Tiszafüred Family Photographs |
To be inclusive, we contacted all of the Tiszafüred researchers with an e-mail address listed in JewishGen (as of 26 November 2010). We asked each person contacted for family photographs or anything else to make the Tiszafüred shtetl web pages in JewishGen's KehilaLinks more interesting for all current and future researchers. Our sincere appreciation is expressed to all who responded.
Below, you will find photographs of families that once lived in Tiszafüred. In most cases, the photographs you see survived the Holocaust only because they were mailed to relatives in the United States and elsewhere.
If you have a family photograph to contribute, click HERE to contact me.
~ Tiszafüred Individual Family Photographs ~
* Murdered in the Holocaust
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Éva KLEIN c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Avraham KLEIN, Israel
Sámuel Avigdor SCHWARCZ c. 1880 Photo: Courtesy of Prof. Baruch BEN-DOR, Israel Died prior to WWII
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Dr. József BRAUN c. 1930 Photo: Courtesy of the BRAUN family, Chile Immigrated to Chile before WWII
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Olga (neé FLAMM) WEINBERGER c. 1906 Photo: Courtesy of Lili WEINBERGER, Hungary
Gáspár WEISZ c. 1910 Photo: Courtesy of Prof. Baruch BEN-DOR, Israel Landowner, died prior to WWII
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Gyula GLÜCK c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Gabriella GLÜCK, Hungary Merchant
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Gyula WEISZMANN c. 1924 Photo: Courtesy of Endre (WEISZMANN) VÁRKONYI, Hungary
Irén FLAMM c. 1905 Photo: Courtesy of Lili WEINBERGER, Hungary
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Magda (née KLEIN, changed to BÁN) RÓNA c. 1928 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Erzsébet RÓNA, Hungary
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Jakab BLAU c. 1880 Photo: Courtesy of Prof. Baruch BEN-DOR, Israel Landowner, died prior to WWII
Jozsef LÖWINGER c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Imre ASZÓDI, Hungary Jewish grammar school teacher
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László RUBINSTEIN c. 1933 Photo: Courtesy of Matild (née ROSENFELD) RADVÁNYI, Canada
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Dávid KLEIN c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Sámuel LOV c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LOV) KLEIN, USA The first printing press owner, died prior to WWII
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Zsuzsika RUBINSTEIN (RÓNA) c. 1942 Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Vera RÓNA, Hungary
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Aladár BRAUN * c. 1935 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Gábor BRAUN * c. 1935 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
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Etelka (née EPSTEIN) PILICZER c. 1920 Photo: Courtesy of Gabriella GLÜCK, Hungary
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Gábor FLAMM c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gabor FLAMM, Australia
| Deszo FUCHS c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Jakob SZTOKMAN, Israel
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Roza (née POLLAK) EPSTEIN c. 1920 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
Bela Epstein c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
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Bela Epstein c. 1920 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
~ Tiszafüred Multi-Person Family Photographs ~
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Artúr KLEIN family and relatives c. 1920 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Erzsébet RÓNA, Hungary
Seated, left to right: unknown, Gizella KLEIN, unknown, Magda KLEIN, Artúr KLEIN, unknown and unknown
Standing, left to right: Anna (née BÁN) KLEIN and unknown |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Adolf and Samu RUBINSTEIN c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary Book merchants
Béla UNGÁR (TISZA) and wife c. 1930 Photo: Courtesy of Prof. László TISZA, USA
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Sarolta (née PILITZER) HALÁSZ and her baby daughter, Klárika c. 1923 Photo: Courtesy of Gabriella GLÜCK, Hungary
The baby died in 1923. |
[click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Jewish tennis players c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Zoltán GÁL, Hungary
Standing, center, with black handbag and tennis racket, Magda (née KLEIN, changed to BÁN) RÓNA |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
József WEISZ family c. 1943 Photo: Courtesy of the WEISZ family, Hungary
WEINBERGER family c. 1918 Photo: Courtesy of Lili WEINBERGER, Hungary
Left to right: Dr. Dezso WEINBERGER (lawyer) *, Klara WEINBERGER and Olga (née FLAMM) WEINBERGER * |
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Ignac PILICZER and wife c. 1902 Photo: Courtesy of Mária BENKO, Hungary
[click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Jozsef WEISZMANN family c. 1916 Photo: Courtesy of Endre (WEISZMANN) VÁRKONYI, Hungary
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
GOLDMANN wedding c. 1942 Photo: Courtesy of Zvi FUNK, Israel
