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 8/23/2014  Odessa Fond 359 - Jewish Head of Household integrated into the All Odessa Database

A new collection of 5286 records has been added to the All Odessa database and is available for standard, soundex and D-M searches.

This Collection indexes the Odessa Jewish Heads of Household (1893-1916) from Odessa Office for Small Business.

The original source of the dataset (in Russian, compiled by Liliya Belousova and Tatiana Volkova in 1999) was found here in 2012.

The original dataset was first automatically transliterated by Ariel Parkansky, then translated, corrected and completed by Bena Shklyanoy.

The original dataset contains 4505 records but, as many of those records point to different locations, in our database a record has been created for each location, augmenting their number to 5286.

The original documents that are in the Odessa State Archives include additional information about each family.


Ariel Parkansky
Odessa Town Leader

 8/22/2014  The Odessite Jewish Roots of Sylvester Stallone

An article from Daily Mail from UK documents the Odessite Jewish roots of Jackie Stallone, Sly's mother.

The article recounts also Jackie's journey to trace her family history and Russian relatives helped by the then Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev and the KGB.

You can read the full article here.


Ariel Parkansky
Odessa Town Leader

 8/2/2014  Odessa Document Acquisition and Translation Projects awared with Rabbi Malcolm Stern & John Stedman Memorial Grant

We are very happy to announce that the 2014 Rabbi Malcolm H. Stern Grant Committee has awarded a grant to our Ukraine's SIG Odessa Document Acquisition and Translation Projects !!!

This prize, as well as your kind donations, make possible for us to continue working on the acquisition and translation of new Odessa records.

We always need volunteers to translate russian documents. Please contact us.

For more information about the Rabbi Malcolm Stern & John Stedman Memorial Grant please visit the IAJGS website.

Ariel Parkansky
Odessa Town Leader

 3/15/2014  New story: A secret Ulpan in the Communist Odessa

Hi everybody,

I'd like to tell you about the new article by Anna Aizic called "A secret Ulpan in the Communist Odessa".
While most of our people stories tell us how Jews lived in Odessa in late 19th and early 20th century, this one shows us how lived those who stayed and lived in Communist and KGB's URSS after WWII.
Anna is also finishing a book about his family story going from Odessa to Israel and to the US.

The current version of the book is downloadable from the story page placed at the People Stories section of the kehilalinks.

You can directly access the story here


Ariel Parkansky
Odessa Town Leader

 1/31/2014  The Odessa Archives Vital Records Indexes Project

Hi everybody,

As you would know, we've undertaken a very big acquisition and translation project of Vital Record Indexes on the Odessa Archives from 1875 to 1920. Yoni Kupchik is leading the project.

These are more than 7000 documents to acquire and translate.

We need your help. Any donation even small will be welcomed. Please visit the Ukraine JewishGen-erosity Page and choose the Odessa Document Acquisition and Translation Projects.

If you have Russian translation skills and you want to volunteer please fill our Ukraine SIG Language Skills Survey here and contact Yoni

Thanks for your help,

Ariel Parkansky
Odessa Town Leader

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