
Images of Shumsk
We would love to have more photos on this site, particularly as there are very few known images of Shumsk before World War II.
If you have any photos old or new of Shumsk that you would be willing to have scanned and displayed on this site, please contact
Howard Freedman.

Images of Shumsk Today:

Photographs of Shumsk buildings and streets

The Jewish cemetery

The mass grave of Jews murdered in Shumsk during the Shoah

Photo montage (with music) of 2011 visit to Shumsk and Kremenets by Enid Cherenson and Michael Titelbaum (in two parts)

Vintage Images of Shumsk:


Extraordinary photographs of life in Shumsk on a 1932 visit by Jacob Silberberg (thanks to Joel Silberberg z''l and Lynne Tolman)

People from Shumsk who were killed in the Holocaust (thanks to Lynne Tolman for assembling this collection of names and images)

The Sacks, Berenstein, and Rabinowicz (Rabin) Families of Shumsk

Vintage photographs from official Shumsk site

Individual photographs

Panoramic picture of Shumsk from a New Year's Greeting Card (This is a must-see! Thanks to Yonah Levenson!)
The exterior and the interior of the Great Synagogue, built in the 18th century

The Catholic church and nearby houses
The Catholic church and nearby houses, taken somewhat later
Street scene featuring many houses (mostly gone now) and both the Catholic and Orthodox churches
An 18th century Torah mantle from Shumsk now housed in the National Museum in Krakow

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