Tarashcha, Ukraine

Тараща, Yкраïна


Town Views

M20 hwy
road to Tarashcha

Tarashcha Environs
(photo by joshua skarf)
(click to enlarge)

Ohel of Rebbe Raphael
(photo by joshua skarf)
(click to enlarge)
also see
Tarashcha Cemetery
(scroll down)

Ohel of Rebbe Raphael

Ohel of Rebbe Raphael
(photo by vitaliy buryak)
(click to enlarge)

Road to Tarashcha Cemetery

Road to Tarashcha Cemetery
(photo by elliot reisman)

Tarashcha Cemetery

Tarashcha Cemetery
(photo by elliot reisman)

holocaust memorial
Tarashcha Holocaust Memorial
Passerby, slow down!
you are walking on the road of memory!
In fall of 1941 it was used to convoy
to execution by shooting
approximately 500 peaceful residents
of the town and prisoners of war
Eternal Memory!

(photo by vitaliy buryak)
(translation by stella berestetsky)
(click to enlarge)
holocaust memorial

Tarashcha Holocaust

(photo by vitaliy buryak)
(click to enlarge)

Tarashcha Holocaust Memorial

Tarashcha Holocaust

(photo by elliot reisman)
(click to enlarge)

cottage cottage

Tarashcha Street
(photo by richie baum)

Tarashcha Road
Tarashcha Road

Tarashcha Street
(photo by vitaliy buryak)

Babi Yar

Babyn Yar/Babi Yar
(Kiev, Ukraine)

Dniepr River

Dniepr River at Kiev

Babi Yar

Babyn Yar/Babi Yar
(Kiev, Ukraine)