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The Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP/Kremenets District Research Group makes all proofed materials for Kremenets-district towns available publicly on this KehilaLinks site or at JRI-Poland.

Unproofed records are posted on a Contributors Site, available to members who have contributed cash, services, or materials.

The searchable Concordance of Personal Names and Town Names contains all names and towns in the documents we have translated.

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Translations and Compilations


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For more information on each resource, see Concordance, Introduction and Guides

Vital Records

Kremenets Births 1870-1938 *

X (All; Excel)

Translations of birth, death, divorce, & marriage records for Kremenets-district towns from the Family History Library & the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, originally in Hebrew, Polish, & Russian. Many have not been proofread.

*Proofed records searchable at JRI-Poland
Kremenets Deaths 1870-1929
Kremenets Divorces 1887-1917
Kremenets Marriages 1870-1925

Censuses and Resident Lists

Kremenets Census (Excel)
X Translation of Kremenets Census, originally in Russian; unproofed
Vishnevets Residents (Excel)
KDRG 265
X Translation of Vishnevets residents list, originally in Polish; unproofed
Revision List (Census) Translations
FHL (various)
1811-1874 * X (All; Excel) Translations of revision lists (censuses) for Kremenets-district towns from the Family History Library, originally in Russian. About half have been proofread.

*Proofed records searchable at JRI-Poland
Kremenets Tax Lists (Excel)
CA-266, -267, -268
1894, 1906, 1911
X Translations of lists of payers of the state housing tax in the city of Kremenets, originally in Russian; unproofed
Kremenets Voter Lists (Excel)
KDRG 262, 263, 264
1906, 1907, 1912
X Translation of lists of Kremenets residents voting in Russian Duma elections, originally in Russian; unproofed
Kremenets Family Lists (Posemeynyy Spisoki) and Family Lists of Those Liable for Military Service (Excel)
CA-269, -270, -275, -276, -284
X Translation of Family Lists for Kremenets, originally in Russian
Kremenets Residents List (Excel)
X Translation of registry of Kremenets residents, 1926, originally in Polish; unproofed
Shumsk Residents List (Excel)
X Translation of registry of Shumsk residents, originally in Polish; unproofed

Cemetery Lists

Translations of Gravestones from the Kremenets, Vishnevets, and Yampol Cemeteries

Kremenets: 3,153 gravestones, 152?-1966
Vishnevets: 648 gravestones, 1730-1941
Yampol: 77 gravestones, 1779-1944. Also available through the JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry
Translations of Gravestones from the Shumsk Cemetery (Jewish Online World Burial Registry)
167 gravestones. Type "Shumsk" in the search box.
Montefiore Jewish Cemetery (Kremenetzer Wolyner Benevolent Society, Queens, NY) Plot Map and Burials List 1936-1986 X
List of 89 burials in the Kremenetzer Wolyner Benevolent Society cemetery, Queens, New York
Mount Hebron Cemetery (Yampol Volyn Benevolent Society, Flushing, NY) 1964-2017
List of 81 burials in the Yampol Volyner Benevolent Society section. See the cemetery website.
Pochayever Burial Register, Philadelphia (PDF) 1923-2008 X
Data for 83 burials in the Pochayev Voliner Aid Society section, Har Jehuda Cemetery, Upper Darby, PA

Fee (Dues) Payer Lists

Shumsk Religious School Feepayers (Excel)
1877 X
Translated list of individuals paying religious school fees
Kremenets Feepayers (Excel)
1935 X
Translated list of Jewish community dues payers, originally in Polish
Kremenets Feepayers (Excel)
1936 X
Translated list of Jewish community dues payers, originally in Polish
Shumsk Feepayers (Excel)
1936 X
Translated list of Jewish community dues payers, originally in Polish
Vishnevets Feepayers (Excel)
1936 X
Translated list of Jewish community dues payers, originally in Polish

