Heating and Stoves Possessed by Jewish Buildings

This is a document devoted to heating and stoves possessed by Jewish buildings in Tarnobrzeg. Document made up in Dzikow, 22.10.1934 by D... [it seems to be Polish name. It is sure he was an employee of Tarnowski]. The document is the result of Tarnowski's request to inform him how Jewish buildings are heated.

There is a sketch showing three buildings:

  • No I - Boznica (Synagogue)
  • No II - Dom modlitwy (House of prayer)
  • No III Szkola ¿ydowska, dom modlitwy (Jewish school, house of prayer)

Ulica - street
Korytarz - corridor
Mieszkanie Rabina - rooms of rabbi
Ogrod Rabina - Rabbi's garden
Szosa do Miechocina - way to Miechocin
Stoves (piec) are shown as small yellow boxes.

The document states:

  1. "In the big building in which synagogue is marked on sketch as No I there is no stove for heating. In the same building behind the corridor there is a small room in which Jewish children are taught. In this room there is one stove.
  2. There is a house of prayer near synagogue marked on sketch as No II in which there are 2 stoves at ground floor, 1 stove at second floor and in the side room at ground floor, together 4 stoves.
  3. In the building near the rooms of rabbi at Miechocinska Street there is a house of prayer in which Jewish children are taught in small room, in this room there is 1 stove."

Beneath the sketch: "Synagogue and room in which there is a Jewish school marked on sketch as No I are run by Konzluth (?). House of prayer No II is run by Horowitz. Building No III is run by rabbi.