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Commemorative book of Schools in Odessa District

Academic year 1913-1914

Note: This book has been treated with the following automatic process: 1) scanned and digitized with an OCR, 2) converted to the reformed Russian orthography, 3) translated to English by Google. Therefore it is expected to have many errors.
Despite the errors, this treatment allows you to perform searches both in Cyrillic and Roman. You can also browse the book page by page.
The digitized texts (corrected Russian and Translated to English) can be found below each page image of the book.

1 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 586

Text on the Odessa Books Database

Cyrillic text:
Англ, яз„ ст. сон. Робер. Роберт. Герд. В сл. и дол.
9-П-84, ч. 9-Н-96, св. Ст. 2 ст. 1-1-06, сод. 1000 р.. пенс. 1000 р.,
всего 2000 руб.
Итал. яз. Ив. Фридр, Сперандео. В сл. и дол. 2-их-97, св. Ан.
3 ст. З-п-11, сод. 1000 руб.
По каф. классич. фил., докт. греч. слСвесн., ст. сов. Мих.
Ильич Мандес. В сл, 15-ии-94, дол. Иб-и-07, ч. "24-ин-ОЗ, св.
Ст. 2 ст. 1-1-05, сод. не пол.
По каф. истор. зап.-европ. литер., маг. истор. зап.-европ,
литер., кол. асс. Влад. Феодор. ДазурСКИЙ. В сл. вед, и ч.
12-Х-96, дол. 7-и-ОИ, св. Ст, 3 ст. 1-1-02, возн. 1200 р.
По каф, всеобщ. истор. маг. Влад. Эдуард. Крусман. В
сл. и дол. 29-ИХ-08, сод. не получ.
По каф. всеобщ. истор., маг., кол. асс. Петр Мих. БицНДДИ.
В сл. и вед. 24-иии-ОЗ, ч. 17-иш-07, дол. 4-1-11, сод. 1200 р.
По каф. русск. яз. и слов., маг. Петр Иосиф. Потапов.
В сл. и дол. ЗО-иг-11, сод. не получ.
По кав. русск. истор,, маг. Антон. Вас. ФлоровскИЯ. В сл.
и вед. И-г-09, дол. 31-х-П, сод. 800 р.
По каф. филос, маг. Ив. Мих. Малинин. В сл. и вед.
1-1-09, дол. 1.4-ИИ-12, сод. не получ.
Физико математическии факультет.
Дек. засл, орд. проф. по каф. чист. хим., докт. хим., д. с. с.
Петр Григор. Меликов. В сл. и вед. 15-ии-73, ч. 1-1-04, дол.
9-И-09, пенс. 3000 р., возн. 1200 р. за дек. 600 р. всего 4800 руб.
Ординарные профессора:
Засл. проф, по каф. хим., докт. хим., д. с, с, Ефим Филим.
Клнменко. В сл. и вед. ИЗ-и-64, ч. И-т-95, дол. 24-иш-07, св.
Ст. I ст. 1-1-10, пенс. 3000 руб.
Засл. проф. по каф. чист. матем,, докт. чист. матем., д. с. с.
Сем. Петр. Ярошенко. В сл. и вед. 9-их-68, ч. 1-1-87, дол.
И-и-73. пенс. 3000 руб.
Засл. проп. по каф. ботан., докт. ботан. ст. сов. Людв.
Адальберт. Ришави. В сл. и вед. 1-х-72, ч. 32-Ш-90, дол. 4-хи-95,
св. Влад. 4 ст. 1-1-06, пенс. 3000 р. вознагр. 1200 р.. всего
4200 руб.
Translated text:
eng, lang, "art. sleep. robert. robert. gerd. in seq. and long.
9-p-84, including 9-h-96, st. of art. 2 tbsp. 01.01.06, sod. 1000 p .. penny. 1000 r.,
only 2,000 rubles.
ital. lang. iv. friedrich, sperandeo. in seq. and long. 2-of-97, st. an.
3 tbsp. n-p-11, sod. 1000 rubles.
priivat university lecturers:
by department. classical. phil., doctor. greek. slsvesn., p.councillor micah.
ilich mandes. in cl, 15 ѵi-94 position ib-v-07, including "24-oz ѵn, st.
of art. 2 tbsp. 01.01.05, sod. not sex.
by department. history, culture. western european. letters., the magician. history, culture. western european,
letters. count. ass. vlad. theodore. dazursky. in seq. vedas, and h
12 x 96 position 7-v-og, st.. art, 3 tbsp. 01.01.02, scuffling. 1200 p.
as chair, universal. history, culture. magician. vlad. edward. krusman. in
ff. and long. 29-its-08, sod. not received.
by department. universal. history, culture., the magician. count. ass. peter mich. bitsnddi.
in seq. and the vedas. ѵii 24-oz, 17-hour ѵsh-07 position 04.01.11, sod. 1200 p.
by department. russian. lang. and words., the magician. peter joseph. potapov.
in seq. and long. zo-ѵg-11, sod. not received.
at cavalry. russian. history, culture, the magician. anton. you. florovsky. in seq.
and the vedas. i-r-09 position 31-x-p sod. 800 p.
by department. philosophy, the magician. iv. micah. malinin. in seq. and the vedas.
01.01.09, position 1.4 ѵi-12, sod. not received.
physics and mathematics.
december. honored, hordes. professor. by department. clean. chem., doctor. chem., dr. a.
peter gregory. melikov. in seq. and the vedas. iѵ 15-73, part 1.1.04, position
9-i-09 pence. 3000 r. that arise. 1200 p. in december. 600 p. of 4800 rubles.
ordinary professor:
honored. professor, department of. chem., doctor. chem., d c, c, yefim filim.
klnmenko. in seq. and the vedas. iz-v-64, part i-t-95 position ѵsh 24-07, st.
of art. i st. 01.01.10, penny. 3000 rubles.
honored. professor. by department. clean. math,, doctor. clean. mathematics., dr. a.
sam. peter. yaroshenko. in seq. and the vedas. 9-to-68 hours 01/01/87, usd.
i-v-73. penny. 3000 rubles.
honored. prop. by department. bot., doctor. bot. of art.councillor lyudv.
adalbert. rishawi. in seq. and the vedas. 1-x-72, including a 32-w-90 position 4-xx-95,
st. vlad. 4 tbsp. 01.01.06, penny. 3000 r. voznagr. 1200 p .. only
4200 rubles.

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