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Stolin Martyrs Mass Grave and Memorial, Stasino


Photo courtesy of Virtual Shtetl

Erected in 1992
Designed by: David Reznik

In a location on the outskirts of Stolin, known as Stasino (or Dolin or Zatisha), lay buried the remains of the Jewish population of Stolin killed by the Nazis during WWII.

To reach the site, drive northeast from Stolin, through the adjacent village of Mankovichi, in the direction of the collective farm. Once you reach the sign which reads “Стасина,” walk towards the collective farm where you will find a path that leads into the forest. After 50-100 meters you will arrive at the mass grave.

See also pictures from the Hombergs Partnerstadt site.

Monument transcription and translation:

Склоним голову
перед светлой памятью
невинных, мирных жителей
Столинского района,
зверски замученных
фашистскими извергами
в 1941-1944 гг.
  We bow our heads
before the blessed memory
of the innocent, peaceful inhabitants
of the Stolin district,
brutally martyred
by fascist monsters
in 1941-1944.
למעלה מרבבה קדושים
מק"ק סטולין והסביבה
שנהרגו על קידוש השם
על ידי הנאצים ימ"ש
בערב ראש השנה תש"ב
  Here lie
over ten thousand martyrs
from the holy community of Stolin and the vicinity
that were killed sanctifying G-d’s name
by the Nazis, may their name be obliterated,
on the eve of Rosh Hashanah 5702 [1942]
ובתוכם משפחות רבינו,
אדמו"ר אור ישראל מסטולין זיע"א:
אשתו הרבנית ברכה שניידל פערלאוו
בנם אדמו"ר הרב אשר פערלאוו
ואשתו מרת פעריל
בנם אדמו"ר הרב משה פערלאוו
ואשתו מרת דבורה לאה ובניהם:
אדמו"ר הרב נחום שלמה
ואשתו פעריל ובתם
אהרון,דוד,ובתם חיה
הרב אברהם יעקב שפירא מגוודזיץ
ואשתו מרת מרים ובניהם:
דוד, שלמה,ישראל, זעליג ובתם
  Among them families of our Rabbi
Admor Light of Israel from Stolin may his virtue stand us in good stead – amen:
his wife the Rabbanit Bracha Sheindel PERLOV
their son Admor Rabbi Asher PERLOV
and his wife Mrs. Perel
their son Admor Rabbi Moshe PERLOV
and his wife, Mrs. Dvorah Leah and their sons:
Admor Rabbi Nachum Shlomo
and his wife Perel and their daughter,
Aaron, David, and their daughter Chaya,
their son-in-law
Rabbi Avraham Yaakov SHAPIRO from Gwozdziec
and his wife Mrs. Miriam and their sons:
David, Shlomo, Israel, Zelig and their daughter.
ה' ינקום דמם   G-d will avenge their blood
המצבה על קבר האחים נבנה והוקם
על- ידי חסידי סטולין-קרלין
בשנת תשנ"ב
  The monument on the mass grave was built and established
by the Stolin-Karlin Hassids
in the year 5752 [1992]
Admor/אדמו"ר = our master, our teacher, our rabbi

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Updated 20 December, 2020

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