the revision (household #5 and #123). The head of household, Moshko-Ber son of Wolf (also called "Moshko-Ber Volfov") is age 28. He is one of the younger men to be explicitly called head of household. His wife, Etya-Tsirlya, age 24 is present along with a son Motya-Ber, age 11. Also present is a cousin, Moishe Gersh, age 28, and his wife, Zhenya-Sura.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 6 NEYTER Gershko Berko townsman 1802 1802 1834 32 1850 48 head of family male
yes 6 NEYTER Leibko Gershko townsman 1822 1822 1834 12 1850 20 son of Gershko Berkov Haya male
yes 6 NEYTER Duvid Leib townsman 1841 1834 newborn 1850 9 son of Leib Gershkov Etya male
yes 6 NEYTER Yos Leib townsman 1827 1826 1835 8 1850 24 son of Leib Gershkov Etya male
no 6 NEYTER Itsko Berko townsman 1806 1834 28 died 1835 1850 not indicated brother of Leib Gershkov male
yes 6 NEYTER Haya not indicated townsman 1804 1834 1850 46 wife of Gershko Berkov female
no 6 NEYTER Rokhlya Gershko townsman 1831 1834 1850 19 daughter of Gershko Berkov Haya female
yes 6 NEYTER Etya not indicated townsman 1824 1834 1850 26 wife of Leib Gershkov female

Analysis: This is the fourth of seven households with variations on the surname Neter, Neyter, Neyte ( #1, #2, #4, #6, #18, #24, #93). The head of this household (#6), Gershko son of Berko, was probably a brother of Moshko son of Berko who is head of household #4.

Gershko son of Berko (also called "Gershko Berkov") is 48. His wife Haya is present, age 26. They have a son, Leibko, age 20 and a daughter, Rokhlya, age 19. Leibko is also married to Etya, age 26 and they have two sons, Duvid, age 9 and Yos, 24.

A brother of Leib is also listed: Itsko son of Berko. He died in 1835 at the age of 29. It is not clear why he is called a brother of Leib since he was in all likelihood the brother of Leib's father, Gersh, who was also a son of Berko. Perhaps a mistake was made by the census taker.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 7 TRINKER Itsko Wolf townsman 1782 1834 52 died 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 7 TRINKER Moshko-Meyer Itsko townsman 1809 1809 1834 25 1850 41 son of Itsko Volfov male
no 7 TRINKER Shmil-Ber Itsko townsman 1821 1834 13 recruited 1841 1850 not indicated son of Itsko Volfov male
yes 7 TRINKER Gitlya not indicated townsman 1810 1834 1850 40 wife of Moshko-Meyer Itskov female
yes 7 | 4 TRINKER Alter-Leib Moshko-Meyer townsman 1839 1834 newborn 1851 12

Analysis: The head of the household, Itsko son of Wolf (also called "Itsko Volfov") died in 1849 at the age of 67, giving him one of the longest lifespans in town. His son, Moshko-Meyer, age 41 is now the senior male in the household. Itsko's other son, Shmil-Ber, was conscripted into the military in 1841 at the age of 20.

Moshko-Meyer is married to Gitlya, age 40. Their son, Alter-Leib, was not present in the 1850 census but is listed in the 1851 supplement. He is 12 years old.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 8 KREYMER Leib Yankel townsman 1804 1834 30 missing 1845 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 8 KREYMER Yankel-Itsko Leib townsman 1824 1834 10 missing 1845 1850 not indicated son of Leib Yankelev male
no 8 KREYMER Yankel Leib townsman 1827 1841 14 missing 1845 1850 not indicated son of Leib Yankelev male
no 8 KREYMER Itsko Leib townsman 1830 1844 14 missing 1845 1850 not indicated son of Leib Yankelev male
no - | 20 | 78 KREYMER Anshel Srul townsman 1824 1834 1851 27 male

Analysis: Leib Kreymer, the head of household, has been missing since 1845 at the age of 41. He could be the brother of Ovishiya Kremer in household #71 since both are sons of Yankel, though the surnames are spelled differently.

In this record, it appears that three of Leib's sons went missing the same year he did. However the names of the three sons appears suspiciously similar and one wonders whether the revision is recording inconsistent records for the same son (Yankel-Itsko, Yankel, and Itsko). The first son listed is Yankel-Itsko, missing in 1845 at the age of 21. The second son is Yankel, missing in 1845 at the age of 28, and the final son is Itsko, missing in 1845 at the age of 15.

There is another man with the name Kreymer who is picked up in the 1851 census. It is not clear if he belongs with this family since there is no family number for the 1850 census. In the 1851 census, he is listed in family #20 and there are no others in that list. There is a reference to a revision list 8, where he is listed as part of family #78 but no other records are available for that list at this itme.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 9 Kirzhnir Srul Pinkhas townsman 1792 1834 42 died 1838 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 9 Kirzhnir Pinkhas Srul townsman 1810 1810 1834 24 1850 40 son of Srul Pinkhasov male
yes 9 Kirzhnir Peysakh Srul townsman 1814 1814 1834 20 1850 36 son of Srul Pinkhasov male
yes 9 Kirzhnir Moishe Srul townsman 1820 1820 1834 14 1850 30 son of Srul Pinkhasov male
yes 9 Kirzhnir Tsipya not indicated townsman 1814 1834 1850 36 wife of Pinkhas Srulev female
yes 9 Kirzhnir Bluma not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Peysakh Srulev female
no 9 Kirzhnir Rivka Peysakh townsman 1840 1834 1850 10 daughter of Peysakh Srulev Bluma female
no 9 Kirzhnir Freyda not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Moisha Srulev female

Analysis: Head of household, Srul son of Pinkhas (also called "Srul Pinkhasov") died in 1838 at the age of 46. He was born in 1792 and would have been 58 had he lived to 1850. Three sons and their wives are in the household, Pinkhas, age 40, and his wife Tsipya, age 36, son Peysakh, age 36, and his wife Bluma, age 36 and daughter, Rivka, age 10, and son Moishe, age 30 and his wife, Freyda, age, 30.

Jump back to the list of families:


Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 10 GITELMAN Nuta-Moishe Zanvel townsman 1804 1834 30 missing 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 10 GITELMAN Zanvel Nuta-Moishe townsman 1829 1834 16 missing 1849 1850 not indicated son of Nuta-Moisha Zanvelev Sura male
no 10 GITELMAN Sura not indicated townsman 1804 1834 1850 46 wife of Nuta-Moisha Zanvelev Sura female
dup name from 1851 supplement 10 | 5 GITELMAN Nuta-Moishe Zainvel townsman 1804 1804 1834 30 1851 47 male
dup name from 1851 supplement 10 | 5 GITELMAN Zainvel Nuta-Moishe townsman 1829 1834 16) 1851 22 son of Nuta-Moisha Zanvelev male
yes 10 | 5 GITELMAN Avrum Nuta-Moishe townsman 1839 1834 newborn 1851 12 son of Nuta-Moisha Zanvelev male
yes 10 | 5 GITELMAN Basya-Freyda Nuta-Moishe townsman 1835 1834 1851 16 daughter of Nuta-Moisha Zanvelev female
no 10 | 5 GITELMAN Myenya Nuta-Moishe townsman 1839 1834 1851 12 daughter of Nuta-Moisha Zanvelev female
yes 10 | 5 GITELMAN Beyla Nuta-Moishe townsman 1843 1834 1851 8 daughter of Nuta-Moisha Zanvelev female
no 10 | 5 GITELMAN Sura-Ita Nuta-Moishe townsman 1838 1834 1851 13 nephew [actually niece] Nuta-Moisha Zanvelev female
yes 10 | 5 GITELMAN Gitlya Nuta-Moishe townsman 1831 1834 1851 20 wife of Zainvel Nuta-Moishev female
no 10 | 5 GITELMAN Raitsa Zainvel townsman 1847 1834 1851 4 daughter of Zainvel Nuta-Moishev Gitlya female

Analysis: Between the revision of 1850 and 1851, when the supplement was done, this household changed dramatically. In 1850, only Sura, the wife of the head of household was present at age 46. Her husband Nuta-Moishe son of Zanvel (also called "Nuta-Moisha Zanvelev") was missing as of 1849 at the age of 45, and their son, Zanvel, was missing in the same year at the age of 31.

By 1851 when the supplement was done, both Nuta-Moishe and Zanvel are present with a larger household. Nuta-Moishe's wife Sura is no longer listed and he now has a different wife, Gitlya, age 20, and a daughter, Raitsa, age 4 from that marriage. They probably married 4 years before. Why Sura was left alone in the home in 1850 is intriguing. It woudl appear that Nuta-Moishe left or divorced Sura, his first wife, and had gone to live somewhere else with the family and then returned in 1851.

In 1851, Nuta-Moisha is now 47 and his son "Zainvel" is 22. Also listed for the first time is Nuta-Moisha's son, Avrum, age 12, and three daughters, Basya-Freyda, age 16, Myenya, age 12, and Beyla, age 8. None of them have a mother listed seeming to confirm that their mother was the Sura who is now missing from the household. A niece, Sura-Ita, is also present in the household, age 13.

It seems possible that a Gitelman family mentioned in the Mlynov-Mervits Memorial book is descended from this Gitelman line. A Moshe Gitelman who was called "Ruchel Feivesh's [son]" is remembered in the Memorial book (p. 127 original [117 English translation]), as a close friend of Shmuel Mandelkern and as one who procured bullets for the self-defense units that had been organized following WWI.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 11 PLOTNIK Gdal Khaim townsman 1834 23 (33 in pencil) died 1837 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 11 PLOTNIK Khaim-Moishe Gdal townsman 1826 1834 8 ranked among Ozyryanskoye farming community 1850 not indicated son of Gdal Khaimov male
no 11 PLOTNIK Moshko Gdal townsman 1820 1839 19 ranked among Ozyryanskoye farming community 1850 not indicated son of Gdal Khaimov male

Analysis: The head of household, Gdal son of Khaim (also called "Gdal Khaimov") died in 1837 at the age of either 27 or 37, given the ambiguity in the age specified in 1834. Two sons are mentioned, Khaim-Moishe, born 1826, and Moshko, born in 1820, both of whom are involved in some farming community and not present in town.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes [as Belder] 12 BELFER Moishe Abel townsman 1822 1834 omitted 1850 28 head of family male

Analysis: Only one person comprises this household: Moishe Belfer. He is a 28-year-old man and no information is listed for the earlier 1834 census suggesting he may have arrived in town between that date and the 1850 census.

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 13 AKMAN Shmul Yukel townsman 1822 1834 12 recruited 1836 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 13 AKMAN Gershko Yukel townsman 1826 1834 8 missing 1846 1850 not indicated brother Shmul Yukelev male

Analysis: This is the first of two Akman households (#13 and household #32) that probably are related and neither of which has members present in 1850.

In this household, the names are listed still in 1850 because two of them were present in the earlier 1834 census. The head of the family is Shmul Akman, son of Yukel (probably the man called Yoirikhim Mordkov in the other Akman household).

Shmul was was born in 1822 and was 12 years old in the earlier 1834 census. We don't have that census but at that point his father Yukel was probably head of household. Shmul was recruited in 1836 at the age of 14. His age in 1850 is not indicated because he has not returned. His brother Gershko, two years younger, went missing in 1846 at the age of 20.

It appears that a first cousin of these Akman's is the man who appears in the second Akman household (#32).

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 14 BONDER Shapshel Yankel townsman 1814 1814 1834 20 1850 36 head of family male
yes 14 BONDER Joseph-Khaim Shapshel townsman 1834 1848 1834 newborn 1850 2 son of Shapshel Yankelev Riva male
no 14 BONDER Riva not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Shapshel Yankelev female
no 14 BONDER Haya-Sura Shapshel townsman 1835 1834 1850 15 daughter Shapshel Yankelev Riva female

Analysis: The Bonder household is a small family unit of a father, mother, son and daughter. The head of household Shapshel, son of Yankel, is 36 and was present in 1834. He is married to Riva, age 30, and has a son Joseph-Khaim, age 2 and a daughter Haya-Sura, age 15. The large age gap between the age of the son and daughter makes one wonder if Shapshel and Riva are indeed Haya-Sura's parents. If so, they became parents when they were 21 and 15 respectively. While that is possible biologically, the absence of other children in the interening years makes one wonder whether there is some other story here.

Jump back to the list of families:


Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 15 FURSHPAN Gershko Leib townsman 1808 1834 26 died 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 15 FURSHPAN Duvid-Yankel Leib townsman 1815.5 1815.5 1834 18.5 1850 34.5 brother Gershko Leibov male
yes 15 FURSHPAN Khaim Duvid-Yankel townsman 1845 1834 newborn 1850 5 son of Duvid-Yankel Leibov male
yes 15 FURSHPAN Liba not indicated townsman 1816 1834 1850 34 wife of Duvid-Yankel Gershkov female
dup name in 1851 sup 15 | 6 FURSHPAN Khaim Duvid-Yankel townsman 1843 1834 newborn 1851 8 male

Analysis: The head of household, Gershko son of Leib (also called "Gershko Leibov") died in 1848 at the age of 40. No widow or children are present.

Gershko did leave behind a brother, Duvid-Yankel (also called "Duvid-Yankel Gershkov"), age 34 1/2 and his wife, Liba, age 34, and a son Khaim, who is listed as age 5 in 1850, but his age is given as 8, in the 1851 supplement.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 16 WAINER Ruvin Yosyp townsman 1813 1813 1834 21 1850 37 head of family male
yes 16 WAINER Nusyn Yosyp townsman 1814 1849 35 missing 1848 1850 not indicated brother male
yes 16 WAINER Yosyp Nusyn townsman 1834 1834 1849 15 1850 16 son of Nusyn Yosypov male
yes 16 WAINER Yosyp Ruvin townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 son of Ruvin Yosypov male

Analysis: This is the first of three Wainer households ( #16, #96, #110) but there is no overt relationship between them.

Here Ruvin son of Yosyp (Yosef), age 37, is head of the household.A brother of his, Nusyn, went missing in 1848 at the age of about 35. (The date "when exactly is later than the previous census year so the data appears unreliable). Still in the household are Ruvin's son Yosyp, age 12, and a son of his brother, also called Yosyp, age 16.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 17 GRINSHPUL Shmul Favel townsman 1825 1834 omitted 1850 25 head of family male

Analysis: Only one person is listed in this household: Shmula Grinshpul, son of Favel, age 25. It could be that this Shmul is a relative of Lemel, the head of household in #25. Here Shmul Grinshpul born in 1825 is listed as son of Favel. There Lemel, born in 1788, is listed as a son of Faivish Grinshpun. The surnames are very close in spelling (one letter difference) and could be variations of each other.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 18 KOPITNIK Yankel Urin townsman 1799 1799 1834 35 1850 51 head of family male
no 18 KOPITNIK Moishe-Isser Yankel townsman 1829 1834 5 died 1848 1850 not indicated son of Yankel Urinov Haya-Leya male
yes 18 KOPITNIK Haya-Leya not indicated townsman 1810 1834 1850 40 wife of Yankel Urinov female
yes 18 NEYTER Shmul Zalman townsman 1828 1828 1849 21 1850 22 nephew of Yankel Urinov male
yes 18 | 7 NEYTER Tsirlya not indicated townsman 1833 1834 21 1851 18 wife of Shmul Zelmanov female

Analysis: This is the first of two Kopitnik households headed by brothers both sons of Urin Kopitnik: (#18, #20). Here Yankel son of Urin (also called "Yankel Urinov") is 51 and one of the oldest living heads of household in the revision. His wife, age 40, is 11 years younger, and a son, Yankel, died in 1848 at the age of 19.

There is also a nephew of Yankel in the household by the name of Shmuel Neyter son of Zalman. He is 22 in the 1850 census and in the 1851 supplement a wife, Tsirlya, age 18 is present. It seems likely that Shmul Neyter is the son of Zalman Neyter who is listed as head of household (#1). We can assume that his wife was a Neyter and probably a sister of Shmul's father: Zalman Neyter.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 19 DRATVA Abrum Nusyn townsman 1792 1792 1834 42 1850 58 head of family male
yes 19 DRATVA Aron-Yankel Yos townsman 1825 1825 1834 9 1850 25 son of Abrum Nusynov male
yes 19 DRATVA Yos Abrum townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 son of Abrum Nusynov male
yes 19 DRATVA Moishe-Zelman Aron-Yankel townsman 1846 1834 newborn 1850 4 son of Aron-Yankel Abrumov male
yes 19 DRATVA Rivka not indicated townsman 1800 1834 1850 50 wife Abrum Nusynov female
no 19 ZIMERMAN Gershko Khaim townsman 1821 1834 13 died 1841 1850 not indicated nephew of Abrum Nusynov male

Analysis: Abrum son of Nusyn (also called "Abrum Nusynov"), age 58, is head of the family and was present in Mervits by the 1834 census. He was born in 1792, a year before Mervits became part of Russia. Present in the household with him is his wife, Rivka, age 50, and two sons, Aron-Yankel, age 25, and Yos, age 12.

Also present is a grandson (a son of his son Aron Yankel) by the name of Moishe Zelman, age 4. And there is a nephew of Abrum, named Gershko son of Khaim Zimerman, who probably is a son of Abrum's sister.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 20 KOPITNIK Abrum Urin townsman 1804 1804 1834 30 1850 46 head of family male
yes 20 KOPITNIK Urin Abrum townsman 1825 1824 1834 9 1850 26 son of family Abrum Urinov male
no 20 KOPITNIK Duvid-Leiba Urin townsman 1808 1834 26 died 1838 1850 not indicated brother of family Abrum Urinov male
no 20 KOPITNIK Hana not indicated townsman 1810 1834 1850 40 wife of Abrum Urinov female
yes 20 KOPITNIK Haya-Dvosya not indicated townsman 1825 1834 1850 25 wife of Urin Abrumov female

Analysis: This is the second of two Kopitnik households headed by brothers both sons of Urin Kopitnik ((#18), #20). Here Abrum son of Urin (also called "Abrum Urinov") is 46. A brother, Duvid-Leiba, who died in 1838 at the age of 30 is listed in the household. Present still is Abrum's wife, Hana, age 40 and the widow of his brother, Haya-Dvosya, age 25. No children are listed and it is unknown if they had children who moved or were childless.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 21 SHIRMAN Joseph Leib townsman 1796 1834 38 died 1836 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes as Shikhman 21 SHIRMAN Shlema-Leib Joseph townsman 1824 1834 10 missing 1849 1850 not indicated son of Joseph Leibov male
no 21 SHIRMAN Hana not indicated townsman 1798 1834 1850 52 wife of Joseph Leibov female
yes as Shikhman 21 SHIRMAN Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1825 1834 1850 25 wife of Shlema-Leib Josephov female
yes as Shikhman 21 | 8 SHAKHMAN Shlema-Leib Joseph townsman 1824 1824 1834 10 1850 27 male

Analysis: There are two Sherman households ( #3, #125) and one Shirman household in the revision ( #21). There is no obvious connection between this Shirman household and the two Sherman households.

In the 1850 revision, Joseph son of Leib (also called "Joseph Leibov") died in 1836 at the age of 40. Still present in the household is Joseph's wife, Hanah, age 52. Their son, Shlema Leib, was missing as of 1849 at the age of 25 but his wife, Rukhlya, age 25, is still in the household.

A man named Shlema-Leib Shakhman appears in the 1851 supplement (supplement household #21). His father is Joseph and one wonders whether this is the reappearance of the missing son called Shlema-Leib Shirman. The similarities in first names and names of the father suggest it is the same person. Why the surname is now Shakhman rather than Shirman is not clear.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 22 KAPITMAN Froim Khaim townsman 1806 1834 28 missing 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
dup name in 1851 supplement 22 | 35 KAPITMAN Froim Khaim townsman 1806 1802 1834 28 1850 49 head of family male

Analysis: In the 1850 revision, Froim son of Khaim was listed as missing as of 1849, at the age of 43. In the 1851 supplement, he is present in town and is listed as 49 years old, suggesting he was born in 1802, not 1806.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 23 KLETSERMAN Sheyer-Oizer Urin townsman 1822 1834 omitted 1850 28 head of family male
yes 23 KLETSERMAN Leya not indicated townsman 1823 1834 1850 27 wife of Sheyer-Oizer Urinov female

Analysis: A small household of Sheyer-Oizer, age 28, and his wife Leya, age 27.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 24 SHWARTSBARG Sender-Gersh Berko townsman 1786 1834 48 died 1838 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 24 SHWARTSBARG Shlema not indicated townsman 1826 1834 8 recruited 1843 1850 not indicated grandson of Sender-Gersh Berkov male
no 24 SHWARTSBARG Ruvin Abram townsman 1841 1834 newborn 1850 9 son of Sender-Gersh Berkov male
yes 24 LOKRATS Abram Shlema townsman 1812 1812 1834 22 1850 38 nephew of Sender-Gersh Berkov male
yes 24 LOKRATS Rivka not indicated townsman 1814 1834 1850 36 wife of Abram Shlemov female
yes 24 NEYTER Urin Itsko townsman 1827 1834 7 (8 crossed out in pencil) 1850 23 grandson of Sender-Gersh Berkov male

Analysis: This is a household with three different surnames. The head of the household is Sender-Gersh son of Berko (also called "Sender Gersh Berkov). He died in 1838 at the age of 52. Still present in the household is a son of Sender-Gersh, named Ruvin, age 9. One of his grandsons, Shlema Shwartzbarg was recruited in 1843 at the age of 17. Another grandson, Urin Neyter, age 23, is present in the household. It is possible he is related to the Khaim-Itsko Neyter in household #93.