Other Community Lists

Kremenets Fire Losses (PDF)
1835 X
Translation of list of residents who suffered losses from fire, originally in Russian
Illegal Fundraising Trial (Word)
1837-1841 X
Translation of records on illegal fundraising in Kremenets & Vishnevets, originally in Russian & Yiddish
Conscripted Jews (PDF)
1840-1841 X
Translation of names of Jews conscripted in Oleksinets & Vishnevets, originally in Russian
Wrongful Registration of Vishnevets Jews (PDF)
1842 X
Translation of description of Vishnevets Jews sworn to testify about the proper town registration of Leyb son of Moshe Alshtet, originally in Russian
Jewish Building Owners, Kremenets and Oleksinets (Excel)
CA-281, 282
1846 X
Translation of list of building owners and their properties in the two towns, originally in Russian
Jewish Building Owners, Radzivilov (Excel)
1846 X
Translation of list of building owners and renters in Radzivilov, originally in Russian
Kremenets Jews who donated for the construction of a cemetery for Jews who died during the Crimean War while defending Sevastopol (PDF)
KDRG 286
1860 X
Translation of list of 33 contributors from Kremenets, originally in Russian
Kremenets Shapoval School Donors (Excel)
X Translation of names of donors to the Shapoval school in Kremenets, originally in Russian; unproofed
Belozirka Prayer Society Members (Excel)
X Translation of names of synagogue members in Belozirka, originally in Russian; unproofed
Kremenetser Society Incorporation Papers, New York (Word) 1909-1914 X
Descriptions of & excerpts from incorporation papers for New-York-based Kremenets organizations
Kremenets-District Business Directory (Excel)
KDRG 271
X Translation of entries for Kremenets-district towns in Entire Southwest Territory: Reference and Address Book for the Kiev, Podolsk, and Volyn Provinces, originally in Russian; unproofed
Kremenets Jewish Orphans (PDF)
1925-1937 X
Translation of records of the Association "Care for the Religious Education of Orphans & Poor Children, Chinuch Yeladim" in Kremenets, originally in Polish
Polish Declarations of Admiration and Friendship for the United States (Excel)
1926 X
Compilation of 726 Jewish names from a collection of Polish elementary and secondary student signatures sent to President Calvin Coolidge, originally in Polish
Kremenets Inductees (Excel)
X Translation of 1927 registry of Kremenets inductees born in 1906, conscripted in 1927, originally in Polish; unproofed
Kremenets Jewish Women's Association (PDF)
1927-1934 X
Translation of materials related to the Kremenets branch of the Jewish Women's Association, originally in Polish
Orphans & Abandoned Children (PDF)
1928 X
Translation of records of Society for the Care of the Jewish Orphans & the Abandoned Children in Vishnevets, Pochayev, Belozirka, Vyshgorodok, & Kremenets, originally in Polish
United Jewish Schools--Lanovtsy (PDF)
1928 X
Translation of authorization for the opening of a school branch, originally in Polish
Polish Business Directory (Excel)
KDRG 278
1929 X Translation of entries for Kremenets-district towns in Ksiega Adresowa Polski (Wraz z w.m. Gdanskiem dla Handlu, Przemyslu Rzemiosl I Rolnictwa) [Directory of Poland (including Gdansk) for Trade, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture], originally in Polish and French
Kremenets Merchant Guild Members (Excel)
X Translation of list of guild members, originally in Polish; unproofed
League to Assist Palestine Workers (PDF)
1933-1935 X
Translation of names of management committee & members, Belozirka, originally in Polish
Kremenets Crafts Guild Voters (Excel)
X Translated list of guild voters, originally in Polish; unproofed
Kremenets Tarbut School (Excel)
1934 X
Translation of student list with parents' names, originally in Polish
Kremenets Private Business Owners (Excel)
X Translation of list of business owners, originally in Polish; unproofed
Kremenets Tarbut School (PDF)
1934-1936 X
Translation of activity report, & lists of students, teachers, & parent contributors, originally in Polish
Zionist Revisionists, Kremenets & Lanovtsy (Word)
1934-1936 X
Translation of material on Organization of the Zionists-Revisionists "Beit haZohar," Kremenets & Lanovtsy, originally in Polish
Kremenets Illegal Artisans (Excel)
X Translation of list of Illegal craft workshop operators, originally in Polish; unproofed
Kremenets Private Business Owners (Excel)
X Translation of list of business owners, originally in Polish; unproofed
Kremenets Tarbut School (PDF)
1936-1937 X
Translation of materials on the school, originally in Polish
Kremenets Committee to Assist German Jewish Refugees (PDF)
1938 X
Translation of materials on the this committee, originally in Polish
Shumsk-Pochayev Jewish Community Elections (PDF)
1938 X
Translation of election documents and 1938 Shumsk Jewish Community budget, originally in Polish

