Kollel records

These three lists provide donor names for Kollel Hibaih Jerusalem or known by the name of the Galician Kollel. They are contributors who helped financially support fellow countryman who went to live and study in Palestine.  Please note that the spelling of the names may be incorrect... or off somewhat...

Translation done by Dr. Harry Greenfeld  

Kollel record for Tarnobrzeg 1924


Kollel record for Tarnobrzeg 1928


Kollel record for Tarnobrzeg 1929  
Kollel bank notes check (front side)
Kollel bank notes check (back side)

1941 gathering of the Tarnobrzeg-Dzikow landsmanshaftn society in NYC. Scroll photo donated by Andrea Scharf *

1941 gathering of the Tarnobrzeg-Dzikow landsmanshaftn society in NYC. Scroll photo donated by Andrea Scharf *

1941 gathering of the Tarnobrzeg-Dzikow landsmanshaftn society in NYC. Scroll photo donated by Andrea Scharf *