Index of Gravestones in Jewish Cemetery in Buchach
This index contains gravestone inscriptions that are predominantly in the Hebrew alphabet although a few contain names in Latin letters, and some contain inscriptions in Polish. If you wish to translate a gravestone, please indicate the Burial Record ID and the Gravestone Filename and email the translation to Tom Weiss. The translation will be put on the web page with the gravestone photograph and the translated gravestone will be indicated in the index below. Note that each gravestone may have multiple photographs. If you wish to see a particular image, click on the appropriate filename in the index. That will display the appropriate gallery page. To see an enlarged version of the gravestone photograph suitable for translation, just click on the photograph. "Gravestone translated" means that a translation was attempted but it my not be complete.
Given Name(s)
Gravestone Filename (front)
Gravestone Filename (back)
Gravestone Filename (detail)
ANDERMAN | Avraham | P1010288 | P1010289 | |
ANDERMAN | Mank? | P1010255 | P1010256 | |
ANDERMAN | Rebeka | P1010233 | ||
ANDERMANN | Hersch | P1010054 | P1010055 | |
ANDERMANN | Sara | P1010341 | P1010342 | |
ASHER | Rivka Chana | P1010010 | P1010011 | |
BALIN | Rivka | P1010007 | ||
BAUCHMAN | Jente & Rubin | P1010116 | P1010117 | |
BEER | Dawid | P1010365 | P1010366 | |
BENIS | Juzer | P1010356 | P1010357 | |
BIEDER | Machla ?allachow | P1010373 | P1010374 | |
BILSER | Pesah | P1010285 | P1010287 | |
BINDER | Estera Chana Perlmuterow | P1010041 | ||
BITTERMAN | Scheindel | P1010046 | P1010047 | |
BLACHER | Dawid | P1010387 | P1010388 | |
BLAUKOPF | Wolf | P1010035 | P1010036 | |
BRECHER | Etie | P1010394 | P1010395 | |
BUCHWALD | Mordecai | P1010064 | P1010065 | |
BYK | Beno | P1010331 | P1010332 | |
COHEN | Eliezer | P1010243 | P1010244 | |
DAZENTAG | Leib | P1010308 | P1010309 | |
DICK | Bernard | P1010092 | P1010093 | |
DLUGACZ | Mirla | P1010367 | P1010368 | |
DROTLER | Yidel | P1010261 | ||
DRUCKER | Blima | P1010343 | P1010344 | |
DRUKER | Rysia | P1010377 | P1010378 | |
EBER | Ch. L. | P1010321 | P1010322 | |
EHRLICH | Meir | P1010310 | P1010311 | |
EHRLICH | Mordecai | P1010295 | P1010296 | |
ELFENBEIN | Zipporah | P1010048 | P1010049 | |
ENMELDONG | Wolf | P1010292 | P1010293 | |
FISCHER | Ara | P1010272 | ||
FISCHLER | Ephraim David | P1010087 | P1010088 | |
FRANKEL | Gusta | P1010001 | ||
FREIDBERG | Feibush | P1010070 | P1010071 | |
FREINDLICH | Lyba | P1010103 | P1010108 | |
FRIEDLANDER | Minzi | P1010085 | P1010086 | |
FULLENBAUM | Abraham | P1010127 | ||
FULLENBAUM | Jozef | P1010089 | ||
FULLENBAUM | Klara | P1010128 | ||
FULLENBAUM | Wilus | P1010052 | P1010053 | |
GELBARD | Beisi | P1010033 | P1010034 | |
GENSER | Dawid | P1010363 | P1010364 | |
GLASS | Abba | P1010262 | ||
GLAZER | Jakob | P1010352 | ||
GOLDBERG | Blima | P1010375 | P1010376 | |
GOLDBERG | Eli | P1010354 | P1010355 | |
GOLDBERG | Risia | P1010017 | P1010018 | |
GOLDHIRSCH | P1010328 | |||
GOTTFRIED | Izak | P1010005 | ||
GRAU | Daniel | P1010126 | ||
GRAU | Lea Hellreich | P1010125 | ||
HALBERG | Baruch & Necha | P1010123 | P1010124 | |
HALFAN | David | P1010290 | P1010291 | |
HALPERN | Shemuel | P1010305 | P1010306 | |
HENER | Hentzi | P1010383 | P1010384 | |
HIRSCHORN | Salomon | P1010299 | ||
HOIZNER | Reuven | P1010066 | P1010067 | |
HOTT | Marjim | P1010104 | P1010110 | |
HUMINER? | P1010283 | P1010284 | ||
ISSERLES | Mendel | P1010241 | P1010242 | |
JUTTE | Sarah | P1010327 | ||
KAMERLINC | Moses | P1010094 | P1010096 | P1010095 |
KESSLER | Lonio | P1010003 | ||
KIRCHNER | Amalia | P1010329 | P1010330 | |
KNOBLER | Emilia Guttwaldow | P1010008 | P1010009 | |
KOFFLER | Miriam | P1010080 | P1010082 | P1010081 |
