Tarashcha, Ukraine
Тараща, Yкраïна

Tarashcha, Ukraine
Тараща, Yкраïна
Volko Savransky1
Killed In Action
21 August 1915
"Савранский Волко Ицков. убит, Выбыл: 21.08.1915, Место рождения: Киевская губ., Таращанский уезд, Тараща, Место службы: 203-й пехотный Сухумский полк, рядовой Именные списки потерь"
Savransky Volko Itskov. killed, Dropped out: 08/21/1915, Place of birth: Kiev province, Tarashchansky district, Tarashcha, Place of service: 203rd Sukhumi Infantry Regiment, private Named lists of casualties
1. Volko Savransky is the maternal grandfather of richard leonard baum, creator of the Tarashcha Kehilalink. Volko was known in the family as Volf Zeev, a.k.a. Velvil, Sevransky.
The record above is the only official confirmation of what the Sevransky family understood as to Velvil's fate.
documents contributed by richard L. baum;
translation by richard's cousin Stella Berestetsky.