Nathen Gabriel of Vancouver, British Columbia, has translated the Hebrew language Ternivka Yizkor Book written by G. Bar-Tzvi (Wortman) of Tel Aviv in 5732 (1972).
The Hebrew text is the second and expanded edition published by the Ternivka Landsmanschaft of Tel Aviv.
Ternivka (click to enlarge)
Chapters of Remembrance and Commemoration Our Shtetl Ternivka by G. Bar-Tzvi (Wortman).
The Hebrew version of the Yizkor Book can be found at the New York Public Library in New York City. The link is:
NYPL Yizkor.
Select "T" from the Select Community Alphabetical Index drop-down menu and then click on Ternivka (1972).
Воспоминания И Поминовения Наше Местечко Терновка Г. Бар-Цви (Вортман), перевод на русский язык Григория Крутоярского. (Translated into Russian by Gregory Krutoyarsky.)