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Nowy Targ, Poland
Lat: 49° 29' N, Long: 20° 02' E
Bette Stoop Mas provided the name of a resource for people who lived in Czarny
Dunajec, a town 8.7 miles WSW of Nowy Targ. The book includes
the professions of these people or families. As Bette e-mailed me:
"Some family members’ occupations are in the following book
(presumably from a database). "List of Jews in Czarny Dunajec 1883-1938
by Profession" in book, Czarny Dunajec i Okolice - Zarys dziejów do roku 1945, Pod Redakcja Feliksa Kiryka, Wydawnictwo I Drukarnia Secesja, Kraków.
[Czarny Dunajec and Vicinity - A Sketch of Its Annals up to 1945].
Edited by Feliks Kiryk. Secesja Publisher and Printer, Kraków.
Some family members born in Czarny Dunajec were in the Nowy Targ Ghetto
1942 and are in Yad Vashem Pages of Testimony. Birth records are indexed
in JRI-Poland..."
Regarding this same source, Paul S. Valasek, submitted an article to the on-line newsletter called Gen Dobry!,
referencing that same book and actually including a list of the names
of Jews and their occupations.
He kindly gave me permission to extract from his article and to include
the list of names, which I put into a tabular format below.
Caveat: There may be some errors in transcription of the names, and without seeing the actual source, it's impossible to determine where the errors lie. Letters below in red are presumed corrections by this webmaster. Anyone who can provide a correction is invited to email this webmaster.
The entire issue,
Gen Dobry!, Vol. VII, No. 3, March 2006
From Paul S. Valasek's article (starting on page 7):
“…In the case of the following small database, the
material presented comes from original sources, but is now available in a town
history written in 1997 and published not long ago. The book is Czarny
Dunajec i Okolice — Zarys dziejów do roku 1945, Pod redakcją Feliksa Kiryka,
Wydawnictwo i Drukarnia Secesja, Kraków. [Czarny Dunajec and Vicinity — A
Sketch of Its Annals up to 1945. Edited by Feliks Kiryk. Secesja Publisher and
Printer, Kraków]. It is the story of the Galician town of Czarny Dunajec near
Zakopane. …The book goes through the story of the town from its beginnings
through World War II and is loaded with names, dates and photos. All of this
material was available when the book was written, so it existed in 1997, well
after the war ended. The author has used sources from private collections,
materials from archives both at the state and local levels, as well as
ancillary materials which are available, but not easily recognized for their
value by non-Polish speaking researchers. Many towns had chronicles written in
the 19th and 20th centuries; when your family has settled in one place for a
number of years, it’s wise to search out copies of town histories, whether old
originals or new reprints. As time permits, I will add other data bases from
this book for those interested in Czarny Dunajec…
Family Name | Given Name(s) | Occupation |
BACHNER | Chaim Salomon | butcher |
BALITZER | Chaim | merchant |
BAUMAN | Jozef | merchant |
BAUMAN | Mendel | merchant |
BAUMAN | Suche | (data missing) |
BINDER | Zalka | merchant |
BLITZ | Juda Szabse | manufacturer, merchant |
BLONDER | Szymon | manufacturer, merchant |
BUCHSBAUM | Mordche Jozef | stall-keeper |
ENGLENDER | Moses | stall-keeper |
FAUST | Emil | manufacturer |
FEIT | Izak Aron | manufacturer |
FEIT | Jozef | stall-keeper |
FEUER | Mortko | baker |
FLANK | Mojzesz Jozef | butcher |
FRIEDMAN | Salamon | stall-keeper |
FRIEDMAN | Salamon | merchant |
GOLDFINGER | Herman | stall-keeper |
GOLDFINGER | Hirsch | (data missing) |
GOLDMAN | Izak | butcher |
