Uzpaliai, Lithuania
Uzpaliai, known to our ancestors as
Ushpol, is a small
village in the northeastern corner of modern-day Lithuania. Its one of
those towns that
you would barely notice as you passed through. But it was once home to
several hundred
Jewish people, my family among them. I hope to provide some
information about
Ushpol, so
that the Ushpol that once was, might exist again, at least in our

If you have any comments or materials to share,
contact me. |

(photograph courtesy of Linda Cantor)
(photograph courtesy of Ruth Stern)


References and Research

Please note: The spelling of names and town
names are copied exactly as they appear in
each source
 | JGFF - JewishGen Family
Finder |

Uzpaliai in
in the Holocaust |
Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the
Holocaust - Editor in Chief, Shmuel Spector, Consulting
Editor Geoffrey Wigoder, New York University Press, New
York, 2001. |
Lithuanian Jewish Communities
by Nancy Schaumburg and Stuart Schoenburg. New
York: Garland Publishing 1991. |

This statue is in the middle of town, with the
church on one side and the town hall on the other. The statue is
dedicated to a Lithuanian hero.
When the Russians captured Lithuania they destroyed and removed
anything related to Lithuanian nationalism. In an attempt to save
the statue the townsfolk asked Meir Yitzchak Shapiro, a great uncle of
Arky Berkal, if he would store the statue in his store. He did
and eventually the statue was restored to its place of honor.
(Photo courtesy of Arky

Maps of



- Digital Map of Uzpaliai, showing all the streets and building
locations of modern Uzpaliai. Select "cities and
villages," then type in Uzpaliai and, finally, select 'map'
for a street map or 'ortophoto' for a satellite view.
Click here
to see some of those
views. |

Last revised: Jul 8 2021
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