Historical events during the outbreak of the Second World War
Historical events during the outbreak of the Second World War
Life under the Soviet rule (September 1939- June 1941)
Life under the Soviet rule (September 1939- June 1941)
Life under the German occupation and the Lunna-Wola Ghetto
Life under the German occupation and the Lunna-Wola Ghetto
Kelbasin Transition Camp
Kelbasin Transition Camp
Auschwitz Death Camp
Auschwitz Death Camp
Holocaust victims
Holocaust victims
List of Holocaust survivors & Fate of other Jews
List of Holocaust survivors & Fate of other Jews
Arkin & Liberman
Arkin & Liberman
Muler & Remen
Muler & Remen
Gisser & Swotinsky
Gisser & Swotinsky
Janowski & Sorin
Janowski & Sorin
Margulis, Yogiel & Shalachman
Margulis, Yogiel & Shalachman
Welbel & Eisenshmidt
Welbel & Eisenshmidt
Yitzchak Eliashberg
Yitzchak Eliashberg
Leon Arkin
Leon Arkin
Chaim Sorin
Chaim Sorin
David Gisser
David Gisser
Libby Freidowicz
Libby Freidowicz
Moshe Alperstein
Moshe Alperstein
From 1930 to 1960
From 1930 to 1960
From 1991 to 2000
From 1991 to 2000
Since 2001
Since 2001
Lunna-Wola During and Post
the First World War (1915-1921)
In September 1915, the Germans invaded Grodno area and occupied the
area for approximately three years, until the end of the First World
War. During the period of German occupation, the small, predominately
Jewish town of Wola was officially annexed to Lunna. Many Jews,
however, continued to refer to Lunna as "Lunna-Wola". Several Jews
from Lunna-Wola who served in the Russian army were taken prisoner by
the Germans, including Aron Friedman from Wola, Yudel Gisser from
Lunna and Mendel Kaplan, who was born in Kamenka, moved to Lunna and
later became a director of a Jewish Hebrew school in Lunna. After his
capture, Mr. Kaplan was sent to forced labor at estate owners in
Hungary. Aron Friedman was a prisoner of war in Scheidemuehl -
formerly in Germany (about 80 kilometers from the pre-World War One
German-Russian border), and now the town of Pila in western Poland.
Pictured below is a photo of Aron Friedman taken in 1917 when he was a
prisoner of war in Scheidemuehl. Another picture includes part of a
letter sent in 1916 to Aron Friedman by his wife Golda.
A letter sent to Aron Friedman
from his wife Golda (1916) (Libe Friedman-Ahuva Glick Collection)
During the First World War foreign commerce ceased to exist and
internal commerce reduced, and Jews and non-Jews experienced a
shortage of food and were plunged into a crisis situation. The German
occupying force assisted the residents by distributing food and, in
general, proved to be relatively benevolent occupiers. Miriam
Welbel-Rutenberg, a former Lunna resident, recalls that at the
beginning of the war, due to fighting near the Neimen, her family
moved to live with relatives residing in a village away from the
front. When Miriam's family returned to Lunna after the fighting in
the area had ceased, they found their house occupied by German forces.
The Germans, however, allowed Miriam’s family to reoccupy the largest
room in the house, where they lived until the Germans withdrew from
Lunna. According to Miriam Welbel-Rutenberg, the Germans were good
neighbors and the Welbels even received gifts from Germany from the
families of some of the soldiers occupying her family’s house. She
emphasizes that the behavior of the Germans during the First World War
was entirely different than those of the Second World War. The
recollections of Miriam Welbel-Rutenberg appear in a booklet "Our
Miriam is 90 years old" (published in 2000 by her family in Israel.)
Under the German rule all children aged six and above, including
Jewish children, were required to attend a German language school
established by the Germans. In addition, Jewish children were allowed
to engage in religious and Hebrew and Yiddish language studies for
several hours a week.
After the Germans evacuated the Grodno region, including Lunna, in
1918, a period of chaos ensued while Russia and Poland fought for
control over the region. By the end of hostilities in 1921, the Grodno
region came under Polish rule. Rabbi Iser-Yehuda Unterman, who
served as the Rabbi of Lunna-Wola from 1916 to 1921 (he was later
elected to become the Rabbi of Grodno and of Liverpool, England. In
1946, he became the chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Israel.), described his
experiences during the transition between the German and the Polish
"As a new Rabbi in Lunna-Wola I was immediately impressed
by the difficulties the German occupation caused. The Germans assigned
me to be the town leader. In this role I dealt with tremendous
difficulties during the transition; the German evacuation and the
Polish annexation, the war between Poland and Russia, the Polish
evacuation and after a few months, the Russian evacuation, and my
extreme reaction to the killing of young Jews by the Polish. I was
under risk, G-D rescued me. Later, it was devastating to hear the
murders the Nazis performed in this town"
(translated from "Shevet
from Yehuda" by Rabbi Iser Yehuda Unterman)
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