
17 November 1898
Page 362

Delatyn. The scribe Yitzhak Wasserman HaLevi has been gathered unto his people. The deceased was a Jew whole-hearted with his G-d. He loved his people, his religion, and his language. And worked with all of his strength to aid in the dissemination of the national idea in our vicinity and was also a member of the "Lovers of Zion" Society of Tarnow. We have suffered a great loss through his death.
—Haim Block

Palestine Post

Advertisements from The Search Bureau for Missing Relatives of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem

Persons Sought The Enquirer File No. Issue Page
Lokeir born Kremer Hadasa; born Delatin, Poland Maks Sternberg; born Tarnopil 93112 6 January 1948 2
The Search Bureau for Missing Relatives was established at the end of World War II by the Jewish Agency to assist Holocaust survivors locate their relatives.