Niš, Serbia

Ниш, Србиjа

Nisch [German], Niş [Turkish], Naissos [Greek]

Lat: 43° 19´ N, Long: 21° 54´ E

Links and Resources

JewishGen Balkans Database

Click the button to show all entries for Niš in the JewishGen Balkans Database.

The "All Balkans Database" is a multiple database search facility, which incorporates all of the following databases:
JRI -Poland, Yizkor Book Necrologies, JewishGen Family Finder(JGFF), JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial
Registry (JOWBR), JG Discussion Group Archives, SIG Mailing List Archives and much much more.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

United States Holocaust Research Institute Reading Room Information for Niš

Serbian History

Serbia Under the Ottomans

Please contact
Leah Haber Gedalia
with your
additions, questions, corrections, or comments!

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