Pine Bluff, Arkansas U.S.A.
Pine Bluff nostalgia photos (Set 1)
Paul Perdue, a native of Pine Bluff and an avid Pine Bluff historian, has collected many Pine Bluff related photographs and postcards. Now he resides in Dallas, Tx. Please visit his website of Pine Bluff Postcards here. He also has thousands of images in his Facebook albums; if you are on Facebook, feel free to view them at this link. He has graciously shared these photos with this website.
L. Bernath's jewelry & music store, 412 Main Street in 1906. Bernath opened the store in 1883.
Jake Mosby's Bar, 304 Main Street, 1906
Undated photo of Conery's Drugs when it was on the corner of 5th & Main.
Early 1900's: A sextet of Riesenberg Brothers on their way from Pine Bluff to New York, sorta.
L2R: Sol, Itsy, Harry, Louie, Otto, and Joe (seventh brother, Manny, wasn't born yet).
McDonald's grand opening on Main Street in 1963.
A Pine Bluff Fire Department wagon on West 2nd Avenue (between Walnut & Chestnut) in the early 1900's. That's the old Elks Theater on the right. The fellow on the left is George Alford, who later became Pine Bluff's Fire Chief.
Airshow at Grider Field, around 1948: Pilots show off some of the air-power that crushed the Axis a few years earlier.
W. I. Payne's Dry Goods Store over in Sherrill.