Immigration and Aid Lists

Immigration-Emigration Master (Excel) 1892-1947 X
Extractions from manifests showing passengers from Kremenets-district towns, including the ports of Baltimore, Boston, Ellis Island, Galveston, New Orleans, New York post-Ellis Island, Philadelphia, and San Francisco, as well as Canada-U.S. border crossings and Brazil and Canada immigration cards
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Archives (Excel) 1917-1990 X
Documents, names, lists, photos, and artifacts from the JDC Archives that are associated with Kremenets-district and nearby towns
Vishnevets Landsmen (Excel) 1920s X
List of people from Vishnevets in Chicago
Polish Aliyah Passports (Excel) 1933-1948 X
Translations of Polish passports issued for immigration to British Mandate Palestine

Holocaust-Era Lists

USHMM Lists, Individuals Associated with Kremenets-District Towns (Excel) 1939-1945 X
Compilation of records of people from Kremenets-district towns in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Survivors & Victims Database
Yad Vashem Documents, Names Associated with Kremenets-District Towns (Excel) 1939-1945 X
Translations of documents from Yad Vashem containing names associated with Kremenets-district towns
Yad Vashem Photos, Photos Associated with Kremenets-District Towns (Excel) 1907-1994 X
Compilation of photos in the Yad Vashem Photo Collections associated with Kremenets-district towns (This is a large file.)
Child Survivors of the Shoah, JHI (PDF) 1939-1945 X
Translation of list of 6 Kremenets survivors, from the Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, originally in Polish
Murdered Jews from Kremenets (PDF)
1941 X
Translation of Soviet Extraordinary Commission document from Yad Vashem, originally in Russian
Refugees from Kremenets-District Towns to Tashkent, Uzbekistan (Excel)
USHMM RG-75.002
1941-1942 X
Translations of registration cards of Jewish refugees to Tashkent, Uzbekistan from Kremenets-district towns, originally in Russian
List of Persecuted Jews from Krzemieniec, 1941-1943 (PDF)
1941-1943 X
Translation of testimony by an unknown person who shared a prison cell with 24 other Kremenetsers, originally in Russian
Jews who perished in Belozirka, Lanovtsy, Radzivilov, Vishnevets, Vyshgorodok (Excel)
X Translation of records of the Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes, originally in Russian; unproofed
Lufshis Family of Kozin (PDF)
1942 X
Yad Vashem, confirmation of the family's death in the Kozin ghetto, originally in Hebrew and Russian
Official Documentation Attesting to the Murder of Yoel Shoimer and the Members of His Family in Kremenets; Notice of the Death of Red Army Soldier Mikhail Shoimer (PDF)
1942, 1945 X
Translation of official correspondence confirming these two events, originally in Russian
Murdered Jews from Kremenets (PDF)
August 1942 X
Translation of Soviet Extraordinary Commission document from Yad Vashem, originally in Russian
Perished Family Members of Fayvil Raysman (PDF)
1943 X
Translation of list from the Yad Vashem Holocaust Victims Register, originally in Hebrew
Rudman Ramily of Radzivilov (PDF)
1943 X
Yad Vashem, testimony about the survival of the child Bronya Rudman, originally in Polish
1944 Witnesses from Shumsk (Word)
1944 X
Translation of records of the Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes, originally in Russian
Testimonies about the Jews' Struggle before the Liquidation of the Krzemieniec Ghetto, Poland, up to the Execution of the Local Jews in the Firing Pits (PDF)
1956-1958 X
Translation of testimonies given by Jewish survivors and Ukrainian inhabitants as part of a study by Henoch Gelernt of New York, originally in Ukrainian and Yiddish
The Destruction of Belozirka: Testimony of Milshteyn, David (PDF)
1957 X
Translation of Yad Vashem testimony on his experiences in Belozirka during and after World War II, originally in Yiddish
Testimony of Pesia (Zlotnik) Bernstein, born in Kozin, Poland, 1913 (PDF)
1959 X
Translation of Yad Vashem testimony on her experiences during World War II in the Kozin Ghetto, in the Rudniki Forest, and with the partisans, originally in Hebrew and Polish
Testimony of Bronia (Walberg) Spielvogel, Born in Krzemieniec, Poland, 1917 (PDF)
1961 X
Translation of Yad Vashem testimony on her experiences in the Krzemieniec Ghetto and in hiding, originally in Hebrew and Polish
Testimony of Malka Molly (Burstein) Friedman, born in Shumsk, 1920, regarding her experiences in the Shumsk Ghetto, in hiding and in Wolkowce (PDF)
1971 X
Translation of Yad Vashem testimony on her experiences in the Shumsk Ghetto and in hiding, originally in Yiddish
Testimony of Shela Kremenchugskaya, born Krzemieniec, Poland, 1912 (PDF)
1989 X
Translation of Yad Vashem testimony on her experiences during World War II in Krzemieniec and as a Red Army nurse, originally in Russian and Hebrew
Testimony of Fania Marbak, born Wisniowiec, Poland, 1922 (PDF)
1988 X
Translation of Yad Vashem testimony on her experiences during World War II, originally in Hebrew
Documentation by the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission (ChGK) Regarding the Murder of Jews in the Kremenets Ghetto (PDF)
1999 X
Translation of a brief description of the destruction of the ghetto from the Ukraine archives, originally in Russian