Left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, bride Rozsa (née FUNK) GOLDMANN *, groom Béla GOLDMANN, unknown boy and unknown girl |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
LEBOVITS Bakery c. 1935 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Imre LEBOVITS, Hungary
Left to right: Mrs. Ilona (née SCHWARCZ) LEBOVITS *, Imre LEBOVITS and Jeno LEBOVITS * |
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Mrs. Malvin (née SEIDNER) WEISZ and her son, Tibor c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Nurit (née WEISZ) FLEISCHMANN, Israel
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
ROSENFELD girls c. 1944 Photo: Courtesy of Matild (née ROSENFELD) RADVÁNYI, Canada
ROSENFELD children II c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Matild (née ROSENFELD) RADVÁNYI, Canada
Left to right: Éva, Aladár and Margit ROSENFELD |
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ROSENFELD children I c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
[click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
UNGAR family c. 1906 Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Seated, left to right: Sara (née UNGAR) RUBINSTEIN, unknown, unknown, unknown bride, unknown, unknown and unknown
Standing, left to right: Samuel RUBINSTEIN (merchant), unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown and unknown |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
ROSENFELD sisters c. 1935 Photo: Courtesy of Matild (née ROSENFELD) RADVÁNYI, Canada
BRAUN family c. 1943 Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
left to right: Margit (née SCHWARCZ) BRAUN, Julika BRAUN and Sándor BRAUN |
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Unidentified c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
[click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
HERSKOVITS family c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Patrick ROSENFELD, France
Child seated: Píroska or Erzsébet HERSKOVITS
Seated, left to right: Irén HERSKOVITS (sister), Irma HERSKOVITS, Aladár HERSKOVITS and Irén HERSKOVITS (Sándor's wife) Standing, left to right: Józef HERSKOVITS, Gyula HERSKOVITS, Ilona HERSKOVITS, Sándor HERSKOVITS and Jenõ HERSKOVITS |
[click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
LÖWINGER - ASZÓDI families c. 1932 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Imre ASZÓDI, Hungary
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Unknown and Olga (née FLAMM) WEINBERGER c. 1902 Photo: Courtesy of Lili WEINBERGER, Hungary
Etel (née TREUHAFT) GLÜCK * and Gabriella GLÜCK c. 1943 Photo: Courtesy of Gabriella GLÜCK, Hungary
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Gábor FLAMM family c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gabor FLAMM, Australia
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Ilona (née SCHWARCZ) LEBOVITS and Imre LEBOVITS c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Gabriella GLÜCK, Hungary
József and Klára (née KLEIN) SCHWARTZ c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor GÖNCZI, Hungary
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Klarika * and Sanyi * FLAMM c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Jakob SZTOKMAN, Israel
(Click the images below to view a larger image or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.)
Majer SCHÖNWALD and wife Laura (née GOLDSTEIN) c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Julianna TÓTH, USA
SCHÖNWALD family c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Julianna TÓTH, USA
Seated, left to right: unknown boy and Laura (née GOLDSTEIN) SCHÖNWALD
Standing, left to right: unknown, unknown and unknown |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
[click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Gathering of friends I c. 1932 Photo: Courtesy of Gabriella GLÜCK, Hungary
Seated, Zoltán SCHWARCZ Standing, left to right: unknown, Mrs. Zoltán SCHWARCZ, unknown, unknown and unknown |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Gathering of friends II c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Imre ASZÓDI, Hungary
Gathering of friends IV c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Erzsébet RÓNA, Hungary
Left to right: Lolly KANCZLER, Pál GRÓSZ (GÁTI), unknown boy and Magda (née KLEIN, changed to BÁN) RÓNA |
If you can identify the boy above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
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Gathering of friends III c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
[click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Gathering of friends V c. 1930s Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Left to right: Béla RUBENSTEIN, Jeno BAJOR, Mohr PÁL, Gáti PÁL, Oszkár BLAU, unknown, unknown and unknown |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Gathering of friends VI c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Erzsébet RÓNA, Hungary
Front row, left to right: Bözsi UNKNOWN, Magda (née KLEIN, changed to BÁN) RÓNA and Borbala "Boris" UNKNOWN
Second row, left to right: Pál GÁTI and Béla RUBENSTEIN |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
Gathering of friends VII Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Erzsébet RÓNA, Hungary
Left to right: Lolly KANCZLER, Pál GÁTI, Magda (née KLEIN, changed to BÁN) RÓNA, Bandi UNKNOWN, Marcsa UNKNOWN and Unknown WEINER |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Friends VIII c. 1942 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