Also present is a nephew, Abram Lokrats, age 38, his wife Rivka, age 36. It seems possible that Abram "Lokrats" here (#24) is related to head of the "Lokrats" household (#97). Here we have Abram son of Shlema. There we have Zelman son of Abram, who has a son named Shlema. The similarity in first and last names suggests some relationship that is not clear.

Jump back to the list of families:


Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 25 GOLDBARG[1] Shapsa Moshko townsman 1798 1798 1834 36 1850 52 head of family male
no 25 GOLDBARG Shlema-Gersh Shapsa townsman 1814 1834 20 missing 1846 1850 not indicated son of Shapsa Moshkov Gitlya male
yes 25 GOLDBARG Borukh Shapsa townsman 1826 1834 omitted 1850 24 son of Shapsa Moshkov Gitlya male
yes 25 GOLDBARG Moishe-Motya Shapsa townsman 1839 1834 newborn 1850 11 son of Shapsa Moshkov Gitlya male
no 25 GOLDBARG Gitlya not indicated townsman 1810 1834 1850 40 wife of Shapsa Moshkov female
no 25 GOLDBARG Leya not indicated townsman 1816 1834 1850 34 wife of Shlema-Gersh Shapsov female

Analysis: This is the first of two consecutive Goldbarg households (#25, #26) that appear to be related. The head of household in each is listed as a son of Moshko Goldbarg.

Here, Shapsa son of Moshko (also called "Shapsa Moshkov") is head of household and 52 years old. His wife Gitlya age 40 is listed as the mother of his three sons, though it seems likely she could be a second wife based on the age of the older one. The eldest Shlema-Gersh, went missing in 1846 at the age of 32. In 1850, he would have been 36 years old when Gitlya was 40. Two other sons are present in the household, Borukh, age 24 and Moishe-Moya, age 11. Moishe-moya is most likely Gitlya's mother and possibly Borukh. Also present in the household is the wife of Shlema-Gersh, the son who was missing in 1846.

[1] The translator spelled this individual's surname as Goldbard, not as Goldbarg the way the rest of the household is spelled. However, in referring back to the Russian original, I see no difference in Russian with the following surnames, Goldbarg.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 26 GOLDBARG Srul-Gersh Moshko townsmn 1804 1834 30 died 1838 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 26 GOLDBARG Khaim-Mordko Srul-Gersh townsmn 1822 1834 12 missing 1848 1850 not indicated son of Srul-Gersh Moshkov male

Analysis: This is the second of two consecutive Goldbarg households (#25, #26) that appear to be related. The head of household in each is listed as a son of Moshko Goldbarg.

Here, the head of household, Srul-Gersh (also called "Srul-Gersh Moshkov") has died in 1838 at the age 34. He was born in 1804 and was likely the brother of Shapsa Goldbarg, head of household #25, who was born in 1798. Srul-Gersh's son, "Khaim-Mordko" is also missing as of 1848 when he was 26.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 27 VARTSEL Leizar-Shaya Nakhman townsman 1834 50 (23 crossed out in pencil ) died 1836 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 27 VARTSEL Itsko-Yankev Leizar-Shaya townsman 1811 1834 23 died 1848 1850 not indicated son of Leizar-Shaya Nakhmanov male
no 27 VARTSEL Khaim Leizar-Shaya townsman 1825 1834 9 recruited 1836 1850 not indicated brother of Itsko-Yankev Leizar-Shayev male
yes 27 VARTSEL Gershko Vigdor townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 grandson of Itsko-Yankev Leizar-Shayev male

Analysis: This household suffered several losses between 1834 and 1850. The head of the household Leizar-Shaya died in 1836 at the age of 52 (assuming the crossed out age of 23 was a correction). His older son, Itsko-Yankev, died in 1848 at the age of 37. His younger son, described here the brother of Itsko-Yankev, was recruited in 1836 at the age of 11, one of the youngest boys to be recruited in this revision. A grandson, Gershko son of Vigdor, age 16, is the only other member of the household present in 1850. It appears he is a single male living by himself, at least according to this record. In the 1858 record, Gershko is married and has a daughter.

There are also two Vertsel households (household #88, #137), but no obvious relationship between this household and those.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 28 KUPERSTEIN Shmil-Gersh Yankel-Yos townsman 1802 1834 32 died 1846 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 28 KUPERSTEIN Meyer-Itsek Yankel-Yos townsman 1822 1822 1834 12 1850 28 brother of Shmil-Gersh Yankel-Yosev male
no 28 KUPERSTEIN Nison-Yos Itsko townsman 1824 1834 10 died 1838 1850 not indicated nephew of Shmil-Gersh Yankel-Yosev male
no 28 KUPERSTEIN Basya-Leya not indicated townsman 1809 1834 1850 41 wife of Shmil-Gersh Yankel-Yosev female
yes 28 KUPERSTEIN Babya Shmil-Gersh townsman 1844 1834 1850 6 daughter of Shmil-Gersh Yankel-Yosev Basya-Leya female
yes 28 | 9 KUPERMAN Vigdor-Srul Meyer-Itsko townsman 1850 1834 newborn 1851 1 male
yes 28 | 9 KUPERMAN Gitlya not indicated townsman 1831 1834 1851 20 mother of Vigdor-Srul Meyer-Itskov female
yes 28 | 9 KUPERMAN Surka not indicated townsman 1847 1834 1851 4 sister of Vigdor-Srul Meyer-Itskov female

Analysis: This household is a single family with the surnames Kuperstein and Kuperman, all relatives. Part of the family was present in the 1850 revision and another part was added in the 1851 supplement.

The 1850 revision indicates the head of household, Shmil Gersh son of Yankel-Yos (also called Shmil-Gersh Yankel Yosev) died in 1846 at the age of 44. His wife, Basya-Leya, age 41 is still present with a daughter, Babya, age 6. A nephew Nison-Yos, also died in 1838 at the age of 14.

In the 1851 supplement, more of the family is present. A son of Meyer-Itsek is now listed as 1 year old. Also listed is his mother, Gitlya, age 20, sister Surka, age 4. They are listed as his mother and sister, rather than the wife and daughter of Meyer-Itsek, since he was listed in the 1850 revision and not here in the supplement.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 29 GRINSHPUN Lemel Favish townsman 1788 1834 46 died 1850 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 29 GRINSHPUN Shakhna Lemel townsman 1730 1834 4 died 1842 1850 not indicated son of Lemel Faivishev male
yes 29 GRINSHPUN Shaya Lemel townsman 1826 1834 omitted 1850 24 son of Lemel Faivishev male
yes 29 GRINSHPUN Pinkhats-Gersh Lemel townsman 1842 1834 newborn 1850 8 son of Lemel Faivishev male
no 29 GRINSHPUN Babya Lemel townsman 1836 1834 1850 14 daughter of Lemel Faivishev female
yes 29 GRINSHPUN Enta not indicated townsman 1828 1834 1850 22 wife of Shaya Lemelev female
yes? 29 SHTEPER Yankel Shlema townsman 1824 1834 10 missing 1845 1850 not indicated cousin of Lemel Faivishev female

Analysis: This is the first of ten Grinshpun households (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142). Lemel (#29) (1788-1850) appears to be brothers with Shevel (#41) and Mordko #64 and father of Fayvel (#142).

The head of household, Lemel son of Favish, died in 1850 at the age of 62. No wife is listed. One of his sons, Shakhna, died in 1842 at the age of 12. Still in the household are two other sons, Shaya, age 24, and Pinkhats-Gersh, age 8. A daughter, Babya, is also present, age 14. Shaya is married and his wife Enta, age 22 is also present. No children are listed.

A cousin of Lemel, Yankel Shteper, is also listed in household and is missing as of 1845 when he was 23. It seems plausible there is a relationship between Yankel here and Yankel Shteper son of Shlema-Gersh in household #124.

Click to open a summary of the Grinshpun household relationships.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 30 STEIN Meyer Abram townsman 1784 1834 50 died 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 30 STEIN Pinkhas-Joseph Moshko townsman 1840 1834 newborn 1850 10 nephew Meyer Abramov male

Analysis: Only two members listed in this household. The head of household, Meyer son of Abram (also called "Meyer Abramov") died in 1848 at the age of 64. His nephew, Pinhas-Joseph, age 10, is still present. It appears Pinhas-Joseph is living alone at the age of 10 and that there are no adults in the house. We can assume his father, Moshko, was a brother of Meyer. In the 1858 revision, Pinhas-Joseph is 18, still living alone, and at that point listed as head of household.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 31 BERGER Kelman Gershko townsman 1809 1809 1834 25 1850 41 head of family male
yes 31 BERGER Sender-Gersh Kelman townsman 1834 1836 1834 newborn 1850 14 son Kelman Gershkov Leya male
no 31 BERGER Urin-Leib Gershko townsman 1816 1834 18 missing 1850 1850 not indicated brother Kelman Gershkov male
yes 31 BERGER Leya not indicated townsman 1810 1834 1850 40 wife Kelman Gershkov female

Analysis: This is one of five Berger households in the census (household #31), (household #58), (household #61), (household #66), (household #115). This small household was present in 1834. The head of the family, Kelman son of Gershko (also called Kelman Gershkov) is 41 and was born in 1809. His wife, Leya, is 40 and born in 1810. Their son, Sender-Gersh, is 14. A brother of Kelman has gone missing in 1850 and would be 34 if he were present.

The name "Gershko" ties several of these families together and head of household in several of these may be brothers or cousins.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 32 FINKELSTEIN Yoirikhim Mordko townsman 1808 1808 1834 26 1850 42 head of family male
yes 32 FINKELSTEIN Yos-Beynish Yoirikhim townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 son of Yoirikhim Mordkov male
no 32 FINKELSTEIN Duvid Leiba townsman 1787 1834 47 died 1848 1850 not indicated brother-in-law of Yoirikhim Mordkov male
no 32 FINKELSTEIN Khaim-Meylakh Duvid townsman 1823 1834 11 died 1837 1850 not indicated son of Duvid Leibov male
no 32 FINKELSTEIN Moshko-Meylakh Duvid townsman 1818 1834 26 missing 1849 1850 not indicated son of Duvid Leibov male
no 32 AKMAN Srul Yukel townsman 1849 not indicated recruited 1849 1850 not indicated nephew Yoirikhim Mordkov male

Analysis: This one of four Finkelstein households (#32, #78, #79 #104). The first three are almost certainly headed by brothers, sons of Mordko Finkelstein. There is also a relative by the name of Srul Akman in the household.

Yoirikhim son of Mordko (also called "Yoirikhim Mordkov"), age 42, is head of this household and was born in 1808. He is likely the younger brother of Shmaria-Moishe Finkelstein, head of household (#78), since both are sons of Morko and born in 1808 and 1802 respectively.

Yoirikhim has a son, Yos-Beynish, age 12, in the household. In addition, his brother-in-law, Duvid son of Leiba, was part of the household but died in 1848 at the age of 61. The name Leiba is given as Duvid's father's name. It is unclear (in English) if this is a male name or perhaps the name of his wife, who is the sister of Yoirikhim. It is also unclear why Duvid has the same last name of Finkelstein if he is a brother-in-law, unless he is a cousin or adopted the family name. Duvid also had two sons who were part of the household, Khaim-Meylakh, who died in 1837 at the age of 24, and Moshko-Meylakh who went missing in 1849 at the age of 41.

Also present in the household is also a nephew of Yoirikim, Srul Akman, who was recruited in 1949 and whose age is unknown. Since his surname differs from Finkelstein, we can guess that Srul was a son of Yoirikim's sister. It seems possible that Srul Akman here is a cousin of the other Akman household (household #13).

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 33 FISHMAN Yoikhim Benish townsman 1766 1834 68 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 33 FISHMAN Volf-Ber Kelman townsman 1824 1834 omitted 1850 26 nephew of Yoikhim Benishev male
yes? 33 | 10 FISHMAN Ester not indicated townsman 1829 1834 1851 22 wife of Volf-Ber Kelmanov female

Analysis: This is the first of seven Fishman households listed in the revision (household #33, household #53, household #65, household #86, household #121, household #133, household #138). Only this one (#33) and the next (#65) have names in common suggesting a possible relationship.

The revision indicates the head of household, Yoikhim son of Benish (also called "Yoikhim Benishev"), died in 1839 at the age of 73. He is one of the oldest men at death listed in the census and was born in 1766 when the area was still part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Still in the household is his nephew, Volf-Ber, age 26 who was son of Yoikhim's brother, Kelman. Volf-Ber's wife, Ester, age 22, appears in the 1851 supplement.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 34 STEINSHNAD Froim-Favish Urin townsman 1782 1834 52 died 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 34 STEINSHNAD Shlema Froim-Favish townsman 1812 1812 1834 22 1850 38 son of Froim-Favish Urinov Reyzya male
yes 34 STEINSHNAD Froim Shlema townsman 1845 1834 newborn 1850 5 son of Shlema Froim-Favishev Rasya male
no 34 STEINSHNAD Reizya not indicated townsman 1795 1834 1850 55 wife of Froim-Favish Urinov female
yes 34 STEINSHNAD Rasya not indicated townsman 1812 1834 1850 38 wife of Shlema Froim-Favishev female
no 34 STEINSHNAD Alta Shlema townsman 1836 1834 1850 14 daughter Shlema Froim-Favishev Rasya female

Analysis: This is the first of six Steinshnad households ( #34, #35, #45, #49, #92 #112), several of which appear related. See a summary of these relationships below. There are also four Steinshnader/Steinshnadyr households ( #42, #75, #76, #92) but there is no evidence that Sheinshnad and Steinshnader families are related.

Here, the head of household Froim-Favish son of Urin (also called "Froim Favish Urinov") died in 1848 at the age of 66. His widow, Reizya, age 55, is still in the household with his son, Shlema, age 38, Shlema's wife, Rasya, age 38, a daughter, Alta, age 14 and a son Froim, age 5, who was probably named for his grandfather (though his birth year precedes the year of his grandfather's death).

The head of household here is probably the father of head of household #35 since he too is a son of Froim.

A Summary of Steinshnad household relationships

The following table summarizes the suspected relationships among the Steinshnad household based on the analysis following each household.

1850 Household # 1858 Household # Surname First Name Father's Name Status Birthyear Comment on relationship
#34 #33 Steinshnad Froim-Favish Urin head of household 1972
Father of head of 1850 household #35 (Yankel son of Froim-Faivish). Brother of head of household #49 (Shlema-Leib son of Urin).
#35 #34 Steinshnad Yankel Froim-Favish head of household 1813
Son of #34 head of household (Froim-Favish son of Urin).
#45 #44 Steinshnad Yorikhim-Anshel Yos head of household 1807
Perhaps namesake of ancestor who was also ancestor of Yos Steinshnad in household #35
#49 #48 Steinshnad Shlema-Leib Urin head of household 1793
Probably brother of head of household #92, both sons of Urin Steinshnad
#92 #90 Steinshnad Mikhel Yos head of household 1801
Probably the older brother of Yorikhim-Anshel son of Yos, head of household # 45. One can speculate that Yos, the father of these brothers, was himself a sibling of Urin, the father of households #35 and #49.
#112 #110 Steinshnad Mikhel-Joseph Abel head of household 1806
No explicit connection with other Shteinshnad households. One could guess that Mikhel-Joseph's father, Abel, was a brother of Urin and/or Yos.

Restating the above table in narrative form, one can speculate that the households were related genealogically as follows. Brothers (sons of Urin) headed household #34 and #49. One of these brothers, Froim-Favish, had a son Yankel who was head of household #35. Another pair of brothers (sons of Urin) headed household #49 and #92. Another household was headed by a son of Abel #112. We can speculate that the fathers of all these heads of households were themselves brothers, though we have no evidence that was in fact the case.

A poor Shteinsheid / Shteynshnayd family from Mervits is listed in the Mervits list of martyrs (Hebrew p. 444, English p. 422) and a story about a Menashe Shteinsheid is included in an essay called "Poor Lives" in the Memorial book (Hebrew p. 237, English p. 218). It is possible this family is descended from one of these ancestral households.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 35 STEINSHNAD Yankel Froim townsman 1813 1813 1834 21 1850 37 head of family male
yes 35 STEINSHNAD Yos Yankel townsman 1835 1834 newborn 1850 15 son of Yankel Froimov Pesya male
no 35 STEINSHNAD Khaim Froim townsman 1821 1834 13 missing 1848 1850 not indicated brother of Yankel Froimov male
yes 35 STEINSHNAD Pesya not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Yankel Froimov female
yes 35 STEINSHNAD Leya not indicated townsman 1821 1834 1850 29 wife of Khaim Froimov female

Analysis: This is the second of six Steinshnad households (#34, #35, #45, #49, #92 #112), several of which appear related. See a summary of the Steinshnad household relationships. There are also four Steinshnader/Steinshnadyr households (#42, #75, #76, #92) but there is no evidence that Sheinshnad and Steinshnader families are related.

The head of household, Yankel son of Froim (also called "Yankel Froimov") is probably the son of Froim-Favish listed as head of household #34. Yankel, here, is 37. His wife Pesya, age 30, their son Yos, age 15. Yankel's brother, Khaim, went missing in 1848 at the age of 27. Khaim's wife, Leya, age 29, is still part of the household.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 36 ELMAN Shmil Berko townsman 1825 1834 omitted 1850 25 head of family male
yes 36 ELMAN Mikhel Shmil townsman 1837 1834 newborn 1850 13 son of Shmil Berkov Mirlya male
yes 36 ELMAN Mirlya not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 20 wife of Shmil Berkov female
no 36 ELMAN Melya Shmil townsman 1835 1834 1850 15 daughter of Shmil Berkov Mirlya female
yes 36 ELMAN Sura Shmil townsman 1844 1834 1850 6 daughter of Shmil Berkov Mirlya female
no 36 ELMAN Tuiba not indicated townsman 1800 1834 1850 50 mother of Shmil Berkov female

Analysis: The head of the Elman household is a young man named Shmil son of Berko (also called Shmil Berkov). His mother, Tuiba, age 50, is still in the household and there is no information about when his father Berko passed away. Shmil's wife Mirlya, age 20, is present as well as a 13 year old son, Mikhel, and two daughters, Meyla, age 15, and Sura, age 6. It is not clear whether this family was already in Mervits by 1834: the status of "omitted" (rather than just a blank) for Shmil suggests perhaps they were already present but he was not enumerated.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 37 Korinblit Wolf Froim townsman 1803 1834 31 died 1838 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 37 Korinblit Moishe-Leib Wolf townsman 1830 1834 4 missing 1847 1850 not indicated son of Wolf Froimov male
yes 37 Korinblit Zelik Froim townsman 1807 1807 1834 27 1850 43 brother of Wolf Froimov male
yes 37 Korinblit Froim Zelik townsman 1845 1834 newborn 1850 5 son of Zelik Froimov Shendlya male
no 37 Korinblit Shendlya not indicated townsman 1812 1834 1850 38 wife of Zelik Froimov male
yes 37 Korinblit Leya Zelik townsman 1834 1834 1850 16 daughter of Zelik Froimov Shendlya female
yes 37 Korinblit Pesya Zelik townsman 1836 1834 1850 14 daughter of Zelik Froimov Shendlya female

Analysis: The head of household, Wolf son of Froim (also called "Wolf Froimov") died in 1838 at the age of 35. A son, Moishe-Leib, went missing in 1847 at the age of 17. Another brother, Zelik, age 43, is still present in the household along with a wife, Shendlya, age 38, two daughters, Leya, age 16, and Pesya, age 14, and a son, Zelik, age 5.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 38 PERELMAN Avrum Gershko townsman 1766 1834 68 died 1838 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 38 PERELMAN Leiba Yankel townsman 1825 1834 omitted 1850 25 nephew of Avrum Gershkov male

Analysis: This is the first of two Perelman households ( #38, #44). Avrum son of Gershko, the head of the household, died in 1838 at the age of 72. He is one of the longest living individuals in this revision. He was born in 1766. It seems very likely that this Avrum Perelman was the father of the man named Khaim Perelman who is head of household #44 and son of "Abram."

There is only one other member of this household, Avrum's nephew, Leiba, son of Yankel, age 25. We can assume that Leiba's father, Yankel, was a brother of Avrum who is here named as the head of household.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 39 GOLBERG Faivish Liber townsman 1779 1834 55 died 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 39 GOLBERG Meyer Faivish townsman 1828 1834 6 died 1848 1850 not indicated son of Faivish Liberov male
yes 39 GOLBERG Froim-Zeylik Gershko townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 nephew Faivish Liberov male

Analysis: Faivish Golberg son of Liber (also known as Faivish Liberov) was head of family and passed away in 1848. He was only 69 years old. His son Meyer also died in 1848 at the age of 20. Whether they both died together in the same way is not known. Still living in the household is a nephew, Froim Zeylik, age 16. He must be a son of Faivish's brother since he has the same surname.

Jump back to the list of families:


Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 40 GRINSHPUN Itsko-Ber Yoina townsman 1800 1834 34 died 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 40 GRINSHPUN Yos Yoina townsman 1822 1834 12 recruited 1834 1850 not indicated brother of Itsko-Ber Yoinov male
no 40 GRINSHPUN Hantsa not indicated townsman 1804 1834 1850 46 wife of Itsko-Ber Yoinov female
no 40 GRINSHPUN Haya Itsko-Ber townsman 1831 1834 1850 19 daughter of Itsko-Ber Yoinov Hantsya female
yes 40 | 11 FIDELMAN Moishe Shlema townsman 1826 1834 omitted 1851 25 male

Analysis: This is the second of ten Grinshpun households (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142). Here, the head of household Itsko-Ber son of Yoina (also called Itsko-Ber Yoinov") died in 1949 at the age of 49. His brother Yos was recruited in 1834 at the age of 12. Still present in the household is Itsko-Ber's widow, Hantsa, age 46 and their daughter, Haya, age 19.

