This section is dedicated to all the people who made and makes this site possible:
To all the donors who have contributed for the acquisition of new fonds.
Articles, pictures and other contents
To Yefim Kogan and the Bessarabia SIG team who trusted me preserving the memory of the Jewish history of my native town.
To all the people that provided articles, pictures and other contents to the website and helped with translations from Russian and Romanian:
Yuliya Vayner for writing and translating material about Tiraspol History
Menashe Helman and Michele Landman for translating Tiraspol Ghetto list from Romanian
Gene Baumwoll, Todd Cohn, Ala Gamulka for sharing their family stories, photos and letters with us
Aleksandr Palamar for providing photos of Tiraspol to use on our website
Alexandr Berman for providing photos to use on our website
To all the people who have written giving us their feedback, who helped to improve the site
To all the visitors who keep this site on going
A very big THANK YOU !!!
Special Thank You to Ariel Parkansky for help with the website!
Inna Vayner
Tiraspol KehilaLinks Owner