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Rakov, Mass Grave

Here in 1941 112 Jews from Rakov were brutally murdered

Rakov, Kahanovich-Botvinik Familis

Rakov - Senitzky Family

Rakov, Lifshitz Family

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It is not clear who is behind the project, but is has interesting articles about shtetls in Belarus, including an article about Rakov.


The sites include photos and information about Rakov


Marc E. Agronin, M.D about the trauma experienced by a survivor of the unspeakable scene in Rakov Synagogue.


Rare booklet with Torah discourses and musical compositions by R. Saul Jedidiah Eleazar Taub R. Saul Jedidiah Eleazar Taub of Modzhitz. The author lived in Rakov for awhile.










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