Bukovyna - Буковина (Ukrainian), Bucovina (Romanian, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese), Ţara de Sus (older Romanian), Boekowina (Dutch), Buchenland (older German), Bucovine (French), Bukovina (Czech, Finnish, Hungarian, Latvian, Maltese, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish), Bukovina - Буковина (Russian), Bukoviina (Estonian), Bukowina (German, Polish)

"in 1880 there were only 11 villages in Bukovina where Jews were not registered as residents."

From "Becoming Habsburg, The Jews of Austrian Bukovina 1774-1918." by David Recter


Bukovina was formerly an independent crown land in the Austro Hungarian empire. At 4,030 square miles, it was a bit smaller than Connecticut. Bukovina’s name is derived from the Ukrainian word for 'Beech tree,' a plant distinct in the landscape of the region.

 It is first mentioned in 1388 as part of the   Principality of Moldavia.  In the sixteenth century it came under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire. Bukovina was occupied by the Austrian Empire in 1774, and in 1787 was incorporated into "The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria."

From 1781 through 1849 "Kreis (circle) Czernowitz," (named for the capital city of Czernowitz) was part of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. After 1849 Bukovina became a separate part of the Austrian Hungarian Empire as as Kronland "crown land" and was declared the Herzogtum Bukowina, a nominal duchy. In 1860 it once again became part of Galicia, but in 1861 it again reverted to the status of a separate province until 1918.

There was a large and thriving Jewish population in Bukovina and Jews were heavily represented in the crafts, the learned professions and in government. Jews lived in many towns in Bukovina, ranging from a metropolis like Czernowitz to tiny shtetls. After World War II Bukovina ceased to exist as a political entity when it was split in two and divided between Ukraine and Romania. The northern portion became the Chernivetska Oblast of the Ukraine and the southern portion became the Suceava Judete (county) of Romania.

The goal of this web site is to help Jewish genealogists seeking their roots in this area. Links to genealogical information for specific shtetls will be listed in the Shtetls section. More general genealogical information is below.

Main Sites for information about BUKOVINA


Other Bukovina Information