For unspecified reasons, the 1851 supplement includes Moishe Fidelman son of Shlema, age 25, as part of this household (#40). It is not clear if he is a nephew of the family head or has some other relationship. However, by 1858 the household has become almost completely composed of Fidelman members. The presence of a Grinsphun member labeled as a relative there confirms a relationship between the two family lines.

Click to open a summary of the Grinshpun household relationships.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 41 GRINSHPUN Shevel Faivish townsman 1793 1793 1834 41 1850 57 head of family male
no 41 GRINSHPUN Alter-Khaim Shevel townsman 1826 1834 8 died 1838 1850 not indicated son of Shevel Faivishev Touba male
yes 41 GRINSHPUN Gershko-Ber aka Berish Shevel townsman 1829 1829 1834 5 1850 21 son of Shevel Faivishev Touba male
no 41 GRINSHPUN Touba not indicated townsman 1810 1834 1850 40 wife of Shevel Faivishev female
yes 41 GRINSHPUN Yenya-Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1830 1834 1850 20 wife of Gersh Shevelev female
yes? 41 GRINSHPUN Feiga Gersh townsman 1844 1834 1850 6 daughter of Gersh Shevelev Enya-Rukhlya female

Analysis: This is the third of ten Grinshpun households (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142). It seems likely that the head of household here, Shevel son of Faivish, born in 1793, is the brother of Lemel son of Faivish, who is head of household #29 and born 1788.

In this household, Shevel (also called "Shevel Faivishev") is 57 and married to Touba, age 40. One of their sons, Alter-Khaim, died in 1838 at the age of 12. Another son, Gershko-Ber (also called Berish), age 21, is still in the household, and married to Yenya-Rukhlya, age 20. They have a daughter Feiga, age 6.

Click to open a summary of the Grinshpun household relationships.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 42 STEINSHNADER Yos Benish townsman 1877 1834 57 died 1838 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 42 STEINSHNADER Wolf Berko townsman 1824 1824 1834 10 1850 26 grandson of Yos Benishev male

Analysis: This is the first of four Steinshnader/Steinshnadyr households (#42, #75, #76, #92). There are also six Steinshnad households ( #34, #35, #45, #49, #92, #112). There is no obvious relationship between Sheinshnad and Steinshnader families.

The head of household here, Yos son of Benish (also called "Yos Benishev"), died in 1838 at the age of 61. His grandson Wolf son of Berko, age 26, is the only other person person listed. We can assume that Wolf's father, Berko, was a son of Yos.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 43 FISTEL Mendel Vigdor townsman 1818 1834 omitted 1850 32 head of family male
yes 43 FISTEL Yos Mendel townsman 1841 1834 newborn 1850 9 son of Mendel Vigdorov Tsiya male
yes? 43 FISTEL Tsiya not indicated townsman 1820 1834 newborn 1850 30 wife of Mendel Vigdorov female
yes? 43 FISTEL Tsitya Mendel townsman 1844 1834 newborn 1850 6 daughter of Mendel Vigdorov Tsiya female

Analysis: Mendel son of Vigdor (also called "Mendel Vigdorov"), age 32, is head of the household and is married to Tsiya, age 30. They have a son, Yos, age 9, and a daughter Tsitya, age 6.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 44 PERELMAN Khaim Abram townsman 1799 1799 1834 35 1850 51 head of family male
yes 44 PERELMAN Mordko Khaim townsman 1822 1822 1834 12 1850 28 son of family Khaim Abramov Ester-Haya male
no 44 PERELMAN Yudko-Itsko Khaim townsman 1830 1834 4 recruited 1850 1850 not indicated son of family Khaim Abramov Ester-Haya male
yes 44 PERELMAN Ester-Haya not indicated townsman 1801 1834 1850 49 wife of Khaim Abramov male
no 44 PERELMAN Leya Khaim townsman 1826 1834 1850 24 daughter of Khaim Abramov Ester-Haya male
no 44 PERELMAN Hana Khaim townsman 1828 1834 1850 22 daughter of Khaim Abramov Ester-Haya male
yes 44 | 12 PERELMAN Itsko Khaim townsman 1835 1834 newborn 1851 16 male

Analysis: This is the second of two Perelman households ( #38, #44). The head of household is Khaim son of Abram (also called "Khaim Abramov"), age 51. It is very likely he is the son of "Avrum Perelman" listed in household #38 who passed away in 1838 and was born in 1766. Listed in the 1850 revision, is Khaim's wife, Ester-Haya, age 45, his won Morko, age 28, and two daughter, Leya, age 24, and Hana, age 22. A son Yudko-Itsko is listed as as recruited in 1850 at the age of 20. It is also interesting to note that a son and two daughters all in their 20s are not married in this household.

In the 1851 supplement, it is apparently the same son Itsko who reappears. Now he is listed as 16 and born in 1835 (instead of 1830).

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 45 STEINSHNAD Yorikhim-Anshel Yos townsman 1807 1807 1834 27 1850 43 head of family male
yes 45 STEINSHNAD Mordko-Ber Yorikhim-Anshel townsman 1833 1833 1834 1 1850 17 son of Yorikhim-Anshel Yosev Rivka male
no 45 STEINSHNAD Rivka not indicated townsman 1810 1834 1 1850 40 wife of Yorikhim-Anshel Yosev female
yes 45 STEINSHNAD Feiga Yorikhim-Anshel townsman 1836 1834 1850 14 daughter of Yorikhim-Anshel Yosev Rivka female
yes 45 STEINSHNAD Sura Yorikhim-Anshel townsman 1840 1834 1850 10 daughter of Yorikhim-Anshel Yosev Rivka female
yes 45 STEINSHNAD Maria Yorikhim-Anshel townsman 1843 1834 1850 7 daughter of Yorikhim-Anshel Yosev Rivka female

Analysis: This is the third of six Steinshnad households (#34, #35, #45, #49, #92 #112), several of which appear related. See a summary of the Steinshnad household relationships. There are also four Steinshnader/Steinshnadyr households ( #42, #75, #76, #92) but there is no evidence that Sheinshnad and Steinshnader families are related.

The head of the household here, Yorikhim-Anshel son of Yos, is 43. There is a younger man named Yos Steinshnad in household #35 and perhaps he was named after the Yos mentioned here in the previous generation. In this household with Yorikhim-Anshel is his wife Rivka, age 40 and their son Mordko-Ber, age 17, and daughters, Feiga age 14, Sura age 10, and Maria age 7.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1834)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 46 FLEISCHER Duvid-Moishe Yos townsman 1814 1814 1834 20 1850 36 head of family male
yes 46 FLEISCHER Leibko Yos townsman 1822 1826 1834 12 (8-crossed out in pencil) 1850 26 (24 crossed out in pencil) brother of Duvid-Moisha Yosev male
yes 46 FLEISCHER Nukhim-Khaim Yos townsman 1826 1834 8 missing 1849 1850 brother of Duvid-Moisha Yosev male
yes 46 FLEISCHER Khaim Yos townsman 1830 1834 14 recruited 1844 1850 brother of Duvid-Moisha Yosev male
yes 46 FLEISCHER Shlema-Gersh Leibko or Leibko-Mordko townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 3 son of Leibko-Mordko Yosev Feygya male
yes 46 FLEISCHER Ester not indicated townsman 1799 1834 1850 51 mother of Duvid-Moisha Yosev female
yes 46 FLEISCHER Basya not indicated townsman 1817 1834 1850 33 wife of Duvid-Moisha Yosev female
no 46 FLEISCHER not indicated [first unamed daughter ] Duvid-Moishe townsman 1834 1850 not indicated daughter of Duvid-Moisha Yosev Basya female
yes 46 FLEISCHER not indicated [named Sura-Leya in 1858] Duvid-Moishe townsman 1834 1850 not indicated daughter of Duvid-Moisha Yosev Basya female
no 46 FLEISCHER Feiga not indicated townsman 1825 1834 1850 25 wife of Leibko-Mordko Yosev female
no 46 FLEISCHER Sura Leibko or Leibko-Mordko townsman 1840 1834 1850 10 daughter of Leibko-Mordko Yosev Feygya female
yes 46 FLEISCHER Leya Leibko or Leibko-Mordko townsman 1841 1834 1850 9 daughter of Leibko-Mordko Yosev Feygya female

Analysis: This household (#46) has the surname Fleischer. There is also another household (#74) with the surname Flesher. There is no obvious familial connection between them.

Here a 36 year old by the name of Duvid-Moishe son of Yos (also called Duvid-Moisha Yosev) is head of household. He was born in 1814 and present in the earlier 1834 census. He is married to Basya, age 33, and they have two daughters, their names and ages not recorded. One of them is named Sura-Leya in the 1858 census. Also in the household is his mother Ester, age 51. She was born in 1799.

Duvid-Moisha also has three younger brothers listed. His brother Leibko, age 26, is present with his wife Feiga, age 25, and a daughter Sura, age 10 and a daughter Leya. His brother Nukhim-Khaim is missing as of 1849 at the age of 24. Another brother Khaim was recuited in 1844 at age 9.

There is an Isaac Fleisher/Fleischer, born 1875 in Mervits who married Sorkeh Wurtzel from Mervits and migrated to Philadelphia. He is likely a descendant of this family and may be the son of Duvid-Moshe and Faiga.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 47 NEFTMAN Yos-Nuta Abram townsman 1790 1790 1834 44 1850 60 head of family male
yes 47 NEFTMAN Kisel-Kelman Yos-Nuta Abramov townsman 1813 1813 1834 20.5 1850 36.5 son of Yos-Nuta Abramov Branya male
yes 47 NEFTMAN Moshko Yos-Nuta townsman 1824 1824 1834 10 1850 26 son of Yos-Nuta Abramov Branya male
yes 47 NEFTMAN Abrum-Berysh Yos-Nuta townsman 1839 1834 newborn 1850 11 son of Yos-Nuta Abramov Branya male
yes 47 NEFTMAN Branya not indicated townsman 1804 1834 1850 46 wife of Yos-Nuta Abramov female
yes 47 NEFTMAN Sura-Leya Yos-Nuta townsman 1829 1834 1850 21 daughter of Yos-Nuta Abramov Branya female
no 47 NEFTMAN Basya Yos-Nuta townsman 1834 1834 1850 16 daughter of Yos-Nuta Abramov Branya female
yes 47 NEFTMAN Leya not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Kisel-Kelman Yos-Nutov female
yes 47 NEFTMAN Beyla Kisel-Kelman townsman 1843 1834 1850 7 daughter of Kisel-Kelman Yos-Nutov Leya female
no 47 NEFTMAN Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1826 1834 1850 24 wife of Moshko Yos-Nutov female

Analysis: Yos-Nuta son of Abram (also called "Yos-Nuta Abramov") is head of household and 60 years old. He is one of the oldest living men in town. His wife, Branya, is younger and 45 years old. She is likely a second wife since the eldest son is Kisel-Kelman, age 36.

Two additional sons are in the household: Mosho, age 26 and Abram-Berysh. Two daughters are also present, Sura-Leya, age 21, and Basya, age 16. The eldest son, Kisel-Kelman, is married and his wife, Leyla, age 30 is present and well as a daughter, Beyla, age 7. The second son is also married, to a woman named Rukhlya. They have no children listed.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 48 DOLGOSHEI Yos Moshko townsman 1788 1834 46 died 1846 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 48 DOLGOSHEI Moishe-Gersh Yos townsman 1824 1834 omitted 1850 26 son of Yos Moshkov Reyzya male
yes 48 DOLGOSHEI Reyzya not indicated townsman 1804 1834 1850 46 wife of Yos Moshkov female
no 48 KIPERSHNAD Shlema Duvid townsman 1790 1834 44 died 1840 1850 not indicated nephew of Yos Moshkov male

Analysis: The head of household, Yos son of Moshko (also called "Yos Moshkov"), died in 1846 at the age of 58. He was born in 1788 and was present in Mervits for the 1834 census. He may have been in Mervits when the area became part of Russia in 1793. Still present in the household is Yos's wife, Reyzya, who is 46 and his son, Moishe-Gersh, who is 26.

A nephew, Shlema Kipershnad, is listed but died in 1840 at the age of 50. We can assume that Shlema's mother was probably Yos's sister. It is interesting to see that Shlema, a nephew, was born only two years after his uncle Yos. This was probably because of a large spread in ages between Yos and an older sister.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 49 STEINSHNAD Shlema-Leib Urin townsman 1793 1793 1834 41 1850 57 head of family male
yes 49 STEINSHNAD Urin-Gersh Moshko townsman 1825 1834 omitted 1850 25 nephew of Shlema-Leib Urinov male
yes 49 STEINSHNAD Pesya-Gitel not indicated townsman 1816 1834 1850 34 wife of Shlema-Leib Urinov female
no 49 STEINSHNAD Ryva Shlema-Leib townsman 1840 1834 1850 10 daughter of Shlema-Leib Urinov Pesya-Gitel female

Analysis: This is the fourth of six Steinshnad households ( #34, #35, #45, #49, #92 #112), several of which appear related. See a summary of the Steinshnad household relationships. There are also four Steinshnader/Steinshnadyr households ( #42, #75, #76, #92) but there is no evidence that Sheinshnad and Steinshnader families are related.

The head of household, Shelma-Leib son of Urin (also called "Shlema-Leib Urinov") is 57. He appears to be the oldest living head of household in 1850. He is probably the brother of Froim Faivish, head of household #34 since they both are sons of Urin Steinshnad.

In the household with Shlema-Leib is his wife, Pesya-Gitel, age 34, a daughter Ryva, age 10 and a nephew, Urin-Gersh, age 25. Urin-Gersh is son of Moshko who is in all probability another brother of Shlema-Leib.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 50 VEXEL Duvid-Beynish Sender townsman 1784 1784 1834 50 1850 66 head of family male
no 50 VEXEL Sender-Gersh Duvid-Beynish townsman 1817 1834 17 died 1839 1850 not indicated son of Duvid-Beynish Senderov Basya male
no 50 VEXEL Basya not indicated townsman 1798 1834 1850 52 wife of Duvid-Beynish Senderov Basya female
no 50 VEXEL Basya-Gudya Sender-Gersh townsman 1835 1834 1850 15 daughter of Sender-Gersh Duvid-Beynishev female
no 50 FURSHPON Mordko Itsko townsman 1822 1834 12 missing 1850 1850 not indicated nephew of Duvid-Beynish Senderov male
yes 50 FURSHPON Lipa Itsko townsman 1834 1824 1844 10 1850 26 brother of Mordko Itskov male
no 50 FURSHPON Etya not indicated townsman 1832 1834 10 1850 18 wife of Lipa Itskov female

Analysis: This household includes relatives of the Vexel and Furshpon families. The head of household, Duvid-Beynish son of Sender (also called "Duvid-Beynish Senderov") is 66-years-old and the oldest living person in this revision list. His wife, Basya, is 52. Their son Sender-Gersh died in 1839 at the age of 22. Sender's daughter, Basya-Gudya, age 15 is present in the household. She would have been about 4-years-old when her father died. Her mother is not mentioned and may have left the household when her husband passed away.

Also present in the household is a nephew of Duvid-Beynish, Mordko son of Itsko (also called "Mordko Itskov"). Since he has a different surname, we can assume he is a son of Duvid-Beynish's sister. He has been missing since 1850 when he was 28. A brother of his named Lipa, age 26, is present with his wife, Etya, age 18.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 51 BUKHGALTER Yudko-Aizik Wolf townsman 1801 1834 33 died 1846 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 51 BUKHGALTER Peysakh Yudko-Aizik townsman 1825 1834 9 died 1841 1850 not indicated son of Yudko-Aizik Volfov Hana male
yes 51 BUKHGALTER Moshko Yudko-Aizik townsman 1827 1827 1834 7 1850 23 son of Yudko-Aizik Volfov Hana male
no 51 BUKHGALTER Hana not indicated townsman 1798 1834 1850 52 wife of Yudko-Aizik Volfov female
maybe? 51 BUKHGALTER Sura not indicated townsman 1830 1834 1850 20 wife of Moshko Yudko-Aizikov female

Analysis: This is the first of two Bukhgalter households (household #51) and Bukhgalter (household # 139). The two heads of household appear to brothers.

Two of the household members who were present in 1834 passed away by this revision in 1850. The head of this household, Yudko-Aizik son of Wolf (also called Yudko-Aizik Volfov) passed away in 1846 at the age of 46 and his son Peysakh died in 1841 at the age of 16. Yudko-Aizik's wife, Hana, is still present in the household at the age of 52 and their other son, Moshko, age 23, is also present with his wife, Sura, age 20.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 52 Kvasgalter Yos-Gersh Shevel townsman 1823 1834 omitted 1850 27 head of family male
yes 52 Kvasgalter Zlata not indicated townsman 1824 1834 1850 26 wife of Yos-Gersh Shevelev male

Analysis: The head of household Yos-Gersh son of Shevel (also called "Yos-Gersh Shevelev") is 27 and his wife, Zlata, is 26.

There is a Kwasgalter family remembered in the later list of Mlynov martyrs p. 438, which may be descendants of this family. One of them is in fact named Zlata which is the same first name as the wife here after whom she was probably named.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 53 FISHMAN Yorikhim-Moishe Yokhin townsman 1808 1808 1834 26 1850 42 head of family male
yes 53 FISHMAN Yoikhin Yorikhim-Moishe townsman 1835 1834 newborn 1850 15 son of Yorikhim-Moisha Yokhinov Silka male
no 53 FISHMAN Silka not indicated townsman 1810 1834 1850 40 wife of Yorikhim-Moisha Yokhinov female
no 53 FISHMAN Rivka Yorikhim-Moishe townsman 1838 1834 1850 12 daughter of Yorikhim-Moisha Yokhinov Silka female

Analysis: This is the second of seven Fishman households listed in the revision (household #33, household #53, household #65, household #86, household #121, household #133, household #138). Only this one (#53) and the previous (#33) have names in common suggesting a possible relationship. It is possible that the head of household here (Yorikhim-Moishe son of Yokhin) is the son of the man named Yoikhim Fishman who was listed as head of household #33.

Here Yorikhim-Moishe (also called "Yorikhim-Moisha Yokhinov") is age 42. His wife is Silka, age 40. They have a son named Yoikhim, age 15, who was named for his paternal grandfather (possibly the Yoikhim listed in household #33). They also have a daughter, Rivka age 12.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 54 GERTNIK Avrum-Meyer Leib townsman 1800 1834 34 died 1840 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 54 GERTNIK Avrum-Meyer not indicated townsman 1800 1835 34 newborn 1850 15 grandson Avrum-Meyer Leibov male

Analysis: The head of this Gertnik household, Avrum-Meyer son of Leib (also called "Avrum-Meyer Leibov") passed away in 1840 at the age of 40. His grandson and namesake, age 15, is the only member remaining in the household.

There is a Gertnik family remembered in an essay by Yosef Gertnich in the Mlynov-Mervits Memorial Book. His father's name was Moshe and his grandfather's name was Mordechai. It sees possible that this Gernik family in the census is his ancestral family.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 55 ERLIKHMAN Yankel Shavel townsman 1786 1834 48 died 1840 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 55 ERLIKHMAN Moshko-Ber Yankel townsman 1820 1820 1834 14 1850 30 son of Yankel Shavelev male
yes 55 ERLIKHMAN Yekhev Moshko-Ber townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 son of Moshko-Ber Yankelev Ester-Yenta male
yes 55 ERLIKHMAN Ester-Yenta not indicated townsman 1830 1834 newborn 1850 20 wife of Moshko-Ber Yankelev female

Analysis: This is the first of two Erlikhman households that appear to be related ( #55 and #102). Here, Yankel son of Shavel, the head of the family passed away in 1940 at the age of 54. He was born in 1786, possibly one of the earliest birth dates in this list. His son Moshko-Ber, age 30, is present in the household along with his wife, Ester-Yenta, age 20. A son of theirs is listed named Yekhev, age 16. Yekhev appears too old to be the son of Ester-Yenta and perhaps she is a second wife.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 56 PERLUKH Yankel Yudko townsman 1776 1834 58 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 56 PERLUKH Leizar Yankel townsman 1809 1834 25 died 1835 1850 not indicated son of Yankel Yudkov male
yes 56 PERLUKH Meyer Yankel townsman 1825 1834 omitted 1850 25 son of Yankel Yudkov male
no 56? | 13 PERLUKH? Dvoira not indicated townsman 1829 1834 omitted 1851 22 wife of Meyer Yankelev male

Analysis: The head of household, Yankel son of Yudko (also called "Yankel Yudkov") died in 1939 at the age of 63. His son, Leizar, died in 1835 at the age of 26. Still present in the household is his son Meyer, age 26.

