Черкаси, Yкраïна
Field of Sunflowers
Cherkasy, ca. 1917
Cherkasy is located 158 km. (98 miles) southeast of Kiev.
Its map coordinates are 49° 26' north latitude and 32° 04' east longitude.
Google Maps
Cherkasy is blessed with cold, snowy winters, with an
average temperature of 21°F. Summers are warm and
dry, with an average temperature of 68°F.
Cherkasy, ca. 1910
Name Variants:
Cherkasy [Ukrainian]; Cherkassy [Russian];Cherkoss [Yiddish];
Czerkasy [Polish];Tscherkassy [German]
Request for Information
Please help us develop the Cherkasy KehilaLink
by sending
personal stories, photographs, and documents
Esther Rechtschafner
Thanks for your help.