KOFLER | Chaya Sarah Edelstein | P1010100 | P1010101 | |
KOFLER | Lena | P1010024 | P1010025 | |
KOHN | Fajdisz | P1010385 | P1010386 | |
KOPELOPF | Scheindel Yuta | P1010044 | P1010045 | |
KRIEGEL | Renia | P1010333 | P1010334 | |
KUKULES | Ruchel | P1010392 | P1010393 | |
LANGBERG | Jsrael | P1010317 | P1010318 | |
LEVHORN | Henzie | P1010019 | P1010021 | P1010020 |
LIEBLEIN | Dawid | P1010339 | P1010340 | |
LIPSCHUTZ | Isak | P1010360 | P1010361 | |
LISTOW | P1010282 | |||
LOVNER | Miriam Freida | P1010030 | P1010032 | P1010031 |
LUSTGARTEN | Nuchim | P1010267 | P1010264 | |
MEHLBERG | Herman | P1010353 | ||
NACHT | Hinda | P1010083 | P1010084 | |
NADLER | Jakob & Taube | P1010113 | P1010115 | |
NAFTALI | Mordecai Chaim | P1010237 | ||
NERFEN | Chaja | P1010102 | P1010107 | |
NERFEN | Regina | P1010097 | P1010098 | |
NUTYK | Hhinda | P1010347 | P1010348 | |
OCHS | Reizie | P1010118 | ||
OISESSCHNITT | Isidore | P1010391 | ||
POHORILLE | Liza | P1010325 | P1010326 | |
POPPER | Leon | P1010358 | P1010359 | |
REICHER | Chana Dina [or Rina] | P1010006 | ||
REICHER | Chani Dinah | P1010235 | P1010236 | |
REINISH | Kalman | P1010056 | P1010057 | |
REISITZ | Zalman | P1010263 | ||
REISS | Klara | P1010278 | P1010279 | |
RIDER | Peric | P1010337 | P1010338 | |
RITNER | Zayde? | P1010068 | P1010069 | |
ROICHER | Gitel | P1010015 | P1010016 | |
ROSEN | Elazar Asher | P1010259 | P1010257 | |
ROSENBERG | Mizia | P1010315 | P1010316 | |
ROSENTHAL | Jeta | P1010381 | P1010382 | |
S??ZEL | Regina | P1010319 | P1010320 | |
SCHACHNER | David & Rachel Leah | P1010037 | P1010038 | |
SCHONBERG | Alter | P1010313 | P1010314 | |
SCHORR | Hinde | P1010105 | P1010111 | |
SCHORR | Yosef | P1010121 | P1010122 | |
SCHULMAN | Markus | P1010251 | P1010254 | P1010253 |
SCHWARTZ | Aharon | P1010260 | P1010258 | |
SCHWARZ | Regina Wurman | P1010119 | P1010120 | |
SCHWEBEL | Golde | P1010396 | P1010397 | |
SEINFLED | Moses | P1010392 | P1010393 | |
SHAPIRA | Alter | P1010238 | P1010239 | |
SHEITELBOIM | Ceisia | P1010012 | P1010013 | |
SIEGMAN | Eizik | P1010061 | ||
SIEGMANN | Chajie | P1010074 | P1010076 | P1010075 |
SILBERBUSZ | Golda | P1010323 | P1010324 | |
SINGER | Israel | P1010335 | P1010336 | |
SPIELBERG | Bina | P1010004 | ||
STIPEM | Shemuel Abba | P1010300 | P1010301 | |
STOCK | Israel | P1010249 | P1010250 | |
STOCK | Mordecai | P1010090 | P1010091 | |
STRAOBER | Jette | P1010268 | P1010269 | |
TAUBER | Samuel | P1010362 | ||
TEICH | Beilach Nutykow | P1010345 | P1010346 | |
TISCHLER | Sara Ryfka | P1010106 | P1010112 | |
TZA?R | Krane Lea | P1010245 | P1010246 | |
WALDBERG | Meir | P1010028 | P1010029 | |
WECHSLER | Pajka | P1010379 | P1010380 | |
WEINER | Chancia | P1010077 | P1010079 | |
WEINREB | Yitzhak | P1010302 | P1010303 | |
WEISBROD | Pesia Leah | P1010042 | P1010043 | |
WEISSER | Menachem Mendil & Chana Sima | P1010026 | P1010027 | |
WERNER | Rosa | P1010369 | P1010370 | |
WERNER | Scheindel | P1010039 | P1010040 | |
WILNER | Menia | P1010273 | P1010274 | |
WOHLIN | Malka | P1010371 | P1010372 | |
WOLFTHAL | Mojzesz | P1010297 | P1010298 | |
ZIAHLER | Aharon | P1010247 | P1010248 | |
ZIMET | Anna | P1010350 | P1010351 | |
ZIZI | Alexander | P1010389 | P1010390 | |
ZOMER | Abba | P1010022 | P1010023 | |
Chava Krane | P1010276 | P1010277 | ||
Cirl | P1010050 | P1010051 | ||
David | P1010062 | P1010063 | ||
Rivka | P1010270 | P1010271 | ||
Shemuel | P1010058 | P1010060 | P1010059 | |
Yehudah | P1010312 | |||
Yitzhak | P1010294 | |||
Yosef Dov | P1010304 | |||
Yuta | P1010014 | |||
Yuta Leah | P1010280 | P1010281 | ||
Zvi Yonah & Toiba Rachel | P1010072 | P1010073 |
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Last updated 03/02/17 by ELR
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