from Ivye were taken to a place near Stoniewicze and murdered there.
The forest site is past Ivye, on the left along the road to Minsk, at 53.9346666668966 Degrees North and 25.7753 Deg East (Latitude & longitude from https://www.yadvashem.org/YV/en/about/institute/killing_sites_catalog_details_full.asp?region=NowogrodekB&title=Nowogrodek%20region
as maps were singularly unhelpful.) It is not listed among
Belarus' Holocaust Monuments
(https://www.belarusmemorials.com/memorials/) . Kazimierz
Niechwiadowicz had issues with his camera the day he visited the
memorial in 2006. He hoped he'd be able to return to get better photos;
in the meantime, these will have to do.
you have Lida uezd
materials to share, please considering donating it.
If you read Yiddish or Hebrew, please contact us.
Records are
held both in Grodno and Vilna archives.For Lida records translation,
your tax deductible contribution by credit card via the secure server
at either group or by mail will grow our knowledge. For a $100
donation, you receive all these records translated two years ahead of
their posting on JewishGen. Every penny collected is used for Lida uezd
projects only. Records include censuses; family lists; marriages,
births, death records; prenumeraten lists; and more. Please contact Judy Baston
with any questions.For current translations, please see the ALD:
All Lithuanian Database and Belarus
SIG Database.