KehilaLinks JewishGen

Svir Yiskor List

Translators disclaimer: I do not know either Hebrew or Yiddish or Belarusian well enough to guarantee that these are the correct English spellings. I have done my best using transliteration guides in each language and checking them against the names in Guggenheim Dictionary of Jewish Surnames which includes in many cases the Hebrew spelling. Assuming that there might be some hints to correct spellings,  I have also checked the passenger lists from the Ellis Island database for passengers arriving  in the United States from Svir and the spelling given for the names of relatives in the United States to whom they were coming. I also checked the Jewish Gen Family Finder as to the surnames from Svir that were being searched. I put the names into several genealogy sites that have searchable databases/ Some names do not come up and so I assume that my transliterations are incorrect or that these names were changed in the new country.

Page:  1  ¤  2  ¤  3  ¤  4   ¤  ¤   6  ¤  7  ¤    ¤  9  ¤  10  ¤  11  ¤  12  ¤ 13 ¤ 14 ¤ 15  ¤

Abel, Alperovich, Anselovich  ¤  Bensman, Berger, Berkman, Blecker, Borovsky, Boskanitz, Brumberg, Chadash  ¤     Chait, Charmetz, Cherlansky, Danishevsky, Davkin, Dimerstein  ¤    Draviatsky, Dravin, Eckman, Engel, Epstein, Feking, Fisher  ¤     Fridsen,  Gabai, Gelgar, Gendel, Gergel, Gersheter, Ginzberg, Gitlin (Gitlitz), Girshovitz, Glezer, Goldman   ¤     Gordon, Gorys, Gravitz, Greenberg, Gurwitz, Jaffe, Kadisyn  ¤  Kaganovitz, Kamen, Kaplan, Katz, Katzkelevich, Kissin, Kozlevitz, Krapevnik   ¤   Levenarsky, Levin, Michnevich, Milner, Mindel, Muller   ¤    Patashnik, Rabinovich  ¤    Rabinowitz, Rabin  ¤  Reznik,. Sakhavenvensen, Salamiak, Saltzar, Sasensky, Schmerkavitz, Schneiderovitz, Schreider, Schuster   ¤   Shapira, Shayevitz, Shayken, Shochet, Sidersky, Sotzkever, Spector, Strypunsky, Svirsky(1), ¤   Svirsky(2), ¤  Svirsky(3), Taversky, Tserlin, Weiner, Weinstein, Weiskonsky, Yanisky, Yankelovitz,    ¤    Yael, Youran,  Zak, Zanaretzky, Zeidel, Zlatoeavsky,


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