Stolin | Столин | Столін | סטולין | סטאָלין |
Polish | Russian | Belarusian | Hebrew | Yiddish |
Latitude: 51º53', Longitude: 26º51' |
Our site honors the memory of the Jewish Community of Stolin—the town where our ancestors experienced the joy and sadness of life, the homeland to thousands of immigrants who left to find better lives and new beginnings, and the final resting place of entire families who forever will remain a part of its surroundings.
Although the remnants of the large Jewish presence in Stolin have all but disappeared, the descendants of that community live on throughout the world—in the United States, Canada, Israel, Argentina and many other countries.
This site seeks to preserve the legacy of the people who lived there and to serve as a meeting place for those who are moved by their past. These pages and links are designed to offer a glimpse into Stoliner life by incorporating stories, photographs, records and research.
This website relies upon the research and translation efforts of our members. Please let us know if you’d like to add to the content or have any questions.
Stasino Memorial
Memorial to the Jewish population murdered in the forests of Stolin.
Compiled by and Copyright © 2020 Joshua S. Perlman and Adina Lipsitz This site is part of JewishGen’s KehilaLinks (formerly ShtetLinks) project. This site is hosted at no cost to the public by JewishGen, Inc., a non-profit corporation. If you feel there is a benefit to you in accessing this site, your JewishGen-erosity is appreciated. This site uses the Anthology Premium Website Template by Pexeto. |
Updated 20 December, 2020 |