GUTFREUND | Simche | teacher |
GUTFREUND | Salamon | baker |
HOLLANDER | Chaim Jozef | merchant |
HOLLANDER | Moses | merchant |
HOROWITZ | Adolf | tavern keeper |
HOROWITZ | Aurgdor (Avigdor?) | baker |
HOROWITZ | Jozef | shoemaker |
JERET | Aron Zachariasz | merchant |
JONAS | Georg | baker |
JONAS | Izak | baker |
JONAS | Salamon | baker |
KALFUS | Izak Aron | stall-keeper, kosher butcher |
KLEINZAHLER | Chaim | tailor |
KLEINZAHLER | Mendel | merchant |
KLUGER | Izak | tavern keeper |
KOHN | Pinkus | tavern keeper |
KORNGUT | Efraim | merchant |
KORNGUT | Izak Hirsch | merchant |
KORNGUT | Jozef | merchant |
KORNGUT | Szymon | stall-keeper |
KRAUS | Izak | tavern keeper |
LAMENSDORF | Georg | merchant |
LANGER | Hirsch | shoemaker |
LANGER | Izak | butcher |
LANGER | Jakub | tavern keeper/ restaurateur |
LEHLER | Jozef | merchant |
LEMMULER | Mojzesz | shoemaker |
LIPSCHULTZ | Aron | merchant |
LIPSCHULTZ | Izak | rabbi |
LORBERFELD | Bernard | journeyman baker |
MAHLER | Jozef | merchant |
MARKOWICZ | Abraham | in Verso, Hungary |
NEUGEWIRCZ | Natan | (data missing) |
NICHTBERGER | Dawid | (data missing) |
PACANOWER | Herman | merchant, stall-keeper |
PACANOWER | Szymon | attorney |
PIETRUSZKA-FUCHS | Dawid | (data missing) |
RATTNER | Nisen | merchant |
RIMSTEIN | Abraham | data missing |
RIWEN | Kummer | merchant |
RUBIN | Naftali Herzl | stall-keeper |
SAMUELI | Szaje | merchant |
SCHIFFELDRIM | Salamon | merchant |
SCHORF | Dawid | merchant |
SCHWARZBRAND | Dr. Bernard | lawyer (degree) |
SINGER | Chaim | merchant |
SINGER | Henrich | merchant |
SPITZ | Abraham | merchant |
SPITZ | Jozef Hirsch | manufacturer, tavern keeper |
STEINER | Bernard | merchant |
STEINER | Szaje | merchant |
STEINLAUF | Salamon Zalmen | merchant |
STERN | Juda Szulim | merchant |
STIEL | Majer | merchant |
STIEL recte HENKORN | Dawid | merchant |
STILLER | Adolf | tailor |
STILLER | Dr. Jakub Jozef | legal consultant |
STILLER | Samuel | tavern keeper |
STRUM | Leser | merchant |
SZMAJE | Leib | kosher butcher |
TREPPER | Chaim | master shoemaker |
TREPPER | Leibisch | shoemaker |
WEISS | Pinkus | butcher |
WEISSMANN | Gedalje | tailor |
The book, Juden in der k. (u.) k. Armee 1788-1918, Jews in the Habsburg Armed Forces, by Erwin A. SCHMIDL, was printed by the Österreichisches Jüdisches Museum, Eisenstadt 1989. Dr. Erwin A. SCHMIDL is head of the Department of Contemporary History at the Institute for Strategy and Security Policy at the National Defense Academy in Vienna.
It appears that this book is not easy to find in English-speaking countries and many do not speak German. To help those interested in seeing if the book is of value to them, here is a transcription of the alphabetized list of references in the Register/Index List pages (pp. 235-236) from that book. Since the book is in German and English, the initial pages through p. 90 are in German; pages in English are from 91-152. After page 152 are additional sections and appendices that appear to be entirely in German. The rest of the book has limited English. However, Appendix 4 (pp. 191-218) is entitled, Photographs of Jewish Soldiers in World War One, and captions appear in both languages.
Habsburgs Jüdische Soldaten, 1788-1918, is another book written by Dr. Erwin SCHMIDL, and published in 2014. It is entirely in German, and an English description is available.
The good news is that Dr. Schmidl is working on an extended version in English, to be published sometime 2019-2020. In the meantime, Dr. SCHMIDL has kindly allowed us to see the Index of Names and Places in PDF format as they appear in the current German version.
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