1813 Picture 379

Corrected PICT0379

We see 2 pages on scan: one above is smaller. Only headings are
Title of headings: "Wypis Poglownego Katolickiego z Tarnobrzegu na Rok
1814. Do wybrania podanym 29.XI.1813"

"Index of Catholic citizens in Tarnobrzeg obliged to pay poll tax in
1814. Dated 29 Sept.1813"
It contains Catholic names (33-37 are visible)

Below is another doc which covers 70% of whole scan. This one does not have headings they are cut off. This contains Jewish names from Tarnobrzeg,
probably dated 1813.

House owner’s and tenants

32. Lewi Nussbaum & Ankiel Nussbaum, (syn Leyzor) Leyzor's son, Brandla
33. Levi Zwirm
34. Herszel Wisenfeld, (dzieci male), Ankiel, Leybus, Bela, Rewka (dzieci male) - small children: A., L., B., R.)
35. Freyda Grejer wdowa (widow) uboga (poor)
Fawel Nochym, (dzieci male) small children
Izrael, Abraham, Leyzor, Ester, Freyda
36. Pusty plac (empty area)
37. Berek Hartman ubogi (poor)
38. Berek Laufer. (Dzieci male) with small kids Mosiek, Martha, Chana,
Matka (Matka-mother)