Ungheni During the Holocaust
- Links to testimony stored at Yad Vashem on Yaacov (Yankel) and Frieda Barkan pictured here.
NOTE: Please be patient - links below are VERY slow to open.
- Shoah Victim's Database
- Search under: Ungen, Ungheny, Ungeny, or Ungheni (not Unghen).
- 254 names pulled by searching “Ungen”
- 478 names pulled by searching “Ungheny” (includes Ungeni, Ungeny, and Ungheni) NOTE: Please be patient – The resulting links are slow to open.
- Holocaust: Wikipedia: “History of Moldova,”-
explains the deportations, persecutions, executions, etc. of Jews living in Bessarabia, occurring during WWII.
- The Holocaust in Romania: The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies Under the Antonescu Regime, 1940-1944, by Radu Ioanid, 2008, 380 pages
- JewishGen-Bessarabia SIG -
includes many links to relevant information about the Holocaust and Bessarabian Jews.
- Soviet Extraordinary Commission – Town Index -
documentation of what happened during the Holocaust in every Russian locality occupied by the Nazis. Handwritten in Russian.