It seems likely that the woman named Dvoira, who appears in the 1851 supplement without a surname, belongs with this family since she is the wife of Meyer Yankelev. The Meyer son of Yankel here is the appropriate ageand would normally be called Meyer Yankelev. There is a Meyer Yankelev in the Kolodne family but he died just two years after this Devorah was born.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 57 FELDMAN Yos Gershko townsman 1778 1834 56 died 1847 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 57 FELDMAN Gershko Yos townsman 1799 1799 1834 35 1850 51 son of Yos Gershkov male
yes 57 FELDMAN Shmul-Shlema Gershko townsman 1819 1819 1834 15 1850 31 son of Yos Gershkov Haya male
yes 57 FELDMAN Elya Shmul-Shlema townsman 1836 1834 newborn 1850 14 son of Shmul-Shlema Gershkov Rivka male
no 57 FELDMAN Shimon-Wolf Nesanel townsman 1829 1843 14 recruited 1843 1850 not indicated grandson of Yos Gershkov male
yes 57 FELDMAN Ire-Wolf Shmul-Shlema townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 son of Shmul-Shlema Gershkov Rivka male
no 57 FELDMAN Haya not indicated townsman 1800 1834 1850 50 wife of Gershko Yosev female
no 57 FELDMAN Rivka not indicated townsman 1819 1834 1850 31 wife of Shmul-Shlema Gershkov female
no 57 FELDMAN Tsipya Shmul-Shlema townsman 1834 1834 1850 16 daughter of Shmul-Shlema Gershkov Rivka female

Analysis: This is the first of six separate Feldman households in the 1850 census ( #57, #59, #82 #84 #108, #116). It appears that members of households (#57, #59, #82, and #116) are all cousins and descended from Yos Feldman. Household #82 is almost certainly related to this one as discussed there.

This household has 9 members listed, and 7 present in 1850. The head of the household, Yos son of Gershov (also called "Yos Gershkov") died in 1847 at the age of 59. Still remaining in the household are two of his sons and their wives, two grandsons, and a granddaughter. A third grandson has been recruited and is no longer present.

The first son is Gershkov (also called "Gersh Yosev"), age 51, and his wife, Haya, age 50. The younger son is Shmuel-Shlema (also called "Shmul-Shlema Gershkov"), age 31, his wife Rivka, age 31, with their son, Ire-Wolf, age 12 and their daughter, Tsipya, age 16.

Also listed is a grandson, Shimon-Wolf son of Nesanel. He was recruited in 1843 at the age of 14. He is called a grandson, rather than a son, because unlike the other grandchildren in the household, Shimon-Wolf's father is not listed as a member of this household. His father, Nesanel, is almost certainly the man who reappears in 1851 in household #82, as discussed there.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 58 BERGER Srul Berko townsman 1772 1834 62 died 1844 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 58 BERGER Moishe-Khaim Abram-Yos townsman 1824 1824 1834 10 1850 27 grandson of Srul Berkov male
yes 58 BERGER Perlya-Vekhnya not indicated townsman 1824 1834 1850 26 wife of Moishe-Khaim Abram-Yosev female
yes 58 BERGER Brukha-Reyzya Moishe-Khaim townsman 1842 1834 1850 8 daughter of Moishe-Khaim Abram-Yosev Perlya-Vekhnya female

Analysis: This is the second of five Berger households in the census (household #31), (household #58), (household #61), (household #66), (household #115). This one too is a small one, with four individuals listed and only three present. The head of household, Srul, son of Berko, passed away in 1844 at the age of 72. His grandon, Moishe-Khaim, age 27 is living in the household with his wife Perlya-Vekhnya, age 26 and his daughter Brukha-Reyzya, age 8. Moishe-Khaim's father was Abram-Yos, but he is not listed in the census.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 59 FELDMAN Leizar Yos townsman 1810 1810 1834 24 1850 40 head of family male
yes 59 FELDMAN Shulim Leizar townsman 1829 1829 1834 5 1850 21 son of Leizar Yosev Beylya male
yes 59 FELDMAN Gershko Leizar townsman 1834.5 1834 newborn 1850 15.5 brother of Shulim Leizarov male
yes 59 FELDMAN Motya Leizar townsman 1839 1834 newborn 1850 11 brother of Shulim Leizarov male
no 59 FELDMAN Beylya not indicated townsman 1812 1834 1850 38 wife of Leizar Yosev male
no 59 FELDMAN Leya not indicated townsman 1830 1834 1850 20 wife of Shulim Yosev male

Analysis: This is the second of six separate Feldman households in the 1850 census ( #57, #59, #82 #84 #108, #116). It appears that members of households (#57, #59, #82, and #116) are all cousins and descended from Yos Feldman, who is listed in household 57 and passed away in 1847.

Here Leizar, son of Yos (also called "Leizar Yosev") is head of the family at age 40. His wife, Beylya, age 38 is present, as is their son Shulim, age 21 and Shulim's wife, Leya, age 20.

It is not clear why two other males in the household, Gershko, age 15 1/2 and Motya, age 11, are called "brothers of Shulim" and not "sons of Leizar," unless they are half-siblings and have a different father.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 60 GEKER Nukhim Yos townsman 1822 1834 omitted 1850 28 head of family male
yes 60 GEKER Golda not indicated townsman 1825 1834 1850 25 wife Nukhim Yosev female

Analysis: A small household of a husband and wife. Nukhim son of Yos, age 28, is head of the household and is married to Golda, age 25.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 61 BERGER Gershko Urin townsman 1787 1834 47 died 1837 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 61 BERGER Urin-Leib Gershko townsman 1812 1834 22 missing 1849 1850 not indicated son of Gershko Urinov Ester male
no 61 BERGER Avrum-Itsko Duvid townsman 1834 1834 newborn recruited 1850 1850 26 nephew of Gershko Urinov male
no 61 BERGER Ester not indicated townsman 1790 1834 1850 60 wife of Gershko Urinov female
no 61 MEYSER Itsko-Oizer Hozyk townsman 1828 1834 6 missing 1848 1850 not indicated cousin of Gershko Urinov male

Analysis: This is the third of five Berger households in the census (household #31), (household #58), (household #61), (household #66), (household #115). This household also has a cousin listed from the Meyser family.

This is the second Berger household to list a Gershko. This Gershko may be one of the ancestors of several of these Berger households. This Gershko son of Urin (also called Gershko Urinov) was born in 1787 and was also present in 1834. He may have been living here in Mervits when it became part of Russia in 1793.

Only one or two members of this household are left present. Gershko son of Urin died in 1837 at the age of 50. His widow, Ester, is still in the household, age 60. A son of theirs, Urin-Leib, is missing as of 1849 and would have been 39 at the time. He shows up with his family in a supplementary revision taken in 1851 (see further below).

A nephew of Gerhsko, Avrum-Itsko son of Duvid, is listed as recruited in 1850 at the age of 26. It is a reasonable assumption that Avrum-Itsko's father, Duvid, was a brother of Gershko. It seems probable also that he is the Duvid Berger listed below in household #66 who was born in 1790 and son of Leib. He died in 1841 which explains why his son Avrum-Itsko is here living in his uncle's household. Though that Duvid Berger's father is named Leib, and the father of Gershko here is Urin, it appears they are the same person. Indeed, Gershko named one of his sons Urin-Leib suggesting his father's name was Urin-Leib and not just Urin.

A cousin of Gersho, Itsko-Oizer Meyser, is also listed. He went missing in 1848 at the age of 20. He appears to be of a younger generation, though the precise relationship is not specified.

By an 1851 revision, we learn that Gershko's son, Urin-Leib, has returned or is found. As detailed in the table that follows, he is 39, married to Sura-Basya age 36 and has a 14-year-old daughter Reyza-Etya and an 8 year-old-son, Ovshiya Motel. We don't know whether they were just absent in 1850 or they had been in hiding because of the son's age and some pending conscription.

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 61 | 36 BERGER Urin-Leib Gershko townsman 1812 1812 1834 22 1851 39 male
yes 61 | 36 BERGER Ovshiya-Motel Urin-Leib townsman 1834 1843 1834 newborn 1851 8 son of Urin-Leib Sura-Basya male
no 61 | 36 BERGER Sura-Basya not indicated townsman 1815 1834 1851 36 wife of Gershko Urinov female
no 61 | 36 BERGER Reyza-Etya Urin-Leib townsman 1837 1834 1851 14 daughter of Gershko Urinov Sura-Basya female

Analysis: This data from the 1851 supplement overlaps with the previous household's data. See comments on the previous household for discussion.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 62 KLEYNER Itsko Moshko townsman 1824 1834 omitted 1850 26 grandson of Shmul Abramov male
no 62 KLEYNER Rivka not indicated townsman 1830 1834 omitted 1850 20 wife of Itsko Moshkov female

Analysis: This is the first of two Kleyner households that appear related (household #62 , and household #107). The young man here, Itsko son of Moshko Kleyner is described as the grandson of Shmul Abramov. In the other Kleyner household #107, the head of household, Abel Kleyner, is described as a son of Shmul. It seems likely that the Shmul Kleyner in both cases is the same man.

Here Itsko, age 26, is married to Rivka, age 20. Note that Itsko is not called a head of household here, which is unusual and could be because he newly left household 107.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1834)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 63 GELMAN Mordko-Ber Abram townsman 1790 1834 44 died 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 63 GELMAN Gershko Morkdko-Ber townsman 1831 1831 1834 3 (8 crossed out in pencil 1850 19 (24-crossed out in pencil son of Mordko-Ber Abramov male
yes 63 GELMAN Itsko-Srul Morkdko-Ber townsman 1834 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 brother of Gershko Mordko-Berov male
no 63 GELMAN Dvora-Basya Morkdko-Ber townsman 1834 1838 1842 newborn 1850 8 daughter of Mordko-Ber Abramov female
no 63 GELMAN Haya - townsman 1834 1838 1842 1850 19 wife of Gershko Mordko-Berov female

Analysis: There are two Gelman households in this census, (this household #63 and household #104). The two families may be related since the head of household in both cases is a man who is son of Abram Gelman and they were born not long apart in 1790 and 1792 respectively.

The head of this household is Morko-Ber son of Abram (1790–1849), also called Mordko-Ber Abramov. He passed away shortly before this census in 1848 at the age of 44. He left behind two sons, Gershko, age 19 in 1850, and another son, Itsko-Srul (Yitzhak Yisrael) who was 12. A daughter Dvora-Basya age 8 is also present.

The eldest son Gershko is married to Haya, age 18, who is in household. They do not have any children listed.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 64 GRINSHPUN Mordko Faivish townsman 1801 1834 33 missing 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 64 GRINSHPUN Meyer-Fayvel Mordko townsman 1817 1834 17 missing 1849 1850 not indicated son of Mordko Faivishev male
dup name in 1851 sup 64 | 14 GRINSHPUN Meyer-Fayvel Mordko townsman 1817 1817 1834 17 1851 34 son of Mordko Faivishev male
yes 64 | 14 GRINSHPUN Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1821 1834 1851 30 wife of Meyer Faivish-Mordkov female
no 64 | 14 GRINSHPUN Malka-Freyda Meyer townsman 1836 1834 1851 15 daugher of Meyer Faivish-Mordkov Rukhlya female
yes 64 | 14 GRINSHPUN Dinya-Mirlya Meyer townsman 1839 1834 1851 12 daugher of Meyer Faivish-Mordkov Rukhlya female

Analysis: This is the fourth of ten Grinshpun households (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142). It seems likely that the head of household here, Mordko son of Faivish, born in 1801, is the brother of Lemel son of Faivish, who is head of household #29 and born 1788, and the brother of Shevel son of Faivish, head of household #41 and born in 1793. It seems very possible the other heads of households with that surname are first cousins and their fathers were brothers.

Here in the 1850 revision, Mordko is listed as missing in 1849 at the age of 48 as is his son Meyer-Fayvel who went missing the same year at age 32. In the 1851 supplemental revision, Meyer-Fayvel reappears with his family. He is 34 and married to Rukhlya, age 30, and they have two daughters, Malka-Freyda, age 15, and Dinya-Mirlya, age 12.

Click to open a summary of the Grinshpun household relationships.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 65 FISHMAN Abram-Duvid Meyer-Gershko townsman 1799 1834 35 died 1841 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 65 FISHMAN Khaim-Mendel Abram-Duvid townsman 1822 1822 1834 1850 28 son of Abram-Duvid Meyer-Gershkov Rukhlya male
no 65 FISHMAN Zeylik Meyer-Gershko townsman 1815 1834 19 missing 1946 1850 not indicated brother of Abram-Duvid Meyer-Gershkov male
yes 65 FISHMAN Yankel-Moishe Khaim-Mendel townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 son of Khaim-Mendel Abram-Duvidov Sura-Freydya male
no 65 FISHMAN Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1799 1834 1850 51 wife of Abram-Duvid Meyer-Gershkov female
no 65 FISHMAN Sura-Freydya not indicated townsman 1822 1834 1850 28 wife of Khaim-Mendel Abram-Duvidov female
no 65 FISHMAN Ester-Hana Khaim-Mendel townsman 1834 1834 1850 16 daughter of Khaim-Mendel Abram-Duvidov Sura-Freydya female
yes 65 FISHMAN Yenta Khaim-Mendel townsman 1839 1834 1850 11 daughter of Khaim-Mendel Abram-Duvidov Sura-Freydya female

Analysis: This is the third of seven Fishman households listed in the revision (household #33, household #53, household #65, household #86, household #121, household #133, household #138). There is no self-evident connections between this one and the others.

The head of household, Abram-Duvid son of Meyer-Gershko (also called "Abram-Duvid Meyer Gershkov"), died in 1841 at the age of 42. His widow Rukhlya, age 51, is still in the household along with two sons, Khaim-Mendel, age 28 and Yankel-Moishe, age 12. A brother of Abram-Duvid, named Zelik, went missing in 1846 at the age of 31.

Their son Khaim-Mendel is married to Sura-Freydya, age 28, and they have two daughters: Ester-Hana, page 16 and Yenta, age 11.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 66 BERGER Duvid Leib townsman 1790 1834 44 died 1841 1850 not indicated head of family male

Analysis: This is the fourth of five Berger households listed in the census (household #31), (household #58), (household #61), (household #66), (household #115). The household no longer exists and is listed to show what became of it between 1834, the earlier revision, and this one in 1850. The head of the family, Duvid son of Leib, died in 1841 since the last revision. He was 51 at the time. Duvid was born in 1790 and may even have been born in Mervits when it was still part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

As discussed in Berger household #61 above, this Duvid son of Leib, appears to be the brother of Gershko, the head of that family. It appears that Duvid's son, Avrum-Itsko, went to live with his uncle Gershko after his father died and is listed in that household.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes (as Yonak) 67 Yuniuk Moshko-Abram Duvid townsman 1815 1834 omitted 1850 35 head of family male
no 67 Yuniuk Rivka not indicated townsman 1818 1834 1850 32 wife of Moshko-Abram Duvidov female

Analysis: This is the first of three Yuniuk households ( #67, #100, #130). It appears that the head of this household #67 Moshko-Abram son of Duvid may be the brother of Shmual-Abram son of Duvid, head of household #130.

This household is headed by Moshko-Abram (also called "Moshko-Abram Duvidov"), age 35. He is married to Rivka, age 32.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 68 KUCHER Urin-Leib Gershko townsman 1815 1834 omitted 1850 35 head of family male
yes 68 KUCHER Zainvel Urin-Leib townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 son of Urin-Leib Gershkov Gitlya male
yes 68 KUCHER Yankel Urin-Leib townsman 1840 1834 newborn 1850 10 son of Urin-Leib Gershkov Gitlya male
yes 68 KUCHER Gitlya not indicated townsman 1817 1834 1850 33 wife of Urin-Leib Gershkov female
yes 68 KUCHER Tsevya Urin-Leib townsman 1842 1834 1850 8 daughter of Urin-Leib Gershkov Gitlya female
yes 68 KUCHER Beylya Urin-Leib townsman 1844 1834 1850 6 daughter of Urin-Leib Gershkov Gitlya female
yes (as Etlya) 68 KUCHER Gitlya Urin-Leib townsman 1846 1834 1850 4 daughter of Urin-Leib Gershkov Gitlya female
no not indicated KUCHER Shapsya-Tovol Gershko townsman 1834 not indicated recruited 1830 1850 not indicated cousin of male

Analysis: Head of household, Urin-Leib son of Gershko (also called "Urin-Leib Gershkov") is 35. His wife Gitlay, is 33. They have two sons, Zinvel, age 12, and Yankel, age 10, and three daughters, Tsevya, age 8, Beylya, age 6 and Gitlya, age 4.

A cousin named Shapsya-Tovol is listed as recruited in 1830. His age is not given but his father's name is also Gershko, though he is not called a brother of Urin-Leib.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 69 LEMER Nusyn Yos townsman 1809 1809 1834 25 1850 41 head of family male
yes 69 LEMER Srul-Yos Nusyn townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 son of Nusyn Yosev Basya male
no 69 | 32 LEMER Basya not indicated townsman 1811 1834 1851 40 wife of Nusin Yosev female
no 69 | 32 LEMER Riklya-Leya Nusyn townsman 1835 1834 1851 16 daughter of Nusin Yosev Basya female
yes 69 | 32 LEMER Ester-Rukhlya Nusyn townsman 1839 1834 1851 12 daughter of Nusin Yosev Basya female
yes 69 | 32 LEMER Bintsya Nusyn townsman 1842 1834 1851 9 daughter of Nusin Yosev Basya female

Analysis: Nusyn son of Yos (also called "Nusin Yosev" ), age 41, is head of household. His wife, Basya, age 40 is present with a son, Surl-Yos, age 16, and three daughters, Riklya-Leya, age 16, Ester-Rukhlya, age 12, and Bintsya, age 9.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 70 VINOKURNIK Leib-Gerts Vigdor townsman 1776 1834 58 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 70 VINOKURNIK Yos Leib-Gerts townsman 1839 1834 newborn died 1839 1850 11 son Leib-Gerts Vigdorov male

Analysis: This is the first of three Vinokurnik households which have no overt connection ( #70, #89, #111).

A small household with only two members listed. The head of the family, Leib-Gerts son of Vigdor (also called "Leib-Gerts Vigdorov") died in 1839 at the age of 63. His son, Yos, age 11 is the only member still in the household. One naturally wonders if there is some other adult responsible or whether Yos is living on his own.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 71 KREMER Ovshiya Yankel townsman 1807 1807 1834 27 1850 43 head of family male
yes 71 KREMER Alter-Beniumin Ovshiya townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 son of Ovshiya Yankelev Rivka male
no 71 KREMER Rivka Ovshiya townsman 1816 1834 1850 34 wife of Ovshiya Yankelev female

Analysis: This is the only household with the surname Kremer. However, the surname of household #8 is Kreymer and perhaps an alternative variation on the surname. The fact that that head of household and this one are sons of Yankel make it plausible they are brothers. Their birth years are close together as well.

Here Ovshiya son of Yankel, age 43, is head of household. In the household is his wife, Rivka, age 34 and a son, Alter-Beniumin, age 12.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 72 GRINSHPUN Itsko Vigdor townsman 1817 1834 omitted 1850 33 head of family male
yes 72 GRINSHPUN Moishe-Meyer Itsko townsman 1841 1834 newborn 1850 9 son of Itsko Vigdorov Rukhlya male
no 72 GRINSHPUN Metlya not indicated townsman 1790 1834 1850 60 mother of Itsko Vigdorov female
yes 72 GRINSHPUN Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Itsko Vigdorov female
no 72 GRINSHPUN Gitlya Itsko townsman 1838 1834 1850 12 daughter of Itsko Vigdorov Rukhlya female
no 72 GRINSHPUN Basya-Rukhlya Itsko townsman 1840 1834 1850 10 daughter of Itsko Vigdorov Rukhlya female

Analysis:This is the fifth of ten Grinshpun households (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142).

This is the first Grinshpun family where the father of the household head is named Vigdor. Here Itsko son of Vigdor is age 34 and was born in 1817. Household #103 below lists a Itsko son of Vigdor who was born in 1818 and died in 1837. It is not clear if they were brothers or just related or why they have the same father and same first name.

In this household with Itsko son of Vigdor (also called "Itsko Vigdorov"), is his mother, Metlya, age 60, one of the oldest living persons in this revision list. Also present is his wife Rukhlya, age 30, a son, Moishe-Meyer, age 9, and two daughters, Gitlya, age 12, and Basya-Rukhlya, age 10.

Click to open a summary of the Grinshpun household relationships.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 73 GEKHTMAN Mordko Aizyk townsman 1818 1834 16 missing 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 73 GEKHTMAN Kogos Lipa townsman 1801 1801 1834 33 1850 49 cousin of Mordko Aizikov male
yes 73 GEKHTMAN Lipa-Ber Kogos townsman 1826 1834 8 died 1843 1850 not indicated son of Kogos Lipov male
no 73 GEKHTMAN Yenta not indicated townsman 1804 1834 1850 46 wife of Kogos Lipov female

Analysis: This is the first of three Gekhtman households:household #73, household #126, household #134. It seems they may all be related through Aizik Gekhtman who is listed alone in household #126. It seems his son Morko is head of household #73 and his son Avrum-Ber is head of household #134.

Here the head of household, Mordko son of Aizyk (also called "Mordko Aizikov") has been missing since 1849 at the age of 31. His cousin, Kogos son of Lipa, age 49, is present with his wife, Yenta, age 46. A son of theirs, Lipa-Ber, died in 1843 at the age of 17. This is one of the few

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1834)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 74 FLESHER Beniumin Abram townsman 1803 1803 1834 1850 47 head of family male
no 74 FLESHER Yos-Ber Abram townsman 1829 1834 5 recruited 1846 1850 not indicated brother of Beniumin male
yes 74 FLESHER Alter Abram townsman 1834 1835 1834 newborn 1850 15 son of Beniumin Abramov Hana male
yes 74 FLESHER Hana not indicated townsman 1809 1834 1850 41 wife of Beniumin Abramov female
no 74 FLESHER Reyzya Beniumin townsman 1834 1834 1850 16 daughter of Beniumin Abramov Hana female

The surname of this household (#74) is Flesher which differs from the surname of household (#46) which is Fleischer.

