Welcome to the Lyakhovichi KehilaLinks site!
Welcome to the Lyakhovichi Special Interest Group (SIG) Website. This is the website for the town of Lyakhovichi (most recently called Lyakhavichy, Belarus) and in the past called by a number of synonyms including Lechowitz, Lechovich, Lachowicze, et al.
There’s an overwhelming amount of information about this town, the people who lived there and those that are researching their family’s history which is associated with it. We hope you will benefit from the many years of work and donations that have contributed to assembling records, stories and more dating back to the late 1700s.
Be sure to check out the index to the more than 27,000 records that have been accumulated and indexed for Lyakhovichi in our Complete Lyakhovichi Records Catalog.
Please feel free to contact Gary Palgon via email if you have information to contribute or questions that we may be able to help you answer.
A few big thank yous are also in order. Big thanks to Neville Lamdan and Deborah Glassman, who both have been instrumental since the 1990s in playing a big part in making our group a success. Big thanks to Sharon Racusin and Alan Raskin, who were major contributors to updating our former website to the current content and format.
It is with deep sadness that we report the passing in February of Dr. Neville Lamdan, the Israeli diplomat whose family's roots were from Lyakhovichi and who worked tirelessly for decades in helping to document the town’s history and helped to connect and educate so many other landsman about their ancestral town.
This is Lyakhovichi's main street and can be marked by Lyakhovichi's geographical coordinates at Latitude 53º02' Longitude: 26º16'.

Bazarskaya - the main Market Street in Lyakhovichi