Bela and Ilona (née SCHWEIGER) EPSTEIN c. 1927 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
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Zsuzsanna EPSTEIN and Agnes ROSINGER * c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Left, Bela EPSTEIN and unknown man c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada Workplace is a Bank
Bela and Ilona (née SCHWEIGER) EPSTEIN Honeymoon in Venice, IT - 13 March 1928 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
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EPSTEIN family 26 February 1935 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
Left to right: Ilona (née SCHWEIGER), Zsuzsanna EPSTEIN and Bela EPSTEIN |
[click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Gathering of friends IX c. 1930s Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
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Gathering of friends X c. 1914 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Erzsébet RÓNA, Hungary
Seated, left to right: unknown with unknown baby, Anna KLEIN, Magda KLEIN
Standing, left to right: Gizella (née KLEIN) KLEIN, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown with unknown child, unknown, unknown and unknown |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
~ Tiszafüred School Photographs ~
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Jewish grammar school class with teacher, József LOWINGER c. 1921 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Imre ASZÓDI, Hungary
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German school with many Jewish children c. 1934 Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Máté VASAS, Hungary
Seated, front row, left to right: unknown, Gyerekek VÜRINDGER, unknown, unknown, Öcsi BAKALÁR(?) and Sári KÉKESSY
Seated, second row, left to right: unknown, Öcsi SURÁNYI, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Magda CSERI, Ella CSERI, unknown, Margit BRUKNER and Erzsike HORVÁTH
Standing, third row, left to right: Pisti TÓTH (partially hidden), Agi ASÓDI, Vera PLATZER, Imi LEBOVITS, Gizi TANTE (adult), unknown (Sári AKERMANN's niece), Marianna NAGY(?), Böske CSERI, Éva KEREKES, unknown and Magda HALÁSZ
Standing, fourth row, left to right: Panci TÓTH and Magda KOVÁCS
Standing, top row, left to right: unknown lady (damaged), Juci KALLA, Margit LÓCZI, Támas UNKNOWN, Gizi SZILÁGYI (adult), Gizi MÉSZÁROS, Anikó SURÁNY, unknown lady (obscured), Betti KÉESSY, Zoli BOGÁROMI, Tibi HAÁS, unknown lady (obscured), Ibolya CSEPREGI, unknown, unknown boy (obscured), Dénes SCHVARCZ (adult), unknown boy (obscured), unknown boy and unknown man |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
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Jewish Elementary School I c. 1934 Photo: Courtesy of Benke ILDIKO, Hungary
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Jewish Elementary School II c. 1934 Photo: Courtesy of Benke ILDIKO, Hungary
~ Tiszafüred WWI Military and WWII Service Photographs ~
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Force laborers from Tiszafüred c. 1942 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Imre ASZÓDI, Hungary
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Andor RÓNA c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Vera RÓNA, Hungary
Dr. István ASZÓDI c. 1918 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Imre ASZÓDI, Hungary
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Miksa SCHWARTZ c. 1910 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor GÖNCZI, Hungary
Sándor FLAMM c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Jakob SZTOKMAN, Israel
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[click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
WWI hospital c. 1915 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Lajos KUTHY, Hungary Housed in the secondary school building
Standing, in the white coat: Dr. Aladár KISS, director of the hospital. He died in 1936. |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Jeno LEBOVITS c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Imre LEBOVITS, Hungary
Jakab WEISZMANN (BLINT) c. 1918 Photo: Courtesy of Endre (WEISZMANN) VÁRKONYI, Hungary
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Gábor WEISZMANN 1918 Photo: Courtesy of Endre (WEISZMANN) VÁRKONYI, Hungary
[click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Bela EPSTEIN WWI c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
Bela EPSTEIN Hungarian Forced Labor Batallion c. 1942 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
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Bela EPSTEIN Hungarian Forced Labor Batallion c. 1942 Photo: Courtesy of Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
~ Tiszafüred Holocaust Survivors ~
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Imre FLAMM c. 1960 in Israel Photo: Courtesy of Avraham KLEIN, Israel
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Dr. István ASZÓDI c. 1950 in Hungary Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Imre ASZÓDI, Hungary Dentist
Benedek SCHWARCZ c. 1965 in Hungary Photo: Courtesy of Avraham KLEIN, Israel Photographer
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Gathering of survivors I c. 1945 in Sweden Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Left to right: Lenke FRISCH (later Mrs. SZEGSZEGÕ), Margit FISCHER and Maria (née FRISCH) KLEIN