This is a small household. Beniumin, son of Abram (also called Beniumin Abramov) is head of household. He is 47 with an implied birth year of 1803. There is no information about him from the earlier 1834 census though information is given about others in the household for that year. It is not clear, therefore, whether the family was already present by 1834.

In the household with him is his wife, Hana, age 41 (implied birth year of 1809), his son Alter, age 15, and his daughter Reyzya, age 16.

A brother, Yos-Ber, is listed but not present. The census indicates he was recruited in 1846 at the age of 17. If the information is correct, his implied birth year is 1829, making him 26 years younger than his older brother and head of household, Beniumin.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 75 STEINSHNADER Nokhman Yudko townsman 1791 1834 43 missing 1850 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 75 STEINSHNADER Yudko Nokhman townsman 1820 1834 14 missing 1850 1850 son of Nokhman Yudkov male
yes 75 STEINSHNADER Mikhel Nokhman townsman 1823 1834 11 recruited 1839 1850 not indicated Nokhman Yudkov male
dup name in supplement 75 | 15 STEINSHNADER Yudko Nakhman townsman 1820 1820 1834 14 1851 31 Nokhman Yudkov male
yes 75 | 15 STEINSHNADER Gersh-Leib Yudko townsman 1844 1834 newborn 1851 7 son of Yudko Nakhmanov male
no 75 | 15 STEINSHNADER Sura not indicated townsman 1791 1834 1851 60 mother of Yudko Nakhmanov female
yes? 75 | 15 STEINSHNADER Rivka-Malya not indicated townsman 1827 1834 1851 24 wife of Yudko Nakhmanov female
yes 75 | 15 STEINSHNADER Marya-Enya Yudko townsman 1847 1834 1851 4 daughter of Yudko Nakhmanov Rivka-Malya female

Analysis: This is the second of four Steinshnader/Steinshnadyr households (#42, #75, #76,#92). There are also six Steinshnad households (#34, #35, #45, #49, #92, #112). There is no obvious relationship between Sheinshnad and Steinshnader families.

The head of household here, Nokhman son of Yudko (also called "Nokhman Yudkov") went missing in 1850 at the age of 59. His son Yudko went missing in 1850 as well at the age of 30. We can guess that they went missing together. Another son, Mikhel, was recruited in 1839 at the age of 16.

In the 1851 supplement, Yudko reappears and is listed as 31.With him in the household is his mother, age 60, his wife Rivka-Malya, age 24, and their son, Gersh-Leib, age 7, and a daughter Marya-Enya, age 4. His father did not reappear.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 76 STEINSHNADER Berko Gershon townsman 1801 1834 33 missing 1845 1850 not indicated head of family male
dup name in supplement 76 | 19 STEINSHNADER Berko Gershon townsman 1801 1802 1834 33 1851 49 male
no 76 | 19 STEINSHNADER Vekhna not indicated townsman 1811 1834 1851 40 wife of Berko Gershkov female
no 76 | 19 STEINSHNADER Ester Berko townsman 1836 1834 1851 15 daughter of Berko Gershkov Vekhna female

Analysis: This is the third of four Steinshnader/Steinshnadyr households (#42, #75,#76,#92). There are also six Steinshnad households (#34, #35, #45, #49, #92, #112). There is no obvious relationship between Sheinshnad and Steinshnader families.

In the 1850 revision, the head of household, Berko son of Gershon (also called "Berko Gershkov") has been missing since 1845 at the age of 44. He reappears with his family in 1851 and is listed as age 49. With him is his wife, Vekhna, age 40, and a daughter, Ester, age 15. In the same 1851 revision, we find that three of his nephews from the Vinokurnik household (#89) have come to live in this household with their uncle.

It seems plausible that the Berko here is the father of Wolf in household #42 who is described as a son of Berko. Their respective ages make this interpretation plausible.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes as Buger 77 BERER Wolf Leizar townsman 1812 1834 omitted 1850 38 head of family male
yes as Buger 77 BERER Leyzer Wolf townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 son Wolf Leizarov Malka male
yes as Buger 77 BERER Malka not indicated townsman 1815 1834 1850 35 wife Wolf Leizarov Malka female

The Berer household is a small family unit of a husband, Wolf, son of Leizar (also called "Wolf Leizarov"), age 38, his wife Malka, age 35, and a 16 year old son, Leyzer, who apparently is named for his grandfather. It is not clear whether the family was present in Mervits in 1834, since data for that year is only provided for the son, who was listed as newborn.

Jump back to the list of families:

> <
Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 78 FINKELSTEIN Shmaria-Moishe Mordko townsman 1802 1802 1834 32 1850 48 head of family male
yes 78 FINKELSTEIN Shlema Shmaria-Moishe townsman 1831 1831 1834 3 1850 19 son of Shmarya-Moisha Mordkov Rukhlya male
yes 78 FINKELSTEIN Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Shmarya-Moisha Mordkov female
no 78 FINKELSTEIN Pesya not indicated townsman 1831 1834 1850 19 wife of Shlema Shmarya-Moishev female
yes? 78 | 16 FINKELSTEIN Enya [alt. name for Pesya?] not indicated townsman 1833 1834 1851 18 wife of Shlema Shmarya-Moishev female
no 78 | 16 FINKELSTEIN Dvora-Liba not indicated townsman 1835 1834 1851 16 sister of Shlema Shmarya-Moishev female
no 78 | 16 FINKELSTEIN Ester not indicated townsman 1837 1834 1851 14 sister of Shlema Shmarya-Moishev female

Analysis: This one of four Finkelstein households (#32, #78, #79 #104). The first three are almost certainly headed by brothers, sons of Mordko Finkelstein.

Here the head of household, Shmaria-Moishe son of Mordko (also called "Shmarya-Moishe Mordkov") is 48 and married to Rukhlya, age 30. Rukhlya could be his second wife based on their age difference and since his son, Shlema, who is also present in the household is age 19. (Rukhlya would have been 11 when she gave birth to him if she was in fact his mother, which is biologically possible).

In the 1850 census, Shlema (also called "Shlema Shmarya-Moishev") is also married to Pesya, age 19. But in the 1851 supplement (#16), his wife is listed as "Enya" age 18. It is not clear if he remarried or this is a different name for the same wife or some other reason explains the discrepancy. In the 1851 supplement, two sisters of Shlema are also listed, Dvora-Liba, age 16, and Ester, age 14. They would presumably also be daughters of Shmaria-Moishe and Rukhlya, but they are not described that way.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 79 FINKELSTEIN Shlema Mordko townsman 1804–1805 1834 30–31 missing 1843 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 79 FINKELSTEIN Itsko-Srul Mordko townsman 1813 1813 1834 21 1850 37 brother Shlema Mordkov male
yes 79 FINKELSTEIN Yudko Duvid townsman 1806 1806 1834 28 1850 44 nephew Shlema Mordkov male
yes 79 FINKELSTEIN Gyenya not indicated townsman 1811 1834 1850 39 wife of Itsko-Srul Shlemov female
yes 79 | 17 FINKELSTEIN Yankel-Shlema Yudko townsman 1830 1830 1834 4 1851 21 male
no 79 | 17 FINKELSTEIN Gyenya not indicated townsman 1813 1834 1851 38 mother of Yankel-Shlema Yudko female
no 79 | 17 FINKELSTEIN Haya Yudko townsman 1835 1834 1851 16 sister of Yankel-Shlema Yudko female

Analysis: This one of four Finkelstein households (#32, #78, #79 #104). The first three are almost certainly headed by brothers, sons of Mordko Finkelstein.

Here the head of household is Shlema son of Mordko. He was missing as of 1843 at the age of 39–40. His brother Itsko-Srul is present in the household, age 37 with a wife, Gyenya, age 39. Also present in the household is a nephew of Shelma. His name is Yudko son of Duvid, age 44.

In the 1851 supplement (household #17), additional family members appear. A young male, Yankel Shlema, is now present, age 21. He is the son of Yudko who was identified as the nephew in the 1850 revision. Yankel Shlema's mother, Gyenya, age 39 is also listed. (She is apparently a different Gyenya than the one already identified in 1850 as the wife of Itsko-Srul). A sister of Yankel Shlema, named Haya, age 16, is also present.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 80 FILKENSTEIN Leib Aron townsman 1794 1834 40 died 1846 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 80 FILKENSTEIN Moshko Faivish townsman 1805 1805 1834 29 1850 45 nephew of Leib Aronov male
yes 80 FILKENSTEIN Avrum-Yankel Moshko townsman 1841 1834 newborn 1850 9 son of Moshko Faivishev Reyzya male
no 80 FILKENSTEIN Anshel-Leib Moshko townsman 1826 1834 8 died 1838 1850 not indicated son of Moshko Faivishev Reyzya male
yes 80 FILKENSTEIN Munish Yudko townsman 1821 1821 1834 13 1850 29 brother-in-law of Leib Aronov male
no 80 FILKENSTEIN Basya not indicated townsman 1814 1834 1850 36 wife of Leib Aronov female
no 80 FILKENSTEIN Frima Leib townsman 1836 1834 1850 14 daughter of Leib Aronov Basya female
no 80 FILKENSTEIN Peysya Leib townsman 1840 1834 1850 10 daughter of Leib Aronov Basya female
no 80 FILKENSTEIN Reyzya Leib townsman 1844 1834 1850 6 daughter of Leib Aronov Basya female
yes 80 FILKENSTEIN Reyzya not indicated townsman 1809 1834 1850 41 wife of Moshko Faivishev female
no 80 FILKENSTEIN Sura Moshko townsman 1835 1834 1850 15 daughter of Moshko Faivishev Reyzya female
yes 80 FILKENSTEIN Golda not indicated townsman 1825 1834 1850 25 wife of Munish Yudkov female
no 80 FILKENSTEIN Buntsya Munish townsman 1841 1834 1850 9 daughter of Munish Yudkov Golda female
yes 80 FILKENSTEIN Ester Munish townsman 1847 1834 1850 3 daughter of Munish Yudkov Golda female

Analysis: This is the first of two households (#80, #81) called Filkenstein (Филькенштейн) (not Finkenstein [Финкельштейн]). However, in the 1858 revision this same family is called Finkenstein suggesting the two spellings could be interchangeable.

This is quite a large household with 14 names and 12 members still present. The head of household, Leib son of Aron (also called "Leib Aronov") died in 1846 at the age of 52. His wife Basya, age 36, is still present in the household, along with their three daughters, Frima, age 14, Peysya, age 10 and Reyzya, age 6.

Also in the household is a nephew of Leib Aronov. His name is Moshko son of Faivish, age 45, with his wife Reyzya, age 41, their son, Avrum-Yankel, age 9 and daughter Sura, age 15. An older son of theirs, Anshel-Leib, died in 1838 at the age of 12.

A brother-in-law of Leib Aronov is also present in the household. His name is Munish son of Yudko (also called "Munish Yudko"), age 29. He is married to Golda, age 25, who is presumably Leib Aronov's sister. The fact that Munish, a brother-in-law, has the same surname (Filkenstein) as the head of household suggests that perhaps Munish is a cousin from the male line.

The closeness in surnames between Filkenstein and Finkelstein, and the fact that in 1858 this family is called Finkelstein, leads one to wonder if these family lines were related. If so, Munish's father Yudko could be the man named Yudko Finkelstein listed in household #79. But there are no additional grounds to support that connection.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 81 FILKENSTEIN Shlema Moshko townsman 1809 1834 25 died 1846 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 81 FILKENSTEIN Khaim aka Motya Moshko townsman 1824 1824 1834 10 1850 26 brother of Shlema Moshko male
yes 81 FILKENSTEIN Shlema-Gdal Khaiam Motya townsman 1848 1834 newborn 1850 2 son of Khaim Motya Moshkov Gitlya male
no 81 FILKENSTEIN Elka Shlema townsman 1834 1834 1850 16 daughter of Shlema Moshkov female
yes 81 FILKENSTEIN Freyda Shlema townsman 1836 1834 1850 15 daughter of Shlema Moshkov female
yes 81 FILKENSTEIN Gitlya not indicated townsman 1825 1834 1850 25 wife of Khaim Motya Moshkov female
yes 81 FILKENSTEIN Perlya Khaim Motya townsman 1844 1834 1850 6 daughter of Khaim Motya Moshkov Gitlya female

Analysis: This is the second of two Filkenstein households (#80, #81). The families may be related, though it is not certain. A Moshko Filkenstein is mentioned here and in #80 but the implied birth years indicate they are not the same person, though they may be related or one named for the other. As was the case in household #80, this family also appears as Finkelstein (not Filkenstein) in the 1858 revision.

In this record here, Shlema son of Moshko (also called "Shlema Moshkov") passed away in 1846 at the age of 37. He was born in 1809 and was present for the 1834 revision. No widow is listed but still present in the household are two daughters, Elka, age 16, and Freyda, age 15.

Also present in the houshold is a brother of Shlema Moshkov. His name is Khaim Motya (also called "Khaim Motya Moshkov"), age 26, his wife Gitlya, age 25, their son Shlema-Gdal, age 2, and a daughter Perlya, age 6.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 82 FELDMAN Nesanel Yos townsman 1801 1834 33 missing 1845 1850 not indicated head of family male
dup name from 1851 sup 82 | 18 FELDMAN Nesanel Yoil townsman 1801 1801 1834 33 1851 50 male
yes 82 | 18 FELDMAN Volf-Mordko Nesanel townsman 1825 1834 omitted 1851 26 son of Nesanel Yoilev Leya male
yes 82 | 18 FELDMAN Moishe-Faivish Nesanel townsman 1843 1834 newborn 1851 8 son of Wolf Nesanelev Haya male
no 82 | 18 FELDMAN Leya not indicated townsman 1803 1834 1851 48 wife of Nesanel Yoilev Haya female
no 82 | 18 FELDMAN Rukhlya Nesanel townsman 1835 1834 1851 16 daughter of Nesanel Yoilev Leya female
yes 82 | 18 FELDMAN Haya not indicated townsman 1826 1834 1851 25 wife of Wolf Nesanelev female

Analysis: This is the third of six separate Feldman households in the 1850 census (#57, #59, #82 #84 #108, #116). This household appears almost certainly related to household #57 and probably also to #82, and #116.

The head of this household, Nesanel son of Yos (also called "Nesanel Yoilev") is very probably the same Nesanel Feldman listed as the father of Shimon-Wolf, who appears in household #57 and is listed as recruited in 1843. The record of household #57 indicates Nesanel's son, Shimon Wolf, was missing as of 1845 when he was 45 years old. We also see that that family in household #57 were descendants of a man named Yos Feldman, which matches the name of Nesanel's father here. In addition, the name "Wolf" is part of Nesanel's son's name in #57 and here he also has a son with "Volf" as one of his names. For all of these reasons, it appears that Nesanel here was the son of Yos Feldman listed in #57 and the brother of Gershko listed there.

Though Nesanel was absent here in the 1850 revision, he reappears with family in the 1851 supplement, age 50, suggesting he was born in 1801 and was already living in Mervits in 1834. With him in the household now is his wife, Leya, age 48, his son, Volf-Mordko (also called "Wolf Nesanelev"), age 26, Wolf's wife Haya, age 26, and their son Moishe-Faivish, age 8. Also present in the household is a daughter of Nesanel, Rukhlya, age 16.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 83 GRINSHPUN Fayvel Gerts townsman 1811 1811 1834 23 1850 39 head of family male
yes 83 GRINSHPUN Motya-Gershon Fayvel townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 son of Faivel Gertsov Keylya male
no 83 GRINSHPUN Keylya not indicated townsman 1816 1834 1850 34 wife of Faivel Gertsov Keylya male
no 83 GRINSHPUN Sluva Fayvel townsman 1848 1834 1850 2 daugther of Faivel Gertsov Keylya female
no 83 | 33 GRINSHPUN Sosya-Haya Fayvel townsman 1836 1834 1851 15 daugther of Faivel Gertsov Keylya female

Analysis: This is the sixth of ten Grinshpun households (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142). We can guess that the head of household here, Fayvel son of Gerts, age 39 is related to brothers who head households #29, #41, and #64, since they are sons of Faivish. The name Fayvel is a diminuitive variation on Faivish and he was probably named for Faivish or someone else with the name in the family line.

Here, Fayvel is age 39 and his wife, Keylya is 34. One daughter, Sluva, age 2, is listed in the 1850 revision. Another older daughter, Sosya-Haya, was listed only in the 1851 supplement. She is listed as 15.

Click to open a summary of the Grinshpun household relationships.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 84 FELDMAN Aizyk Abram townsman 1801 1834 33 missing 1847 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 84 FELDMAN Lipa Yutsko townsman 1823 1834 omitted 1850 27 nephew of Aizik Abramov male
yes 84 FELDMAN Etya not indicated townsman 1830 1834 1850 20 wife of Lipa Yutskov male

Analysis: This is the fourth of the six Feldman households (#57, #59, #82, #84, #108,#116). The head of household, Aizyk son of Abram (also called "Aizik Abramov") has been missing since 1847 when he was 46-years-old. His nephew Lipa, son of Yutsko, age 27 is present as is Lipa's wife, Etya, age 20. There is no obvious connection between this Feldman household and the others.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 85 EISENTSTEIN Shlema Berko townsman 1788 1834 46 died 1846 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 85 EISENTSTEIN Menakhim-Leib Shlema townsman 1818 1834 16 died 1847 1850 not indicated son of Shlema Berkov Haya-Bluma male
no 85 EISENTSTEIN Meyer-Ber Shlema townsman 1823 1834 11 recruited 1840 1850 not indicated son of Shlema Berkov Haya-Bluma male
yes 85 EISENTSTEIN Moishe Shlema townsman 1847 1834 newborn 1850 3 son of Shlema Berkov Haya-Bluma male
no 85 EISENTSTEIN Haya-Bluma not indicated townsman 1814 1834 1850 36 wife Shlema Berkov female
no 85 EISENTSTEIN Babya Shlema townsman 1834 1850 16 daughter Shlema Berkov Haya-Bluma female
no 85 EISENTSTEIN Maria Shlema townsman 1838 1834 1850 12 daughter Shlema Berkov Haya-Bluma female

Analysis: The Eisenstein family has 7 members listed but only 4 present in the household. The head of household, Shlema son of Berko (also called Shlema Berkov), was born in 1788 but passed away in 1846 at the age of 58. He left behind a wife, Haya-Bluma, who is quite a bit younger at age 36. Although she is listed as the mother of the children, the children's ages suggest she may be a second wife and not the mother of them all.

Two of the sons listed are no longer present: Menakhim-Leib died in 1847 at the age of 29. The other son, Meyer-Ber, was recruited in 1840 at the age of 17. A 3-year-old son, Moishe, is still present in the household and well as two daughters, Babya, age 16, and Maria, age 12, are also present.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 86 FISHMAN Elya Leib townsman 1792 1834 42 died 1838 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 86 FISHMAN Abram-Khaim Elya townsman 1817 1814 1834 17 1850 36 son of Elya Leibov male
no 86 FISHMAN Yos-Itsek Elya townsman 1831 1834 3 recruited 1849 1850 not indicated son of Elya Leibov male
no 86 FISHMAN Yudko Leib townsman 1800 1834 34 missing 1845 1850 not indicated brother of Elya Leibov male
yes 86 FISHMAN Elya Abram-Khaim townsman 1847 1834 newborn 1850 3 son of Abram-Khaim Elev Menya male
yes 86 FISHMAN Haikel Elya townsman 1820 1834 omitted 1850 30 brother of Abram-Khaim Elev male
yes 86 FISHMAN Myenya not indicated townsman 1826 1834 8 1850 30 wife of Abram-Khaim Elev female

Analysis: This is the fourth of seven Fishman households listed in the revision (household #33, household #53, household #65, household #86, household #121, household #133, household #138). There is no self-evident connections between this one and the others.

The head of household, Elya son of Leib (also called "Elya Liebov") passed away in 1838 at the age of 46. There is no widow listed. There are two sons and a brother of Elya listed, but only one of them is still present in the household with his family.

A brother, Yudko, has been missing since 1845 at the age of 45. A son named Yos-Itsek was recruited in 1849 at the age of 18.

Another son Abram-Khaim is present, age 36, with his wife, Myena, age 30, and a son, Elya (named for his grandfather), age 3. A brother of Abram-Khaim named Haikel is also listed, age 30. It is not clear why Haikel would be listed as a "brother" of Abraham-Khaim and not a son of Elya son of Leib.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 87 GEYLER Abram Yel townsman 1798 1834 36 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 87 GEYLER Aizyk-Yelya Abram townsman 1828 1828 1834 6 1850 22 son of Abram Yelev male
no 87 GEYLER Malka not indicated townsman 1801 1834 1850 49 mother of Aizik-Yelya Abramov female
no 87 GEYLER Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1830 1834 1850 20 wife of Aizik-Yelya Abramov female

Analysis: The head of the family, Abram son of Yel (also called "Abram Yelev") died in 1839 at the age of 41. Remaining in the household is his widow, Malka, age 49, his son Aizyk-Yelya, age 22 with his son's wife, Rukhlya, age 20.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 88 VERTSEL Duvid-Ovediye Gersh-Leib townsman 1808 1834 26 died 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 88 VERTSEL Sukhar-Moishe Duvid-Ovediye townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 son of Duvid-Ovediye Gersh-Leibov Shendlya male
no 88 VERTSEL Shendlya not indicated townsman 1814 1834 newborn 1850 36 wife of Duvid-Ovediye Gersh-Leibov female
no 88 VETSEL Reyzya Duvid-Ovediye townsman 1838 1834 1850 12 daughter of Duvid-Ovediye Gersh-Leibov Shendlya female

Analysis: This is the first of two Vertsel households (household #88, household #137). There is no obvious relationship between these two households.

