KehilaLinks JewishGen
Goldman, Feiga Chaya Greenberg,
Goldman, Sara Greenberg,
Goldman, Asher Greenberg, Chaya and family
Goldman, Sara Shpialor Greenberg, Chaya and family
Goldman and one relative Greenberg, Eli and family
Gordon and two children Greenberg, Eliahu Nochim
Gordon, Aizek Grossman, Sheindel
Gordon, Etl Gurvitz, Sara Beila
Gordon and two children Gurvitz, Lusia
Gordon, Eliahu b'r Eidel Gurvitz, Eyta
Gordon, Aryeh Gurvitz, Chaya Rhoda
Gorys, Yohanan Gurvitz, Malech
Gorys, Malka Gurvitz, Bandat
Gorys, Fruma Gurvitz, Zalman (Streitza)
Gorys, Zlata Gurvitz, Berta (Streitza)
Gorys, Chaya Beila Jaffe, Mikel
Gorys, Ester Jaffe, Hendel
Gorys, Josef Jaffe, Rivka
Gorys, Sara Rivka Kadisyn, Mendel
Gorys, Yudel Kadisyn, Hershel
Gravitz, Dvora Kadisyn, Hillel
Greenberg Kadisyn, Tzivia
Greenberg Kadisyn, Teibl
Greenberg Kadisyn and two children

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