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 9/9/2012  Update on Project Odessa Census records for 1858 (Kherson Archives)

Hi everybody,

Thanks to those of you who have already contributed to the project. The first fruits are already available.

Fond 22 Opis 1 Delo 100 is online on the All Odessa Database: 200 family names.

I remind you that this project indexes only the family names providing you with the fond/opis/delo/page that will allow you to request the full record to the Kherson State Archives.

Indexing the full records is out of our monetary capacity as is obtaining the document copies (5 USD per page).

We need still your contribution to get the researcher indexing all the volumes available. As always, you can donate to the Odessa Documents Acquisition and Translation project at http://www.jewishgen.org/JewishGen-erosity/v_projectslist.asp?project_cat=22

Thank you,

Ariel Parkansky
Odessa Town Leader

 8/13/2012  New Project on Kherson Archives - donations needed: Odessa Census records for 1858

Hi everybody,

A researcher hired by a fellow genealogist has generated a list for the surnames appearing on the Fond 22 Opis 1 Delo 100 of the 1858 census (it will be online on the Odessa database by the end of the month).

I'd like to generate the same index for all the know "delos" (volumes) available for Odessa on the Kherson archives as a first step, and then to identify and get full information of selected Jewish records on a second time.

I think that the index will give genealogists a very good idea of what they can find on the archives and where to easily find for their family. If we collect enough money we will then begin to acquire the full information.

For that we need money to hire the researcher. All donations, no matter the amount, will be welcomed.
You can do it through the Odessa document acquisition and translation projects fund at http://www.jewishgen.org/JewishGen-erosity/v_projectslist.asp?project_cat=22

This is the list (numbers are Delo numbers, Fond 22 Opis 1):

31. Census of citizens in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the years 1857-1858.
32. Census of honorable citizens and tradesmen citizens in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the years 1857-1858.
34. Census of tradesmen and citizens (Karaite) in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the years 1857-1858.
Comment: this file seems to be about Jewish people.
35. Census of citizens in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the years 1857-1858.
38. Census of citizens in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the years 1857-1858.
39. Census of citizens in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the years 1857-1858.
40. Census of tradesmen in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the years 1857-1858.
43. Census of tradesmen Christians in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the years 1857-1858.
53. Census of citizens in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the years 1857-1858.
56. Census of Jewish people citizens in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the year 1858.
74. Census of citizens and tradesmen in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the years 1858-1859.
84. Census of citizens in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the year 1858.
102. Census of citizens in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the year 1858.
112. Census of citizens, tradesmen and Jewish population in the town of Ochakov, Odessa uezd (district).
119. Census of citizens and tradesmen in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the year 1858.
126. Census of residents in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the year 1858.
134. Census of citizens in the town of Odessa, Kherson gubernia (region) for the year 1858.
Thanks in advance,

Ariel Parkansky
Odessa town leader

 7/27/2012  Odessa Rabbinate Records (Fond 39) contents

Hi everybody,

Here's another great discovery by Marilyn Robinson:

The detailed contents of the Odessa Rabbinate Records (fond 39) is available on the Odessa State Archives webpage at http://derjarhiv.odessa.gov.ua/Main.aspx?sect=Page&IDPage=44303&id=130

There's a pdf file for each "Opis" (1 to 6) specifying it.

I've placed a copy of these files on the page of the Odessa KehilaLinks dedicated to the Archives


Ariel Parkansky

Odessa Town Leader

 7/24/2012  1908 All Odessa Directory Online

Hi everybody,

As promised, a new book (1908 All Odessa Directory) is online on the Books Database of the Odessa KehilaLinks.

By the moment is only readable but in the future it will be searchable too (I don't advance dates for that).


Ariel Parkansky
Odessa Town Leader

 6/25/2012  Book: The Jews of Odessa and Southern Ukraine" by LG Belousova

Book in Russian.

Can't purchase this book any longer but it has an index with many names, if you can find it:

Publishing Center
Rating: Boring, poorly written -50 It is interesting, well written
Authors. status. LG Belousova, IE Volkov, "The Jews of Odessa and Southern Ukraine"
State. archive of Odessa. region., Int. Heb. communities. center "Migdal." - Odessa: LLC "Studio" Negotiant ", 2002. Book. I. (Krn. XVIII - the beginning. XX centuries..) - 300 p., 16 ill.

In a book published 250 papers, illustrating the role of the Jewish communities and individuals in economic, social, political and cultural development of the region with the concentration. XVIII - the beginning. XX centuries., And a name index of surnames 4505 in Odessa Jewish middle class.
07/01/2004 17:30 Migdal

Jewish Roots: http://forum.j-roots.info/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=851
"Julia B": 4/9/2010:at the end of the book is a list of application-fund N359 Odessa philistine council of Jewish residents - 1894-1919 years for the burghers and their addresses.

Some additional names/info. in appendix, posted by "Yuliya_P" on 6/24/12: http://forum.j-roots.info/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=851&start=160

This book is not dedicated to specific people. This book - an overview document of the Odessa archives on the history of the Jews of Odessa. This is an index - an application to the book. There is only the information that I wrote.

What can be learned from it? There is a fund of 359, which contains lists of posemeynye townspeople of Odessa. If not mistaken, these lists were drawn up for the military presence and are not included in all family members (as in fairy tales registered males), but only those who are dependent on the person. Typically, this is my wife (if the person is married) and children (if any). If you have a wife, then the date of the wedding and the number of entries in the register (very useful information for genealogists, by the way). How to get to these lists? You should write a request to the archive with details of the case (fund 359, inventory 1, file lists, and - from the book).

Marilyn Robinson

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