The head of this household, Duvid-Ovediye son of Gersh Leib, died in 1848 at the age of 40. His widow Shendlya, age 36, remains in the household along with their son, Sukhar-Moishe, age 16 and daughter, Reyzya, age 12.

In the later 1858 revision, Shukhar-Moishe is married to a woman named Mirlya and they have a one year old daughter, Royta-Leya. It seems likely they are the ancestors remembered among the descendants from the Wurtzel family from Mervits. See the 1858 revison for a discussion.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 89 VINOKURNO Isser-Zelman Shmerl townsman 1801 1834 33 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes (see #75) 89 VINOKURNO Duvid Isser-Zelman townsman 1826 1834 8 missing 1844 1850 not indicated son of Isser-Zelman Shmerlev male
dup name in supplement 89 VINOKURNIK Duvid Iser townsman 1827 1827 1834 7 1851 24 nephew of Berko Gershkov [STEINSHNADER] male
no 89 | 19 VINOKURNIK Moshko Iser townsman 1836 1834 newborn 1851 15 brother of Duvid Iserov male
no 89 | 19 VINOKURNIK Shulim Iser townsman 1839 1834 newborn 1851 12 brother of Duvid Iserov male

Analysis: This is the second of three Vinokurnik households which have no overt connection ( #70, #89, #111). As we shall see, this household recombines with the Steinshnader (household #76) as becomes evident in the 1851 supplement. The record gives us a nice window into how households recombine over time and how nephews move in with their maternal uncle's household after their own father has passed.

The 1850 revision lists Isser-Zelman Vonokurno (also called "Isser-Zelman Shmerlev") as head of household and as having died in 1839 at the age of 38. His son, Duvid, is listed as missing as of 1844 at the age of 18.

By 1851, Duvid has reappeared and is listed in household #19 in the revision supplement. His surname is now spelled Vinokurnik. With him are younger brothers Moshko, 15, and Shulim, age 12. In household #19 in the supplement also appear the Steinshnader family (household #76 in the 1850 census). Duvid here is the nephew of Berko Gershkov Steinshnader, who is head of household in household #76.

Apparently, this household was independent in 1850 and earlier. But after the head of family died, his sons joined the household of their uncle Berko Gershkov Steinshnader (household #76) , who must have been married to their mother, whose name we don't know.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 90 KESER Abram Gershko townsman 1807 1807 1834 27 1850 43 head of family male
yes 90 KESER Duvid-Gersh Abram townsman 1840 1834 newborn 1850 10 son of Abram Gershkov Ides male
yes 90 KESER Ides Not indicated townsman 1809 1834 1850 41 wife of Abram Gershkov Ides female
yes 90 KESER Tsiprya Abram townsman 1835 1834 1850 15 daughter of Abram Gershkov Ides female

Analysis: Abram son of Gershko (also called "Abram Gershkov"), age 43, is head of household. His wife, Ides, age 41, is present along with his daughter, Tsiprya, age 15, and a son, Duvid-Gersh, age 10.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 91 VESTSER Abram Berko townsman 1802 1802 1834 32 1850 48 head of family male
no 91 VESTSER Navtulya-Duvid Abram townsman 1825 1834 9 missing 1840 1850 not indicated son of Abram Berkov male
yes 91 KANTER Shevel Khaim townsman 1815 1815 1834 19 1850 35 nephew of Abram Berkov male
yes 91 KANTER Ikev-Noekh Shevel townsman 1843 1834 newborn 1850 7 son of Shevel Khaimov male
no 91 KANTER Duvid-Noekh Khaim townsman 1826 1834 8 missing 1836 1850 not indicated brother of Shevel Khaimov male

Analysis: This Vestser household also has relatives from the Kanter family. Here, Abram son of Berko (also called "Abram Berkov"), age 48 is head of the household. His son, Navtulya-Duvid, went missing in 1840 at the age of 15.

A nephew of Abram by the name of Shevel Kanter (also called "Shevel Khaimov"), age 35 is in the household. We can assume that Shevel's mother was a siser of Abram Vestser. Shevel's brother, Duvid-Noekh, went missing in 1836 at the age of 10. Shevel's son, Ikev-Noekh, age 7 is present in the household. No wives are listed.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 92 STEINSHNAD Mikhel Yos townsman 1801 1834 33 missing 1846 1850 not indicated head of family male
dup name 92 | 34 STEINSHNAD Mikhel Yos townsman 1801 1801 1834 33 1851 50 male
yes 92 | 34 STEINSHNADYR Sura-Gitlya not indicated townsman 1803 1834 1851 48 wife of Mikhel Yosev female

Analysis: This is the fifth of six Steinshnad households (#34, #35, #45, #49, #92 #112), several of which appear related. See a summary of the Steinshnad household relationships. There are also four Steinshnader/Steinshnadyr households (#42, #75,#76, #92) but there is no evidence that Sheinshnad and Steinshnader families are related.

In 1850, the head of household, Mikhel son of Yos, is listed as missing since 1846. He would have been 45. He is the only member of the household. In the 1851 supplement, he reappears and his information is confirmed. He is now 50. With him is his wife, Sura-Gitlya, age 48. Her last name is spelled "Steinshnadyr" one indication that other variations of the surname may be part of the same family.

As a son of Yos, Mikhel probably is the older brother of Yorikhim-Ansel, who is head of household # 45. Both men are sons of Yos Steinshnad. Mikhel listed here was born in 1801 and Yorikhim-Anshel listed there (#45) was born in 1807.

This listing also removes an ambiguity in how to interpret the revision data generally. It proves that the age given in the column following "Previous Census Year" is indeed the age in 1834 (and not the age when he was reported missing!) Thus, when he is reported missing as of 1846, it was 16 years after 1834 data, and he would be about 48. His reappearance in 1851 confirms this interpretation and shows he is now 51.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 93 NETER Khaim-Itsko Simkha-Mordko townsman 1824 1824 1834 10 1850 26 head of family male
yes 93 NETER Risya not indicated townsman 1830 1834 1850 20 wife of Khaim-Itsko Simkha-Mordkov male

Analysis: This household is comprised of husband and wife who do not have children. Khaim-Itsko, son of Simkha-Mordko, is 26 and married to Risya who is age 20. This is the last of seven households with variations on the surname Neter, Neyter, Neyte ( #1, #2, #4, #6, #18, #24, #93).

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 94 FISHER Alter Yos townsman 1819 1834 omitted 1850 31 head of family male
yes 94 FISHER Meyer-Gersh Alter townsman 1835 1834 newborn 1850 15 son of Alter Yosev Sosya male
yes 94 FISHER Sosya not indicated townsman 1826 1834 1850 24 wife of Alter Yosev female

Analysis: A small household of three individuals. Alter son of Yos (also called "Alter Yosev") is head of household and age 31. His wife Sosya, age 24, may be his second wife, since his son Meyer-Gersh is age 15. Sosya would have been 9 to be the mother of Meyer-Gersh. Alternatively, it is possible that Meyer-Gersh is not actually their son.

There are Fisher descendants who contributed essays to the Mlynov-Mervits memorial book who are descendants of this Fisher family. Chaya Moses-Fisher indicates her father was named Meir Fisher and descendants in Israel confirm this is the same Meir listed here.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 95 VEXER Itsko-Yankel Berko townsman 1806 1806 1834 28 1850 44 head of family male
yes 95 VEXER Shlema Itsko-Yankel townsman 1835 1834 newborn 1850 15 son of Itsko-Yankel Berkov Pesya male
yes 95 VEXER Zandel Itsko-Yankel townsman 1836 1834 newborn 1850 14 son of Itsko-Yankel Berkov Pesya male
yes 95 VEXER Sender-Gersh Itsko-Yankel townsman 1841 1834 newborn 1850 9 son of Itsko-Yankel Berkov Pesya male
no 95 VEXER Pesya not indicated townsman 1808 1834 1850 42 wife of Itsko-Yankel Berkov Pesya female
no 95 VEXER Hana-Hasya Itsko-Yankel townsman 1848 1834 1850 2 daughter of Itsko-Yankel Berkov Pesya female

Analysis: Head of household, Itsko-Yankel son of Berko (also called "Itsko-Yankel Berkov") is 44. His wife, Pesya, is 42. They have three sons, Shlema, age 15, Zandel, age 14, and Sender-Gersh, age 9. They also have a young daughter, Hana-Hasya, 2 years old.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 96 WAINER Khaim-Shlema Leib townsman 1806 1806 1834 28 1850 44 head of family male
no 96 WAINER Yudko Khaim-Shlema townsman 1843 1834 newborn 1850 7 son of Khaim-Shlema Leibov Rivka-Gitlya male
no 96 WAINER Gersh-Wolf Leib townsman 1810 1834 24 missing 1848 1850 not indicated brother of Khaim-Shlema Leibov male
no 96 WAINER Rivka-Gitlya not indicated townsman 1810 1834 1850 40 wife of Khaim-Shlema Leibov female
no 96 WAINER Hasya Khaim-Shlema townsman 1837 1834 1850 13 daughter of Khaim-Shlema Leibov female
yes 96 WAINER Hantsya-Leya Khaim-Shlema townsman 1842 1834 1850 8 daughter of Khaim-Shlema Leibov female
yes as Vigdor 96 BIGDER Vigdor Gershko townsman 1815 1815 1834 19 1850 35 cousin of Khaim-Shlema Leibov male
no 96 BIGDER Yukel not indicated townsman 1819 1834 15 missing 1848 1850 not indicated cousin of Khaim-Shlema Leibov male
yes as Vigdor 96 | 21 BIGDER Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1834 1851 34 wife of Vigdor Gershkov female

Analysis: This household combines members of the Wainer family and the Bidger family. This is the second of three Wainer households ( #16, #96, #110) but there is no overt relationship between them.

Here Kaim-Shlema, son of Leib (also called "Khaim Shlema Leibov") age 44 is head of the household. His wife, Rivka-Gitlya, age 40 is present with their son, Yudko, age 7, and two daughters, Hasya, age 13, and Hantsya-Leya, age 8. A brother of Khaim-Shlema is also listed. His name is Gersh Wolf and he has been missing since 1848 at the age of 38.

There are also two cousins of Khaim Shlema in the household with the surname Bigder. It seems possible that their mother had the last name Wainer but married a man named Gershko Bigder. Vigdor, is age 35 and present with his wife, Rukhlya, age 34. Vigdor's brother (the other cousin) went missing in 1848 at the age of 29.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 97 LAKRATS Zelman Abram townsman 1808 1834 26 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 97 LAKRATS Shlema Zelman townsman 1835 1834 newborn 1839 1850 15 son of Zelman Abramov male
no 97 | 37 LAKRATS Dvoira not indicated townsman 1832 1834 1851 19 wife of Shmul Faivelev female

Analysis: The 1850 revision indicates that the head of household, Zelman son of Abram (also called "Zelman Abramov") died in 1839 at the age of 31. His son Shlema age 15 is present in the household. In the 1851 supplement, a woman named Dvoira appears who is wife of Shmul Faivelev. No information is provided about him.

It seems possible that this "Lakrats" household (#97) is related to the "Lokrats" household (#24) since the first and last names are similar.

Jump back to the list of families:


Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 98 VETSER Usher Zaivel townsman 1799 1799 1834 35 1850 51 head of family male
yes 98 VETSER Getsel Usher townsman 1836 1834 newborn 1850 14 son of Usher Zaivelev Brandlya male
yes 98 VETSER Brandlya not indicated townsman 1804 1834 1850 46 wife of Usher Zaivelev female
no 98 VETSER Hana Usher townsman 1834 1834 1850 16 daughter of Usher Zaivelev Brandlya female

Analysis: This is the first of two Vetser households which are apparently headed by brothers ( #98, #122). Here the head of household, Usher son of Zivel (also called "Usher Zaivelev"), is age 51. He is apparently the brother of Meyer (household #122) who is also a son of Zainvel Vetser.

Living here with Usher is his wife Brandlya, age 46, a daughter, Hana, age 16, and a son Getzel, age 14.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 99 GIMBELSTEIN Zainvel Leib townsman 1807 1807 1834 27 1850 43 head of family male
yes 99 GIMBELSTEIN Khaim Zainvel townsman 1823 1823 1834 11 1850 27 son of Zainvel Leibov Shifra male
no 99 GIMBELSTEIN Itsko Zainvel townsman 1827 1834 7 missing 1845 1850 not indicated son of Zainvel Leibov Shifra male
yes 99 GIMBELSTEIN Pinkhas-Leib Zainvel townsman 1835 1834 newborn 1850 15 son of Zainvel Leibov Shifra male
yes 99 GIMBELSTEIN Shifrya not indicated townsman 1822 1834 1850 28 wife of Zainvel Leibov female
yes 99 GIMBELSTEIN Sosya Zainvel townsman 1835 1834 1850 15 daughter of Zainvel Leibov Shifra female

Analysis: Zainvel son of Leib (also called "Zainvel Leibov") is age 43 and head of household. Also present is his wife, Shifrya (also spelled Shifra) age 28. Also present in the household are two sons, Khaim, age 27, and Pinkhas-Leib, age 15, and a daughter, Sosya, age 15. Perhaps Sosya and Pinkhas-Leib are twins since they are the same age. A third son, Itsko, went missing in 1845 at the age of 18.

The surname of this household is very close to surname Gilmenstein of household #35. Both are headed by men who are sons of Leib. One wonders whether they are brothers with variations on their surnames.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 100 YUNIUK Moshko Abram townsman 1810 1810 1834 24 1850 40 head of family male
yes 100 YUNIUK Abrum-Duvid Moshko townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 son of Moshko Abramov Freygya male
no 100 YUNIUK Freygya not indicated townsman NA 1811 1834 1850 39 wife of Moshko Abramov Freygya female
no 100 YUNIUK Sura-Gitlya Moshko townsman NA 1832 1834 1850 18 daughter of Moshko Abramov Freygya female
no 100 YUNIUK Tovba Moshko townsman NA 1838 1834 1850 12 daughter of Moshko Abramov Freygya female
yes? 100 YUNIUK Mirlya Moshko townsman NA 1841 1834 1850 9 daughter of Moshko Abramov Freygya female

Analysis: This is the first of three Yuniuk households ( #67, #100, #130). As discussed above (in the analysis of household #67), it appears these households are related, though that is not certain.

Here head of household, Moshko son of Abram (also called "Moshko Abramov" is 40. Also present is his wife, Freygya, age 39, a son Abrum-Duvid, age 16, and three daughters, Sura Gitlya, age 18, Tovba, age 12, and Mirlya, age 9.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 101 FIELDMAN Shmul Abram townsman 1806 1806 1834 28 1850 44 head of family male
yes 101 FIELDMAN Abram-Gersh Shmul townsman 1841 1834 newborn 1850 9 son of Shmul Abramov Pesya male
no 101 FIELDMAN Pesya Shmul townsman 1816 1834 1850 34 wife of Shmul Abramov female
no 101 FIELDMAN Hana Shmul townsman 1832 1834 1850 18 daughter of Shmul Abramov Pesya female
no 101 FIELDMAN Leya Shmul townsman 1836 1834 1850 14 daughter of Shmul Abramov Pesya female
no 101 FIELDMAN Rivka Shmul townsman 1840 1834 1850 10 daughter of Shmul Abramov Pesya female
no 101 FIELDMAN Sura Shmul townsman 1844 1834 1850 6 daughter of Shmul Abramov Pesya female

Analysis: The head of household, Shmul son of Abram (also called "Shmul Abramov") is 44 and was born in 1806. The household comprises his wife, Pesya, age 34, and a son, Abram-Gersh, age 9, and four daughters, Hana age 18, Leya age 14, Rivka age 10 and Sura age 6. It is of interest that Hana is age 18 and still unmarried. She is one of the oldest daughters still living in a household in this revision.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 102 ERLIKHMAN Moishe-Leib Novekh townsman 1810 1834 24 died 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 102 ERLIKHMAN Noekh Moishe-Leib townsman 1828 1828 1834 6 1850 22 son of Moishe-Leib Novekhov male
no 102 ERLIKHMAN Novakh-Shavel Yukel townsman 1814 1834 20 died 1847 1850 not indicated nephew of Moishe-Leib Novekhov male
no 102 ERLIKHMAN Ester not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Noekha Yukelev female
no 102 ERLIKHMAN Perlya Noekh townsman 1840 1834 1850 10 daughter Noekha Yukelev Perlya female

Analysis: This is the second of two Erlikhman households that appear to be related ( #55 and #102). Moishe-Leib, listed here as the head of the family, died in 1848 at the age of 38. He left behind a son, Noekh, age 22.

A nephew, Novakh-Shavel son of Yukel (also called "Noekha Yukelev"), is died in 1847 at the age of 33. He left behind a wife, Ester, age 30, and a daughter, Perlya, age 10. This nephew could have been the son of the man listed as head of Erlikhman household #55 named Yankel Erikhman. Yankel died in 1840 and perhaps his son, Novakh-Shavel, joined this household upon his father's death. It thus appears that the two original heads of household were brothers.

Jump back to the list of families:


Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 103 BURSTEIN Itsko Moshko townsman 1796 1834 38 missing 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 103 BURSTEIN Mikhelson Itsko townsman 1831 1834 3 recruited 1847 1850 not indicated son of Itsko Moshkov Ryatsya male
yes 103 BURSTEIN Nusyn-Wolf Moshko townsman 1808 1834 26 missing 1848 1850 not indicated brother of Itsko Moshkov male
no 103 BURSTEIN Mordko Nusyn-Wolf townsman 1828 1834 6 missing 1848 1850 not indicated son of Nusyn-Wolf Moshkov Feygya male
no 103 BURSTEIN Ryatsya not indicated townsman 1798 1834 1850 52 wife of Itsko Moshkov Feygya female
yes 103 BURSTEIN Feiga not indicated townsman 1824 1834 1850 26 wife of Nukhim-Wolf Moshkov female
no 103 GRINSHPUN Itsko Vigdor townsman 1819 1834 15 died 1837 1850 not indicated nephew of Itsko Moshkov male
dup name from 1851 supplement 103 | 22 BURSTEIN Itsko Moshko townsman 1796 1796 1834 38 1851 55 male
dup name from 1851 supplement 103 | 22 BURSTEIN Nusyn-Wolf Moshko townsman 1808 1810 1834 26 1851 41 brother of Itsko Moshkov male
from 1851 revision 103 | 22 BURSTEIN Haya not indicated townsman 1826 1834 1851 25 wife of Nusyn Itskov female

Analysis: This is primarily a Burstein household but a nephew, Itsko Grinshpun, is listed as once part of the household. It is reasonable to assume that Itsko Grinsphun's mother was a sister of the head of household, Itsko Burstein. His relationship to the other Grinshpun households is discussed below.

In the 1850 revision, all the males of this household are absent. Three are listed as "missing," one was "recruited" and the nephew has previously died. The head of household Itsko son of Moshko (also called Itsko Moshkov) was missing as of 1849 at the age of 53. His son, Mikhelson, is listed as recruited in 1847 at the age of 16. Itsko's brother, Nusyn Wolf (also called Nusyn-Wolf Moshkov) is also missing as of 1848 at the age 46 as well as Nusyn-Wolf's son, Mordko, at the age of 20.

Two of the wives are present holding down the household in 1850. Itsko's wife, Ryatsya, age 52 is present. A woman named Feiga is also listed, age 26, as the wife of Nukhim-Wolf Moshkov. It seems likely that "Nukhim-Wolf" is just a variation on the name of the brother listed as "Nusyn-Wolf."

In the 1851 supplement, two of the men reappear. Itsko Burstein is now present, age 55. He was born in 1796 and was present in Mervits for the 1834 census. Also reappearing is Itsko's brother Nusyn-Wolf, listed as 41 with an implied birth year of between 1808-1810.

A wife of Nusyn's named Haya, age 25, is also listed in the supplement. It seems likely that Haya in 1851 is the woman named "Feiga" in the 1850 census as the wife of "Nukhim-Wolf Moshkov." Perhaps she was known as Haya-Feiga, since often two names were used to refer to people. It is also possible that Nusyn remarried between 1850 and 1851 and this woman Haya is a new wife not listed previously.

As noted above, this Burstein household once included Itsko Grinsphun, a nephew of Itsko Burstein. It seems reasonable to assume this Itsko's father, Vigdor Grinshpun, married the sister of Itsko Burstein. This Itsko Grinsphun son of Vigdor has the identical name as the household head in Grinshpun household #72. The Itsko Grinshpun here was born in 1819 and died in 1837 at the age of 19. The one there (#72) was born in 1817 and is still alive in 1850. We can guess that they may have been first cousins named for the same person. This is the seventh of ten households with Grinsphun members (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142).

Click to open a summary of the Grinshpun household relationships.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 104 GELMAN Moshko Abram townsman 1792 1792 1834 42 1850 58 nephew Moshko Lakhmanov male
no 104 GELMAN Peysakh Moshko townsman 1820 1834 14 died 1848 1850 son Moshko Abramov Hana male
yes 104 GELMAN Avrum-Morko Peysakh townsman 1834 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 son Peysakh Moshkov Ginesya male
yes 104 GELMAN Hana not indicated townsman - 1796 1834 1850 54 wife Moshko Abramov female
no 104 GELMAN Ginesya not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife Peysakh Moshkov female
no 104 GELMAN Ester-Haya Peysakh townsman 1838 1834 1850 12 daughter Peysakh Moshkov Ginesya female
yes 104 GELMAN Basya-Leya Peysakh townsman 1842 1834 1850 8 daughter Peysakh Moshkov Ginesya female

Analysis: This is the second of two Gelman households in the census which may be related through brothers. The members of the first (household #63) which were all related to the Mordko-Ber, son of Abram. This household (household #104) is all related to Moshko, son of Abram, who is 58 with an implied birth year of 1792. If the two heads of households are brothers, Moshko is two years younger than Mordko–Ber, who recently passed away.

