Researching family from Stolin can be limited by access to information. The list of surnames that we have compiled below is intended to create a point from which people with similar surnames can begin collaborating. Each surname will be given its own page containing family trees which link to content that researchers, like yourself, have shared. The list of surnames is a work in progress, so please feel free to suggest additions and/or let us know if you also have content that you would like to have posted.
We strongly encourage you to create your own online family trees or web pages so that we can link to them. By doing so, you will control the content and be able update information as you go. Sites such as Geni.com, MyHeritage.com and Ancestry.com allow trees of up to 250 people to be posted online at no charge.
We have also begun a project on Geni.com which is intended to make it easier for other researchers to help you further your research. Please consider creating a family tree at Geni.com and adding your relatives to the Stolin project.
- Bashkin (Baskin, בשקין)
- Belahousky (בלוהוסקי)
- Chadak (חדק)
- Glinsky
- Globerman (גלוברמן)
- Gursky (Gorsky, גורסקי)
- Kantor (Кантор, קנטור)
- Kashtan
- Kulik
- Lieberman (Liberman, ליברמן)
- Lifshitz (Lipsitz, ליפשיץ)
- Nosanchuk (נוסנצוק, נוסנצוק)
- Perlach (פרלך)
- Stolar (Stoliar)
- Tessler
- Tiltzin (Tilchin, טילצין)
- Turkenich (Turken, טורקניטש', טורקניץ)
- Wasserman (ווסרמן)