Inventories & Source Lists

KDRG Document Acquisitions and Status (Excel) Catalog of all records & documents KDRG has identified; includes source & current status
Archival Research Locations and Documents in Poland and Ukraine (Word) Inventory & description of documents relating to Kremenets-district towns
Kremenets Area Index to Polish and Russian Documents (Excel) Index to Kremenets-district documents at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People
Kremenets, Oleksinets, Shumsk, & Vishnevets Resources (Word) List of Kremenets-district documents in Polish Sources at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People
Inventory of Jewish Records on Microfilms Held by FHL Family History Library's Jewish records

Translation & Transliteration Guides

Given Names, Male, Hebrew & Russian Graphics (PDF) Images of Hebrew/Yiddish & Russian names & terms extracted from vital records & revision lists for Kremenets-district towns, with English transliteration for each
Given Names, Female, Hebrew & Russian Graphics (PDF)
Surnames, Hebrew & Russian Graphics (PDF)
Keywords & Phrases from Revision Lists (PDF) Images from the Revision Lists, with transliterations & translations from Russian
Professions from 1935-1936 Feepayer Lists (PDF) Translations from Polish
Records, Causes of Death, Hebrew & Russian Graphics (PDF) Images of Hebrew/Yiddish & Russian terms from vital records for Kremenets-district towns, with English translations
Vital Records, Keywords, Hebrew & Russian Graphics (PDF)
Vital Records, Column Headings (PDF) Headings found in birth, death, divorce, & marriage records
Vital Records, Sample Page (JPG) Image of a typical vital records page
Hebrew & Yiddish Transliteration Guidelines (PDF) Guide for transliterating Hebrew & Yiddish
Russian Transliteration Guide Guide for transliterating the Cyrillic alphabet
Yiddish Ligatura Images of letter combinations in cursive Yiddish

Genealogy Guides

By Ron Doctor

Copyright © 2015 Ron Doctor and Sheree Roth. Last updated March 2023.