Rabbi Menachem Mendel HAGER of Vishiva visits Munkács Photo: Courtesy Amos Israel ZEZMER
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
Father and child Photo: Courtesy Louis SCHONFELD, USA
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Boys at prayer Photo: Courtesy Louis SCHONFELD, USA
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[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
Leaving the synagogue Photo: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium
Walking in the rain Photo: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium
Religious books for sale in the synagogue yard Photo: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
Klezmer Troupe Photocredit: Ghetto Fighters' Museum
Tashlich Postcard: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium (Throwing Sins into the Latorica river)
In the courtyard of the home of Rabbi SPIRA 1933 Postcard: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
Procession Postcard: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium
On the way home Postcard: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium
Hassidic friends Postcard: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
Chaim Ber GRUENFELD Photo: Mugen Bais Shaul by Rabbi Duvid Leib GRUENFELD, USA Gabbai for Rabbi Lázár SPIRA
Moshe Hersh WEISZ Photo: Mugen Bais Shaul by Rabbi Duvid Leib GRUENFELD, USA Sofer (Scribe) in Munkács
Chaim GRUENFELD Photo: Mugen Bais Shaul by Rabbi Duvid Leib GRUENFELD, USA Sofer (Scribe) in Munkács
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
Shaul Yecheskel PERLSTEIN Photo: Mugen Bais Shaul by Rabbi Duvid Leib GRUENFELD, USA Rosh Hakahol (Community Head) in Munkács
Yechiel Mechel BEINHORN Photo: Mugen Bais Shaul by Rabbi Duvid Leib GRUENFELD, USA Head of Belzer Kloz
Yehuda GRUENFELD Photo: Mugen Bais Shaul by Rabbi Duvid Leib GRUENFELD, USA
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
Meyer Yakov GRUENFELD Photo: Mugen Bais Shaul by Rabbi Duvid Leib GRUENFELD, USA
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
Relaxation at the baths in Marienbad Photo: Courtesy M. Y. EHRENREICH, USA
Left to right: unknown, unknown, Rabbi Lázár SPIRA (Munkács), unknown and Rabbi Naftali Teitelbaum (Nyirbator) |
| Visiting Munkács c. 1930 Photo: Courtesy M. Y. EHRENREICH, USA
Foreground, left to right: unknown, unknown, Rabbi Lázár SPIRA (Munkács), unknown and unknown |
~ Funeral of Rabbi Lázár SPIRA ~
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
The Aron of Rabbi Lázár SPIRA 1937 Photo: Courtesy M. Y. EHRENREICH, USA
| The Rebbetzin and daughter at the funeral 1937 Photo: Courtesy M. Y. EHRENREICH, USA
~ Rabbis Living In Munkács ~
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
| Rabbi Yacov Moishe SAFARIN Photo: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium Rabbi of Kamarno Father-in-Law of Rabbi L. SPIRA
| Rabbi Chaim SHRIEBER Photo: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium Dayan in Munkács
| Rabbi Yechiel WAGSHAL Photo: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
| Rabbi Menashe EICHENSTEIN Photo: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium Rabbi Of Zdichoiv
| Rabbi ____ EICHENSTEIN Photo: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium
| Rabbi Moshe EICHENSTEIN Photo: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium Rabbi Of Zdichoiv
[ click the image to view a larger image. ]
| Rabbi Hersch Ber KLEIN Photo: Courtesy Ari TESSLER, Belgium Righthand man of Rabbi L. SPIRA
| Rabbi Wolf ROSENBERG Photo: Courtesy Yad Vashem Archives
| Rabbi Meyer GROSZ Photo: Courtesy Yad Vashem Archives
This page is hosted at no cost to the public by JewishGen, Inc., a non-profit
corporation. If you feel there is a benefit to you in accessing this site, your JewishGen-erosity is appreciated.
Created by: Marshall J. KATZ, USA Compiled by:
Louis SCHONFELD, USA with assistance from
Ghetto Fighters' Museum
International Center of Photography
USHMM, Washington, D.C.
Yad Vashem Archives
and the following:
JewishGen members/descendants and
contributors of Mukacheve Jewish families:
David FRIEDMAN, Israel
Rabbi Duvid Leib GRUENFELD, USA
Ari TESSLER, Belgium
Amos Israel ZEZMER, France.
Updated: 13 December 2020
Copyright © 2008 Louis SCHONFELD All rights reserved
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