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Commemorative book of Schools in Odessa District

Academic year 1913-1914

Note: This book has been treated with the following automatic process: 1) scanned and digitized with an OCR, 2) converted to the reformed Russian orthography, 3) translated to English by Google. Therefore it is expected to have many errors.
Despite the errors, this treatment allows you to perform searches both in Cyrillic and Roman. You can also browse the book page by page.
The digitized texts (corrected Russian and Translated to English) can be found below each page image of the book.

1 10 20 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 586

Text on the Odessa Books Database

Cyrillic text:
Кол. регистр. Никол. Вас. СмирнОБ. В сл. и вед. 10-хп-09,
ч. 10-хп-Ю, дол. 19-ии-13, сод, 600 руб.
Канцелярия университета:
Советн, правл., кол. рег. Мих. Мих. Шостак. В сл. И-х-08,
вед. и дол. 7-х-13, ч. 25-их-П, сод. 1500 руб.
Секрет. сов. кол. сов. Петр Иван. ИваноВ. В сл. 16-их-97,
вед. и дол. 26-ии-13, сод. 1500 руб.
Секр. правл. н. ч. Пав. Михайл. ДвСПОТуЛИ. В сл. и вед.
23-ии-12, дол. 30-ии-13, сод. 1000 руб.
Секрет. по студен. делам (вак.) сод. 1200 руб,
Казн. кол." рег. Бор. Яковл. ЯИОВИЧ. В сл. 21-Х-08, вед.
и дол. З-их-13, сод. 1000 руб.
И. об. зкзек, Никан. Сергеев. Евстратов. В сл. и дол.
5-их-11, сод. 1200 руб.
Бухг. кол. рег. Григ. Влад. Гюбнер. В сл. и вед. 20-И-07,
ч. 20-П-09, дол. 12-Ш-12, сод. 1000 руб.
Вр. ис. об, пом, бухгалт. Пав. Дмитр. БогдаНОБ. В сл.
и вед. 12-хп-12, дол. 15-хп-12, сод. 660 руб.
Архив. тит. сов. Ив. Мартын. НаборовскШ. В сл. и вед.
16-1-83, ч. 24-х-Об, дол. 18-хи-05, сод. 500 руб., доб. 300 руб.,
всего 800 руб.
Врач надв. сов. Анат. Александр. Шемаев. В сл. и вед.
В-и-04, ч. 8-и-ИИ, дол. 8-и-07, сод. 600 руб.
Архит. гражд. инж. кол. асс. Бруно Альберт. Бауэр. В
сл. и дол. П-и-06, ч. П-и-12, сод. 600 руб.
Канцелярские слуэисители, не имеющие чина:
Алекс. Харит. Савченко. В сл. и дол. 2-Х-07, сод. 540 р,
Серг. Вас. Пуговошников. В сл. и дол. 2-Х-07, сод. 660 р.
Фил. Вас. Голубятников. В сл. и дол. 22-ии-09, сод. 540 р.
Геор. Сильвест. КоВЭЛенкО. В сл. и дол. 22-ИИ-09, сод. 540 р,
Смотр. факульт. клин. губ. секр. Никол. Алекс. Полетаев.
В сл. и вед. Ю-хи-82, ч. 9-хп02, дол. 26-их-12, св. Стан. 3 ст.
6-хп-02, сод. 800 р.
Письмовод. медиц. факульт. н. ч. Аркад. Петр, Кравченко.
В сл. и вед. И-ипи-10, дол. 4-ип-ИЗ, сод. 360 руб.
Translated text:
quantity. register. nichol. you. smirnob. in seq. and the vedas. 10-x-09,
part 10-x-n, long. ѵi 19-13, sod, 600 rubles.
office of the university:
advisers, the management board. count. reg. micah. micah. shostak. in seq. i-x-08,
lead. and long. 7-x-13, including 25-of-p sod. 1500 rubles.
secret.councillor collegiate councillor peter ivan. ivanov. in seq. 16-to-97
lead. and long. iѵ 26-13, sod. 1500 rubles.
secretary. management board. mr. part pav. mikhailov. dvspotuli. in seq. and the vedas.
23 ѵi-12 position iѵ 30-13, sod. 1000 rubles.
secret. for students. cases (vak.) sod. 1200 rubles,
qazi. number. "reg. bor. yakovlev. yaiovich. in seq. 21-a-08, the vedas.
and long. n-of-13, sod. 1000 rubles.
i. vol. zkzek, nick. sergeyev. yevstratov. in seq. and long.
5-of-11, sod. 1200 rubles.
buhg. number. reg. grieg. vlad. gyubner. in seq. and the vedas. 20-i-07,
part 20-p-09, long. 12-w-12, sod. 1000 rubles.
bp. studies. to, office, bookkeeping and auditing. pav. dmitry. bogdanob. in seq.
and the vedas. 12-x-12 position 15-x-12, sod. 660 rubles.
archive. tit.councillor iv. martin. naborovsksh. in seq. and the vedas.
16/01/83, a 24-hour-on, long. 18-xx-05, sod. 500 rubles., ext. 300 rubles.,
only 800 rubles.
a doctor in two.councillor anat. alexander. shem. in seq. and the vedas.
in-v-04, including 8-v-ai position 8-v-07, sod. 600 rubles.
archytas. cet. eng. number. ass. bruno, albert. bauer. in
ff. and long. p-and-06, part ii-and-12, sod. 600 rubles.
stationery slueisiteli without rank:
alex. harith. savchenko. in seq. and long. 2-x-07, sod. 540 p,
serg. you. pugovoshnikov. in seq. and long. 2-x-07, sod. 660 p.
phil. you. pigeon. in seq. and long. iѵ 22-09, sod. 540 p.
georgy. silvest. kovelenko. in seq. and long. iѵ 22-09, sod. 540 p,
review. optional. wedge. lips. secretary. nichol. alex. poletaev.
in seq. and the vedas. yu-chi-82, including 9-hp02, position 26-to-12, st. stan. 3 tbsp.
6-x-02, sod. 800 p.
pismovod. medical de. optional. mr. arcade hours. peter kravchenko.
in seq. and the vedas. i-ѵpi-10 position 4-u-fm, sod. 360 rubles.

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