Huşi, Romania

46°41' N, 28°04' E

Alternate names: Huşi [Rom], Khush [Yid], Husch [Ger], Hussburg [Ger], Khushi [Rus], Huszváros [Hun]

Husi Today: Photos
Click on photos for larger versions.

Husi sign on edge of town

Catedrala Episcopala

1885 Market in Husi

Market scene

Gara, train station

Cantemir Hotel, Str. General Teleman Nr.3
The only hotel in town

Casa Cultura



Street scene

Bulevardu 1 Mai

Strada Stefan cel Mare

Bulevardu 1 Mai

Casa Evreiasca Bl. Al Cuza

Old house

Casa Evreiasca Bl. Al Cuza

Casa Evrelais Cade Fosta, Strada Ghicavoda

Hospital and Tower

Strada Ghicavoda

Looking over the rooftops

Collage of photos from Linda Mormile who worked in Husi in the Peace Corps in 1999

A farm scene outside of town

View of the town and vineyards

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