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NOTE: Links to documents will open in a new browser window or tab.

Translation of Kalusz; hayeha ve-hurbana shel ha-kehila / Kalush; The life and Destruction of the Community

Translation of “Stanislawow” chapter from Pinkas Hakehillot Polin

Translation of
Pinkas hakehillot Polin: entsiklopedyah shel ha-yishuvim ha-Yehudiyim le-min hivasdam ve-`ad le-ahar Sho'at Milhemet ha-`olam ha-sheniyah

Translation of
Arim ve-imahot be-yisrael; matsevet kodesh le-kehilot yisraelshe-nehrevu bi-yedei aritsim u-tmeim be-milhemet ha-olam ha-aharona,vol. 5, Stanislawow

Transliteration of Unpublished List of Citizens Murdered by the Nazis from the documents of the Russian Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes

Ivano-Frankivsk (Stanislawow) information located on the JewishGen community database.


The JewishGen Ukraine
                                          Database. This is a multiple
                                          database search facility which
                                          incorporates all the databases
                                          listed below. These databases
                                          have been contributed by the
                                          JewishGen Ukraine SIG and
                                          individual donors. The
                                          combined databases have over
                                          1.2 million entries on
                                          individuals living in the area
                                          that is now Ukraine. It
                                          includes the following
                                          databases: JewishGen Family
                                          Finder (JGFF), Yizkor Book
                                          Necrologies, JewishGen Online
                                          Worldwide Burial Registry
                                          (JOWBR), Jewish Religious
                                          Personnel in the Russian
                                          Empire, 1853-1854, Vsia
                                          Rossiia Business Directories,
                                          Ostrog Census, 1795 and much
                                          more. The database is a work
                                          in progress and new entries
                                          are being added regularly.
                                 JewishGen Ukraine Database. This is a multiple database search facility which incorporates all the databases listed below. These databases have been contributed by the JewishGen Ukraine SIG and individual donors. The combined databases have over 1.2 million entries on individuals living in the area that is now Ukraine.

It includes the following databases: JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF),  Yizkor Book Necrologies, JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR),  Jewish Religious Personnel in the Russian Empire, 1853-1854, Vsia Rossiia Business Directories, Ostrog Census, 1795 and much more. The database is a work in progress and new entries are being added regularly.

select to viewLandsmanshaftn incorporated in New York County 1848-1920


select to view An introduction and explanation of the above Landsmanshaftn records:




Webpage created, compiled and maintained by Susannah Juni until 2001; compiled and maintained by Suzanne Scheraga since 2013.
Webmasters: David Richter and Suzanne Scheraga; Webpage Design by Ron Miller and Suzanne Scheraga
Email Suzanne Scheraga or David Richter
Copyright © 2013 Suzanne Scheraga

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