Moshko is still present in this household with his wife, Hana who is 54. Their son Peysakh is listed but recently passed away in 1848 at about the age of 28. Peysakh left behind a wife, Ginesya, age 30, a son Abram, age 16, and two daughters, Ester-Haya, age 12 and Basya-Leya, age 8.

This Abram, as discussed in the 1858 census, appears to be the ancestor of Gelman family descendants who live in Israel.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 104 FINKELSTEIN Mosko Lakhman townsman 1796 1834 38 died 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 104 FINKELSTEIN Abram Lakhman townsman 1834 not indicated recruited 1837 1850 not indicated brother of Moshko Lakhmanov male

Analysis: This one of four Finkelstein households (#32, #78, #79 #104). The first three are almost certainly headed by brothers, sons of Mordko Finkelstein. There is no obvious connection between this Finkelstein household and the other three.

This is a small household with two members listed, neither of whom are present in the 1850 revision. Mosko son of Lakhman died in 1848 at the age of 52. His brother was recruited in 1837 at an unknown age.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 105 BORSTEIN Nusin Itsko townsman 1810 1834 24 missing 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 105 BORSTEIN Yos Itsko townsman 1822 1834 12 recruited 1834 1850 not indicated brother of Nusin Itskov male
[dup name a year later] 105 | 23 BORSTEIN Nusyn Itsko townsman 1810 1810 1834 24 1851 41 male
yes 105 | 23 BORSTEIN Mordko-Skharia Nusyn townsman 1847 1834 newborn 1851 4 son of Nusyn Itskov Haya male
maybe? 105 | 23 BORSTEIN Haya not indicated townsman 1826 1851 25 1851 23 wife of Nusyn Itskov female

Analysis: In the 1850 census, Nusin Borstein son of Itsko, is listed as missing as of 1849 when he was 49. His brother Yos was recruited in 1834 at the age of 12.

What draws attention is the reappearance of Nusin (now spelled Nusyn) in the 1851 supplemental revision taken a year later. Now Nusyn Borstein, age 41, appears with his wife, Haya, age 25, and a son, Mordko-Skharia, age 4. This example suggests that the status of "missing" in a revision might be for all kinds of reasons, not just because the person is hiding from authorities.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 106 FINKENSTEIN Aizyk-Wolf Mordko townsman 1796 1834 38 missing 1850 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 106 FINKENSTEIN not indicated Itsko townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 grandson Aizik-Wolf Mordkov male

Analysis: This is the only family with the spelling "Finkenstein," though the name is close to the surnames Finkelstein and Filkenstein. It is conceivable that the man named Morko here is the same man as "Morko Finkelstein" mentioned in several households (#32, #78, #79) but this is not certain. Here the head of household, Aizyk-Wolf son of Morko is missing as of 1850 at the age of 54. His grandson, (unnamed), is age 12 and listed in the household. It seems unlikely he is living by himself but no other names are listed.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 107 KLEYNER Abel Shmul townsman 1804 1804 1834 30 1850 46 head of family male
yes 107 KLEYNER Berko Shmul townsman 1813 1813 1834 21 1850 37 brother of Abel Shmulev male
no 107 KLEYNER Leya-Ryva not indicated townsman 1812 1834 1850 38 wife of Abel Shmulev female

Analysis: This is the second of two Kleyner households that appear related (household #62 , and household #107). Abel son of Shmul (also called "Abel Shmulev"), age 46, is head of household. His wife, Leya-Ryva, age 38 and his brother, Berko, age 37, are both in the household.

It is reasonable to conclude that the Shmuel mentioned here as the father of Abel may be the grandfather of Itsko Kleyner listed in household #62.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 108 FELDMAN Geynakh Favel townsman 1798 1834 36 died 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 108 FELDMAN Fayvel Geynakh townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 son of Geynakh Favelev Ester-Rukhlya male
no 108 FELDMAN Ester-Rukhlya not indicated townsman 1799 1834 1850 51 wife of Geynakh Favelev female

Analysis: This is the fifth of the six Feldman households ( #57, #59, #82 #84 #108, #116). There is no obvious connection between this household and the others. Here, the head of household, Geynakh son of Favel (also called "Geynakh Favelev"), passed away in 1848 at the age of 48. Still present in the household is his wife Ester-Rukhlya, age 51, and their son, Fayvel son of Geynakh, age 16. It appears that the son, Fayvel was named for his grandfather who is also called Favel.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 109 KOLODNE Meyer Yankel townsman 1792 1834 42 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 109 KOLODNE Yankel-Leib Yos townsman 1820 1834 omitted 1850 30 nephew of Meyer Yankelev male
yes 109 | 24 KOLODNE Hava-Leya not indicated townsman 1823 1834 1851 28 wife of Yankel-Leib Yosev female
yes 109 | 24 KOLODNE Gudya Yankel-Leib townsman 1837 1834 1851 14 daughter of Yankel-Leib Yosev Hava-Leya female
yes 109 | 24 KOLODNE Sura-Brukha Yankel-Leib townsman 1843 1834 1851 8 daughter of Yankel-Leib Yosev Hava-Leya female
yes 109 | 24 KOLODNE Hana Yankel-Leib townsman 1847 1834 1851 4 daughter of Yankel-Leib Yosev Hava-Leya female

Analysis: This is first of two Kolodne households (#109 and #114). It seems likely that the head of household here is the father of the household head in #114.

Here the head, Meyer son of Yankel (also called "Meyer Yankelev") died in 1839 at the age of 49. In the 1850, only a nephew, Yankel-Leib, age 30, is present in the household. He is likely a son of a brother of Meyer since he has the same surname. In the 1851 supplement, the females of Yankel-Leib's family appear. Perhaps they were living somewhere else in the meantime. Yankel-Leib is married to Hava-Leya, age 28 and they have three daughters, Gudya, age 14, Sura-Brukha, age 8 and Hana, age 4. Based on the age of the eldest daughter, it appears that Hava-Leya had her first child at age 14.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 110 WAINER Borukh aka Borukh-Yankev Srul townsman 1821 1834 13 missing 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes as Grinshpun 110 WAINER Moishe aka Moyshe-Khaim Abe-Lemen townsman 1822 1822 1834 12 1850 28 nephew Borukh (aka Borukh-Yankev) Srulev male
yes 110 WAINER Feiga not indicated townsman 1824 1834 1850 26 wife of Moisha Abe-Lemenov female
yes? as Pesya 110 WAINER Sura Moishe aka Moyshe-Khaim townsman 1847 1834 1850 3 daughter of Moisha Abe-Lemenov Feygya female

Analysis: This is the third of three Wainer households ( #16, #96, #110) but there is no overt relationship among them.

Here, the head of household, Borukh son of Srul (also called "Borukh-Yankev Srulev"), has been missing since 1848 at the age of 27. His nephew Moishe (also called Moishe-Khaim or Moisha Abe-Lemenov) is 28 and present with his wife Feiga, age 26, and a daughter, Sura, age 3. In the 1858 revision, Moishe-Khaim has the surname of Grinshpun suggesting that perhaps his mother was the sister of Borukh-Yankev Srulev and she married a Grinshpun male.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 111 VINOKURNIK Srul Yankel townsman 1807 1834 27 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 111 VINOKURNIK Aizyk-Gersh Favel townsman 1839 1834 newborn 1850 11 nephew of Srul Yankelev male

Analysis: This is the third of three Vinokurnik households which have no overt connection (#70, #89, #111).

Here head of household, Srul son of Yankel (also called "Srul Yankelev") died in 1839 at the age of 32. The only remaining household member mentioned is his nephew, Aizyk-Gersh, age 11. Aizyk-Gersh's father, Favel, was apparently the brother of Surl Vinokurnik.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 112 STEINSHNAD Mikhel-Joseph Abel townsman 1806 1834 28 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 112 STEINSHNAD Peysakh-Yuzyp not indicated townsman 1826 1826 1834 8 1850 24 nephew of Mikhel-Joseph Abelev male
yes 112 STEINSHNAD Idesya-Maria not indicated townsman 1828 1834 1850 22 wife of Peysakh-Yuzyp female
yes 112 STEINSHNAD Reyzya Peysakh-Yuzyp townsman 1844 1834 1850 6 daughter of Peysakh-Yuzyp Idesya-Maria female

Analysis: This is the last of six Steinshnad households (#34, #35, #45, #49, #92 #112), several of which appear related. See a summary of the Steinshnad household relationships. There are also four Steinshnader/Steinshnadyr households (#42, #75,#76, #92) but there is no evidence that Sheinshnad and Steinshnader families are related.

There is no obvious relationship between this household and the other Steinshnad households. Here the head of household, Mikhel-Joseph, died in 1839 at the age of 33. His nephew, Peysakh-Yuzyp (Yuzyp = perhaps Yosef) is the ony male in the household, age 24, with his wife, Idesya-Maria, 22, and a daughter Reyzya, age 6.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 113 KRIMER Vigdor Yankel townsman 1798 1798 1834 36 1850 52 head of family male
yes 113 KRIMER Yankel-Mendel Vigdor townsman 1822 1822 1834 12 1850 28 son of Vigdor Yankelev male
no 113 KRIMER Abram Vigdor townsman 1826 1834 8 (in pencil) died 1841 1850 not indicated son of Vigdor Yankelev male
yes 113 KRIMER Touba not indicated townsman 1823 1834 1850 27 wife of Yankel-Mendel Vigdorov female
yes 113 KRIMER Reyzya Yankel-Mendel townsman 1844 1834 1850 6 daughter of Yankel-Mendel Vigdorov Touba female

Analysis: This is the only household with the surname Krimer. However, it seems possible that the spelling is a variation on Kreymer (household #8) and Kremer (#71). Since each of these households is headed by a man who is son of Yankel, it is possible they are all brothers.

Here Vigdor son of Yankel (also called "Vigdor Yankelev") is 52, one of the oldest heads of family alive. In the household is a son, Yankel-Mendel, age 28, his wife, Touba, age 27 and a daughter Reyzya, age 6. Another son of Vigdor died in 1841. Someone penciled in his age in the 1834 census as age 8. This would make him 15 when he died.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 114 KOLODNE Srul aka Srul-Yukel Meyer townsman 1815 1815 1834 18.75 1850 34.75 head of family male
no 114 KOLODNE Sura Meyer not indicated 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Srul-Yukel Meyerov female
no 114 KOLODNE Hana Meyer not indicated 1838 1834 1850 12 daughter of Srul-Yukel Meyerov Sura female

Analysis: This is second of two Kolodne households (#109 and #114). It seems likely that the head of household here is the son of the household head listed in #109.

Here, Srul (also called Srul-Yukel) is the son of Meyer Kolodne and 34 years old. His wife, Sura, is 30, and their daughter Hana is 12.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 115 BERGER Moishe-Yoseph Urin townsman 1802 1802 1834 32 1850 48 head of family male
yes 115 BERGER Gershko Moishe-Joseph townsman 1834 1844 1834 newborn 1850 6 son of Moishe-Joseph Reyzya male
no 115 BERGER Reyzya not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Moisha-Joseph Urinov female
no 115 BERGER Hana-Mindlya Moishe-Joseph townsman 1832 1834 1850 18 daughter of Moisha-Joseph Urinov Reyzya female

Analysis:This is the fifth of five Berger households listed in the census (household #31), (household #58), (household #61), (household #66), (household #115). The head of household is Moishe-Yoseph son of Urin (also called Moishe-Joseph Urinov) age 48. His wife, Reyzya, age 30, is 18 years his junior. There is a daughter in the household, Hana-Mindlya, who is 18. She is listed as the daughter of Reyzya, but that would mean that Reyzya gave birth to her at age 12, which is possible, though it is also possible Moishe-Yoseph had a first wife, the mother of Hana-Mindlya, but then remarried a younger woman, Reyzya, who was the mother of his son, Gershko, now age 6.

The son's name Gershko is one that is associated with the head of the Berger family #61. As discussed there, that Gershko was likely also the brother of the man named Duvid Berger (household #66). That older Gershko passed away in 1837 and this Gershko was born in 1842. It seems plausible that he was named after the head of household in that Berger family #61.

What was their relationship? It seems possible that this young Gershko was that Gershko's great-grandson or a great nephew. We know this boy named Gerhsko was son of Moishe-Yoseph, who was son of Urin. We know that the older Gershko in household #61 had a father named Urin and Urin-Leib. It seems very likely that the Moishe-Yoseph listed here, who was born in 1802, was also a brother of Gershko (household #61) and Duvid (household #66)

It seems very probable that the young boy named Gershko here was named for his grandfather's brother or a Gershko in the earlier generation.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 116 FELDMAN Leib Yos townsman 1810 1834 24 missing 1846 1850 not indicated head of family male

Analysis: This is the last of the six Feldman households (#57, #59, #82, #84, #108, #116). and likely one of four related households, who are all descendants of Yos Feldman (# 57,#59, #82 and this one, #116).

Here there is only one name listed, Leib son of Yos. Leib went missing in 1846 at the age of 36.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no? 117 FALDMAN Mordko Abram townsman 1814 1834 omitted 1850 36 head of family male
no 117 FALDMAN Ides not indicated townsman 1811 1834 1850 39 wife of Peysakh Mordkov female

Analysis: This is a small family of two individuals. Morko, age 36, is head of the family. It is not clear if Ides, the woman of the household, is his wife. She is 39-years-old and is listed as the wife of "Peysakh Mordkov." It seems possible that Peysakh Mordko is another name for Mordko, the man listed as the head of household. But it is possible that there was another man in the family named Peysakh Mordko. In any case, in the 1858 revision, this family is called "Feldman," and in that record a "Peysakh Mordko" is preent with his family is present but Ides is no longer present.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 118 BOTSMAN Urin-Itsko Shama townsman 1825 1834 9 missing 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
dup name in 1851 supplement 118 | 25 BOTSMAN Urin-Itsko Shimon townsman 1825 1825 1834 9 1851 26 male
no 118 | 25 BOTSMAN Gisya not indicated townsman 1831 1834 1851 20 wife of Urin-Itsko Shimonov female

Analysis: In the 1850 revision (the first row), Urin-Itsko, son of Shama (or Shimon) is listed as mising since 1849. By the 1851 supplement he and his wife are now both present. Urin-Itsko is listed as 26-years-old and his wife, Gisya, is 20. Here the juxtaposition of this household to the next Botsman household (#119), suggests that the two households may be related. Indeed, in the next household there is a nephew of Urin-Itsko who is listed here. In the 1858 revision, members of the two households are listed as part of one household.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 119 BOTSMAN Yankel Gerhsko townsman 1803 1834 31 died 1842 1850 head of family male
yes 119 BOTSMAN Abram-Peysakh Yankel townsman 1829 1834 5 missing 1849 1850 son of Yankel Gershkov male
yes 119 BOTSMAN Srul Yankel townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 brother of Abram-Peysakh Yankelev male
dup name in 1851 supplement 119 | 25 BOTSMAN Abram-Peysakh aka Abram-Aron Yankel townsman 1829 1828 1834 5 died 1851 23 nephew of Urin-Isko Shimonov Yankel Gershkov male

Analysis: This is the second of two Botsman households which are related (see household #118 as well). The head of this Botsman household, Yankel son of Gerhsko (also called Yankel Gershkov) died in 1842 at the age of 39. It is apparent he was the brother of Urin-Itsko who is the head of household #118. That's why Yankel's son, Abram-Peysakh is listed as the nephew of "Urin-Isko Shimonov."

According to the 1850 revision, this Abram-Peysakh went missing in 1849 at the age of 20. In the 1851 supplement, the missing Abram-Peysakh reappears (which is why his name is listed twice here). He is 23 years old. It is not clear why the supplements says he died and perhaps there is an error by the clerk or some other error crept in. In fact, Abram-Peysakh is alive in this household in 1858 with his wife.

Yankel's other son, Srul, (called here the brother Abram-Peysakh), is present in the household at the age of 12. The 1858 revision indicates Srul went missing a year later at the age of 13.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 120 PAK Moshko Shaya townsman 1803 1834 31 missing 1849 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 120 PAK Yankel-Yos Shaya townsman 1824 1824 1834 10 1850 26 brother of Moshko Shayev male
no 120 PAK Hansya not indicated townsman 1824 1834 1850 26 wife of Yankel-Yos Shayev female
no 120 GRINSHPUN Moishe-Aron Khaim townsman 1801 1834 33 died 1840 1850 not indicated nephew of Moshko Shayev male
no 120 GRINSHPUN Khaim-Yukel Moishe-Aron townsman 1826 1834 8 missing 1840 1850 not indicated son of Moisha-Aron Khaimov male
no 120 GRINSHPUN Ovshiya-Yankel Moishe-Aron townsman 1830 1834 4 missing 1840 1850 not indicated son of Moisha-Aron Khaimov male
no 120 KUDLAK Mordko-Gersh Yankel townsman 1832 1846 14 recruited 1848 1850 not indicated not indicated male

Analysis: This Pak household includes relatives from the Grinshpun family and one from the Kudlak family. The head of household is Moshko son of Shaya Pak (also called "Moshko Shayev"). He was missing as of 1849 at the age of 46. His younger brother Yankel-Yos, age 26, is still present in the household with his wife, Hansya, age 26.

Moshko's nephew, Moishe-Aron Grinshpun, and his two sons were was once part of this household although they are no longer present. Moishe Aron Grinshpun died in 1840 at the age of 39. His two sons, Khaim-Yukel and Ovshiya-Yankel, went missing in 1840 when they were 14 and 10 respectively. We can guess they went missing because their father died and they went somewhere else to live, unless they were both recruited that year.

Since Moishe-Aron Grinshpun was a nephew of Moshko Pak, we can assume that Moishe-Aron's father Khaim Grinsphun married a sister of Moshko Pak. It is not clear which if any of the other households with Grinshphun members in this revision are relatives: (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142).

It is not clear how Mordko-Gersh is related to the household since the name of his father doesn't match anyone in the household. He was recruited in 1948 at the age of 16.

Click to open a summary of the Grinshpun household relationships.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 121 FISHMAN Benish Erikhom townsman 1826 1826 1834 8 1850 24 head of family male
yes 121 FISHMAN Srul Benish townsman 1841 1834 newborn 1850 9 son of Benish Erikhomov Etlya male
no 121 FISHMAN Etlya not indicated townsman 1826 1834 1850 24 wife of Benish Erikhomov female
no 121 FISHMAN Lenya Benish townsman 1842 1834 1850 8 daughter of Benish Erikhomov Etlya female
no 121 FISHMAN Enya Benish townsman 1845 1834 1850 5 daughter of Benish Erikhomov Etlya female

Analysis: This is the fifth of seven Fishman households listed in the revision (household #33, household #53, household #65, household #86, household #121, household #133, household #138). There is no self-evident connections between this one and the others.

Benish son of Erikhom (also called "Benish Erikhomov") is only 24, one of the youngest men actually designated head of household in this revision. In the household, is his wife, Etlya, age 24, a son Srul, age 9, a daughter, Lenya age 8, and a daughter Enya, age 5.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 122 VETSER Meyer Zainvel townsman 1820 1834 14 recruited 1834 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 122 VETSER Avrum-Yuda Munish townsman 1836 1834 newborn 1850 14 nephew of Meyer Zainvelev male

Analysis: This is the second of two Vetser households which are apparently headed by brothers ( #98, #122). The head of household here, Meyer Vetser son of Zainvel (also called "Meyer Zainvelev"), was conscripted in 1834 at the age of 14. He is very likely the brother of Usher Vetser (household #98) who is also a son of Zainvel.

Remaining in this household is Meyer's nephew, Avrum Avrum-Yuda, age 14, son of Munish. We can assume Avrum-Yuda's father, Munish, was also a brother of Meyer and Urin Vetser.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 123 NUDLER Ber-Wolf Moshko townsman 1793 1846)[*] 53 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes? 123 NUDLER Beresh Itsko townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 nephew Ber-Wolf Moshkov male

Analysis: This is the second of two Nudler households (#5 and #123) The 1850 revision says that Ber-Wolf son of Moshko (also called "Ber-Wolf Moshkov") died in 1939, but perhaps 1849 was intended. His age was 53 in an earlier census of 1846. His nephew, Beresh son of Itsko, age 16, is also in the household. It seems plausible that his father Itsko was a brother of Ber-Wolf, the head of the household.

[*] 1946 is listed as the previous census year, but his date death is given as 1839. Perhaps it is supposed to be 1849.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 124 SHTEPER Shlema-Gersh Moshko townsman 1786 1836 50 missing 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 124 SHTEPER Yankel Shlema-Gersh townsman 1827 1834 omitted 1850 23 son of Shlema-Gersha Moshkov male
no 124 SHTEPER Perlya not indicated townsman 1830 1834 1850 20 wife of Yankel Shlemov male

Analysis: The head of household, Shlema-Gersh son of Moshko (also called "Shlema-Gersha Moshkov") went missing in 1848 at the age of 62. Still in the household is his son Yankel, age 23. Yankel is married to Perlya, age 23.

It seems plausible based on names that there is a relationship between the man here called Yankel son of Shlema-Gersh Shteper, and the man called Yankel son of Shlema Shteper who is listed as a Grinshpun cousin in household #29. They do not have the same birthyear or exactly the same name so it is not clear if they are the same person.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 125 SHERMAN Khaim Borukh townsman 1783 1836 53 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 125 SHERMAN Yos Duvid townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 nephew of Khaim Borukhov male

Analysis: There are two Sherman households (#3, #125) and one Shirman household in the revision (#21).

