Sara Rivka (f)
Title: M'
Father's title: B'R
Father's name: Zeev
Died: 1910, 1 Pesah 5670
"important woman"
Ester Haya (f)
Title: M'
Father's title: B'R
Father's name: Eliezer
Died: 1903, 7 Lyar 5663
"important woman"
Kalman Yakov (m)
Title: M'
Father's title: B'R
Father's name: Asher Zelig
Died: 1905, RH Adar B 5665
Ita (f)
Title: M'
Father's title: B'R
Father's name: Chaim
Died: 1920, 2 Hol Hamoed Pesah 5680
ROSMARIN, Evgenia (f)
Father's name: Fominich
Father's name: Emanuel
Feiga (f)
Title: M'
Father's name: Yehuda Avraham
Died: 20 Tevet (can't see year- under ground)
"important, modest woman"
Feiga (f)
Title: M'
Father's name: Chaim (head of court Polonoe)
Died: 1667, 7 Kislev 5428
YOFE MASTER? or From Aster,
Haim (m)
Title: M'
Father's title: B'hRav
Father's name: Yosef
Died: ?, 13 Kislev (year covered by grass, not on
"honorable very big Rabbi reknown….Head of the community
David (m)
Title: M'
Father's title: B'hRav
Father's name: Meir A'BD (Head of rabbinic court)
Died: 1764, 17 Shvat 5524
"Ish Tam ve Yashar haTorani haRabani"
? (f)
Title: M'
Father's name: Eliezer
Died: 20 Nisan (year below ground)
"virtuous woman like Avigail all her life on straight
road went"
Hana (f)
Title: M'
Father's name: Nisan
Died: 1724, 18 Adar 5484
"important woman"
Yehuda Leib (m)
Title: MVavHRR
Father's title: MVavHRR
Father's name: Shlomo
Died: 1563, 27 Tevet 5323
"haTorani haRabani MVavHRR"
Yitzhak (m)
Father's title: MVavHRR
Father's name: Haim
Died: 1725, 23 Adar 5485
"haTorani haRabani MVavHRR"
Toiba (f)
Father's title: Bat MVavHRR
Father's name: Asher Zelig
Died: 1766, 20 Heshvan 5527
"important woman"
Haya (f)
Father's title: Bat MVavHRR
Father's name: Meir
Died: 1766, 27 Nisan 5526
Rivka Beila (f)
Father's title: Bat Mar
Father's name: Uri
Died: 1727, 25 Sivan 5487
"important woman"
Mirel (f)
Father's title: Baty Harav Hamuflag eHasid Hamharav
Father's name: Issachar Ber
Died: 1667?, 22 Tevet 5428
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