The earliest document showing Jews living in Husi is dated 1604. The Old Jewish cemetery was established in 1680 on land bought by the Bishopric and was used for two hundred years. In 1747, there were 212 Jewish families (1024 Jews total) living in Husi. By 1859, 2500 of the town's 13,500 inhabitants (18.5%) were Jewish. In 1889, Jews comprised 70% of all the town's merchants. By 1899, over 26% of the town's inhabitants were Jewish. After 1910, the Jewish population in the town began to decrease as the level of anti-Semitism increased. During the Holocaust, Jews expelled from nearby villages (e.g., Raducaneni) ended up in Husi and many settled there. According to Paul Steimberg, only "26 Jews live in Husi [today] and only 5 of them are less than 50 years old."
Click the buttons below for additional information of the Husi's Jewish schools, the synagogues, and the two Jewish cemeteries.
The History of the Hussian Jews page appears as part of the official Husi, Romania town web site. The page is written by Paul Steimberg based on information from Prof. Hera Steimberg. In addition to describing the history of Jews in Husi, the page also discusses well-known Jewish families, doctors, lawyers, artists, writers, and rabbis. If the page doesn't automatically appear in English, reselect English from the pulldown menu at the top right of the page.
The JewishGen Locality Page for Husi has much of the same information found on this site. Additionally, there are links to pages for other Jewish communities near Husi, such as Falciu, Leova, etc. There are also quick links that allow searches of the JewishGen Romania database.
How did your ancestors make their way from Husi to the ship that brought them to England or to America? Marcle Glaskie has compiled a terrific resource, Rail Routes out of Romania, that might help answer those questions. Hosted on JewishGen Romania SIG.
For a history of Jews in Husi from the 15th century through the Holocaust and the end of World War II, see Pinkas Hakehillot Romania: Husi. Published by Yad Vashem, this Yizkor book from the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities in Romania has been translated by Robert S. Sherins.
The Shoah in Romania is a page on Alina Stefanescu's blog, Romania Revealed, that provides many links to more general information about the Shoah in Romania, including such things as first person accounts, lists of war crimes, and links to some of the other Yizkor books hosted on JewishGen.
Jewish Romania is another general site with links. It is hosted on the Jewish Communities of the World site.
The Romanian national tourism site has a page on Jewish Heritage in Romania in its Special Interest section (which also has a page on the Count Dracula legend).