The Stanisławów webpage was created,
compiled and maintained by Susannah Juni
until 2001. She created a database from the
wealth of data and photos compiled during
her personal research.This data, and the
selection of pictures, is both idiosyncratic
and happenstance. It covers a variety of
years, generations, and sources. Some of the
photos are recent, and some are old pre-war
Susannah has also created a unique way to
access this data by taking a "Walk Through
Old Jewish Stanisławów" available on the map page. It also has
a search options for surnames. This database
has thousands of records and took years to
compile. The
KehilaLinks staff thank Susannah Juni for
her efforts and wish her luck in her
future endeavors.
In April 2013, the Stanisławów webpage was
adopted by Suzanne Scheraga and David
Richter. It was converted to a new design
and revised by Ron Miller. There are
hundreds of pages that require additional
changes to be consistent with the format.
Please be patient as we add and update
information, organization and design
throughout the webpage. Donations of photos
and other material are greatly appreciated.
Email Suzanne
Content added to the website
(with most recent at the top)
October 2013
Revised "Walk
Through Old Stanisławów " section and links.
Revised Photo Collection of Alejandro
Landman pages.
Changed layout of footer.
August 2013
Research page and added links.
Revised History page and added links.
Deleted Documents page.
July 2013
personal photo collection of Alejandro
Added photos of tombstone inscriptions.
April 2013
Created pages: History -
Documents - Acknowledgements - What's New.
Additional Research Links added.
Additional History information and Links
Yiddish Translation of website option
activated. |