All were deported from Tiszafüred and, after WWII, were taken to Sweden by the Swedish Red Cross. They returned to Tiszafüred at the end of 1946. Margit left, later, left for Israel. |
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(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Bernát KLEIN c. 1950 in Tiszafüred Photo: Courtesy of Avraham KLEIN, Israel
Margit FISCHER c. 1946 in Sweden Photo: Courtesy of Margit FISCHER, Israel
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Mrs. Simon HELD c. 1965 in Israel Photo: Courtesy of the Avraham KLEIN, Israel
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Erno SZEGÕ and Mrs. Erzsébet KOVÁCS c. 1960 in Tiszafüred Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred (Mrs. Kovács is a gentile)
Gathering of survivors II September 1945 in Hungary Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Left to right: Imre LEBOVITS, Rezso WEISZMANN, Tibor LEBOVITS, unknown, Nándor SCHWARCZ and Imre DEUTSCH |
If you can identify the unknown above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
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Eta (née OVICS) and László RÓZSA (RUBINSTEIN) c. 1965 in Hungary Photo: Courtesy of Avraham KLEIN, Israel
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Edit REINER c. 1946 in Sweden Photo: Courtesy of Edit REINER, Israel
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Margit and Klara FISCHER c. 1970 in Israel Photo: Courtesy of Margit and Klara FISCHER, Israel
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Gábor FLAMM c. 1985 in Australia Photo: Courtesy of Gabor FLAMM, Australia
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Survivors being interviewed I c. 1994 in Tiszafüred Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Left to right: Matild (née ROSENFELD) RADVÁNYI and Imre LEBOVITS |
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Survivors being interviewed III c. 1994 in Budapest Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Left to right: Márton SZEGEDI, Imre LEBOVITS, Gyula LEBOVITS and Tibor LEBOVITS |
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Survivors being interviewed II c. 1994 in Tiszafüred Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Left to right: Tibor LEBOVITS and Matild RADVÁNYI |
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Survivors being interviewed IV c. 1994 in Tiszafüred Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred Former school director
József KÚTI |
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Survivors being interviewed VI c. 1994 in Budapest Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
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Survivors being interviewed V c. 1994 in Budapest Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Seated, left to right: Klára WEINBERGER and Lili WEINBERGER
The sisters were taken to the gas chamber at the end of October 1944. They were locked therein for three days until being liberated by the Red Cross. |
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Honorarium c. 1994 in Budapest Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Seated: Kálmán HORVÁTH, who was a Hungarian officer in 1944. Was responsible for selecting about 5,000 Jewish men, under 18 and over 48, for forced labor service and, through his personal efforts, all survived. Also selected about 60 men from the Tiszafüred ghetto, among them Imre LEBOVITS (pictured above), who was only 15. HORVÁTH had a difficult life during the communist era. After the change of regime, Imre LEBOVITS and his fellow survivors made every effort to rehabilitate his name. Their efforts were successful and he was bestowed the rank of General by the Hungarian president as well as receiving additional awards. Of particular note is the award received from the Yad Vashem Institute. About 5,000 of the men that survived, and their families, attended the ceremony.
Standing, left to right: Imre LEBOVITS, I. FORRÁ and his wife. |
If you can identify his wife above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
Memorial inauguration at the Tiszafüred cemetery 17 September 2000 Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Left to right: Béla SÁRI and Lili WEINBERGER |
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Created by: Marshall J. KATZ, USA Compiled by:
Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred with assistance from
Amos Israel ZEZMER, France
and the following JewishGen members/descendants and contributors of Tiszafüred Jewish families:
Dr. Imre ASZÓDI, Hungary
Mária BENKO, Hungary
Prof. Baruch BEN-DOR, Israel
BRAUN family, Chile
Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Zsuzsanna (née EPSTEIN) FEKETE, Canada
Klara FISCHER, Israel
Margit FISCHER, Israel
Gabor FLAMM, Australia
Nurit (née WEISZ) FLEISCHMANN, Israel
Zvi FUNK, Israel
Zoltán GÁL, Hungary
Gabriella GLÜCK, Hungary
Gábor GÖNCZI, Hungary
Benke ILDIKO, Hungary
Anna (née LOV) KLEIN, USA
Avraham KLEIN, Israel
Dr. Lajos KUTHY, Hungary
Dr. Imre LEBOVITS, Hungary
Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Tiszafüred
Matild (née ROSENFELD) RADVÁNYI, Canada
Edit REINER, Israel
Dr. Erzsébet RÓNA, Hungary
Mrs. Vera RÓNA, Hungary
Patrick ROSENFELD, France
Jakob SZTOKMAN, Israel
Prof. László TISZA, USA
Julianna TÓTH, USA
Mrs. Máté VASAS, Hungary
Lili WEINBERGER, Hungary
WEISZ family, Hungary
Updated: 17 August 2020
Copyright ©2010 Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
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