The head of the household here, Khaim son of Boruch, was born in 1783 and died in 1839 at the age of 56. He is probably the father of Borukh son of Khaim who heads household (#3). Still in this household is a nephew, Yos, age 16. His father, Duvid, is probably a brother of Khaim, the head of household.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 126 GEKHTMAN Aizyk Berko townsman 1782 1836 54 died 1838 1850 not indicated head of family male

Analysis: This is the second of three Gekhtman households:household #73, household #126, household #134. It seems they may all be related through Aizik Gekhtman who is listed here alone in household #126. He was head of household but passed away in 1838 at the age of 56. It appears the other two households are headed by his sons.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 127 VORTSEL Shlema-Shmil Leib townsman 1800 1836 36 died 1839 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 127 VORTSEL Shmil-Leib Leib townsman 1821 1819 1836 15 1850 31 brother of Shlema-Shmil Leibov male
yes 127 VORTSEL Gershko Shmil-Leib townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1850 12 son of Shmil-Leib Leibov Feygya male
no 127 VORTSEL Haya-Feiga not indicated townsman 1834 1850 22) wife of Shlema Leibov Feygya female
no 127 VORTSEL Sura-Riva Shlema-Shmil townsman 1834 1850 14) daughter of Shlema Leibov Haya-Feygya female
no 127 VORTSEL Feiga not indicated townsman 1822 1834 1850 28 wife of Shmil-Leib Leibov Haya-Feygya female
yes 127 VORTSEL Shifrya Shmil-Leib townsman 1844 1834 1850 6 daughter of Shmil-Leib Leibov Feygya female
yes 127 VORTSEL Haya Shmil-Leib townsman 1846 1834 1850 4 daughter of Shmil-Leib Leibov Feygya female

Analysis: This is the only household with the surname "Vortsel." There are two "Vertsel" households and it is possible that the head of household here is a brother of the head of household #88. There the head of household is son of Gersh-Leib. Here the head of household is son of Leib and has a brother named Gershko. But this is just a loose connection and not certain.

Here Shlema Shmil son of Leib (also called "Shlema-Shmil Leibov" or just "Shlema-Leibov") is listed as head of household. He died in 1839 at the age of 39. His widow Haya-Feiga, age 22, is still in the household with their son, Shlema-Shmil, age 12.

Also present in the household is Shlema-Shmil's brother, Shmil Leib (also called "Shmil Leib Leibov"), age 31, his wife Feiga (not to be confused with Haya-Feiga) age 28,and their two daughters, Shifrya, age 6 and Haya, age 4.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 128 GRINSHPUN Froim-Favish Wolf townsman 1813 1836 23 missing 1845 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 128 GRINSHPUN Avrum-Duvid Wolf townsman 1813 1813 1834 21 1850 37 brother of Froim-Favish Volfov male
no 128 GRINSHPUN Enta not indicated townsman 1814 1834 1850 36 wife of Avrum-Duvid Volfov female
yes 128 | 26 GRINSHPUN Srul-Moishe Avrum-Duvid townsman 1839 1834 newborn 1851 12 male
no 128 | 26 GRINSHPUN Tsandvya Avrum-Duvid townsman 1836 1834 newborn 1851 15 sister of Srul-Moisha Avrum-Duvidov female
no 128 | 26 GRINSHPUN Sheindlya-Sura Avrum-Duvid townsman 1837 1834 newborn 1851 14 sister of Srul-Moisha Avrum-Duvidov female

Analysis: This is the eighth of the ten Grinshpun household listed in this revision (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142). It seems likely this head of household, Froim-Favish son of Wolf, is a sibling of Berko-Aizyk son of Wolf in household #131. It seems relevant that Froim-Favish here went missing in the same year that Berko-Aizyk is listed on the run there. The name Favish appears in other Grinshpun households and may suggest other connections to those families that are not self-evident.

Froim-Favish went missing in 1845 at the age of 31. His brother Avrum-Duvid, age 37, is still present in the household with his wife, Enta, age 36. They have three children listed: Srul-Moishe, age 12, Tsandvya age 15, and Sheindlya-Sura, age 14.

Click to open a summary of the Grinshpun household relationships.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 129 SHENKER Itsko Berko townsman 1776 1836 60 died 1838 1850 not indicated head of family male
yes 129 | 27 SHENKER Yoikhina Itsko townsman 1838 1834 newborn 1851 13 male
no 129 | 27 SHENKER Dvoira Itsko townsman 1835 1834 1851 16 sister of Yoikhina Itskov female
no 129 | 27 SHENKER Reyza Itsko townsman 1837 1834 1851 14 sister of Yoikhina Itskov female

Analysis: This is the first of two Shenker households (#129, #132) in this revision. There is no apparent relationship between them.

Here in the 1850 revision, Itsko son of Berko (also called "Yoikhin? Itskov"), the head of household, passed away in 1838 at the age of 62. He was born in 1776. In the 1851 supplement, three other family members appear. A young male is present: Yoikhina son of Itsko, age 13. The fact that his father's name is Itsko suggests he may be the son of the deceased head of household. His age of 13 suggests he was born in 1838 the year his father died. Nothing is specified under "Relation" which seems to be in keeping with the 1851 supplements, which do not list a relationship for the first person in the household. We can speculate that Yoikhina was born the same year Itsko died. With him are two of his sisters, Dvoira, age 16, and Reyza, age 14. His mother and another brother appear in the 1858 revision.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 130 YUNIUK Shmul-Abram Duvid townsman 1815 1815 1839 24 1850 35 head of family male
no 130 YUNIUK Haya not indicated townsman NA 1815 1834 35 1850 35 wife of Shmul-Abram Duvidov male
yes 130 YUNIUK Rivka Shmul-Abram townsman NA 1842 1834 1850 8 daughter of Shmul-Abram Duvidov Haya female
yes 130 YUNIUK Ita Shmul-Abram townsman NA 1846 1834 1850 4 daughter of Shmul-Abram Duvidov Haya female
no 130 YUNIUK Pesya Shmul-Abram townsman NA 1849 1834 1850 1 daughter of Shmul-Abram Duvidov Haya female

Analysis: This is the first of three Yuniuk households ( #67, #100, #130. As discussed above (in the analysis of household #67), it appears these households are related, though that is not certain.

Here head of household, Shmul-Abram age 35 is present with his wife, Haya, age 35, and their three daughters, Rivka, age 8, Ita, age 4, Pesya, age 1.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 131 GRINSHPUN Berko-Aizyk Wolf townsman 1825 1841 16 on the run 1845 1850 not indicated head of family male

Analysis: This is the ninth Grinshpun household listed in this revision (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142).

Berko-Aizyk, son of Wolf, is possibly a sibling of Froim-Faivish son of Wolf and his brother Avrum David, who are listed in household #128. Berko-Aizyk is the only one listed in this household and he was on the run to avoid conscription as of 1845 at the age of 20.

See a summary of the Grinshpun household relationships.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 132 SHENKER Shaya Yudko townsman 1821 1819 1843 22 1850 31 head of family male
yes? 132 SHENKER Maria not indicated townsman 1814 1834 1850 36 wife of Shaya Yudkov female

Analysis: This is the second of two Shenker households (#129, #132) which have no apparent relationship. This household comprises a husband and wife. Shaya son of Yudko (also called "Shaya Yudkov") is 31 and head of household. His wife, Maria, is age 36. This is one of the only couples in the revision where the wife is older than the husband.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 133 FISHMAN Joseph Mikhel townsman 1812 1843 31 missing 1846 1850 not indicated head of family male
dup name from 1851 sup 133 | 28 FISHMAN Joseph Mikhel townsman 1813 1834 crossed out in pencil 1851 38 head of family male
yes 133 | 28 FISHMAN Beniumin-Mikhel Joseph townsman 1836 1834 newborn 1851 15 son of Joseph [Mikhelov] male

Analysis: This is the sixth of seven Fishman households listed in the revision (household #33, household #53, household #65, household #86, household #121, household #133, household #138). There is no self-evident connections between this one and the others.

In 1850, only Joseph son of Mikhel was listed and he was missing as of 1846 at the age of 34. He reappears by the 1851 supplement (#28) and is now listed as 38. In the supplement he also has a 15-year-old-son, Beniumin-Mikhel, who was born in 1836.

It seems possible the young man here named Beniumin-Mikhel is the grandfather of Moishe Fishman, the ancestor of the Fishman family from Mlynov. Moishe was born in about 1873. He named his eldest son, Benjamin, which could easily been for his grandfather.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 134 GEKHTMAN Avrum-Ber Aizyk townsman 1816 1816 1844 28 1850 34 head of family male
yes 134 | 29 GEKHTMAN Yankel-Wolf Avrum-Ber townsman 1842 1834 newborn 1851 9 male
yes 134 | 29 GEKHTMAN Elka not indicated townsman 1821 1834 1851 30 mother of Yankel-Wolf Avrum-Berov female
yes 134 | 29 GEKHTMAN Shprintsa Avrum-Ber townsman 1845 1834 1851 6 sister of Yankel-Wolf Avrum-Berov female

Analysis: This is the first of three Gekhtman households:household #73, household #126, household #134. It seems they may all be related through Aizik Gekhtman who is listed alone in household #126. It seems his son Morko is head of household #73 and his son Avrum-Ber is head of this household #134.

Avrum-Ber son of Aizyk, age 36, is the only one listed in 1850 but in the 1851 supplement a number of his other family members are listed: Yankel-Wolf, age 9, is listed in the 1851 supplement as is Avrum-Ber's wife, Elka, age 30 and a daughter, Shrpintsa, age 6. Since Avrum-Ber was listed in 1850 and not the 1851 supplement, his family members are identified by their relationship to son and brother, Yankel-Wolf.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 135 Gilmenstein Moishe Leib townsman 1817 1817 1845 28 1850 33 head of family male
yes 135 | 30 Gimelstein Yoikhine-Gdal Moishe townsman 1835 1834 newborn 1851 16 head of family male
yes 135 | 30 Gimelstein Perlya not indicated townsman 1821 1834 1851 30 mother of Yoikhin-Gdal Moishev female
yes 135 | 30 Gimelstein Basheva Moishe townsman 1846 1834 1851 5 sister of Yoikhin-Gdal Moishev female

Analysis: The head of the household, Moishe son of Leib, is age 33. He is the only member in the 1850 revision. Other members of his household are listed in the 1851 supplement (#30). Their surname is spelled slightly differently but the same family number shows they are members of the same family. Included in 1851 are his wife, Perlya, age 30, their son Yoikhim-Gdal, age 16, and a daughter Basheva, age 5.

The surname of this family is very similar to the surname Gimblestein of household #99. Both heads of household are sons of Leib. It seems possible they are brothers with variations in the spelling of their surnames.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 136 KANTOR Gershko Moshko townsman 1833 1847 14 missing 1847 1850 not indicated head of family male
dup name in 1851 supplement 136 | 31 KANTOR Gershko Moshko townsman 1834 14 (12 crossed out in pencil ) 1851 17 (29 corrected in pencil) male
yes? 136 | 31 KANTOR Metya not indicated townsman 1827 1834 1851 24 wife of Gershko Moshkov female
yes 136 | 31 KANTOR Hana Gershko townsman 1849 1834 1851 2 daughter of Gershko Moshkov Metya female

Analysis: In 1850, the head of household, Gershko son of Moshko (also called "Gershko Moshkov") is listed as missing as of 1847 at the age of 14. In the 1851 supplement, he is reappears with a wife and daughter. Now he is listed as 29 with his wife Metya, age 24. It appears they got married in the last few years and have a two-year-old daughter, Hana.

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 137 VERTSEL Azriel Moshko townsman 1818 1828 1849 21 1850 22 head of family male
yes 137 VERTSEL Dvoira not indicated townsman 1830 1834 1850 20 wife of Azriel Moshkov male
no 137 VERTSEL Tsirlya Azriel townsman 1849.5 1834 1850 .5 daughter of Azriel Moshkov Dvoira male

Analysis: This is the first of two Vertsel households (household #88, household #137). There is no obvious relationship between these two households.

Azriel son of Moshko (also called "Azriel Moshkov"), age 22 is the head of household. Also present in the household is his wife, Dvoira, age 20, and a daughter who is a newborn. There is no obvious connection between this household and the other Vertsel household (#88).

Jump back to the list of families:

Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 138 FISHMAN Khaim Froim townsman 1818 1834 omitted 1850 32 head of family male
yes 138 FISHMAN Avrum-Moshko Khaim townsman 1840 1834 newborn 1850 10 son of Khaim Froimov Leya male
yes? 138 FISHMAN Leya not indicated townsman 1821 newborn 1850 29 wife of Khaim Froimov female

Analysis: This is the last of seven Fishman households listed in the revision (household #33, (household #53), household #65, household #86, household #121, household #133, household #138). There is no self-evident connection between this one and the others.

Here the head of household is Khaim son of Froim (also called "Khaim Froimov"), age 32. Also present is his wife, Leya, age 29, and son Avrum-Moshko, age 10.

Jump back to the list of families:


Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 139 BUKHGALTER Fayvel-Aizyk Wolf townsman 1805 1805 1834 29 1850 45 head of family male
yes 139 BUKHGALTER Shmil-Lutser aka Srul-Shmil Fayvel-Aizyk townsman 1834 1834 1834 .25 1850 16.25 son of Faivel-Aizik Volfov Gitlya male
yes 139 BUKHGALTER Gitlya not indicated townsman 1809 1834 1850 41 wife of Faivel-Aizik Volfov female
no 139 BUKHGALTER Malka Fayvel-Aizyk townsman 1834 1834 1850 16 daughter of Faivel-Aizik Volfov Gitlya female

Analysis: This is the second of two Bukhgalter households (household #51 and household #139).

It seems likely that the head of household here, Fayvel-Aizyk, is the brother of the former head of household #51, Yudko-Aizik, since both are sons of Wol Bukhgalter. It seems reasonable to suppose that they lived in the same household until the brothers each married and set up separate households. This is one of the few times in the census, we can see evidence of a single household breaking into two. Many other households have brothers and their wives and children living together under one roof.

Here, Fayvel-Aizyk son of Wolf (also called Faivel-Aizik Volfov) is 45, married to Gitlya, age 41, and has a daughter, Malka, age 16 and a son Shmil-Lutser, also age "16.25." It is not clear if Malka and Shmil-Lutser are twins or there is some other explanation for the fact they both were born in approximately the same year.

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Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 140 LERNER Yos Abe-Lemen townsman 1820 1834 omitted 1850 30 head of family male
yes 140 LERNER Yankel Yos townsman 1841 1834 newborn 1850 9 son of Yos Abe-Lemenov Haya-Yelya male
yes 140 LERNER Haya-Yelya Not indicated townsman 1820 1834 1850 30 wife of Yos Abe-Lemenov female

Analysis: Yos son of Abe-Lemen, age 30, is head of household. Also present in his household is his wife, Haya-Yelya, age 30, and a son, Yankel, age 9.

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Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 141 MEYLER Moishe-Aron Duvid townsman 1814 1834 omitted 1850 36 head of family male
yes 141 MEYLER Haya not indicated townsman 1826 1834 1850 24 wife of Moishe-Aron Duvidov female
no 141 MEYLER Enta Moishe-Aron townsman 1848 1834 1850 2 daughter of Moishe-Aron Duvidov Haya female

Analysis: A small household headed by Moishe-Aron son of Duvid (also called "Moishe-Aron Duvidov"), age 36, his wife, Haya, age 24, and a daughter Enta, age 2.

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Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 142 GRINSHPUN Fayvel Lemel townsman 1811 1811 1834 1850 39 head of family male
yes 142 GRINSHPUN Tovia Fayvel townsman 1834 1834 newborn 1850 16 son of Faivel Lemelev Malka male
yes 142 GRINSHPUN Malka not indicated townsman 1814 1834 newborn 1850 36 wife of Faivel Lemelev female

Analysis:This is the tenth Grinshpun household listed in this revision (#29, #40, #41, #64, #72, #83, #103, #120, #131, #142).

The head of household here, "Fayvel son of Lemel," is very probably the son of the man named Lemel Grinshpun who is head of household #29. In fact that Lemel is himself called a son of Favish, who was probably a grandfather of the Fayvel who is named here. Tying together earlier analyses, we can conclude that households #29, #41, #64 were brothers and sons of Faivish and this household is headed by a grandson.

Summary of Grinshpun head of households

household #29, Lemel son of Faivish
household #40 Itsko-Ber son of Yoina
household #41 Shevel son of Faivish
household #64 Mordko son of Faivish
household #72 Itsko son of Vigdor
household #83 Fayvel son of Gerts
household #63 Itsko son of Vigdor
household #120 Moishe Aron son of Khaim
household #128 Froim-Favish son of Wolf
household #131 Berko-Aizyk son of Wolf
household #142 Fayvel son of Lemel

The oldest Grinsphun ancestor appears to have been a man named Faivish Grinsphun. Three of the households appear to be led by his sons and their families: Lemel (#29) (1788-1850), Shevel (#41) (1793–alive in 1850), Mordko #64 (1801–missing in 1849). In addition, Lemel had a son named Fayvel who appears in a separate household (#142) (1811–still alive in 1850) and is probably the grandson of Faivish.

It is very possible that the other Grinsphun households are also related to those just mentioned but the precise relationships are not obvious.

Two households appear to be led by the sons of Vigdor Grinshpun: Itsko #72 (1817–still alive in 1850), and Itsko #63 (1819-1837).

Two other households appear to be led by sons of a man named Wolf Grinsphun: Froim-Faivish (#128) (1813–missing in 1845) and Berko Aisyk (#131) (1825–on the run in 1845). The remaining households are led by Itsko-Ber (1800–1849) son of Yoina (#40), Fayvel son of Gerts (#83) (1811–still alive in 1850), and Moishe Aron (18011840) son of Khaim (#120).

A photo of a Grinshpun family in Mervits appears in the Mlynov-Mervits Memorial volume, 473 original, [English volume, p. 465] and probably were descended from one of these 1850 Grinshpun households. The head of that later Grinshpun household was an older man remembered as "Motel Tesler," the first man killed by the Nazis. Two of his children survived and migrated to Cleveland.

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Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
no 143 GUTNIK Yankel Meyer townsman 1811 1834 23 died 1848 1850 not indicated head of family male
no 143 GUTNIK Moshko Meyer townsman 1809 1834 25 missing 1848 1850 not indicated brother of Yankel Meyerov male
yes 143 GUTNIK Itsko Meyer townsman 1815 1815 1834 19 1850 35 brother of Yankel Meyerov male
yes 143 GUTNIK Avrum-Meyer Itsko townsman 1845 1834 newborn 1850 5 son of Itsko Meyerov male
no 143 GUTNIK Ester Yankel townsman 1828 1834 1850 22 daughter of Yankel Meyerov female
no 143 GUTNIK Leya Yankel townsman 1834 1834 1850 16 daughter of Yankel Meyerov female
no 143 GUTNIK Pesya-Haya not indicated townsman 1834 1834 1850 16 grandson [granddaughter] of Malka Moshkova female
no 143 GUTNIK Freyda-Beylya not indicated townsman 1836 1834 1850 14 grandson [granddaughter] of Malka Moshkova female
no 143 GUTNIK Serlya not indicated townsman 1838 1834 1850 12 grandson [granddaughter] of Malka Moshkova female
no 143 STEINSHNART Malka Moshko townsman 1790 1834 1850 60 not indicated female

Analysis: The head of household, Yankel son of Meyer (also called "Yankel Meyerov") died in 1848 at the age of 37. The same year his older brother, Moshko, went missing at the age of 39. His younger brother, Itsko, age 39, is still present in the household with a son Avrum-Meyer, age 5.

Also present in the household are Yankel's daughters, Ester, age 22, and Leya, age 16. Ester is one of the older single women still in her parents household in this revision.

There are also three granddaughters of Malka Moshkova present in the household, Pesya-Haya, age 16, Freyda-Beylya, age 14, and Serlya, age 12. Malka Moshkova, their grandmother, is also present and has the surname Steinshnart. She is 60 was born in 1790. Since she has a different surname, it seems probable that she is the sister of Yankel's father and married a man named Steinshnart who is no longer alive.

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Appears in 1858? Fam # in 1850 | Fam # in 1851 Supplementary revision Surname Name Father's Name Estate Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1850)
Implied Year of Birth
(based on age in 1858)
Previous Census Year Age Cause When Exactly Year Age Relation Male Relative Female Relative Gender
yes 144 RINTSBARG Mordko-Yankel Meyer townsman 1834 36 (52 - crossed out in pencil ) 1850 52 (59 - crossed out in pencil ) head of family male
no 144 RINTSBARG Moshko-Khaim Mordko-Yankel townsman 1817 1834 17 missing 1847 1850 not indicated son of Mordko-Yankel Meyerov Serlya male
yes 144 RINTSBARG Meyer-Nesanel aka Nesanel Mordko-Yankel townsman 1831 1831 1834 3 1850 19 son of Mordko-Yankel Meyerov Serlya male
yes 144 RINTSBARG Ester not indicated townsman 1810 1834 10 1850 40 wife of Mordko-Yankel Meyerov female

Analysis: The head of household Mordko-Yankel son of Meyer (also called "Mordko-Yankel Meyerov") is 52. His wife, Ester, age 40 and 19-year-old son, Meyer Nesaniel, age 19 are in the household. Another son Moshko-Khaim went missing in 1847 at age 30.

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Compiled by Howard I. Schwartz
Updated: July 2024
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