The fields in the voter list for 1906 are as follows: surname, name, patronymic [father's name], type of property qualifying the man to vote, and number in the original list, which was alphabetical according to the Cyrillic alphabet. After 1906, the voter's ethnicity was also recorded. No other information was published. Occasionally you can spot, because of the custom of using patronymics, father/son groupings or brothers. The right to vote was carefully controlled, and only civil servants and those whose net worth was above an arbitrary level were allowed to vote. The property qualification column lists the type of property that gave the man his net worth. The 1906 voter list is all the voters in the city of Lida. The later voter lists were divided into sections. Two major sections were Russian voters and non-Russian voters. We have purchased only copies of the non-Russian voter lists. As can be seen from these lists, Jews dominated this category. In 1907, part A was the list of voters with incomes or property over 500 Rubles in the large cities and over 300 Rubles in smaller localities. In Lida, the cut-off would have been 300 Rubles. The voters in part B had less income or property. The same is likely true for the 1912 voter list as well. Thanks to Vitaly Charny for explanation of the property qualification terms and the voter income differentiation. Voter lists are not the greatest genealogical source, but given the scarcity of vital records from the Lida area, we take what we can get. 1906, part A - voter list for city assemblies; A- L. transcribed by Irene Newhouse 1906, part B - voter list for city assemblies; M-Z. transcribed by Irene Newhouse 1907, part A -
voter list
for State Duma; voters from entire District. transcribed by
Irene Newhouse
1907, part B
- voter list for State
Duma; voters from entire District. transcribed by Irene
1912, part E-
voter list for city assembly, voters from Lida city only. transcribed
by Edward Rosenbaum
part Zh-
list for city assembly, voters from Lida city only. transcribed
by Edward
Copyright © 2000, 2001 Irene Newhouse Last revised 4/2021